
二、英美概况的地理特点1. 英国地理特点(1)英国位于欧洲西北部,包括英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰四个主要地区。
2. 美国地理特点(1)美国位于北美洲中部,是世界第四大国家,总面积达到9,638,131平方公里。
三、英美概况的历史沿革1. 英国历史沿革(1)英国有着悠久的历史文化,公元前55年,罗马帝国入侵了不列颠岛,成为不列颠的一部分。
2. 美国历史沿革(1)美国历史的起源可以追溯到公元前1492年,哥伦布发现了北美大陆。
英美概况课件the History of UK

• Romans invaded Britain in 55BC to conquer the native Britons but retreated by 409. • First invasion - Caesar's first raid (55BC) • Second invasion - Caesar's second raid (54BC) • Third and final invasion - in 43 A.D. Emperor Claudius organized the final and successful Roman invasion of Britain
The Anglo-Saxons established many kingdoms based on their tribes. The many small kingdoms gradually combined into seven principal kingdoms of Kent, Essex, Sussex, Wessex, East Anglia, Mercia and Northumbria. They were generally given the name of Heptarchy. In the early 9th century, Wessex became the dominant kingdom.
Between the 5th and 7th centuries, Germanic people form Europe ----- the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes ----arrived in massive members, who have come to constitute Britain’s present predominant stock. Their language became the foundation of the basic, short, everyday words in modern English.

