英语课堂热身 歌曲 Chant
H1o8ld for 1
your breath minute? 3星
Bomb game
bo1ok c2ar
ze2bra mo3nkey sun2
d1og o4ne pig pi3zza xylop4hone
S7tand on one leg for 5seconds? 2 星 M10eow like a cat?
1co3unt from 10 – 1 ? 5星
1S6ay hello to 5 people ?3星
J2ump 5times?
5Moo like a cow?2星
3pps with me? 3星
3.Can Can dance
Hands up hands down ,clap my hands x2 right right left left left x2 1 2 3 4 i can walk 1 2 3 4 i can jump 1 2 3 4 look i am walking 1 2 3 4 look i am jumping roll my hands x2 1 2 3 4 5 6 bend my knees kick x3
Pull [pʊl], Pull, Clap, Clap, Clap,
Point to the ceiling [ˈsiːlɪŋ] Point [pɔɪnt] to the floor [flɔr]
Point to tp your hands together, 1, 2, 3
浅谈“chant”在小学英语教学中的运用Studies on the application of “Chant” to English teaching in primary school杨丽霞摘要:“Chant”即韵文,其内容句式简单、琅琅上口,好记易背,配上强烈的音乐节奏用说唱的形式表现出来,使人读了倍感愉快难以忘怀。
关键词:“Chant”英语教学运用Abstract:" Chant" is a type of rhyming writing whose contentsare simple and easy to read and recite. With the strong-rhythm music, Chant is spoken and sung out, which makes people deeply impressed. It is obvious that" Chant" weighs much in the English teaching. This paper focuses on the functions of " Chant" in English teaching, and elaborates on how to select the appropriate “Chant" for English teaching.Key words: “Chant” English teaching applicationⅠ前言多年来,我国英语教育都存在着许多的误区。
教学目标1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握家庭成员的基本英语词汇,如“father”、“mother”、“brother”、“sister”等,并能用这些词汇进行简单的英语对话。
2. 能力目标:学生能够通过情景对话,用英语介绍家庭成员,提高英语口语表达能力。
3. 情感目标:通过学习,让学生理解家庭的重要性,培养他们对家庭的热爱和尊重。
教学难点1. 家庭成员英语词汇的记忆和运用。
2. 情景对话的口语表达。
教具学具准备1. 教学卡片:家庭成员图片卡片。
2. 多媒体设备:用于播放英语歌曲和视频。
3. 学生手册:用于学生跟读和练习。
教学过程1. 导入:播放英语歌曲“Family Song”,让学生跟随音乐节奏,复习和预习家庭成员的英语词汇。
2. 新课展示:利用教学卡片,展示家庭成员的图片,引导学生学习并记忆家庭成员的英语表达。
3. 情景对话:设计家庭成员的情景对话,让学生进行角色扮演,用英语介绍家庭成员。
4. 小组活动:学生分组,每组设计一个家庭成员介绍的对话,并进行展示。
板书设计1. 家庭成员的英语词汇:father、mother、brother、sister等。
2. 家庭成员介绍的情景对话示例。
作业设计1. 复习家庭成员的英语词汇。
2. 设计一个家庭成员介绍的对话,下节课进行展示。
小学英语chant,伴奏篇一:小学英语chant知识歌《小学英语chant知识歌》第一部分一、英语字母知识歌英语字母26字母又分大小写一般情况用小写特殊需要才大写书写字母成斜体,元音字母有5个,a、e、i、加o、u 辅音字母有21,字母表要牢记~二、问候语知识歌我是I你是you,介绍自己I’m…见面问好说hello告别时goodbye你好吗How are you?我很好,谢谢你:I’m fine, thank you.并且问:And how are you ?回答说:I’m fine too, thank you.1我也很好,谢谢你三、颜色知识歌颜色是colourred红色,green绿蓝色blue,yellow黄back,white是黑白pink粉,purple紫,还有橙色orange 四、数字知识歌One two three point to the door Four five sixpoint to the window Seven eight nine tenjump and skipeleven 是十一twelve 是十二数字number牢牢记五、教室和学具知识歌classroom 是教室door 和window是门窗desk书桌chair椅书本book包bagI am pupil小学生要用pencil要用pen2blackboard teacher 用六、家庭成员知识歌Dad Mum是爸妈,Father mother父母亲哥哥、弟弟brother 姐姐、妹妹sister 爷爷、外公grandpa 奶奶、外婆grandma uncle叔叔,aunt婶七、家人职业知识歌教师teacher 学问深Doctor 医生本领大Nurse护士把针打Driver司机开着car 农民farmer 力气大Policeman 是警察小学生Pupil Engineer工程师八、身体部位知识歌身体body部位多头发hair,头head 眼睛eye, nose鼻3耳朵ear, mouth嘴眉毛eyebrows要记清顺着neck往下数胳膊arm,腿leg膝盖 knees 脚foot还有小手是hand九、形容事物知识歌this这个,that那they是他们,是复数大的big,small小高的tall,矮short短是short长是long瘦的thin胖fat又“宽”又“长”wide, long一“新”一“旧”new, old形容事物常用到十、你、我、她、他知识歌我是I你是you, they是他们是复数我的my,你的your女“她”she,男“他”he女“她的”要用her,男“他的”用his 十一、a、an 用法知识歌4a、an用法有区别开头字母发元音表达“一个“要用an常见词有这些:一个鸡蛋an egg一个苹果an apple一个桔子an orangeAn orange dog橙色的狗,an hour一小时常见词语要牢记十二、一日三餐知识歌 breakfast是早餐,bread面包,milk奶,一个鸡蛋an egg lunch lunch是午餐,篇二:英语课堂游戏背景音乐推荐激发情感活跃思维——试论小学英语教学中背景音乐的运用(3) 上一篇下一篇更新时间:2004年11月30日admin分类:04年会论文3、良好的教学环境还以激发学生积极的情感为中介来促进智力活动的进行。
