






























下文是店铺为大家整理的关于发表英文翻译论文的范文,欢迎大家阅读参考!发表英文翻译论文篇1公示语的英文翻译摘要:公示语是一种较为独特的应用文体, 旨在于公共场所向公众公示须知的内容。

然而, 目前国内公示语的英译问题十分严重。

通过奈达的"功能对等"理论, 以中西文化差异在公示语中的体现为视角, 强调公示语的特点决定了其英译应重视功能上的对等而不是字词句上简单生硬的静态对等, 遵循正确的翻译原则,以实现公示语的预期功能。

关键词:公示语功能对等文化差异翻译原则1、引言公示语指的是在公共场所向公众公示须知内容的语言, 包括标识、指示牌、路牌、标语、公告、警示等等[1]。

罗选民、黎土旺对公示语进行界定, “公示语是指在公共场合所展示的文字, 具有特殊的交际功能, 以及提供信息和完成指令的作用”[2]。

随着中国与世界的接轨, 越来越多的国家希望了解中国, 很多外国朋友来到中国。

在这种跨文化交际的过程中, 汉语公示语的英译也日显重要。

然而, 目前国内公示语的英译问题十分严重, 误用、滥用现象到处存在,其中最大的问题是译者在翻译过程中忽视中西方文化的差异, 盲目追求字词句上简单生硬的静态对等, 以至于译文文本生硬, 达不到源语文本的预期功能和效果。

公示语英译的预期对象是在华外国友人和外国游客, 为的是达到向其警示、告知、宣传的预期功能。

其英译不是一种点缀, 而是一种有目的的行为, 即如何使译文达到与原文本同等的预期功能[3]。

本文通过奈达的“功能对等”理论, 以中西文化差异在公示语中的体现为视角, 强调公示语的功能特点决定了其英译应重视功能上的对等而不是字词句上简单生硬的静态对等, 应遵循正确的翻译原则,以实现其预期功能。

2、“功能对等”翻译理论与公示语翻译公示语作为一个信息时代和经济全球化时代的标志之一, 公开面对公众, 给予公众行为需求的文字信息传递。



本科毕业论文题目:On English Translation of ChinesePublic Signs 院(系):外语系班级:英语级班姓名:学号:指导教师:教师职称:汉英公示语的翻译摘要公示语向来被称作“城市的脸孔",是给所有到中国来的外国人士留下第一印象的中国名片。