EnglandOrigin of the countryIntroduction:1. prehistoric period: Iberians2. Celts (Britons): 8th -5th BC3. Roman Occupation (55 BC/ 43 AD-410 AD)4. Anglo-Saxons Conquest and Heptarchy (5th -8th c.)5. The Danish and Viking Invasion (8th c.-1066)6. Norman Conquest (1066)详细介绍:1.Between 3000 and 2000 BC, the first known settlers on the British Isles were the Iberians,relics they left was Stonehenge, which was built about 3500 years ago(2000BC) on the Salisbury Plains, Wiltshire.2.The name of Britain—Britons (tribe of Celts)Moved to Great Britain in about 700 BC (8th century)The Celts in Britain are believed to be ancestors of the Highland Scots,the Irish and the Welsh people.3.Roman Britain (43 AD—5th Century)First invasion—In August 55 BC, Julius Caesar invaded BritainSecond—Caesar's second raid in 54 BCThird and final—In 43 AD, Emperor Claudius, final and successful Roman invasion of Britain [recorded in Caesar’s diary which begun the written history of Britain]; drove the Celts into Scotland and WalesInfluence of Roman Occupation---Romans built towns, cities, temples, theaters, fine buildings “Every road lead to Rome.”---systematic city government: e.g. Manchester, Leicester, Wiltshire, etc. London, York, Bath, etc.---religion: ChristianityIn 597, Pope Gregory I sent St. Augustine to England to convert English people to ChristiansRomans Leaving BritainLeft in 410 AD1) Germanic attack in Rome;2)Invaders (Picts or Scots)4.The Anglo-Saxons (446-871) and HeptarchyJutes: KentSaxons: Essex, Sussex and WessexAngles: East Anglia, Mercia and NorthumbriaEngland: the land of the Anglesancestors of English: Anglo-SaxonsHeptarchy: these seven kingdomsWessex: dominantInfluence of Anglo-Saxons1)Brought their own Teutonic religion to Britain.The names Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday respectively derive from their gods.—Tiu—god of war—Woden—king of heaven—Thor—god of storms—Freya—goddess of peace2)The Anglo-Saxons laid the foundations of the English state.1) divided the country into shires.2) established the manorial system.3) created the Witan5.Danish Invasion (8th Century—1066)8th century, the Vikings (from the Scandinavian countries: Norway, Denmark and Sweden) invaded Britain.A peace treaty: the eastern half of the island was to be subject to the Danish law and come to be known as the Danelaw.Edward the Confessor(because of his intense personal religious piety) (1042-1066)Built Westminster Abbey6.The Norman ConquestIn 1066, Edward chose Harold of Wessex to be King in his place.Duke William, often referred to as William the Conquer, challenged Harold’s succession, won the Battle of Hastings. Crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey by the Archbishop of York on Christmas, 1066Influence of Norman Conquest1. marking the formal establishment of feudalism in England (the House of Norman was the first feudal house)2. a strong Norman government:1) confiscated all the land2) the administration of justice directly dependent on the crown3) replacing the English bishops with Normans4) building the Tower of London as a military fortress5) French and French civilizationTo sum up, we usually take Celts as the native settlers in Britain.Norman Conquest was the last time of England’s being invaded in its history.~ Medieval TimeHenry II and His Legal Reform 亨利二世与法律改革-- The House of Plantagenet金雀花王朝( the second feudal house)-- Reigned over 300 years from 1154 to 1485-- 15 kingsWilliam died in Normandy in 1087,1)EldestsonRobert(Normandy)2)secondsonWilliamtheRufus(England)3)thirdsonHenry(alargesumofmoney)HenryhadhimselfcrownedasHenryIinWestminsterabbeyinAugust1100In 1154, little Henry, the great grandson of Henry I became the English King known as Henry II.He was the founder of Plantagenet dynasty.Henry II ’s Legal ReformReason: Anglo-Saxon trial by ordeals and Norman trial by duelResult :1.the circuit courts and jury systemcircuit courts:itinerant(巡回) justicesJury:12 jurors2.the English common lawBased on the Anglo-Saxon tradition and custom,or precedentsReform of the courtHenry II insisted that all clerks charged with criminal offenses should be tried in the king’s courts instead of in the Bishop’s courtConflicts between King and Becket1)In 1162, HenryII appointed him Archbishop of Canterbury, thinking he would help him with the reform of the church court.2)Direct cause:different views of a murder charge of a clerk man3)Constitutions of Clarendon in 1164 to increase the jurisdiction(管辖权) of the civil courts at the expense of the church courts,Becket refused.Famous works about Becket:BOOK:Canterbury tales byGeoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400), an English poetDRAMA:Murder in the Cathedral (1935) modern poet T.S. EliotKing John and the Great Charter 约翰王与《大宪章》King John: Henry II 's third son (reign:1199-1216)Bad Reputation:-- Ganged up with careerists-- Tried to snatch the kingdom away from his brother Richard I-- Greedily collected money for himself-- Lost all the land in FranceBad Relationship with the Pope:Conflict over the candidate to be Archbishop of CanterburyKing John:Drove the monks out of the kingdom and took over the profits of their landPope:-- Closed all the churches in England and suspended public services.-- Intended to excommunicate King JohnBad Relationship with the Nobles:-- Increased taxes-- In 1213, he proposed to lead the nobles in a war to reconquer his lost lands in France, but the nobles refused to follow him.-- A number of barons met in 1214 and decided to compel the king to sign the charter they had prepared.June 19th, 1215, Magna Carta/ the Great CharterThe Great Charter: Most important document;corner stone of English history ;almost as important to the English as the Declaration of Independence to the Americans. (63 clauses条款)Significance of the Great Charter :1. the first step of constitutional experiment in England.2. protect the rights of the merchant class and thus promoted the development of commerce and handicraft,and laid the foundation for the rise of capitalist class3. set the basic rules for the English and American legal system: for life, property, and freedom4. limit the power of the king.5. the turning point in British history: challenge the feudal society.800th Anniversary in 2015 (All these rules, designed to protect the privileged class at first, were later extended to the broad masses of common people and established the basis for protection of human rights in the Western World)The Hundred Years’ War英法百年战争(1337-1453)A series of wars fought between England and France over territory, trade and the throne.Reason:Territory: The English were eager to regain Henry II's French land lost by King John.Trade: the English wanted to expand foreign markets.Throne: Edward III vs. Philip VI (Valois House in France)Stages of the Hundred Years’ War:At first:English (Edward III) were successful; won a land battle near Calais at Crecy and then took Calais; put the French King into prison.Later:After a long peaceful lull, English (HenryⅤ) won victory at Argencourt; Henry was recognized to French throne in 1420.(historical play, Henry V byShakespeare;movies,Argencourt and Henry V )After French King’s death:Joan of Arc drove the English out of France in 1453. By 1453 Calais was the only part of France that was still in the hands of the English.Significance of Hundred Years’ WarA blessing for both countries.1. English was established as the official language in Britain rather than French. [language]2. Development of woolen textile industry [commercial development]3. The rise of merchants and craftsman due to the need of money (the rise of middle class)4. Sped up the decline of feudalism and reduction of importance of knights because of gunpowder (the fall of the nobles)5. Two national states [Britain and France; not integrated]The Wars of Roses (1455—1485)A war for the throne between the House of York(white rose) and the House of Lancaster (red rose).Actually, they were both the branches of House of Plantagenet.Reason: After the Hundred Years’ War, nobles, driven out of France, wanted to gain wealth and power at home. Result:The House of Lancaster won and their leader Henry Tudor became King Henry VII and started the rule of the House of Tudor (1485-1603).~ Transitional PeriodRenaissance in England英国文艺复兴House of Tudor (1485-1603). Henry VII, 1485The Tudor Monarchy-- Strengthened and developed rapidly-- Secure its peace by careful diplomacy and graceful isolationism-- Built navy to protect and promote the development of trade and industryGreat Events Witnessed in Tudor Monarchy1.Discovery of American Continent in 14922.Renaissance (it was during this monarchy that the Renaissance spread into England)3.Reformation宗教改革Renaissance 文艺复兴Literal meaning: “rebirth”, rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek cultures in Northern ItalyModern meaning: variety of changes which Europe underwent politically, economically and culturally between the middle of 1350-1600The period of 5th and 15th centuries were called the Middle Ages.Ottoman Empire vs.East Roman EmpireCause: In 1453, Ottoman Empire (Turkey) took Constantinople and overran Greece and the Balkans. Greek scholars fled with manuscripts of classics.The three Italian writers and their works(Literary Masters) 文学三杰Dante with his Divine Comedy 但丁《神曲》Boccaccio and his Decameron 博伽丘《十日谈》Petrarch and his sonnets 彼得拉克《十四行诗》Three Italian Artists: 艺术三杰Leonardo da Vinci (Mona Lisa,The Last Supper)Michelangelo (David,Genesis创世纪)Raphael (大量圣母像;The Sistine Madonna西斯廷圣母;School of Athens雅典学院)1.Believe that men could achieve wonders through their own efforts2.No longer regarded this life as a mere penance to be endured by good Christians3.Men had the right to enjoy the beauty of this life and strive to enrich it4.humanists/ humanismRenaissance in EnglandWhy late: endless wars in Britain and geographic locationWhen: House of Tudor, 1485catalyst: printing technique by William Caxton in 1476Elizabethan drama:1) Christopher Marlowe: Tamberlaine, Dr. Faustus, The Jew of Malta, Edward II.2) Ben Johnson: Volpone, The Alchemist, Bartholomew Fair3) William Shakespeare:William ShakespeareShakespeare's birthplace: Stamford-upon-Avon, Warwick shireWrote 37 plays : comedies, tragedies and historical playsComedies 四大喜剧The Merchant of Venice《威尼斯商人》A Midsummer Night's Dream《仲夏夜之梦》As You Like It《皆大欢喜》Twelfth night《第十二夜》Tragedies 四大悲剧:Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, King Lear;Poet:Sonnets: Sonnet 18 “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?”Other Literary AchievementsPoet: Edmund Spencer: The Faerie QueenPoet: John Milton: Paradise LostHumanist: Thomas More: UtopiaStatesman and philosopher : Francis Bacon: EssaysReformation in England and Queen Elizabeth I’s Time英国宗教改革及伊丽莎白时期Major churches in the worldIn Middle East: In the Far East:1) Judaism 1) Hinduism2) Christianity 2) Buddhism3) IslamismChristianity in EnglandNearly 1000 years from 597 AD since St. Augustine landed and built the first monastery in CanterburyBenefits besides religious belief:---Latin language and ancient classics---church schools, e.g. Oxford, Cambridge---early techniques: masons and glass-makers---Roman cultureThe Catholic Church in the Middle AgesThe Catholic Church: dominant in the Middle Ages: either believer or paganProblems:1. Power abuse: put the pagans to death2. Corruption:a) tithe (a regular tax, one-tenth of the farm produce);b) selling indulgences and church postsRevolt of the ProtestantsPioneer in religious reformation: Martin Luther from Germany-- A monk, priest, professor of theology and iconic figure of the Protestant Reformation.-- He strongly disputed the claim that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be purchased with money.-- Justification by faith “因信称义”(to read the Bible instead of listening to what the Pope said)ProtestantismProtestants/ Puritans: to purify the Catholic church by getting rid of bishops and the old ritualsBelief:---Predestined---Prepare for grace by reading the Bible, and by living as good and decent life as they could---Advocated a strict moral code---Stressed the virtues of self-discipline, thrift and hard workHenry VIII' s Reformation in England 亨利八世的改革Reasons:1) Encouraged by the success of Martin Luther2) The privilege and wealth of the clergy were resented by many people3) Henry VIII believed the monarchy would establish an absolute power without the Pope’s interference Immediate cause: Henry VIII wanted to divorce Catherine of Argon because she could not produce a male heir for him.Process1. Declared churchmen guilty agents of the Pope and not forgive them until they acknowledged him head of the Church of England.2. Suppression of the monasteries and plunder of properties of church3. Married Anne Boleyn4. Parliament passed two acts:1)1534 Act of Succession; 2) 1535 Act of SupremacyResults1.Henry VIII got the title of Supreme Head of the Church of England in 1535.2.also increased the importance of Parliament3. power to appoint high English churchmen and enjoy all the income which was formerly given to the Pope.4. Catholicism declined and Protestantism became a major branch of Christianity.Queen Mary-- After Henry VIII’ s death,he religious conflict between Catholicism and Protestantism was beyond reconciliation-- Catherine's daughter,a Catholic-- Persecuted Protestants--“Bloody Mary”Queen Elizabeth IAnne Boleyn's daughterPro-Protestant from the startCompromise: not persecute CatholicsFrom her, England maintained Protestant ever since.执政时期:1. Foreign policy: made use of the contradictions between two Catholic powers: France and Spain2. Economy: charter companies(granted charters to English merchants)(ex,East India Company)3. War with Spanish Armada西班牙无敌舰队in 1588:4. Social life: brick and stone houses; pillows; carpets; carriages;5. Literature: esp. drama6. Travel and adventureElizabeth I was regarded as the foundation layer of the British Empire.the Oscar award-winning film Elizabeth I~ Modern TimeThe Two Kings of the House of Stuart 斯图亚特王朝二国王Elizabeth died in 1603 without an heir to succeed her, her nephew, James VI of Scotland, became the English king known as James I, which was the beginning of the House of Stuart.James I (reign: 1603-1625)Religious Controversy: repressed both Protestants and Catholics1. Puritan ask for further Reformation; but James declared “No Bishop, No King”2. James I suspected as a secret Catholic.James I's Policy: “make them conform or harry them from the land”James I took drastic measures to make the Puritans to conform to the Church of England, otherwise, they would be persecuted. Many Puritans fled England.In 1620, a group of 102 Puritans, called the Pilgrim Fathers, sailed from Plymouth in the ship Mayflower to America.King James I: Protestant VS Guy Fawkes: CatholicReason:The Catholics in England were opposed to James I and his succession to the throne since he came from Scotland, a pure Protestant countryGunpowder Plot, Nov. 5th(failed)Guy Fawkes Day, annual celebrationPolitically 詹姆士一世-- Believe in “Divine Right of Kings”-- Ruled without Parliament for seven years-- Academically King James Bible (the translation of James I)Charles I (reign: 1625-1649) (James I ‘s son)not capable as his father-- Believed in “Divine Right of Kings”-- Continuous religious controversy-- Bad relationship with the Parliament---e.g. 1. conflict over monopolies---e.g. 2. 1st Parliament in 1625: conflict over import revenue; dissolved Parliament(He started collecting import duties and raising forced loans without the agreement of the Parliament.)---e.g. 3: 3rd Parliament in 1628: Petition of Right(the second Magna Carta), which echoed the Magna Carta and further limited the military power of king---e.g. 4: force the Scots to accept the textbook of Church of England; led to warsummoned for money and dissolved the Parliament in 1640Known as Short Parliament(only two weeks)---e.g. 5: was defeated in the war with Scotstreaty: ₤850 a day to Scottish armysummoned (for money )the 5th Parliament in 1640Known as Long Parliament (1640-1653)This Parliament existed for more than ten years during the English Bourgeois Revolution until Cromwell dissolved it in April 1653.The Militia Bill: deprived military command from the CrownThe Great Remonstrance: limited the King's religious powerReplaced the King’s counselors by ministers approved by ParliamentThe English Civil War and the Time After It 英国资产阶级革命及革命之后Conflicts: Church( reformed in the Reformation)king vs parliamentNobles(most perished during the Hundred Years’ War and the Wars of Roses)Development of Parliament:1265 formed;Simon de Montfort↓Developed in the House of Tudors, esp. Henry VIII's time↓Rivaled against the King James I and Charles ITrigger of War(reason)Charles I marched to the House of Commons to arrest John Pym and other four radical MPs.Voices in the ParliamentRight Wing“no victory, no defeat”policyLeft Wingmore revolutionary;-- Charles I and his Royalists/ Cavaliers-- Parliamentarians/ Roundheads-- Oliver Cromwell and his New Model Army(These soldiers were mostly devout Protestants. They thought were fighting for God’s cause charged fearlessly, singing psalms. That’s why the Civil War was also called the Puritan Revolution.)-- In June ,1645,Cromwell and Fairfax defeated the royalist army.-- By autumn 1646,Parliament controlled most of England-- In May,1646,Charles I could no longer struggle and surrenderedIn 1646, Parliament won and Charles I gave himself to the Scottish armyIn 1647, Charles was transferred by Scots to Parliament for a payment of ₤400,000.In 1649, King was sentenced “Tyrant, Traitor, Murderer and public Enemy”and was executed.Charles I on the Scaffold 断头台After the Civil Wars(Taxes were increased to keep the army and Cromwell became tyrannical and unpopular.)Cromwell died in 1658, his son Richard succeeded him But abdicated.Restoration (1660): Charles II, son of Charles I 斯图亚特王朝复辟A new Parliamentary election was held in 1660. The new Parliament negotiated with Charles I’s son and asked him back to be the King under their limitation. The Republic was thus put to an end. The Restoration of the House of the Stuart.Glorious Revolution (1688):(Upon Charles II’s death,his brother, a Catholic,James II succeeded.He refused to give up his belief and the Protestant English couldn’t agree to.The leading figures invited William, the nephew and son-in-law of James II, and Mary, the daughter of James II to come back from Holland and rule England. They accepted the invitation and landed an army in England in November 1688. James II fled to France)Bill of Rights 1689-- Confirmed constitutional monarchy with parliamentary supremacy(guaranteed free speech within both houses of Parliament and excluded any Catholics from succession to the English throne.)Industrial Revolution in Britain 英国工业革命The Industrial Revolutions in Human HistoryThe 1st Industrial RevolutionDefinition: The Industrial Revolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.Reasons:1. huge market:---domestic market---colonial markets in North America, India and other colonies(Britain won in the Seven Years War from 1756 to 1763)2.enormous wealth from the colonies: business trade and slave trade(East India Company:had a trading monopoly in India and parts of East Aida.The Royal African Company: involved in trade with Africa, the slave trade in particular. )3. Enclosure movement圈地运动Other factors:1) good location and near to seaports2) engineer had good training;3) inventors were respected;4) “Protestant work ethic”and laissez faire;5) broadened vision and aggressive spiritProcess of Industrial Revolution--- First began in the textile industry1) 1733, flying shuttle,飞梭John Kay, sped up hand weaving;2) 1766, spinning jenny, 珍妮纺纱机James Hargreaves, enabled to spin many threads at a time;3) 1784, power loom, Edmund Cartwright, enabled weaving to catch up with spinning;(established a great factory by applying power-driven mules and powerlooms in 1784and he became the Father of the Factory System in England.)EX:Spinning Jenny by James HargreavesPrepared the way for a new system of production: large-scale industry.Transportation industry1. In 1785, James Watt modified and improve Thomas Newcomer’s steam engine.2. In 1814, George Stephenson built the first steam locomotive.(Marked the beginning of a new stage of the Industrial Revolution.)3. In 1825, t he first railway was completed and by 1850, Britain completed its railway system nationwide.ResultsPositive1)“workshop of the world”2) mass urbanization: new cities like Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham and Sheffieldnegative1)simplified class structure; gap between rich and poor2)terrible working conditionThe serious problem of unemployment, over-population, bad living conditions and so on made the crime rates in London become the highest in the world.Literary works:Charles Dickens’ novels, such as Oliver Twist.~ Imperialist TimeQueen Victoria and the British Empire维多利亚与大英帝国的建立Britain after Industrial Revolution-- “workshop of the world”-- London---the financial center of world-- The English language was spread all over the worldThe British Empire was formed.(completely established)Queen VictoriaReign: 1837 to 1901Victoria's TimeShe encouraged further industrialization, the building of railways and the growth of trade and commerce.Sciencethe publication of Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species in 1859“survival of the fittest适者生存”Victorian NovelsWilliam T hackeray萨克雷(Vanity Fair名利场)Charles Dickens狄更斯(A Tale of Two Cities双城记,Oliver Twist雾都孤儿,David Copperfield大卫科波菲尔,Great Expectations远大前程)Bronte sisters(Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄,Charlotte Bronte,Jane Eyre简爱,Anne Bronte)George Eliot乔治·艾略特Their works played an important role in pushing forward social reforms and promoting the development of British values.Victoria's Society-- strict discipline-- careful behavior-- harmonious relationship--“Victorian”: decency and morality, self-satisfaction based on wealth, and great industrial and scientific development. --"the polite society"The British EmpireLand:1/5 of the world’s dry land(1/4 of the world’s landmass):135 times as large as BritainPopulation:560 million;ten times as large as that of BritainForeign expansion and aggression:the sun-never-setting”empireThe Formation of the EmpireFoundation: Elizabeth I’s timeEstablishment: 18th and 19th c, Victoria.Processes: Aggression(侵略) against national states and annexation(合并,兼并)of uninhabited or sparsely-populated wild landSpearhead (先锋): Chartered Companies, e.g. East India CompanyMethod: “Flag follows trade”Aggression:Southeast AsiaIndia and ChinaIndia: The British government took over control of India in 1858 and Queen Victoria was proclaimed Empress of India in 1876.China: Opium War in 1840; the Treaty of Nanking (1842): heavy indemnity, to cede to Britain the island of HK, to open five ports to foreign commerceAnnexation: North America and OceaniaAmerica: English colonists first in Jamestown,1607; westward movementCanada: defeat France in Seven Years' War (1756-1763);Australia and New Zealand: discovered by James Cook in 1770s---drove the nativesAmerica independent in 1783; the other three became dominions of the British EmpireAfrica1. Egypt: Suez Canal, 18822. 20C,occupied Gold Coast (now Ghana), Nigeria, Sudan, Kenya, Uganda and Zambia.3. South Africa: gold and diamonds4. After the Boer War,the Union of South Africa was formed in 1910,the 4th dominion of British EmpireThe Decline and Fall of the British Empire 大英帝国的衰落Decline of the British EmpireTime of imperialism帝国主义: expansion and invasionConflict: England was dominant in the world colonization, while other younger imperialist countries were eager to have a share.Military blocs:Central Powers:Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey(Ottoman Empire)the Allies:Britain, France, Russia, Italy(后来加入), the United States (1917)Outbreak of WWI导火索:June 28, 1914, the Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo by a young Slav nationalistThe Process of the War1. German (ally of Austria-Hungary) declared war on Russia (ally of Serbia) on Aug. 1st and on France on Aug 3 since France rejected being neutral.2. German invaded Belgium and Britain felt German’s threat and went into war with Germany.3. Australia and New Zealand sent support in Gallipoli.The war finally ended in 1918 with the victory for the Allies.Paris ConferenceParis Conference, in Versailles on January 18th, 1919.The Allies divided the colonies of Germany, Austro-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire and imposed much indemnity on the defeated countries.Influence of WWI on BritainWinner but also loser1.Drained of manpower2.Britain lost 70% of its merchant ships and a large amount of money.(Britain lost the sea supremacy.)3.Changed from a creditor to a debtor nation4.London was replaced by New York as the world’s leading financial center.5.Foreign trade declined to about only half of the prewar total.6.Disillusionment of the soldiers: Lost Generation(Hemingway The Sun Also Rises)(Large-scale strikes and hunger marches caused political unrest which led to four general elections in just over five years. The general election of 1924 brought the Labor Party to power for the first time. )Britain after WWI1920s: Roaring TwentiesEconomy downturn:---slack business---closed factories---soaring taxes---unemployment---The Great Depression (1929-1939)WWII (1939-1945)Continuation of WWIGermany: lost all colonies, disarmed, paid reparations;Great Depression归咎经济萧条于凡尔赛条约Adolf Hitlter(came to power in 1933):aroused nationalism and racismBritain: foreign policy known as nonintervention and appeasementTogether with France signed the Munich Agreement with Hitler, planning to trade Sudetenland (other countries’ land) for peace.Outbreak of WWIISept.1, 1939, German's attack on PolandBritain in WWIIForced to declare war on Germany-- ill prepared and repeatedly defeated-- War Cabinet and Churchill as Prime Minister in1940-- War-time speeches(King’s speech)Nazi:Germany,Italy,JapanAnti-Nazi:Britain,France,Russia,America,ChinaEnd of WWIIGermany surrendered unconditionally on May 7, 1945Influence of WWII on Britain1.London was repeated bombed by German planes and was nearly destroyed.2.357,000 people were killed or missing and 475,000 were wounded.3.Lost navy supremacy4.In deep debt to AmericaDisintegration of British Empire1.British colonies fought for independence one after another.2.More than 20 countries won their independence3.By the year 1970, Britain is now what it was before its foreign expansion。

