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基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(N o.39830450)

Co rr espondence:P ro f.Guo qin JIN;E mail:jing uoqin@y

M edical Statistics 医学统计学

水迷宫重复测量数据的方差分析及其在SPSS 中的实现









目的:介绍用SPSS 11.0实现对水迷宫重复测量资料的方差分析,以期对采用重复测量设计方案的临床和基础科研工作者提供可借鉴的统计学分析方法。

方法:应用SPSS 11.0中一般线性模型(general linear model,GLM)的repeated measures 和multivariate 过程对水迷宫重复测量数据进行重复测量方差分析和多元方差分析,并进行不同时间点和不同组间的两两比较。结果:首先通过球形检验(M auchly s test of sphericity)的结果判断重复测量数据之间是否存在相关性,如存在相关性(P 0.05),宜进行多元方差分析,或采用Gr eenho use Geisser 的校正结果;通过计算个体间(betw een subject)变异,可分析处理因素有无效应;计算个体内(w ithin subject)变异,可分析时间因素有无效应,时间与处理因素之间有无交互效应;使用重复测量数据多重比较配对的t 检验法(Bo nferroni 法),可进行每个分组每个时间点上作用的两两比较;使用多元方差分析的方法,可进行每个时间点上每个分组之间作用的两两比较。

结论:对于重复测量数据的方差分析,宜采用一般线性模型的重复测量过程方法进行分析。SPSS 统计软件易于实现重复测量数据的方差分析。


中图分类号:R573;文献标识码:A;文章编号:1672 1977(2007)01 0101 05

Analysis of varia nce of repeated data measured by water maze with SPSS

Hong QIU 1,Guo qin JIN 2,Ru feng JIN 1,Wei kang ZHAO 3

1.D epar tment o f Pr ev ent ive M edicine and M edical Statistics,Shanghai U niver sity of T raditio nal Chinese M edicine,Shang hai 201203,China

2.Depar tment o f of Biochemistr y,Shanghai U niv ersity of T raditio nal Chinese M edicine,Shang hai 201203,China

3.Institute o f Ger iatrics,Shang hai U niversity of T raditional Chinese M edicine,Shang hai 201203,China

Objective:To introduce the metho d of ana lyzing repeated data measured by wa te r ma ze with SPSS 11.0,and offer a re fe rence statistic al me thod to clinica l a nd basic medic ine researchers w ho take the desig n of repea ted me asure s.

Methods:Using repea ted mea sures a nd multiv ariate ana lysis o f variance (ANOVA)process o f the ge ne ral line ar mode l in SPSS a nd giving comparison a mo ng diffe rent groups and different me asure time pairw ise.Results:Firstly,Ma uchly's test of sphe ric ity sho uld be used to judg e whethe r there w ere rela tio ns among the repea tedly me asure d da ta.If any (P 0.05),multiva ria te ANOVA sho uld be take n next,or Gre enhouse Geisse r co rre cted results should be ta ken.Trea ted e ffe ct c ould be eva lua ted by e stima ting betw ee n subjec t variance.Re pe ated mea sureme nt e ffe ct or its inte rac tive e ffe ct with trea ted g roup could be evaluated by estima ting w ithin subjec t v ariance.The me thod of Bonferroni should be used to do pairwise comparisons of the re pea tedly me asure d data in diffe rent mea sureme nt time of ea ch tre ate d gro up.With multiv ariate ANOVA,data in differe nt trea ted g roup o f ea ch measurement time co uld be compa red pairw ise.

C onclusion:The re pea ted mea sures proce ss of the g ene ral line ar mo de l is suitable fo r va ria nce a nalysis of repea tedly me asure d da ta.SPSS sta tistical packag e is availa ble to fulfil this process.Keywords:analy sis of variance ;statistics;SPSS;linear models