关键词:汉英翻译;公示语;问题;翻译策略On English Translation of Chinese PublicSignsAbstractPublic signs, which have alway s been referred to “face of city”, are the first impression of China for the people who come to China. However, the ubiquitous translation mistakes of public signs greatly undermine the international image of China. So,specificating and constantly perfecting the translation of public signs have become an urgent work in order to establish a good international image.The paper ventures an attempt to analyze the current problems existing in the C-E translation of public signs and to seek proper translational strategies both from the perspectives of theory and practice.By closely observing numerous samples of both standard and problematic translation of signs,the author manages to generalize the characteristics of public signs and to categorize the problems and mistakes in the current C-E translation of public signs.Then, proper translational strategies are proposed on the basis of in-depth study of relevant theories and keen observation of practice.Translation is not merely a cross-linguistic activity, but more of a transmission of cultural information.The translation of public signs is no exception.An appropriate translation of public sign should not only belinguistically correct, but also culturally acceptable.This paper expresses the meaning of the public signs and classify the signs according to the standards of objective demand and function. And the characteristics of the public signs are different studied from linguistic features and functional features,which determines to adopt different translation strategies.Key words: Chinese-English translation public sign problems translation strategyContents摘要 (I)Abstract (II)CHAPTER I Introduction (1)1.1 O bjective of the study (1)1.2 Significance of the study (1)1.3 Structure of the paper (2)CHAPTER II General Introduction to Public Signs (3)2.1 Definition of Public Signs (3)2.2 Functions of Public Signs (3)2.2.1 Directing function (4)2.2.2 Prompting function (4)2.2.3 Restricting function (4)2.2.4 Compelling function (5)CHAPTER III Analysis on Problems in C-E Translation of Public Signs (6)3.1 Linguistic translation problems (6)3.1.1 Spelling errors (6)3.1.2 Grammatical errors (6)3.1.3 Wrong dictions (7)3.2 Cultural translation problems (7)CHAPTER IV Strategies of C-E Public Signs Translation and Requirementfor Translator (9)4.1 Principles of C-E translation of Public Signs (9)4.1.1 Clearness (9)4.1.2 Conciseness (10)4.1.3 Simple words (10)4.2 Methods of C-E translation of Public S igns (11)4.2.1 Modification (11)4.2.2 Addition (11)4.2.3 Omission (12)4.2.4 Mutual transformation of affirmative and negativee xpressions (13)4.3 Requirement for the t ranslators (13)CHAPTER V Conclusion (15)Acknowledgements (16)Works Cited (17)CHAPTER I Introduction1.1Objective of the studyThe research objective of the study is to examine the translation problems in the Chinese-English public signs translation and further propose the translation strategies as well as principles suitable for specific groups.The studies begin with the careful and long period of observation of the problems existing in the public signs translation. On the basis of the classification of the translation errors proposed by Christiane Nord, the author aims at the most appropriate translation strategies for each type. With the examination of sufficient sources, the author finds that it is not difficult to eliminate the errors at linguistic level since the text of the public signs is less complex than documentary and other instrumental texts due to its conciseness and directness features (Ni 18).1.2 Significance of the studyPublic S igns affect people’s life in a tremendous way. When somebody smokes, it is the public sign that stops him. In fascinating and mysterious spots where we have never been to, it is the public sign that teaches us related knowledge. Foreign visitors from all walks of life,such as entrepreneurs,professors,students and tourists come to China for various purposes.But for most of them,they know little about Chinese.In this case,it is necessary to translate Chinese public signs into English for the convenience of these foreign visitors.In this case, a proper translation helps establish a good image of China and enhance the cultural communication.1.3 Structure of the paperThe paper is structured with five chapters:The first chapter is a general introduction to the thesis, including the objective of the study, the structure of the thesis and the significance of the study. The second chapter makes a general introduction to public sign, including the definition and functions of public sign. The third chapter focuses on the problems of C-E translation of public signs from linguistics and cultural perspectives. The fourth chapter deals with translation strategies of C-E public signs in connection with principles, methods and the standardization for the translators, including modification, addition, omission and mutual transformation of affirmative and negative expressions. And the fifth chapter draws a conclusion to the paper,in which the author appeals for translators and scholars to make contributions to the C-E translation of public signs.CHAPTER II General Introduction to Public Signs2.1 Definition of Public SignsPublic Signs,which are usually called“signs”,include public notices,advertisements,slogans and expressions on the public signs.Public signs refer to “signs” in English and are defined in different ways.Ac cording to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(1997),a sign is a piece of paper, metal, or wood with words or a picture that gives information,warnings,or instructions.In that sense, public sign is the general terms for indicators,signs,traffic signs, posters, slogans, warning, short notices,short instructions,stickers,and are becoming the catch word and the buzzword.All in all, public signs are so widely used and played important roles in our daily life.2.2 Functions of Public SignsPublic signs are essential to the normal operation of the society and their influence is also visible in almost every aspect of our daily life.Sometimes,we have to admit that our lives cannot do without the proper guidance that public signs provide to us.However, what usually happens is that we are prone to be bewildered by various public signs and the enormous information they convey to us.Therefore, it would be necessary to classify the public signs in terms of their functions as well as the status of information that they deliver.2.2.1 Directing functionDirecting is the most basic function of public signs, t his type