Iberians (3000BC-2000BC) the Stonehenge in WiltshireThe Beaker Folk (2000BC)The native Celts (700BC)Roman Britain (55BC-410AD) three invasions:55BC by Julius Caesar failed;54BC by Julius Caesar failed (the invasion marked the beginning of English recorded history for his diary)43AD by the Emperor Claudius,and driving many of the native Celts into mountainous Scotland and Wales (built the Hadrian’s Wall and the Antonine Wall against Scotland;Roman civilization; slave society)The Anglo-Saxon (446-871) there Germanic ethnic tribes:The Jutes from today’s Denmark (first landed in the country Kent )The Anglos(mid-6th century) just took possession of the whole EnglandThe Saxons established kingdom in Essex, Sussex and Wessex)597 St.Augustine and his conversion of Archbishop of Canterbury from RomeWessex(829-1066)829 Egbert king of it and England ended Heptarchy,united the seven kingdoms8th-10th centuries invasion by the Vikings and Danes from North Europe871 Alfred the Great built a naval force “the Farther of the British Navy”1016 EdmundII,the Witan chose Canute,the Danish leader,as king of England ,three generations 1042 Edward had spent most of his life in Normandy, built Westminster Abbey1066 HaroldII against William in HastingsThe Norman Conquest and the House of Normandy(1066-1135)Originated from the Vikings’swooping down and other Northern from Scandinavia Peninsula into the northern of France. They captured Paris in 845 and settled in their country in 912.1066 William crowned in Westminster Abbey, built the Tower of London1085 Domesday BookEstablishment of feudalism,government systemThe house of Blois(1135-1399) Plantagenet dynastyHerryII(1154-1189) reform in Great Council (the chief one ,called Lord Chancellor, is now the head of the English judicial system, Present of the Upper House of Parliament ); the emergence of common law; church courts,failed.RichardI crusader inherit the king of England and the duke in France(the Hundred Years’war) John (1199-1216) 1215 the Great CharterHenryIII the beginning of parliamentEdwardI England conquered Wales.1284, the Statue of Wales placed Wales under English land the Hundred Years’War (1337-1453) EdwardIII(Duke and Garter)-RichardIIThe Black Death (1348-1349)EdwardIII 1351 the govn issued Statute of Labourers to limit the freedom of peasantsRichardII 1381the govn imposed a flat rate poll tax→the peasant uprising(Wat Tyler) Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury TalesThe house of Lancaster(1399-1461)HenryV 1415 renewed the war and won crushing victories1420 he was recognised to the French throne1422 the tide of the war was turned after the death of HenryVHenryVI Joan of ArcThe house of York(1461-1485)The Wars of the Ross(1455-1485) the ending of it was seen as the ending of the Middle Ages in European history and the beginning of the modern world history.The house of Tudor(1458-1603)&RenaissanceServed as the transitional stage from feudalism to capitalism in English historyHenryVII(1485-1509) built up England’s navy and foreign trade;make marriage alliances HenryVIII(1509-1547) religion reformation &Renaissance1534 the Act of Succession barred Catholics from succession to the English throne1535 the Act of Supremacy passed,said the supremacy was with the king instead of the Pope EdwardVI(1547-1553) carried out drastic religious change, “The Reformation”ElizabethI(1533-1603) 1588 defeated the Spanish ArmadaThe house of Stuarts&Great Britain(1603-1714)JamesI(1603-1625) the wisest fool in Europe1605 Gunpowder Plot1620 a group of 201 Nonconformists sailed to North America --PilgrimsCharlesI (1625-1649) 1640 t he outbreak out civil war1643 the king’s army won some victories1645 the battle of Naseby,and the New Model Army led by Oliver Cromwell won1647 the Scots surrendered CharlesI to Parliament for a payment of 400,000pounds1648 the Cavaliers revolted1649 CharlesI was beheaded in LondonThe Republic (1649-1660) Commonwealth;Cromwell, Lord Protector1660 CharlesIIwas restored to the throne by BourgeoisieIt was under his rule that the English colonists took over Manhattan Island from the Dutch and named it New York in honor of the Duke of York.He was succeeded by his brother JameII,who was inclined to revive Catholicism in England. England’first religious political partiesformer Cavaliers-Tories-Conservative;former Independent-Whigs-Liberal Party1688 Glorious RevolutionBritain built a modern,professional army during the reign of WilliamIII1689the Bill of Right&the constitutional monarchy1694 the founding of the Bank of England1707 Scots accepted the Act of Union,Great Britain was born -Queen AnneThe House of HanoverFrom the GermanicMid-18th,enclosure,the nationwide banking system was establishedEnd- 18th,the English peasant disappeared as a classThe Industrial Revolution(1850-1950)1733 flying shuttle by John Kay---speed up hand weaving1765 steam engine by James Watt --engineering force1766 spinning Jenny by James Hargreaves---enable one hand labor to spin many threads out 1770 powder----driven machinery,real”revolution’ in textile1776 Adam Smith and his The Wealth of Nations stressed the importance of free market1784 powder loom by Edmund Wright ---enable weaving catch up with spinning The pudding and rolling process by Henry Court---increase the production of high-quality iron 1814 the fist steam locomotive invented by Stephenson---mark the beginning of a new stage of the Industrial Revolution.Malthusianism emergence by Thomas Robert Malthus1850 Britain had completed the construction of its railway system1832 the Reform Bill was passed, the suffrage was extended to all citizens who owned or rented a house worth ten pounds a year in cities,such as renters and owners of lands in the countryside,still excluded from the broad mass of workers and farmhandsThe Chartist Movement(1836-1848)1837 the London Workingmen’s Association worked out The People’s Charter1838 the movement was official launched and divided two groups1839 a National Convention was held in London1842 the petition was sent to the Parliament for the second time,but rejected1848 the Chartist Movement experienced its third and last upsurge, but suppressedVictoria Age1837-1901)1859 Darwin published the Origin of Species in which he argues that the physical species are not fixed, but changing by natural selection in which the fittest ter on ,it turned into social Darwinism1871 the Trade Union of Act , legalized the trade unions and gave them financial security1876 gave the trade unions the right to exist as corporations ,paving the way for the rapid development of trade unions and the founding of the Labour PartySecret votingCompulsory education&universities admit women students。
英美概况summary of the Britain history

