高考英语中译英测验 4 (D)

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Section A (每题3分)

1. 她下定决心不惜任何代价不让父母失望。(determined)

She is determined not to let her parents down at any cost.

2. 我们认为有必要为地震的受害者捐款。(donate)

We think it necessary to donate money to the earthquake victims.

3. 一本书是否畅销取决与诸多因素。(depend)

Whether a book sells well depends on many factors.

4. 这个孩子梦想着有朝一日能登上月球。(dream)

The child is dreaming of landing on the moon some day.

5. 阅读时,你不必碰到生词就查字典。(look)

You needn’t look up every new word you come across in reading.

6. 由于经验不足,他不知道如何处理这情形。(deal)

He didn’t know how to deal with the situation because of his inexperience.

7. 勿庸置疑,坐飞机比坐汽车安全。(doubt)

There is no doubt that taking a plane is safer than taking a car.

8. 希望你早点给我们回信。(desire)

①We desire you to reply to our letter early.②We desire your early reply to our letter.

9. 服药时,请遵照使用说明。(direction)

Please follow the directions when you take the medicine.

10. 凡是想要生存的人都要依靠社会。(dependent)

Whoever wants to survive must be dependent on society.

11. 他在外貌和性格上都与妹妹截然不同。(different)

He is completely different from his sister in appearance and character.

12. 不管谁指出我们的缺点都应受到回报。(deserve)

①Whoever points out our shortcomings deserves a reward.

②Whoever points out our shortcomings deserves to be reward.

13. 因为有着强烈的求生欲望,她在这次空难中幸存下来了。(due)

Due to her strong will to live, she survived the air crash.

14. 他仍然昏迷不醒,随时有生命危险。(danger)

He remains unconscious and is in danger of losing his life at any moment.

15. 他要求出国进修,但被公司拒绝了。(demand)

He demanded to go to abroad for further study, but was refused by his company. 16. 这场战争极大地消耗了美国的资源和财富。(drain)

The war was a great drain on the resources and wealth of American.

17. 他把毕生精力花在医学研究上并且取得了很大成就。(devote)

He devoted all his energy to medical research and make great achievements.

18. 我认为你找到男生宿舍不会有困难。(difficulty)

I don’t think you’ll have any difficulty finding the boy’s dormitor y.

19. 把一个国家分成四个时区是否会给人们带来不便呢?(divide)

Dose it give people inconvenience to divide a country into four time zones?

20. 人们经常将香港描述成国际金融与商贸中心。(describe)

Hong Kong is often described as an international financial and business center.

Section B (每题4分)

1. 我校正不遗余力地满足学生对课外活动的需求。(demand)

Our school is making every effort to meet the demands of students for activities after class.

2. 同学们正在热烈讨论是否有必要穿校服。(discussion)

The students are having a heated discussion about whether they should wear school uniforms.

3. 我决定不出席晚宴,除非你答应和我一起去。(decide)

I’ve decided not to attend the dinner party unless you promise to go to with me. 4. 随着现代技术的高速发展,良药不再苦口。(development)

With the development of modern technology, good medicine doesn’t test bitter any longer.

5. 令她失望的是,她想买的连衣裙没有她要的颜色和尺码。(disappointment)

To her disappointment, the dress she wanted to buy was not available in her color and size.

6. 在农村,因为孩子的教育支出,许多父母负债累累。(debt)

In the countryside, many parents are in heavy debt because of the expense of their children’s


7. 他否认违反交通规则,而将事故责任推到卡车司机身上。(deny)

He denied breaking the traffic rules and blamed the truck driver for the accident.

8. 那个穿白衣服的女孩多才多艺,给我留下了深刻的印象。(dress)

9. 从考官的表情判断,他对面试者大失所望。(disappoint)

Judging from his expression, the interviewer was greatly disappointed with the interviewees.

10. 由于需要作进一步修改,他将书推迟到明年出版。(delay)

As the book needs further revising, he has delayed publishing the book until next year.