What’s your name?(伦敦桥) Hello! Hello! What’s your name? What’s your name? What’s your name? Hello! Hello! What’s your name? My name’s Betty.
Let’s dance
Fly the Butterfly Fly fly fly, the butterfly. In the meadow, it’s flying high. In the garden, it’s flying low. Fly fly fly, the butterfly.
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes Head shoulders knees and toes, Knees and toes, knees and toes. Head shoulders knees and toes, Eyes ears mouth nose.
One Little Finger One little finger, one little finger, one little finger, tap, tap, tap. Point to the ceiling, point to the floor. Put it on your head. (nose, eye, mouth)
Ten Little Indian boys One little, two little, three little Indians , four little, five little, six little Indians, seven little, eight little, nine little Indians, ten little Indian boys . Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians, seven little, six little, five little Indians, four little, three little, two little Indians, one little Indian boy.
常用少儿英语歌曲和chant1.Apple,apple I love you.I love you , I love you.Apple,apple I love you.Apple,I love you.(万能)2.I am a cat Meow , Meow, Meow.I am a dog Wolf, Wolf, Wolf, I 'm duck , I 'm a goat .I am a rabbit,jump,jump jump.(动物)3.How old are you? How old are you? How old are you? How old are you? I'm one one one , I 'm two two two , I'm three three , I'm four four four , I'm five five five , I'm six six six , I'm seven seven seven . I' m eight eight eight . I'm nine nine nine , I'm ten ten ten la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la.(数字)4.Tell me tell me what's this ? tell me tell me what's this? It's a lion . It's a lion . It's a lion . Yes, it's lion.(万能)5.I have two big eyes shua shua shua shua shua shua , I have two big earsa a a a a a . I have one big nose .........I have one little mouth,......(五官)6.One potato , two potato , three potato , four. Five potato ,six potato , seven potato, more.(万能、挑选学生)7.Daddy, mummy, I love you,daddy,mummy,I love you,daddy ,mummy,I love you,la la la,daddy, mummy,I love you!(家庭)8.Look look what can you see? I can see a cat, cat, cat, cat. Look look what can you see? I can see a dog, dog, dog, dog. Look look what can you see? I can see a duck, duck, duck, duck.(万能)9.Hello, hello,how are you? E-i-e-i-o. Hello, hello, how are you? E-i-e-i-o(万能)10.Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, how are you? Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, Vivi, how are you? (万能)11.One one 小木棍,咚咚咚,咚咚咚。
2 2 第期 0# 2 1-
教 学 方 法
AC B 中的哆来 咪
如何提高歌 曲 ( h n )的利 用效率 ca t
俞亚萍 ( 浙江省杭州市萧山区党湾镇初级中学 310 ) 120