Summary of the Britain HistoryIn my opinion, the Britain history was a process of conquer and merge. The Celts, also called the Britons, are taken as the natives of Great Britain. The Celts in Britain are believed to be ancestors of the Highland Scots, the Irish and the Welsh.The Roman army, commanded by Julius Caesar, invaded Britain in 55 BC. They soon occupied what is now known as England by driving the native Celts into mountainous Scotland and Wales. The Romans brought their Roman civilization: Christianity. The invasion marked the beginning of English recorded history.The Romans occupied England for over 350 years until 410 A.D. when the Germanic races started to invade the Rome Empire.William I, Duke of Normandy, set sail and crossed 50 miles from Normandy to the English south coast in 1066. Harold's and William's armies met near Hastings in southeastern England. And a fierce struggle began. Finally,the Norman attacks were successful. King Harold was killed. The Norman Conquest ushered in a new period of great changes in English history. William consolidated the feudal system in England.In 1154, Henry became the English King known as Henry Ⅱ. He was also the founder and the 1st king of the Plantagenet dynasty). And began his reform.In order to reduce the barons‘power and get rid of all excuses for private warfare, Henry Ⅱforced foreign mercenaries to leave England. He demolished scores of castles illegally built by barons. He abolished the annual land tax based on hide. Feudal order was further strengthened. The nation enjoyed a period of security and prosperity.The barons became more discontented with John's misgovernment. In 1214, a number of them met and decided to compel the king to sign the charter they had prepared. The charter included the things that a King John might not do. They forced King John to swear to observe the Great Charter they had prepared. The Great charter was signed in 1215, but King John had no intention to abide by it.Simon de Monfort, the king’s brother in law was a defender of the Great Charter and praised as the fighter for liberty in history. So Simon and his supporters made some changes in the organization of the Great Council. The parliament was began. The Parliament marked the decline of feudalism and the RISE of bourgeoisie.With the decline of feudalism, the new Monarchy was start. Bourgeoisie was rising. because of the conflict between the economic interests of the urban middle classes represented by the Parliament and the feudal landowners represented by the crown. The English civil war was happened. The English civil war not only overthrew feudal system in England, but also shook the foundation of the feudal rule in Europe. It paved the way for development of capitalist production. And it generally is regarded as the beginning of modern world history.18c-19c, the Industrial Revolution was start and promote the development of capitalism. The "People's Charter," drafted in 1838 by William Lovett, was at the heart of a radical campaign for parliamentary reform of the inequities remaining after the Reform Act of 1832. The Chartist Movement failed because of its weak and divided leadership. It failed to coordinate with trade unions because the working class was not politically mature yet. The movement did not have a political party as its leader. In spite of its failure, the movement constituted a glorious page in the historyof the workers' struggle for liberation. The six points demanded by the Chartists were gradually achieved over the period between 1858 and 1918.Britain through colonial expansion, became The Sun Never Set on the British Empireduring the world war, The British had suffered millions of casualties and liquidated assets at an alarming rate, which led to debt accumulation and manpower deficiencies in the staffing(调配) of far-flung imperial posts(基地) in Asia and the African colonies. finally, The Sun Never Set on the British Empire was fall.。

1.英国全称:the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2.英国由四个部分组成,它们是:England ,Scotland ,Wales and Northern Ireland3.英国历史上的三次外族入侵:43AD the Roman Empire ,the late 8th century Scandinavia created a certain cultural divide between northerners and southerners in England ,1066 Normans William took the English throne ,and became William the First4.英国内战时间:1640双方:the Roundheads led by Oliver Cromwell ,the royalists led by Charles 1结果:the royalists armies were defeated and King Charles 1 was executed in 16495.“君权神授”的含义:“divine right of kings”means the sovereign derived his authority from God ,not from his subjects6.英国政府的三个组成部分及其职责:the Monarch :to symbolize the tradition and unity of the British statesthe Parliament :to vote for taxation ;scrutinize government policy ,administration and expenditure ;debate the major issues of the daythe Cabinet :to carry out the functions of policy-making ,the coordination of government departments and the supreme control of government7.英国的“大宪章”(Magna Carta)由哪位君主在什么时候签署,其内容是什么King John ,1215 ,placed some limits on the king’s ability to abuse his royal power8.英国的“权利法案”(the Bill of Rights )被通过的时间:16899.议会的组成及其成员:the queensthe House of Lords :the Lords Spiritual who are the Archbishops and the most important bishops of the church of England ,and the Lords Temporal which refers to those lords who either have inherited from their forefathers or they have been appointedthe House of Commons :about 650 MPs (members of Parliament ) elected by the people to represent them10.内阁元首:prime minister11.英国大选多长时间举行一次,选出了什么,其目的是什么every 5 years ,to elect about 650 members of Parliament ,to provide opportunities for people to influence future government policies and to replace those incompetent political leaders12.英国的两个主要政党:the Conservative party ,the Labour party13.英国社会的两个主要阶层,如何划分这两个阶层middle class ,working classbased on economy and education14.自1979之后英国历任首相及其任职时间:Marganet Thatcher 1979~1990 ConservativeJohn Major 1990~1997 ConservativeTony Blair 1997~2007 LabourGordon Brown 2007 ~至今Labour15.工业革命之父是谁,及其发明是什么James Walt ,steam engine16 .工业革命开始的标志:Jennifer’s hand-spinning machine17.英国教育的三个阶段及两个分枝primary education (5—11 years old ),secondary education (11-plus examination ,namely ,grammer school and comprehensive school ) ,higher educationstate school and private school18.英国最古老的报纸:the Observer (the world’s oldest national newspaper),the Times(British oldest daily newspaper)19.报纸的两大分类:the quality papers ,tabloid20.英国最大的广播公司:the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)21.Christmas 和Easter的意义:Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ .It is the biggest and most loved British holiday. Easter commemorates the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the most important Christian festival .22,英国文学:early writing :Geoffrey Chaucer ,《The Canterbury Tales》Elizabethan Drama:William Shakespeare, 《Romeo and Juliet》,《Hamlet》,《Othello》,《King Lear》,《Macbeth》the 17th century :John Milton,《Paradise Lost》,《Paradise Regained》,《Samson Agonistes》the 18th century :Jonathan Swift ,《Gulliver’s Travels》Daniel Defoe ,《Robinson Crusoe》the 19th century :Jane Austen ,《Sense and Sensibility》,《Pride and Prejudice》,《Emma》Bronte sisters,——Charlotte Bronte ,《Jane Eyre》Emily Bronte ,《Wuthering Heights》Ann BronteCharles Dickens,《Oliver Twist》,《David Copperfield》,《Great Expectation》。

