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Paper of Grade TwoModule1 Grammar Period four : the modal auxiliaryDate of Lesson Preparation:、Date of Teaching:Knowledge and skillsTo master the grammar and get more informationProcess and MethodsQuestion-and-answer activity and task-based method can help the Ss to go through with the grammarEmotion and ValuesTo master the usage of the modal auxilidaryImportant and Difficult PointsHow to use the modal auxiliaryKnowledge LinksTo review and remember the modal auxiliary learned beforeLearning GuidanceDo some related exercises and cooperate with partners、Learning procedure: To study main points and master the usageⅠ、can, could,be able to 译为“能、可能”1)

表示能力 Some of us can use the computer now, but we couldn’t use the computer last year、I’ll not be able to come this afternoon、He was able to go to the party yesterday evening in spite of the heavy rain、总结:表示现在的能力用,表示过去的能力用、当表示“经过努力才得以做成功某事”时应用,不能用can。表示“将来能”用。2) 表示请求和允许。

---Can I go now?--- Yes, you can、( No, you

can’t、)---- Could I come to see you tomorrow?-- Yes, you can、( No, I’m afraid not、 )

总结:could 不是can的过去式,只是语气,在答语中用



表示推测(惊讶、怀疑、不相信的态度),用于和句中。C an that be Mike? I thought he was in Greece、This can’t be done by him、 How can this be true? I thought the

story could not be true、注意:can偶尔用语肯定句中译为“有时候会…”,表示大部分时间不是这样,只是偶尔发生的事情。I t can be very cold in this part、4)

could have done用在句中可以表示本来能做某事但没做,can/could have done用在和句子中表示对过去情况的推测。I saw Mr、Zhang just now、He couldn’t have gone to Beijing、You could have done better, but you didn’t try your best、You can’t have left so soon、5)

常用句式总结① can +否定词+too/enough表示You can’t be too careful、你越小心越好You can’t remember enough English words、你记越多的英语单词越好。② can’t but do sth表示I can’t but admire your bravery、我不得不佩服你

的勇气 I could not but choose to go、Ⅱ、may, might译为“也许”1)

表示请求和允许。----Might/ May I smoke in this room?-

- No, you mustn’t、-- May/Might I take this book out of the room?-- Yes, you may、(No, you can’t / mustn’t、 ) 总结:might比 may语气,而不是过去式。否定回答时可用或,表示“不可以,禁止”。注意:用May I、、、?征徇对方

许可时比较正式和客气,而用Can I、、、?在口语中更常见。

2)用于祈使句,表示祝愿。M ay you succeed! 祝你成功


表示推测、可能性。H e may /might be very busy now、Your mother may /might not know the truth、总结:表示推


的可能性比may 。4)may/ might have done可能做了某事(猜测) He may/might have gone home、注意You might have told me earlier!你本可以早点告诉我(实际没有告诉)

might have done 表示“过去本可以做某事而没有做。5)

常用句式总结①不妨,倒不如 You may as well ask him、You might as well stay with us、②很可能 He may well be proud of his son、 We might well get injured、Ⅲ、must译

为“必须”, have to译为“不得不”1)
