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Superficial temporal vein
• It drains the forehead and scalp and receives tributaries from the veins of the temple and face. Near the auricle, the superficial temporal vein enters the parotid gland.
The retromandibular vein
• the union of the superificial temporal vein and maxillary veins, and descends within parotid gland
Facial vein
• begins at the angular vein
cavernous plexus
②Deep facial v→ pteygoid plexus→cavernous sinus
• deep facial vein which links facial vein to the pterygoid plexus, so, appearing “danger area of the face”— from root of nose to angles of the mouth
indirectly to the internal
jugular vein)
Feature of veins
• no valves • communicating with cavernous sinus by the 2 routes: ① Facial V →angular V →ophthalmic v→
The facial artery sends branches to the upper and lower lips, the side of the nose, and terminates as the angular artery at the medial canthus.
Superficial temporal artery
Vessels of face
The lymphatic vessels of the face
• Lymph from the deep parotid nodes drains into deep cervical lymph nodes.
•Lymph from the upper lip and lateral parts of the lower lip drain into the submandibular lymph nodes
is one of terminal branches of external carotid artery within the parotid gland( the other branch is maxillary artery), the superificial temporal artery emerges on the face between the temporomandibular joint and the ear and ends in the scalp by dividing into frontal and parietal branches. it accompanies with auriculotemporal nerve.
Muscles of the mouth
Arteries of the face
Branches of ECA & பைடு நூலகம்CA
Facial artery
Arises from the external carotid artery, runs upwards and forwards, turns round the inferior border of mandible. It appears at just anterior to the masseter muscle.
Orbicularis oculi muscle
Orbicularis oculi muscle
Muscles of the mouth
• orbicularis oris m. • buccinator m.
• Depressor anguli oris m. • Zygomatic major/minor m. • Levator labii superioris m.
Facial a. & superficial temporal a.
Transverse facial artery
It arises from the superficial temporal artery within the parotid gland and crosses the face superficially to the masseter. It divides into numerous branches that supply the parotid gland and duct, the masseter, and skin of the face.
at the medial angle of the
eye, behind the facial
• joined by the anterior
retromandibular v and drains into the internal
jugular v. ( directly or
➢Muscles of expression ➢Vessels ➢Nerves
Muscles of facial expression
• surrounding the facial orifices • innervated by facial nerve • origion and insertion