of public signs is used to give readers related information about what the institution is,what it deals with and what kind of service it can provide.For example:Take Away(外卖),Gas Station(加油站),Emergency Exit(紧急出口),Business Hours(营业时间),Pause(暂停),Menu(菜单),Airport Security(机场安检).From the examples above we may tell that the language and the tone of these public signs are generally neutral,reflecting no attitude towards receptors.Therefore,public signs of this kind are purely informative rather than vocative.2.2.2 Prompting functionPromoting signs are similar to the directive ones in their informative function. While the difference is the former .carries the tone of warning,reminding the readers to pay some attention to certain things or activities.For example:Keep Clear(请保持清洁), Keep Silence(请保持安静),Wet Paint(油漆未干),Fully Booked(客满),Beware of Pickpockets(小心扒手),Maximum Height(限高).2.2.3 Restricting functionPublic Signs with restricting function impose restriction or even prohibition on receptors.The language used in this kind of signs are simple and direct but are not in rude,tough or impolite way.We can list some of them as following:Pay In Cash(现金支付),Slow Out(减速慢行),Keep Silence(保持安静),30 Minutes Parking(限停30分钟),Seat By Number(对号入座), Stand In Line(排队等候).2.2.4 Compelling functionCompelling function is the strongest considerable mood.It is used to prohibit the readers to do something or must do something.The language used is usually forceful,with no possibility of making a compromise.The sign with this function which we mostly often see is“No Smoking禁止吸烟”,that is to say that smoking iscompletely forbidden.Imperative sentence is not enough to express this strong mood,usually, we use“No+…”form,for example,“No Food禁止携带食物”.More examples:Don’t Touch(禁止触摸),No Cameras(禁止拍照),No Visitors(游客止步),No Trucks(卡车禁止通行),Dogs Not Allowed(禁止带狗入内).Translation of the public signs, translators not only need to grasp their function features since we use different mood to express different function,but also should keep their language features in mind during the translating.CHAPTER III Analysis on Problems in C-E Translation ofPublic Signs3.1 Linguistic translation problemsLinguistic translation errors are often due to deficiencies in the translator's source or target language competence (Nord 77).And in his book Pragmatics and English Language He Ziran explained that by making linguistic errors,the translators and interpreters fail to conform to the target language structures,instead they blindly translate the source text in their own language structures(157).Professor Wang Yinquan, classifies linguistic translation errors into: spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and wrong diction (32).3.1.1 Spelling errorsSpelling errors are typical translation problems in bilingual public signs. The reasons for this type of errors attribute to the three factors: the incompetent language acquisition, the laziness of the translator when writing, the uncertainty of the correct spelling, among which the third type is most difficult to be identified. For example: 3.1.2 Grammatical errorsApart from spelling mistakes,many grammatical errors also occur in the translated signs.These errors appear in various forms,most of which result from the translator’s poor command of the English language or irresponsible working attitude.As a result,the translated public signs cannot be of any help to the target readers.Sometimes they may do damage the image of our city.For example: 室内停车场(Car Park)—It may be apparent to tell that the translator intends to use the word“park”as a noun to express the meaning of parking place for automobiles.However, as a noun the word actually means a public place wherepeople can entertain themselves with the landscape or public facilities in it.Therefore, it will be advisable to use the gerund form of the word “park”and translate it as“Indoor Parking”.3.1.3 Wrong dictionsWrong Dictions occur when t he translator doesn’t make right choices of words in the target culture that will lead to unsuccessful expression of the correct information to the target text receivers. In fact, many English words have more than one meaning. Sometimes one word used to describe the source culture may not be applicable in another situation and the diction is conditioned. The words chosen for each text might vary according to different semantic and syntactic features in different situations. For example:请勿采摘花朵--Please Don’t Pick Flowers. Here use“pick”to describe the gesture. In fact, there is a variety of expression in English corresponding with “摘”, of which one of the expressions is “pick”. But in the given circumstances, “pick”doesn’t equate with “摘”. “Pick”means to select among a variety of choices, but here the sender wants to persuade people not to pluck the flowers. The error is due to the confusion about the seemingly identical usage of one word.3.2 Cultural translation problemsAs we all know, people in different cultures may view the same thing in different ways and differ in the perspective of cognition.At the same time,they express the same idea in different way.As far as Chinese and English are concerned, culture differences are tremendous.Translation breaks down language barriers and thus realizes communication between cultures using different languages. In this sense, target readers approach to people of source culture whose beliefs, backgrounds, perception of the world are distinct from their own.For example:古装照相It is ancient to pack photo“古装照相”is a typical Chinese term. In English, people don’t have the correspondent term. According to the public signs translation convention, the signs which are composed of Chinese noun phrases are expected to have the same structure in English version, so the sentence is not correct in terms of the sentence structure. Also concerning the meaning of the sentence, it is wrongly translated that the foreigners can’t get the message which leads to the pragmatic failure of the assumed function. The correct version should be “Photos in ancient costume”.CHAPTER IV Strategies for C-E Public Signs Translation4.1 Principles of C-E translation of Public SignsAs we know, different functions need different language forms to convey and each language style possesses its special principles.Ni Chuanbin and Liu Zhi analyze the language principles of public signs in their essay“The Principles for C-E Translation of Public Signs and its Cases Study”,published in Shanghai Journal of Translators for Science and Technology(18).Firstly, the signs are on a board,so the language on the signs should be in concise way due to the comparatively small space.Secondly, some public signs must draw the public’s attention at the first sight and the readers can catch its meaning very quickly and correctly, especially the traffic signs,such as“Abrupt Turn Left Ahead前方急转弯”,the applied words should be simple ones instead of rare ones.At last,the meaning of the signs should be clear and easy to read,the sign is set without ambiguity. So we can know the principles in details as following:4.1.1 ClearnessDue to the short time the target reader can spend on reading the signs the meaning of the signs should be clear and easy to be understood.As the target readers are the common people who have little knowledge related to the concerned topic,the signs should directly hit the point and there should exist no vagueness.