随着 英 语 课堂 教 学 实践 的逐 步 深入 ,学 生对 英语 学 习 的兴趣 也在 逐 步地 降低 ,尤 其 是碰 到稍 微 复杂 一 些 的单 词和 句 子 ,学 习 的积 极 性更 是 若有 若 无 ,记 忆 力也 有所 下 降 。但 是 ,一 碰到 课本 中 的L t d , L t h n , L t S n ,那 消逝 的兴 e ’g o e ’s c a t e ’S i g 趣 和 劲 头 一下 子 又都 回 来 了 ,伴 着 节奏 明快 的音 乐或 鼓 点 ,无 意 识地 轻 轻跟 唱 。 只是 因 为课 堂 时 间或本 身 内容设 计 的 限制 ,我们 教师 在 处理 的 时候都 是 当作 调节课 堂 气氛 的手 段而 轻轻 带 过 。 我们 其 中的一 个 教育 理 念 “ 元智 能 理论 ”就是 把 音乐 作 为 多 多元 智 能 中 的一种 ,提 倡我 们 为 “ 与学 插上 音 乐 的翅 膀 ” 。因 教 为虽 然 音乐 在 很 多 时刻 并不 直接 帮 助我 们 提 出结 论 ,但 却起 很好 的催 化 作用 ,而 且 由于 音乐 智 能是 右脑 在 起 作用 ,给 我 们提 供 了 另 一种 思维 ,还 能给 人 以创 造 的灵 感 。下 面 我们 就在 英 语课 堂 中 如何 合 理地 运 用 这些 歌 曲 ( 歌谣 ), 让学 生 的英 语 学 习能够 事 半 功倍 作 一个 简单 的讨 论 。 课 前 引入 :需承 上 启下 , 以旧 引新 把 歌 益 或有 节 奏 的c a t 为 课 前 引 入 是 英 语 课 堂教 学 中 hn作 个 常用 的方 法 。 的确 ,歌 曲 ( h n )在 一定 程 度 上 调动 了学 ca t 生 的 情 绪 ,吸 引 了学 生 分 散 的注 意 力 ,也 使 课 堂 一 开 始 就 呈 现 了 热 闹 的场 面 。 可是 如 果 我 们 没有 对 这 些 歌 曲 ( h n )进 行 有 cat 目的 地 选 择 、 利 用 ,它 们 的作 用 也 就 仅 限于 此 了 。这 样 , 我 们 这 一 部 分 的 课 前 热 身 时 间 就 有 “ ”无 “ ” 了 。 同样 是 歌 曲 形 义 ( h n ) 的课 前 引 入 ,我 们 何 不挑 选 对 本 课 时有 提 示 作用 的或 cat 对 上一 课 时有 复 习 作用 的 ,让 他们 发 挥 更大 的作 用 呢 ?本 学 期在
1. Chant(咏唱):指用有节奏的声音重复地诵读或歌唱一段诗句或经文。
2. Choral(合唱的):指由多人一起演唱的音乐形式,通常具有和谐的声音和节奏。
3. Incantation(咒语):指用特殊的语言或声音来祈求力量或实现某种目的的词语。
4. Antiphon(对唱赞美诗):指基督教礼拜仪式中两个不同的圣歌交替演唱的形式。
5. Anthem(国歌):指代表一个国家的歌曲,通常用于国家庆典或其他重要场合。
6. Hymn(赞美诗):指用于宗教仪式中的歌曲,用以表达对神的敬仰和感激之情。
7. Melody(旋律):指音乐中具有独特韵律和节奏的声音组合。
8. Harmony(和谐):指音乐中不同音符之间的协调关系,以及声音之间的平衡和融合。
9. Rhythm(节奏):指音乐中有规律的时间间隔和强弱变
10. Serenade(小夜曲):指一种轻松愉快的音乐形式,通常用于表达浪漫情感或庆祝特殊场合。
英语Chant集锦动物歌动物园,动物多,小朋友,听我说,Tiger Tiger是老虎,凶猛的老虎有斑纹,Stripes Stripes是斑纹;Lion Lion金毛狮,金色的狮子有鬣毛,Mane Mane是鬣毛;Elephant Elephant是大象,可爱的大象鼻子长,Trunk Trunk是象鼻;Kangaroo Kangaroo是袋鼠,育儿袋里装宝宝,Pouch Pouch育儿袋;动物特点记得牢,爱惜动物我第一。
五彩的flower真漂亮,in front of房前种。
形状歌Shape形状真奇异,直线、方形、圆、三角,Line,line, square,Circle, circle, triangle,Triangle三条边,Line确实是一条线,Circle是个大圆圈,Square方形记心间.方向歌east东,太阳红,west西,月儿明;south南方天气热,north北方天气冷。
Unit 1 A-Let's talk.英语课文翻译Hello, I’m Miss White.你好,我是怀特小姐。
Hello, I’m Wu Yifan.你好,我是吴一凡。
Hi, I’m Sarah.你好,我是萨拉。
Unit 1 A-Let's chant.英语课文翻译I have a ruler. Me too!我有一把尺子。
我也有!I have a pencil. Me too!我有一支铅笔。
我也有!I have a crayon. Me too!我有一支蜡笔。
我也有!I have an eraser. Me too!我有一块橡皮。
我也有!Unit 1 A-Let's sing.(英文歌曲)中英对照A B C song字母歌Aa-Bb-Cc-Dd-Ee-Ff-Gg,Aa—Bb—Cc—Dd—Ee—Ff—Gg,Hh-Ii-Jj-Kk-Ll-Mm-Nn,Hh—Ii—Jj—Kk—Ll—Mm—Nn,Oo-Pp-Qq,Rr-Ss-Tt,Oo—Pp—Qq,Rr—Ss—Tt,Uu-Vv-Ww-Xx-Yy-Zz.Uu—Vv—Ww—Xx—Yy—Zz。
Xx-Yy-Zz, now you see, I can say my ABCs.Xx—Yy—Zz,现在你看,我会说我的ABCs。
Unit 1 B-Let's talk.英语课文翻译Hello, I’m Mike. What’s your name?你好,我是迈克。
你叫什么名字?My name’s John.我叫约翰。
Goodbye!再见!Bye, Miss White.再见,怀特小姐。
Unit 1 B-Let's check-Listen and number.英语课文翻译1. Miss White: Hello, I’m Miss White.1. 怀特小姐:你们好,我是怀特小姐。
Boys and girls: Hello, Miss White!孩子们:你好,怀特小姐!2. Zoom: Hello! I’m Zoom.2. 祖姆:你好!我是祖姆。
There was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his name.o, I-N-G-O! I-N-G-O! I-N-G-O! And Bingo was his name.o,
Weather Song
It's sunny today.It's sunny today, The sun is ahowing his face.
