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Unit2 Module 6

What is happiness to you?


1. 残疾;无能,无力n._______________

2. 伤害;损害___________________

3. 仅仅,只不过;简单地______________

4. 努力,奋斗,挣扎________________ 为反对/支持…而斗争______________

5. 精力充沛的,充满活力的______________

6. 投入,献身___________________ 投身于,献身于____________________

7. 克服,战胜_________________________8. 完成,实现_______________________

9. (使)适应,改编_________________ 适应___________ 改编_____________

10. 积极的,正面的;肯定的_____________11. 乐观的________________________

11. 鼓舞,激励_______________________ 鼓舞某人做__________________

13. 令人钦佩的,值得赞美的______________14. 无法忍受的______________________ 15. 不幸的._______________________ 16. 生动的,栩栩如生的________________

17. 安排______________________18. 分配____________________________

19. 足够需要的,够用的________________ 20. 困惑的,烦恼的____________________

21. 即时的,方便的_______________ 一… 就____________________

22. 独立的__________________________23. 指导,引导n. __________________

24. 天真无邪的adj.____________________25. 交流,沟通,传达_______________

26. 保证,担保_______________________27.安全的,可靠的____________________ 28. 陪伴n. __________________________ 29. 成熟的__________________________

30. 紧急送往,使冲_______________ 被紧急送往____________ 匆忙地_________

31帮助,协助. __________ 帮助某人做_____________________ 二.Phrases:


预计…;期望…. 以防(万一)把…描述成…投身于,献身于和…分开住

使某人失去…把…紧急送往.. 振作起来








帮助.. 做

三、Important sentences:

1. 世人为她仍能保持乐观而感到惊奇。

The world _______ amazed by the _______ she remained cheerful.

2. 但愿我知道做什么就好了。

I wish I _______ ________ to do.

3. 我要做的就是上学,以及回家后再学习几个小时。

All I had to do was _______ to school and spend a few hours ______ when I came home.

4. 我那时还是一个天真无邪的孩子,不必思考工作上的各种问题。

____ an innocent child, I didn’t need to think about problems ____ work.


1. Many families on low _______ will be unable to afford to buy their own house.

A. salary

B. wages

C. pays

D. incomes

2. Steve is such an efficient boy that he can _______ more in a day than any other boy

in his class.

A. accomplish

B. arrange

C. adapt

D. allocate

3. Recently the newspapers have report several _______ of the coal mines happening in different provinces in China and the government has taken effective measures to stop such things.

A. accidents

B. events

C. happenings

D. incidents

4. Nothing _______ after the terrible fire caused by the careless doorkeeper(看门的人).

A. left

B. continued

C. kept

D. remained

5. Although the working mother is very busy she still _______ a lot of time to children.

A. devotes

B. spends

C. offers

D. provides

6. Beaten down on the ground, he _______ to his feet and held up his head, staring at his enemy.

A. raised

B. struggled

C. tried

D. fought

7. —I’ve lost the game again.

—_______! It’s not that bad!

A. Cheer up

B. I’m sorry

C. It doesn’t matter

D. Oh, my goodness

8. They showed great _______ when they found out about their baby’s _______.

A. pride;disabled

B. optimism;disabled

C. courage;disability

D. sympathy;disability

9. Fish _______ survival when the water level drops in the lake.

A. fight for

B. struggle for

C. fight against

D. struggle against

10. The club _______ the football player _______ a large amount of money.

A. provide;in

B. inspire;with

C. offer;with

D. encourage;in

11. —Is your grandfather _______?

—Yes, my father is taking care of him _______.

A. in the hospital; in the hospital

B. in hospital; in hospital

C. in the hospital; in hospital

D. in hospital; in the hospital

12. I followed a man in a blue jacket thirty minutes _______ me and entered the hall.