2008级机场应用英语英美概况复习题2010年4月一、英国历史部分1.Julius Caesar invaded Britain ____ .A. onceB. twiceC. three times2.The Vikings who invaded England at the turn of the Sth century came from ____ .A. NorwayB. DenmarkC. FranceD. both A and B3.Norman Conquest began in _____ .A. 1016B. 1066C. 10354.In the early 14th century feudalism began to ____ in England.A. growB. flourishC. declineD. end5.The Anglo-French hostility which began in 1337 and ended in 1453 was known asA. the Wars of RosesB. the Hundred Years9 WarC. Peasant Uprising6.By the end of the Wars of the Roses the House of ____ began.A. TudorB. LancasterC. Plantagenet7.In the Wars of the Roses the Lancastrians wire badges of ____ rose.A. whiteB. redC. pinkD. yellow8.William Shakespeare is mainly a ____ .A. novelistB. dramatistC. poet9.In 1337 the hostility between England and ______ resulted in the Hundred Years5 War.A. FranceB. SpainC. Russia10.England first became a sea power in the time of _____ .A. Henry VIIB. Elizabeth IC. Victoria11.The English Prime Minister during the Second World War was ___ •A. ChurchillB. ChamberlainC. Baldwin12. ____ broke out two years after the Hundred Years9 War with France.13.The greatest dramatist of the English Renaissance was ____ .A. ShakespeareB. MiltonC. ChaucerD. Bacon14.By the _____ in 1783, Britain recognized the independence of the US.A. Declaratory ActB. Treaty of ParisC. Treaty of MontgomeryFill in the Blanks1.The real Roman conquest began in ____ .2.Duke William was known in history as William the ____ •3.Along with the Normans came the ____ language.4.The Wars of the Roses broke out between the ____ and the ____ .5.By the treaty of ____ in 1783, Britain recognized the independence of the US.6.The nature of the Wars of the Roses was a __________ wa匸7.In the summer of 1588 the Spanish ships, the __________ was defeated by English ships.8- During the Civil Wars (1642 一1648) the supporters of Parliament were called____ while the supporters of the King Charles I were called _____ .9.The first two parties appeared in England were the ____ and the _____ .10.After Charles I was beheaded in 1649 England was declared a ____ •二、美国历史部分1.The history of the U.S. is generally agreed to have begun in ____ .A. 1620B. 1607C. 17762.The colonial life can be described as the following except _____ •A. simpleB. easyC. roughD. hard3- The First Continental Congress was held in ____ in September, 1774.A. PhiladelphiaB. BostonC. New York4.The American War of Independence started in ____ and ended in _____ •A. 1776, 1784B.1775, 1783C.1706, 17145.The first ten amendments, known as _____ , were added to the Constitution in 1791.A. the Bill of RightsB. the ArticlesC. Civil Rights6.After the Federal Government was established, the city _______ was chosen as thecapital for the time being.A. WashingtonB. New YorkC. Philadelphia7.____ was chosen as the capital for the time being in Washington's administration.A. New YorkB. ChicagoC. Boston8.____ was the first American President who was inaugurated in the city of Washington.A. John AdamsB. Thomas JeffersonC. James Madison9.During the Civil War Lincoln issued the ______ , which declared the abolition of slavery.A. Homestead BillB. Emancipation ProclamationC. Both A and B10.The Battle of ____ was the turning point of the American Civil War.A. Bull RunB. GettysburgC. Richmond11.The first thirteen states of the US mainly located ____ seaboard.A. the easternB. the westernC. the northern12.The Declaration of Independence was drafted by a committee including______ as head.A. George WashingtonB. Thomas JeffersonC. both A and BFill in the Blanks1.It was ____ who first discovered the America in 1492.2.The New World was named after ____ Vespucci.3.The Indians living in America are all ____ skinned and dark-haired.4.The War of ____ b roke out in 1775 and ended in 1783.5.In 1620 some English Puritans sailed to Plymouth on a ship called _____ •6.On July 4th, 1776, the document called the Declaration of _____ was accepted by the American Congress.7.The first English colony was _____ •8.The US bought the area of Alaska from _____ in 1867.9.The famous novel “__________________ by Mrs Stowe aroused a great and universal hatred for slavery.10.America participated in the Second World War in the year ____ .三、英国地理部分1.The total area of the UK is ______ •A. 211,440B. 244,110C. 241,410D. 242,5342.England occupies the _____ portion of the U.K.A. northernB. easternC. southern3.The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _____ ・A. Northern IrelandB. EnglandC. Scotland4.Mt. Ben Nevis stands in ____ .A. the Scottish HighlandsB. WalesC・ England5.London is situated on the River of ____ ・A. ParretB. ThamesC. Spey6.Edinburgh is the capital of ____ .A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. Wales7.The three Germanic tribes that invaded Britain include the following except ____ .A. the AnglesB. the SaxonsC. the PictsD. the Jutes8.The capital city of Northern Ireland is ____ •A. CardiffB. BelfastC. Leith9.Celtic tribes began to settle in Britain from about ____ B.C.A. 410B.750C. 30010.Scotland occupies the ____ portion of Great Britain.A. southernB. northernC. westernFill in the Blanks1.The U.K. is situated in ____ Europe.2.The full title of the U.K. is the United Kingdom of _________ and・3.The U.K. consists of England,_____ , _____ and Northern Ireland.4.The capital of England and of Great Britain is ____ .5.The most important river is the River of _____ .6.The climate of Britain is moderated by the ________________ and is much milder than that of many places in the same latitude.7.The population of the UK consists of the English, the Welsh, the Scottish and the8.The Britons of the Celtic tribes were the forefathers of the modern _____ .9.The International festival of music and the arts is held every year in the city of10.The capital city of Wales is ____ •四、美国地理部分1.The _____ part of America consists of high plateaus and mountains formed by the Great Cordillera Range.A. easternB. westernC. northeastern2.Among the five Great Lakes, only ____ is wholly within the United States.A. ErieB. SuperiorC. Michigan3.The highest mountain in the U.S. is Mount_____ .A. AppalachianB. MekinleyC. Rocky4.The world-famous Niagara Falls lie between lakes of ____ .A. Erie and MichiganB. Erie and OntarioC. Superior and Haron5.Hawaii is in the ____ Ocean.A. AtlanticB. IndianC. Pacific6.____ is the largest state in area in the U.S.A.A. FloridaB. LouisianaC. Alaska7.The United States today is the _____ l argest country in size in the world.A. thirdB. fifthC. fourth& The _____ were the original inhabitants in America.A. blacksB. IndiansC. Puerto RicansFill in the Blanks1.The United States is situated in the ____ part of ______America.2.The U.S. is bounded by _____ on the north and by ______ and the Gulf of Mexicoon the south.3.To the west of America lies the ____ Ocean.4.To the east of America lies the ____ Ocean.5.The ____ part is made up of the highlands formed by the Appalachian Range.6.The United States includes _______ states and a ______ district, the District of Columbia.7.The five Great Lakes lie between the boundary of ____ and the United States.& The two youngest states are _____ in the northeastern part of America and _____ in the central Pacific.9. ____ became the fiftieth state of the United States in 1959.五、英国政治部分1.The British Monarchy is ____ •A. electiveB. democraticC. hereditary2.The _____ is used as a symbol of the whole nation and is described as the representative of the people.A. Prime MinisterB. CrownC. Parliament3.The life of Parliament is fixed at _____ y ears-A. fourB. sixC. five4.The House of Commons consists of _______ members who are elected from the ____ electoral districts.A.651,651B.535,535C. 635,6355.The __________ is the supreme administrative institution.A. British governmentB. British ParliamentC. OppositionD. Privy Council6.The _____ is the core of leadership of the British government.A. CabinetB. Privy CouncilC. Crown7.It is the _____ w ho organizes the Cabinet and presides over its meetings.A. Prime MinisterB. Lord PresidentC. SpeakerFill in the Blanks1.The present sovereign is _________ •2.Elizabeth II came to the throne on Feb. 6th, ____ •3.The British Parliament consists of three elements 一the ___ , the House of _____ , and the House of ____ .4.The government cannot legally spend any money without the permission of he House of _____ •5.The House of Lords is also called the ______ House, the House of Commons the ____ House.6.The Lords and the Commons share the same building of the __________ .7.The electoral districts of UK are called _____ .8.The Prime Minister works and lives in the famous residence, _______________ •9.The two major parties in Britain are the ____ Party and the _____ P arty.10・ The whole of the UK is divided into __ electoral districts-六、美国政治部分1.The Judicial Branch is headed by ____ .A. the Supreme CourtB. CongressC. President2.The general election in America is held every ____ years.A. 5B.4C. 6D. 33.The symbol of the US Democratic Party is _____ .A. donkeyB. elephantC. eagle4.____ has the sole right to interpret the Constitution.A. The CabinetB. The Supreme CourtC・ President D. Congress5.The symbol of the US Republic Party is ____ .A. tiger B・ elephant C. donkey6.The US Federal Government is composed of the following except _____ .A. the legislativeB. the standing committeeC. the judicialD. the executive7.The number of Congressmen from each state varies depending on _____ .C. the traditionD. the wealth& The law・making or the legislative body in the government is ___ .A. the Supreme CourtB. the CongressC・ the Cabinet D. the president^ committee9. The members in the Senate must be at least ________ years old and those in the Representative _____ y ears old.A. 40, 30B. 30, 26C. 30, 25填空题:1.Only the __________ has the right to interpret the constitution.2.Each of the fifty states of US elects ____ senators.3.The Federal Constitution consists of ____ articles and _____ amendments.4.The balance is always kept among the three branches of the power of the government and this is called the “System of ____ and _____ 二5.The official presidential residence is the __________ ・6 The American Congress is made up of two houses: the ________ and the House of7.In the US the chief function of ____ is to make laws.8.There are ____ members in the Senate.9.According to the ____ , the president should be a citizen born in the US territory.10.The two main parties are the Democratic and the ____ Party.七、英美教育填空题:1 .The two oldest universities in Britain are _________ a nd __________ •2.Tony Blair studied in __________ U niversity.3.The University of London was founded in ________ ・4._____________ courses are followed through TV, radio, correspondence, videos and a network of study centers.5.There are three academic degrees in Britain. They are __________ , __________ ,and •6.The fourth oldest university in the United States is ____________ ・7.MIT refers to a name of a university, it is __________________ •选择题:1.William Shakespeare, Britain^ greatest writer went to a ____ school.(a) comprehensive (b) grammar(c) technical (d) independent2.The only independent university in Britain is _______ •(a) Buckingham University (b) The University of London(c) The University of Oxford (d) The University of Cambridge3.The University of Cambridge was founded in _______ .(a) 1836 (b) 1284(c) 1167 (d) 10964.The students of the universities in the second year are called _______ •(a) junior (b) sophomore(c) freshman (d) senior5.An undergraduate student has to earn a certain number of _____ in order to receive adegree at the end of four years study.(a) credits (b) grades(c) scores (d) classes6. _______ i s the third oldest institution of higher education in the United States.(a) Harvard University (c) MIT (b) Yale University (d) Princeton University。