It's cloudy tody,it's cloudy tody, The sun is hiding his face.
It's rainy today,It's rainy today The sun is washing his face.
Rain, Rain. ? Go away. ? Come again another day.? MOMMY wants to play. (Hold up your hand showing all five fingers and point to your index finger.)? Rain, rain, go away.
Open shut them Open shut them Lay them on your lap lap lap Creep them creep them Creep them creep them
Right up to your chin chin chin Open wide your little mouth But do not let them in All right now let's do it a little bit faster
例如,在六一儿童节期间,我在前后两周都使用“Happy Chirldren's day”这一首歌曲,孩子们爱唱,鼓舞了士气,也感受英语给他们带来的快乐和充分的体验。
还有我教学的班级有15个同学都是12月过生日,我就针对生日这一主题布置一番,再教学到歌曲“Happy Birthday to you.”时,把歌曲中的Sally换成班上过生日学生的名字。
例如,要复习“one to ten”这一知识点时,我便调用以前闽教版三年级上册学过的歌曲“Ten little baby ducks”,在快乐的歌声中,复习和巩固了这一知识点,为新课学习eleven to twenty打下了基础。
英语chant大全100首五年级U1(AB部分两首chant)A:What's in the classroom?What's in the classroom?A light,a door and a window.What's in the classroom?What's in the classroom?A chair,a desk and a picture.B:Look,look,the room is full of dirt.Clean,clean,let's clean.Clean the chair,clean the desk.clean the window,clean the black board.U2(AB部分一首chant通用)What's in your schoolbag?What's in your schoolbag?A pencil,a ruler,a storybook.What's in your schoolbag?What's in your schoolbag?An apple,an eraser,an Englishbook.U3(AB一首chant,但需稍做改编)A:Tim is my friend.He's a good good boy.He's tall and strong.He’s a good good boy.Lily is my friend.She's a cute cute girl.She quiet and friendly she's a cute cute girl.B:Tim is my firend he's a good good boy.Short hair green bag he's a good good boy.Lily is my friend.She's a cute cute girl.Long hair brown shoes.She's a cute cute girl.U4(AB一首歌曲,但B部分稍作改编)A:Where oh where has the TV gone?Where oh where can it be?Where oh where has the TV gone?It's on the bedroom with me.A部分也可将the TV改成Sarah,第二句it改成she。
cent,cant(chant,chans) = to sing,song 歌唱_英语词根大全
cent,cant(chant,chans) = to sing,song 歌唱源于拉丁语 canere 或希腊语动词 cante 唱歌,属于一对同源异形词根。
当 -cant- 单独作为一个单词时,却是“黑话 / 切口”的含义;意为to sing,song,元音弱化变成chant,chans。
1.accentuate(用非常大的声音歌唱 ac<ad(=to,intensive) + cent (=sing))vt.重读;强调;使突出accent n.重音;(v.)加重音符号accentuation n.重读;强调Your earrings accentuate the deep blue of your eyes. 你的耳环更加突出了你深蓝色的眼睛。
2.enchant(在里边歌唱 en(=in) + chant<cant(=sing))vt. 使陶醉;使恍惚;对...施魔法enchantment n.着迷;着魔enchanter n.魔法师;使人着迷人enchantress n.女巫;迷人的女人enchanting adj.令人着迷的enchanted adj.入迷的,着魔的enchantingly adv.入迷地Fairy tales with trolls always enchant my children. 出现侏儒或巨人的童话总是能让我们的孩子们很着迷。
3.recant(向后、使消失地唱歌re(=back,away) + cant(=sing))v.撤回;放弃recantation n.撤回;放弃After sessions with a deprogrammer,Iris recanted her allegiance to the cult.和说服她放弃被灌输的思想的人见了几次面之后,艾里斯放弃了对异教的效忠。
4.chansonn.<法>歌曲 *chans<cant(=sing)5.chantn.歌曲;颂歌;吟唱 v.唱(歌曲、颂歌);吟唱 *chant<cant(=sing)6.descantn.高音部(歌唱或演奏中高于主旋律的装饰性曲调或对位音);详述v.详谈,详述 *des<dis(=away,apart)7.incantationn.咒语;魔法 *in(=in)8.precentorn.(教堂圣歌的)领唱人 *pre(=before)9.concert(con- 共同 / 一起 / 全部,为歌唱人员举办的晚会,即音乐会 / 演奏会 / 一致 / 和谐)n.演奏会,一致 ,和谐10.concerto (见上,-o (n.) 表乐器)n. 协奏曲11.cantor (-or表示人)n. 歌咏班领唱者词根seism,seismo = seism 地震词根radi-,-ray-,-rad-,-radio-词根ac,acr,acid = sour(酸的词根paleo,pale,palae = old 老专业英语词根、词缀、词源以及词汇相关知识!英语词源词根词缀记忆法,是最科学背单词方法!英语词根大全。
