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这就是天才的负担The burden of genius

-他来了-宴会这么多时间真不够用-There he is -So many supplicants and so little time

-苏先生您好-您好-Mr Sol -How are you sir?

-宾达-很高兴看到你-Bender -Nice to see you

谢谢Thank you

再给我一杯I'll take another

什么?Excuse me?

真抱歉我以为你是服务生A thousand pardons I simply assumed you were the waiter 汉森给他留点面子Play nice Hansen

他才不会替人留面子Nice is not Hansen's strong suit

我真的是无心之过Honest mistake

想必你就是马丁·汉森Well Martin Hansen

你是马丁吧?It is Martin isn't it?

没错我就是Why yes John it is

我猜你对误估已习以为常I imagine you're getting quite used to miscalculation

我读过你的初稿I've read your pre-prints

两份都读过Both of them

一份是纳粹党的密码文件The one on Nazi ciphers

另一份是非线性方程式and the other one on non-linear equations

我确信and I am supremely confident

不管是哪一份that there is not a single seminal

都不具有发展和创新性or innovative idea in either one of them

好好享受你的水果酒Enjoy your punch

各位这位就是约翰·纳什Gentlemen meet John Nash

西弗吉尼亚州的神秘天才the mysterious [miˈstiəriəs]West Virginia


也是另一位著名的卡内基奖学金得主The other winner of the distinguished Carnegie Scholarship

宾达当然了Bender Of course

真要命! Christ

我就是你的浪子室友The prodigal [ˈprɑdɪɡəl]roommate arrives


天呀饶了我吧! God no

你知道所谓的宿醉Did you know that having a hangover is

就是体内没有足够的水份is not having enough water in your body

去执行克雷布斯循环to run your Krebs cycles?

这和因渴至死的情况Which is exactly what happens to you when you're dying of thirst

如此说来因渴至死的感觉So dying of thirst

可能和宿醉的感觉一样would probably feel pretty much like the hangover

反正最后仍逃不过一死that finally bloody kills you

你是约翰·纳什吗?John Nash?


我叫查尔斯·赫曼Charles Herman

很高兴认识你Pleased to meet you

正式宣布Well it's official

我已经恢复正常了I'm almost human again

警官我看见撞到我的驾驶人Officer I saw the driver who hit me

他的名字是"约翰走路"His name was Johnny Walker

昨晚我去参加Well I got in last night in time for

鸡尾酒会English department cocktails

我当然是那只雄纠纠的鸡Cock was mine

至于那个美丽可爱的女孩the tail belonged to a particularly lovely young thing with a passion for DH

你居然不怕被打扰DH Lawrence .You're not easily distracted are you?

我是来工作的I'm here to work

哎呀那当然Hmmm are you? Right

我明白了I see Crikey![ˈkraiki]

你真是个无趣的家伙Is my roommate a dick?

既然打不破我们之间的冰山Listen If we can't break the ice

干脆大醉一场如何?How about we drown it?

告诉我你的故事So what's your story?

一个从没出过家门的穷小孩You the poor kid that never got to go to Exeter or Andover? 虽然我从小接受高等教育Despite my privileged upbringing

但身心却很平衡I'm actually quite well-balanced

我的弱点是人际关系I have a chip on both shoulders

人与事比较起来Maybe you're just better

你恐怕比较会应付事with the old integers than you are with people

我的小学老师说过My first grade teacher she told me

我有两个脑袋that I was born with two helpings of brain

却只有半颗心but only half a helping of heart

-真的? -是呀-Really?-Yeah

哇她似乎挺可爱的Wow! She sounds lovely!

其实The truth is that I

我并不喜欢人们I don't like people much

他们也不喜欢我And they don't much like me

怎么可能?But why

你既风趣又有魅力with all your obvious wit and charm?

说真的Seriously John


它永远不能领导你找到更高的真理Mathematics is never going to lead you to a higher truth

想知道原因吗?And you know why?

因为它太枯燥无味了Because it's boring It's really boring

你知道半数以上的学生已经发表了他们的论文You know half these schoolboys are already published?