国际贸易,对外投 资,吸引外资
高等教育,职业教 育,中小学教育
Байду номын сангаас3
从13个殖民地的建立到独立战争,再 到西进运动、南北战争等关键历史节 点。
如马克·吐温、海明威等文学巨匠,以 及好莱坞电影、百老汇音乐剧等艺术 成就。
盎格鲁-撒克逊人的入侵, 诺曼征服,中世纪的封
伊丽莎白时代,莎士比 亚的戏剧,英国文艺复
纺织机的发明,蒸汽机 的应用,工业革命的影

I.Early Settlers (5000BC-55BC)早期的居民(公元前5000年-公元前55年)1.The first known settlers of Britain were the Iberians.⼈们所知的英国最早居民是伊⽐利来⼈。
2. At about 2000 BC the Beaker Folk arrived from the areas now know as Holland and Rhineland.约公元前2000年,从现在的荷兰和莱茵兰地区来了宽⼝陶器⼈。
3. The Celts began to arrive Britain about 700 BC.约公元前700年,克尔特⼈来到不列颠岛。
4. The Celts came to Britain in three main waves.克尔特⼈来到不列颠有三次⾼潮。
The first wave were the Gaels-came about 600 BC.第⼀次⾼潮是约公元前600年盖尔⼈的来临。
The second wave were the Brythons-came about 400 BC.第⼆次⾼潮是约公元前400年布⽴吞(不列颠)⼈的抵达。
The third wave were the Belgae-came about 150 BC.第三次是约公元前150年⽐利其⼈的到达。
II. Roman Britain (55BC-410AD)罗马⼈统治时期的英国(公元前55年-410年)1.British recorded history begins with the Roman invasion. In 55BC and 54BC, Julius Caesar, a Roman general, invaded Britain twice. In AD 43, the Emperor Claudius invaded Britain successfully. For nearly 400 years, Britain was under the Roman occupation, though it was never a total occupation.有记录的英国历史开始于罗马⼈的⼊侵。

1. 英国部分
国家历史知识 国家政治常识 社会文化知识
1. 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分
地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。 官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
不列颠群岛由两个大岛-大Байду номын сангаас列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔 兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。
Basis of Modern English race: the Anglo-Saxons. 盎格鲁—萨克逊时代(奠定了英国的基 础) 公元446—871年 北欧海盗和丹麦人的入侵
2. 诺曼统治(公元1066-1381)
威廉一世的统治(公元1066-1087) 在威廉统治下的英国封建制度 ①在威廉统治下,英国的封建制度得 到完全确立。 ②根据此制度,国王拥有全国所有土 地。 ③威廉把英国的大片土地分给贵族,条件是 换取对方服役和收租。 英国封建制独有的特色就是,无论是土地承 租人还是二佃户,都必须要宣誓效忠于直接 领主,而且要效忠于国王。
最早居民是伊比利来人 。
公元43年,克劳锹成功占领不列颠。将近四百 年里,英国人处于罗马人的占领下,但这并非 是完全的占领。 罗马人修建了许多城镇网,道路,澡堂,庙宇 和其他建筑物。他们还很好地利用了英国的自 然资源。罗马人还把基督教这门新宗教带到不 列颠。
散布在城镇乡村的很多私人庄园和宅邸以及古老 的城墙、城楼、独特的建筑物和其它有纪念意义 的建筑物都作为英国的历史遗产而得到了积极的 保护,受到保护的历史建筑中还包括古老的采矿 场塔楼、工业革命时期的磨房和工厂、托马 斯· 特尔福德修建的铁桥及其它桥梁、钢铁建筑 的杰作-福斯大桥、以及造型优美的克里夫顿悬 索桥等等。

具体讲授内容如下:三、各章节教学内容和教学目标第一部分英国概况第一章英国的国家概况(一)教学内容第一节名称和位置、地理特征与自然资源一、名称的由来和地理特征(环境、气候、水域)二、英语的演变过程第二节国家和人民一、政党、政府、法律、宗教信仰和人口性格二、国家农业、工业、城市等经济发展的概况(二)教学要求重点掌握英国(包括英格兰,大不列颠等)的相关概念,理解并区别重点掌握英语的发展过程第二章英国的历史I(一)教学内容第一节英国的早期历史和封建王朝的衰落一、英国史前历史、罗马不列颠、盎格鲁.撒克逊时代和诺曼征服二、亨利二世改革、大宪章、议会开端、百年战争、黑丝病和玫瑰战争第二节都铎王朝和资产阶级的兴起一、都铎王朝的建立、宗教改革、伊丽莎白一世时代二、文艺复兴(二)教学要求重点掌握英国的起源重点掌握英国文艺复兴的影响第三章英国的历史II(一)教学内容第一节英国资产阶级革命和工业革命一、斯图亚特王朝的统治、英国内战、王朝复辟和光荣革命二、工业革命的背景、过程和影响,宪章运动和维多利亚时代第二节日不落帝国的产生和衰落一、殖民扩张二、两次世界大战前后的英国(二)教学要求重点掌握英国的工业革命的过程和影响重点掌握英国的资产阶级革命的过程和影响第四章英国的政治(一)教学内容第一节君主立宪制和政府一、君主立宪制二、君主和政府的组成第二节议会、政党和司法系统一、上议院和下议院二、政党和司法系统的介绍(二)教学要求重点掌握英国的君主立宪制重点掌握英国的政党和其主要主张第五章英国的文化(一)教学内容第一节英国的教育制度一、英国的教育制度、初级教育、中等教育、私立教育二、高等教育第二节英国的通讯媒体一、英国的广播电视业和报刊媒体二、英国人们的家庭生活和性格(二)教学要求重点掌握英国的教育制度重点掌握英国主要媒体及其作用第二部分美国概况第六章美国的国家概况(一)教学内容第一节名称和位置、地理特征与自然资源一、名称的由来和地理特征(环境、气候、水域)二、人口的构成与分布、“大熔炉”的形成第二节国家和人民一、政党、政府、法律、宗教信仰和人口性格二、国家农业、工业、城市等经济发展的概况(二)教学要求重点掌握美国和中国的相比的地理优势重点掌握美国“大熔炉”现象出现的原因和影响第七章美国的历史I (一)教学内容第一节地理大发现与英属北美13个殖民地、独立战争一、地理大发现,殖民地的建立二、独立战争的起因、结果和影响第二节联邦条例与美国宪法、美国内战一、联邦条例、1787年宪法、权利法案二、美国内战(二)教学要求重点掌握独立宣言的影响重点掌握权利法案的影响第八章美国的历史II (一)教学内容第一节奴隶贸易、美国内战、垄断组织的形成一、奴隶贸易的开始和美国内战二、垄断组织产生第二节一战、二战时和战后的美国一、一战的起因、过程和结果,经济大萧条和罗斯福新政二、二战期间及战后的美国(二)教学要求重点掌握美国的垄断组织产生的原因重点掌握罗斯福新政的内容和影响第九章美国的政治(一)教学内容第一节美国的国体和政府一、联邦制和美国国会二、总统和司法机构第二节美国的政党和选举制度一、政党的形成、组织机构和功能。