family chant英语歌曲
family chant 英语歌曲
家庭赞歌(Family Chant)是一首深情款款的英语歌曲,它向我们展示了家庭的重要性和家庭成员之间的深厚情感。
三年级英语chant大全以下是三年级英语歌曲大全,包括一些经典的英语儿童歌曲和有趣的练习歌曲:1. "I can"t Dance" - ABC歌曲2. "Go水手" - Go水手歌曲3. "I"m a Volunteer" - I"m a Volunteer歌曲4. "The Last Dance" - The Last Dance歌曲5. "Ain"t No Mountain High Enough" - Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell歌曲6. "The Chain" - Fleetwood Mac歌曲7. "Don"t Stop Believin"" - Journey歌曲8. "I"m Yours" - John Legend歌曲9. "La Bamba" - Ritchie Valens歌曲10. "Stairway to Heaven" - Michael Jackson歌曲11. "Toy Story" -玩具总动员经典歌曲12. "The Star- Spangledangledangled Web" - Peter, Paul, and Mary歌曲13. "The Whistling Song" - The Whistling Song练习歌曲14. "Yesterday" - Yesterday练习歌曲15. "The Chain" - I"m a Volunteer练习歌曲这些歌曲适合三年级的学生听和唱,有助于学习英语和音乐。
1.Old Macdonald Had a FarmOld (老) Macdonald had a farm (农场), Ee I Ee I Oh!And on his farm he had a cat (猫), Ee I Ee I Oh!With a meow, meow (喵,喵) here, and a meow, meow there. Here a meow, there a meow, everywhere a meow, meow. Old Macdonld had a farm, Ee I Ee I Oh!Old (老) Macdonald had a farm (农场), Ee I Ee I Oh!And on his farm he had a dog (狗), Ee I Ee I Oh!With a woof, woof (汪汪叫) here, and a woof, woof there. Here a woof, there a woof, everywhere a woof, woof.Old (老) Macdonald had a farm (农场), Ee I Ee I Oh!Old (老) Macdonald had a farm (农场), Ee I Ee I Oh!And on his farm he had a duck (鸭), Ee I Ee I Oh!With a quack, quack (嘎,嘎) here, and a quack, quack there. Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack, quack. Old (老) Macdonald had a farm (农场), Ee I Ee I Oh!Old (老) Macdonald had a farm (农场), Ee I Ee I Oh!And on his farm he had a cow (牛), Ee I Ee I Oh!With a moo, moo (哞,哞) here, and a moo, moo there.Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo, moo.Old (老) Macdonald had a farm (农场), Ee I Ee I Oh!Old (老) Macdonald had a farm (农场), Ee I Ee I Oh!And on his farm he had a pig (猪), Ee I Ee I Oh!With a oink, oink (噢咽) here, and a oink, oink there.Here a oink, there a oink, everywhere an oink, oink.Old (老) Macdonald had a farm (农场), Ee I Ee I Oh!Old (老) Macdonald had a farm (农场), Ee I Ee I Oh!And on his farm he had a sheep (羊), Ee I Ee I Oh!With a baa, baa (咩,咩) here, and a baa, baa there,here a baa, there a baa, everywhere a baa, baa.Old (老) Macdonald had a farm (农场), Ee I Ee I Oh!Old (老) Macdonald had a farm (农场), Ee I Ee I Oh!And on his farm he had a chicken (小鸡), Ee I Ee I Oh!With a cluck, cluck (咯,咯) here, and a cluck, cluck there, here a cluck, there a cluck, everywhere a cluck, cluck.Old (老) Macdonald had a farm (农场), Ee I Ee I Oh!2.Hockey PockeyYou put your head in, you put your head out.You put your head in and you shake it all about.You do the hockey pokey and you turn yourself around,That's what it's all