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4-1 那么,由我来介绍今天来自日本的ABC扶轮社的贵宾。

And now, let me introduce our VIP guests from the ABC Rotary Club of Japan.

4-2 首先要介绍的是山下会长。山下会长拥有20年扶轮资历,特别在国际交流方面更是经验丰富。希望山下会长今后能够给予我们更多的指导。

First, I would like to introduce chairman Yamashita. Chairman Yamashita has been a Rotary member for twenty years and has rich experiences in international exchange. We hope he will give us some guidance (instruction) in the future.

4-3 这次山下夫人也同行来访,让我们一起为各位介绍。山下夫人是一位钢琴演奏家,随后她将为大家演奏。请各位拭目以待。

We are very honored that Madam Yamashita has joined her husband on this visit. She is an achieved concert pianist, and we will have the pleasure of hearing her performance later on.

4-4 接下来,要为各位介绍的来宾也是夫妻档,也就是松下副会长夫妇。
Next, we are going to introduce another lovely couple; let’s welcome vice chairman Matsushita and his beautiful wife.

4-5 听说松下副会长经常因为商务出差来到台湾。希望他下次来到台湾的时候,有幸光临台北东海扶轮社的例会。

I have just been told that vice chairman Matsushita often comes to Taiwan on business. We sincerely hope that we can have the privilege of having him attend (address) one of our regular meetings at the Taipei TungHai Rotary when he comes to Taiwan next time.

4-6 以上介绍到的就是来自ABC扶轮社的15位来宾。谨在此表示由衷的欢迎之意。

Now that we have introduced all fifteen honored guests from ABC Rotary, let’s give them our warmest welcome.

5-1 今天收到山田社长的高额礼金,谨致上最深的谢意!

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude for the wonderful gift from chairman Yamada.

5-2 感谢各位今天为我们所精心准备的佳肴美食。

We are greatly flattered by this fabulous banquet that you have prepared for us and I am sure we’ll all thoroughly enjoy every bit of it.

5-3 这次,我们能够顺利地举行友好社缔结仪式,应该对长期以来为此奉献心力的朋友致上最深的谢意。

As we celebrate the establishment of sisterhood between our two clubs, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to those who have worked so hard and so long on (devoted so much to) this project.

5-4 对于各位竭诚的款待与精心的安排,我们所有社友谨在此表示由衷的感谢之意。

All our members would like to offer our heartfelt thanks to you for your warm hospitality and thoughtful arrangement.

5-5 今天晚上,小松社长设下如此盛大的欢迎酒宴,同时也表达了深厚的情谊,真让我们无言以谢。

Tonight, words cannot express our gratitude for chairman Komatsu who has prepar

ed such an extravagant party with such profound affection.

5-6 我想在此代表台北东海扶轮社,对于今天的佳肴盛宴,提请大家举杯表示感谢的心意。

On behalf of Taipei TungHai Rotary Club, I would like to propose a toast. Let’s raise our glasses to our host and thank him for this wonderful feast.