Chronology of British GovernmentMonarch Date of Rule Deeds Events CommentsGermanic/Scandinavian RuleAlfred the Great 871-899 1Defeated“Danlaw” expansion& regained land2establishednavy and garrison3introductionof Christanity toDames, firstpublic schools fornobledescendances andmagistrates4Anglo-SaxonChronicleAnglo-Saxon WessexlineEdward the elder Anglo-Saxon Wessexline;Son to AlfredAthelstan Anglo-Saxon Wessexline;Son to EdwardEdgar thePeaceful959-975 Anglo-Saxon WessexlineEthelred the Unready 978`1016 Invaded England Anglo-Saxon Wessexline;Sweyn Forkbeard, King ofDenmarkCanute 1016-1035 1.chosen as king byWitan;2.UnitedEngland, Denmarkand Norway.Scandinavian ConquerorEdward the Confessor 1042-1066 1.facilitated theNormanConquer;2.Normanfeudal system adoptedSon of Ethelred theUnreadyHaroldGodwinson1066 defeated Norwegians Earl of WessexNorman French RuleWilliam I 1066-1087 5-steps tostrengthenreign inEngland:1.crushedallresistance,built castlesforprotection2.broke upSaxonearldomsestablishedcentralizedroyalgovernment.3.vicomtes4.sloventroyaltreasury,royalcoinage5.alliedwithRomanCatholicChurchdefeated Haroldand crowned WilliamI at WestminsterAbbey onDec.25,1066William the Conqueror,French duke connected tothe Wessex Line whofavored by Edward theConfessorWilliam II 1087-1100 Murdured William Rufus, 2nd son toWilliam IHenry I 1100-1135 Altered therelationshipbetweenKing andhisfollowers:1.chosebishops2.acceptedmoney3rd son of William Ifrom Barons instead of military service-exc hequerStephen &Maud 1135-1154 1.20-years of civilwar and anarchy;2.agreement toStephen’s rule andHenry II’s succession.Stephen:Grandson to William I;Matilda: Daughter to Henry IAngevin French – PlantagenentsHenry II 1154-1189 1.reform oflegislativesystem2.claimedvastterritoriesin Franceand Irelandthroughvariousfamilyconnections;3.alteredtherelationships betweensecular andreligiousauthorities-murderedof ThomasBecket/failure inreformingcanon law;4.invadedandestablishedEnglishSon to Maudkingdom in IrelandRichard I 1189-1199 1.ThreeCrusadesfor controlof holysites in theNear East;2.imprisoned byChristanallies forransom3.fought inFrance Oldest surving son of Henry II; Richard the LionheartedJohn 1199-1216 1.raisedpropertytaxes;2.struggleswith PopeInnocent IIIandinvasion ofPhilipAugustus In 1215. TenantRights movement &Magna Carta2nd surving son of Henry IIHenry III 1216-1272 1civil war in1263 and baronialtriumph;2establishmentof parliamentSon to John DisarstrousEdward I 1272-1307 1.began theHundredYear’s Waragainstwar; 1.1348-1349:Davastation of black deathresulting in the deathof 3/8population-laborshortage;2.1351:the futileStatute of LabororsSon to Henry IIIMilitary control over laboring class underwent changes: shift from old knight&castle system to expert archers&engineers;1Tensionsbetween classeshightened byreligiousdissension;2nationalismaroused, Englishgained popularityRichard II 1377-1399 Confiscatedthe estatesof his uncleJohn,violatingthe law ofinheritance 1.1378-1380,”HeadTax” imposed by Johnof Gaunt;1381, Peasants’RevoltSon to the Black Prince,Grandson to Edward IIILancatriansHenry IV 1399-1413 1.Rebelledby cousinHenry,defeatedRichard2and forcedhim toabdicateandmurderedhim;2.illegallyseizingpower-losttheprotectionof laws ofinheritance-spent much Grandson to Edward III,consin to Richardof his reignsuppressingrebellion.Henry V 1413-1422 Assertingauthorityboth inFrance&athomeHenry VI 1422-1461 Deposed byEdwardYorkist andmurdered(1461) War of Roses(1455-1485)Weak King with dividedgovernmentYorkistsEdward IV 1461-14701471-1483 Briefly ousted frompower by his brotherClarence & hisprevious supporters in1470.Grandson of Edward IIIEdward V 1483 MurderedRichard III 1483-1485 Defeatedand killedin theBattle ofBosworthyby HenryTudor The Battle ofBosworthyBrother of Edward IVTudorsHenryVII 1485-1509 1united theHouse of Yorkistsand Lancastrianby means ofmarriage withYorkist’sElizabeth andestablished theTudor House.2the Star Grandson of EdwardIII; Earl of RichmondChamber-consoli dation of his position;3Morton’s Fork-turned treasury deficit into a surplus;4the threat of revocation to gain trading prileges for English merchants abroad;5Education fundsHenryVIII 1509-1547 1CardinalWosley-lastestablished theconcept“Balance-of-Power” as basis ofEnglish foreignpolicy,1521 crisis2creation ofthe Royal Navy,strengthening centraladministrative&maintainingadequate supervisionof local government31535-incorporrated Wales &England on equalterms in the firstAct of Union;4Middle-classdominatedParliament infavor of the King5Anti-clericalRevolution,1554theAct of Supremacy- Son of Henry III;selected by Privy Council;WelshmanDissolution ofmonasteries6. 1537-1542: Irishanarchy, “Pilgrimageof Gr ace” by Catholicthe Statute ofthe Six ArticlesEdward VI 1547-1553 Parliament’s effort ofreligious unityUncles served as regentsMary I 1553-1558 1.Marriedto CatholicSpanishKingPhilipII,turningEngland avassal ofSpain;2. Lost thelast Frenchlands-thePort ofCalais-as aresult ofsupportingSpainagainstFrench inwar;3.appointedCatholic astheArchbishopofCanteburyandCatholicworshipreturned tolocalchurches. Elder daughter to HenryVIII,selected by the Privy Council, Roman Catholic, Bloody Mary.Elizabeth I 1553-1603 1.twodisarstrouspoliciesaggravatedthe Irishproblems:a. grantingthearistocracycommercialand estatemonopoliesin Irelandformoney&support;b.sentpoorlytrainedhighlyambitiousandavariciousfavoritesas militarycommanders to Ire.1crisis: warwith CatholicSpain caused byCatholic hatred ofProtestantism andEnglish rivalryfor globaltrade&ultimatecontrol of oceans;the destruction ofSpainish Armada in1588 and GB ruledthe sea;21597-1601:Hugh O’NeilRevolt3theflourishing ofcultureRenaissance(Shakespeare,Marlowe,Donne,Johnson, FrancisBacon, Harvey,Gilbert, KingJames Bible of1611)4the economicprosperity basedon individualenterprise inmany fieldsYounger daughter ofHenryVIII, Protestant,Catholic illegitimate,Intelligent, highly-educated,proud, calculating,self-control, rivaled byMary Queen of Scots, Apolitician and a survivor.The Stuart and CommonwealthJames I 1603-1625 1.peacefully united theEnglandand 1.1621. The House ofCommons drew upthe GreatProtestant-first of theGrandson of Henry VII, Sonto Queen Mary of Scots,highly-educated, conceitedand stubbornScotland in politics; 2. New ways to raise revenue without parlimentar y approval:se lling nobilities& awarding Elizabethan monopolies 3.the failed attempt of openly seeking a Catholic Spanish princess as daughter-in -law,startin g the fires with Parl.4. No bishop, no king. Favored the High Church. great documents of English Revolution.2. 1624, Chales’ betrothal to French Catholic Princess.3. the origin of GUY FAWKES Day.4. 1607, the establishment of the first English colony in North America on the Atlantic coast at Jamestown, Virginia for commercial reasons.1620, the second at Polymouth Massachusetts, founded by Pilgrims for religious reason.5. 1609,the first English factory establish in India.Charles I 1625-1649 1.1628, the Petition ofRight, first statingsome most basic rulesof modernconstitutionalgovernment;2. 1629, Kingdissolved parliamentand imprinsoned 9leaders in LondonTower; Son of James I, beheaded by order of the RUMP parl.1629-1640:non-parlia ment rule;3. 1638, Scottish rebellion: fuse of the English Revolution.4. Charles reconvened the parliament in need of money-Short Parl.-soon dissolved.5.Scotts invaded England-Long Parl. of the Revolution-Parl. abolished taxes and unpopular royal administrative courts & meet every 3 years.6. Irish rebellion, massacring northern Irish Protestants; 1641, Grand Remonstrance.7. the Civil War (1642-1649)Oliver Cromwell 1649-1658 1 1.claimed theEngland republicasCommonwealth;2 2.1651, theNavigationAct-embargo onDutch Shipping;3 3.1654,solvedScottish and Irishproblems withviolence4 4.1652,Englishships defeated theDutch and Patriotic Englishman, strong-minded, stubborn, no pathological drive for power, puritan, Lord Protectormastered thenorthern sea.5 5.Dissolved theRump andestablishedhimself as “LordProtector”, choseNew Parliamentbased on the onlywrittenconstitution ofEngland-theInstrument ofGovernment.6 6.Puritans passed“blue laws” in aneffort to imposepuritan lifestylein the country Richard Cromwell 1658-1660Restored StuartCharles II 1660-1685 1dissenterswere excluded byParliamentparticularly in theaccsess to Uni,resulting in thedomination of anonconformistconsciense inpublic life;2Disarsters:theBlackDeath(1665-1666);the Great Fire inLondon3Dutch War of1665-1667,England seizedcommercial Selected by parliament; chief minister of Parliament dominates the monarchy; period of public pursuit of pleasure, loose morals,festive court life and indecent witsupremacy from the Dutch. 41670, the Hudson Bay Company was granted exclusive right to trade by the Hudson Bay in Canada.James II 1685-1688 1687,issued a“Declaration ofIndulgence”1688,fled toFrance. The bloodlessGlorious Revolution(1688-1689)Youger son of Charles,outspoken Catholic, I exiledby Parl.William III &Mary II 1688-1702 1Bill of Rights21690,Battleof Boyne, JamesII and hissupporting IrishRoman Catholicdefeated, thusIrish R.C weredeprived therights ofeducation andcommercialparticipation;31701,Parliamentpassed the Act ofSettlement,promising the crown tothe ProtesetantSophia, whichdirectly pavedway for theHanover’srule;establishingRule by Mary, the elderdaughter of James II and herhusband, William of Orangethe Parl’s right todecide whowould rule.Ann 1702-1714 1702,first Englishdaily newspaper:theDaily Courant1707,England andScotland formallyunited under the nameof Great Britian.Daughter of James IIHanoverians(German Line)Monarch PrimeMinisterParty Deeds Events CommentsGeorge I (1714- 1727) RobertWalpole(1721-1742)Whig 1Status:theFirstLord oftheTreasurytheconfidantof the kingand theleadingminister inthe Cabinetmostinfluentialmember ofthe Whig inthe HOC.2Principal:makethecountryprosperous byGrandson of James I, notinterested in England at all.;encour aging trade and industr y;3tryi ng to reduce politica l and religiou sstrife& avoid foreign entangl ements. 4the emerge nce of Cabinet and the Prime Ministe r.517 27, Robert Walpol e became P.M.George II (1727- 1760) RobertWalpole(1727-1742)Whig 1737,positionweakenedbecause ofthe death ofQ.C;1742,resigned.1.the Seven Year’sWar between Austriaand Prussia,Francefor A while Britan forP.2. in 1757, WilliamPitt the elder becamea leader in EnglishGovernment, whichwas the first instancein English history of aSon of George I;Peppeted by QueenCaroline and P.M. Walpolein politics.Earl ofWilmington(17Whig42-174 4) king being compelled to accept a distrusted and disliked man as PM.3.fighting France in Europe, America and India.4. General Wolfe’s English army defeated the French foreces led by General Montcalm at Quebec, leading to the French control of Canada and resulted in the Peace Treaty of 1763, France ceded Canada to GB.Henry Pelham (1744-1754)WhigDukeofNewcastl-e(1754- 1756)WhigDukeofDevonsh-ire(1756- 1757)ToryEarl ofBute(1762- 1763)ToryGeorge III (1760- 1820) GeorgeGrenville(1763-1765)Whig 1Whigs lostdivided and lostsupport;2forced Pitt toresign by refusingto declare war onSpain as a firststep to increasepower.31763, theSeven Year’s Warended, gainedlands from Peaceof Paris.41760-1770:aFarmer George;Taught by his motherexaggerated ideas of royalpower; wanting the crownto resume administeringaffairs and determininggovernment policy ;wanting direct authorityover cabinet in the placeof the Parl.Marquess ofRocking-ham(1765-1766)whigWilliam Pittwhigthe Elder (1766- 1768)capriciousCabinet5 5.1776,AdamSmith publishedAn Inquiry intothe Nature andCauses of theWealth of Nations6During1750-1761:battleswith France forcommercialcontrol in India,Rober Clivemanagedthriumph-madethe East IndiaCompany aterritorialpower.-1784Pitt’s IndiaACT-making thegovernor-generalsupreme&creating a Board ofControl.1789, consolidation by Richard Wellesley77.After 1783550male and200femaleconvicts sent toAustrilia for thereliefe ofcongesgtion inEnlish prisonsand settled inSydney in 1788.88.1773,acknowledge theDukeofGrafton (1768- 1770)whigLordFrederickNorth(1770- 1782)ToryMarquess of Rocking-hamWhigEarl of Shelburne(1782- 1783)WhigDuke of Portlan d 1783 Coa- litionWillia m Pitt, the Younge r (1783- 1801) Tory In1781,elected to Parl.1782,chancellorof theexchequer1783,theyoungestP.M. Principal:1.eliminating the national debt,2 cutting down on government expenditure sanizing a system of auditing the national accounts 4.introduci ng order to the national finances chaos.5.advocating the abolition of the slave trade,parlia mentary reform and the removal of restrictions on Roman Catholics.6.1789,preve nting the influence of French revolution from spreading in England;17 94,suspendindependence ofNorth Americancolonies. 1774, the Quebec Act granted Catholic religious freedom and permitted French law to remain in force in all Canadian civil matters.-1791 the Canada Act-divided the Canadian settlements into two provinces-Ontario& Quebec.1778,lost American colonies&national debts increased tremendously as a result of his personal rule.99.1780,a resolutioncalling for arestriction on thecrown waspassed.1010.1783,William Pittthe youngerelected P.M.1111.1800,Act ofUnion,mergingtheBritish and Irish Parl and leading to“the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Ireland.1212. 1790,Edmund BurkepublishReflections on theed he Habeas Corpus Act Achieveme nts:Comme rcial treaty with France in1787;succe ss in incoorperati ng Irish in to the British system of gvnmt by Act of Union.7. India Act of 1784Revolution inFreance againstthe FrenchRevolution;Thomas Paine’sRights of Man inprotest toEdmund.1313.IndustrialRevolution1414. thebeginning ofNapoleonicWar,LordNelson-therenowed BritishAdmiral.1515. 1812:British warshipsseized sailorsfrom Americanships-provokingWar of 18121616. 1815-Abroad:Battle of Waterloo- Allied armies defeated Bonaparte under the leadership of Lord Wellington. In Nov.,England, Russia, Austria and Prussia signed the Quadruple Alliance/Vienna Settlement to ensure the quarantine of FranceHome:economic changes-agriculture improved,countryside to larger farms;rural unemploymentHenrtAdding- ton(1801- 1804)ToryWilliam Pitt,theYounger(1804- 1806)ToryWilliamGrenville(1806- 1807)Whig Duke Toryof Portand (1807- 1809) increased;industrial cities grew rapidly,economic subjects exploited.;problems hightened by bad postwar-harvest,Euro pean competition,restrictiv e tariff on foreign grain kept high&starvation,paris h system failed the needs.SpencerPerceval(1809-1812)ToryEarl of Liverpool(1812- 1827)ToryGeorge IV (1820- 1830) Earl ofLiverpoolCulture:JaneAustin(1775-1817),CharlotteBronte(1816-1855),Charle s Dickens(1812-1870),Mrs ElizabethGaskell(1810-1865),Antho ny Trollope(1815-1882), ThomasHardy(1840-1928) Science:Major scientific theory clashed with religious dogma —Charels Darwin On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection (1895)George Cannin gViscou nt Goderi chDuke ofWelling ton。