about.You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out.You put your right hand in and you shake it all about.You do the hockey pokey and you turn yourself around,That's what it's all about.You put your left hand in, you put your left hand out.You put your left hand in and you shake it all about.You do the pockey pokey and you turn yourself around,That's what it's all about.You put your right foot in, you put your right food out.You put your right foot in and you shake it all about.You do the pockey pokey and you turn yourself around,That's what it's all about.You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out.You put your left foot in and you shake it all aboutYou do the hockey pokey and you turn yourself around,That's what it's all about.You put your right shoulder in, you put your right shoulder out. You put your right shoulder in and you shake it all about.You do the hockey pokey and you turn yourself around,That's what it's all about.You put your left shoulder in, you put your left shoulder out. You put your left shoulder in and you shake it all about.You do the hockey pokey and you turn yourself around,That's what it's all about.You put your right hip in, you put your right hip out.You put your right hip in and you shake it all about.You do the hockey pokey and you turn yourself around,That's what it's all about.You put your left hip in, you put your right hip out.You put your left hip in and you shake it all about.You do the hockey pokey and you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about.You put your whole self in, you put your whole self out You put your whole self in and you shake it all aboutYou do the hokey pockey and you turn yourself around That's what it's all aboutYou do the hockey pockey, you do the hockey pockey.......3.Body Songhead,shoulders,knees and toes knees and toes(两遍)eyes and ears and mouth and nose head,shoulders,knees and toes knees and toes!~~~~,shoulders,knees and toes knees and toes(两遍)eyes and ears and mouth and nose ~~~~knees and toes knees and toes!~~~~ ~~~~~knees and toes knees and toes~~~~……………………4. Bingo SongThere was a farmer had a dog. And Bingo was its name O.B-I-N-GO, B-I-N-G-O,B-I-N-G-O, and Bingo was its name O.5. Chant:A-Root-Chy-Chahands up!(they echo & do motion)wrists together!(they echo & do motion)A-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha CHA!A-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha CHA!Hands Up! (echo)Wrists together! (echo)Elbows In! (echo) (keep adding the motion)A-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha CHA!A-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha CHA!Hands Up! (echo)Wrists together! (echo)Elbows In! (echo)Head back! (echo)A-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha CHA!A-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha, a-root-chy-cha CHA!