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11.After the adjustment of financial policies, many netizens put up posts, 90 percent carried the message of approval.

A.of whichB.of whom C.of them D.of what

12.seems to be a strong competition in China for senior high students to enter universities does exist in other countries as well.

A.ItB.There C.WhatD.That

13.Studying alone, you are free to choose what to learn and when, you don’t need others’ agreement.


14.—Another cup of coffee? That’s your third sin ce lunch.

—Yeah, well, I all night preparing for my history exam. I can hardly keep my eyes open.

A.stayed up B.have stayed up

C.have been staying up D.will stay up

15.—What has made him upset recently?

—alone to face a troublesome milk case.

A.LeftB.Being leftC.Having leftD.To leave

16.We all agree that good knowledge of physics is a must in explaining such natural phenomena.

A.a; 不填B.a; a C.不填;a D.不填;不填

17.—I borrowed 10 dollars from Cathy, but she insisted that I borrowed 15 dollars from her.

—I you the money.Why didn’t you ask me ?

A.must lendB.could have lentC.would lendD.should have lent

18.All the football fans shouted and cheered so much that you could hardly hear else.


19.Is there any person who can guide me when I arrive, mainly about house renting?


20.The girl was drowned unfortunately. She , though, because there were so many people standing on the banks at that moment.

A.should have savedB.could have been saved

C.should be saved D.couldn’t have been saved

21.Only when he read the newspaper the US President Obama would deliver a speech in FudanUniversity.

A.he knewB.does he knowsC.does he knowD.did he know

22.The trouble with such resources as coal, oil and gasthat they are not renewable.

A.wasB.areC.have been D.Is

23.We must apply what we have learned to our daily work because in no case from Practice.

A.should theory separate B.should theory be separated

C.theory should separate D.theory should be separated

24.After that, he knew he could any emergency by doing what he could to the best of

his ability.

A.get away with B.get on with C.get through D.get across

25.How many of us a meeting that has nothing to do with us is not important at all.

A.attendingB.to attend C.have attendedD.attend

参考答案【11—15ACDAB 16—20ABCDB 21—25DDBCA】

11.—busy schoolwork, the children also have to take arts, music and sports classes in their free time.

—I wonder what they will become.

A.Rather thanB.Expect forC.Apart fromD.Owing to

12.—_______ that made Mrs. White so upset?

—Her son’s making trouble in the school.

A.Where was itB.Why was itC.How was itD.What was it

13.Most Irish people go tochurch every Sunday andchurch plays an important part in their life.

A.the; a B./; theC.the; /D. /; /

14.He was asked tothe facts just as he remembered them.

A.set downB.set outC.set upD.set about

15.It is requested that each of the teachers inviteda performance at the party.

A.should giveB.will giveC.has to giveD.must give

16.—Who is making so much noise in the garden?—the children.

A.There areB.They areC.That isD.It is

17.—Would you mind if I turned off the air conditioner?

—. makes no difference to me.