ter Saxon England (900-1042)
• In the 11th century, Canute united England, Demark and Norway.
6. The Norman Conquest (1042-1066)
• Background: King is also said to have promised the English throne to William, Duke of Normandy. But, when Edward was on his deathbed, four men laid claim to the English throne. Fin ally, the Witan chose Harold as king. Four men:
The Making of a Nation: From the Norman conquest to the Renaissance
• 1.Stephen/Matilda and Henry Ⅱ-Civil War • 2. Legal Reform and Henry Ⅱ(1135-1189)
2.Henry chose bishops who would their loyalty to him ; the Pope only gave ceremonial approval to these appointments. 3.Henry also began accepting money from his Barons instea d of requiring military service. 4.To record these payments , he created the ”exchequer ” (财政部).
英美概况第二讲(UK History)

A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
1.1.3 Roman Britain (43 AD-5th Century)
First invasion—In August 55 BC, Julius Caesar invaded Britain Second—Caesar's second raid in 54 BC Third and final—In 43 AD, Emperor Claudius, final and successful Roman invasion of Britain
The Rise and Fall of the British Empire
Britain since World War II
Additional Information
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
The Founding of the Nation
Left—Germanic barbarians attacked Rome, forcing all Roman troops to leave Britain, and thus ending the Roman occupation of the island.
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
1.1.6 The Norman Conquest
In 1066, Edward chose Harold of Wessex to be King in his place. Duke William, often referred to as William the Conquer, challenged Harold’s succession, won the Battle of Hastings, and was crowned King.
英美概况 英国历史

• 2.3 The Hundred Years’ War with France (1337-1453) • Reasons: territorial and economic • Edward III claimed the French crown in 1337. • By 1453, France had won back their land (with gunpowder) except for city of Calais.
• The Romans built a network of towns and a network of roads. From London, roads radiated all over the country. They also brought the new religion, Christianity. They pulled out in AD 410. • The Roman impact on the Britons was surprisingly limited. They left behind only roads, a few place names, and clusters of Christian converts.
Chapter 2 History
• 1.The Origins of a Nation: from the prehistory to Norman Conquest • 1. 1 Early Settlers (5000BC—55BC)
Statue of Alfred the Great, Winchester
• 1.5 The Norman Conquest (1066) • When King Edward was on his deathbed, four men laid claim to the English throne. And one of them was the duke of Normandy.

目 录第1卷(英国)第1章 土地和人民1.1 复习笔记1.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第2章 英国历史2.1 复习笔记2.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第3章 政治、政府及教育3.1 复习笔记3.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第4章 补充材料4.1 复习笔记4.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第2卷(美国)第1章 总 括1.1 复习笔记1.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第2章 美国的历史2.1 复习笔记2.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第3章 政府形式和社会生活3.1 复习笔记3.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第4章 补充材料4.1 复习笔记4.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解第1卷(英国)第1章 土地和人民1.1 复习笔记Ⅰ. The British Isles and Great Britain1. Full name2. Constituents3. Introduction of Each Part4. Physiographic Features5. Climate and W eather6. Factors Influencing English W eather7. Inland W ater8. The English LanguageⅡ. People and the State1. People2. Party Politics3. Central Government4. Local Governments5. Law6. Reform of the Law Court7. Legal Profession8. Police Force9. Religion10. Characteristics of the English PeopleⅢ. National Economy1. General Survey2. Company Law and Framework of Industry3. Heavy and Light Industries4. Textile Industries5. Agriculture6. Transportation and Communication7. British Disease and Thatcher’s Medicine8. CitiesⅠ. The British Isles and Great Britain (不列颠群岛及大不列颠)1. Full name (全称)The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国2. Constituents (组成部分)(1)The Island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and W ales大不列颠岛:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士(2)Northern Ireland北爱尔兰3. Introduction of Each Part (各部分简介)(1)England (英格兰)England is the largest and most developed of all the three political divisions.英格兰是三个中最大的和最发达的政治分区。