(Keep going back to the beginning, adding one motion each time and doing the "root-chy-cha" chorus. During the chorus, kids are moving to the beat.)Add:Knees together....Toes together....Bottom out....Eyes closed....Tongue out.....6.Five little monkeys jumping on the bed7. Ten little Indians8.You are my sunshineYou are my sunshine, my only sunshine.You make me happy, when sky is gray.You never know dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away!9.Clap, clap, clap your hands Clap, clap, clap your hands, as slowly as you can. ………your hands, as quickly as you can. Shake, shake, shake your hands,……slowly …Shake, shake, shake your hands,……quickly …Roll, …, …your hands,……slowly …Roll, …, …your hands,……quickly …Wiggle, …, …your fingers,……slowly …Wiggle, …, …your fingers,……quickly …Pound, …, …your fists,……slowly …Pound, …, …your fists,……quickly …10. Round ,round the garden Round, round the gardenLike a teddy bearOne step, two steps,Tickling under there11.Two little black birds sitting on the hill Two little black birds sitting on the hill,One named jack, one named jillCome back jack , come back jill12. Fingers dancing(Chant)Fingers, fingers ,upFingers, fingers ,downFingers, fingers ,to the sideFingers, fingers , turn around.13. Where are fingers(五指歌)Where is thumther, Where is thumther, here I am, here I am. How are you today. Very well, thank you! Run away.(pointer, stronger, ……)。
五年级上册英语第二单元歌曲1. 歌曲名称。
- 在人教版五年级上册英语第二单元中,歌曲名为“Let's chant”。
2. 歌曲的主要作用。
- 它有助于学生巩固第二单元的重点词汇和句型。
例如,歌词中会包含与单元主题相关的单词,像星期的表达(Monday, Tuesday等),帮助学生记忆这些单词的发音和拼写。
3. 如何学习这首歌曲辅助英语学习。
- 歌词学习。
- 首先要认真研读歌词,找出其中的新单词和句型。
- 然后可以把歌词进行分解记忆,一句一句地背诵。
- 跟唱练习。
- 多听歌曲音频,跟着音频轻声哼唱。
- 可以利用课余时间,如课间休息或者在家休息的时候反复跟唱,直到能够熟练演唱歌曲。
- 结合单元知识。
- 将歌曲中的知识点与单元中的其他内容联系起来。
在学习了星期的单词后,可以用这些单词进行简单的对话练习,像“What day is it today? It's Monday.”,这样把歌曲内容融入到整个单元知识体系中,加深对单元知识的掌握。
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1.Two Little Black birds
Two little black birds sitting on a hill,
One name Jack,one named Jill.
Fly away,Jack,Fly away,Jill,
Come back,Jack,come back,Jill.
2.Ten Little Indian Boys
One little, two little, three little Indians.
Four little, five little, six little Indians.
Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians.
Ten little Indian boys.
Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians.
Seven little, six little, five little Indians.
Four little, three little, two little Indians.
One little Indian boy
3.shop and zoo, shop and zoo,
bookshop garden park and school, park and school,
these are the places I often go to, these are the places I often go to.
4.Hello Hello,Your name please,I am Sam, Nice yo see you, Nice yo see you.
5.The More We Get Together
The more we get together,
The more we get together,
The happier we'll be.
For your friends are my friends,
And my friends are your friends.
The more we get together,
The happier we'll be!
6.The arms can go up and down
The arms can go up and down Hi Ho Hi Ho
The arms can go up and down The legs can go up and down The legs can go up and down Hi Ho Hi Ho
The legs can go up and down。