“严禁客货混装Don’t put passengers and cargos together”. It is hazy and not clearness. So the sign“严禁客货混装”should be translated into“No passengers on Trucks”.The signs are set for the public and not every reader is professional,therefore when we translate signs,we should hit the point directly and clearly and should notjust talk around the bush.4.1.2 ConcisenessAccording to William Strunk,Jr.and E.B.White in 1979(Joan Pinkham):“Vigorous writing is concise.A sentence should contain no unnecessary words,a paragraph no unnecessary sentences,for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.”It is also true of language of public signs.Usually, the readers for public signs just give a quick look at the board with signs on when they pass by.So the language on it need not be in a complete sentence,a phrase or just a word is enough,for example,“No Smoking禁止吸烟”,“Open正在营业”,we need not use sentences“Please do not smoke”an“We are on business”.4.1.3 Simple wordsPublic Signs are set for the public,target readers of this kind of materials are ordinary people,not only the native English speakers,but also other foreigners who know a little English and English is not his mother language,and target readers also include overseas Chinese who is not a English native speaker.If the English version is full of rare words and expression,it will cause a pragmatic failure of communication for public signs.There is always a small restaurant at the airport to provide fast food for the passengers,the English tablet should be“Snacks”instead of“Refection”,the later one is not often be used nowadays and we cannot find it in the dictionaries published in recent years.Take all another example,“景区环境卫生,需要您的维护”,should we translate it into“Environmental Sanitation of the Scenic Spot Needs Your Conserve”? The words“sanitation”and“environmental”are not familial words for the public,we had better use“Keep Clear”or“No Littering”.From the above,in order to make target readers catch the meaning at first glance,we should use the concise,clear, simple words and expressions in C-E translation of public signs.4.2 Strategies of C-E translation of Public Signs4.2.1 ModificationGenerally speaking, it is always the case that the reader in the culture of the target language may not share the cultural background of the source language.Therefore,when dealing with culture-loaded words and idioms,the translator sometimes has to make cultural modification so as to generate the same feedback from the target text reader with that of the source text reader, and as for the translation of public signs, it is no exception.For examples:西湖的虎跑泉—Tiger Running Spring, in this public sign,the translator obviously take the actual meaning of the sign for granted by translating the word“虎跑”as“tiger running”which means that a tiger runs for the spring.4.2.2 AdditionSome public signs,especially signs at scenic spots,tend to include dynasties,legends or other cultural elements,while most foreign visitors lack the background knowledge of China.If the public signs are translated literally, the English versions may confuse the target readers.Thus we should adopt the translation strategy of addition to supply necessary information on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original public signs.For example:谢绝游客入内Closed To Visitors禁止在墙上涂写No Scribbling On The Wall4.2.3 OmissionDue to different aesthetic standards and cultures,Chinese writing tends to include flowery words,four-word phrases or some culture elements which are special to the Chinese culture.However, English writing pursues clear and simple expressions.In How to Help Foreigners Know China,Duan Liancheng holds a view that with the development of tourism in recent years,large numbers of brochures pamphlets and pictorials have been published for foreign tourists.A common weakness of these materials is full of flowery words and cultural elements of China which may confuse the target readers (Duan 286). So the translator should omit some adjectives or cultural elements which may pose barriers to the target readers.Then the English version will be easily understood by them.For example:1.Source Text:慢速行驶Version A:You must drive slowly.Version B:Drive slowly2.Source Text:前方学校Version A:There is a school ahead.Version B:School Ahead4.2.4 Mutual transformation of affirmative and negative expressionsMutual transformation of affirmative and negative expressions is a common strategy in translating the text of one language to the other.It is especially useful for transcending the translational difficulties due to different ways or habits of expressing ideas in Chinese and English.In translating public signs,mutual transformation of affirmative and negativeexpressions is necessary as well.In western countries especially in English—speaking countries,people tend to avoid using negative expressions in public literatures as much as possible in case that unpleasant emotion or feeling would be aroused on the part of the receptor.However, because of the difference in cultural values,negative expressions are more frequently used in Chinese public signs.Therefore,according to the theory of cultural translation, we should adopt the translational method of“Domestication”.For example: “社会车辆禁止入内”,it is a kind of negative expression in Chinese language. While it should be translated into “Staff Only” in English, it is affirmative.4.3 Requirement for the translatorsThe C-E translation of public signs is by no means an easy job and it requires that a translator be serious and accountable in attitude, and proficient in both the source and the target languages at the same time.A good translator should always bear in mind the features and characteristics of public signs.Only if the translators acquire the expertise in the source and target languages as well as the source and target cultures can they produce qualified versions. In addition, as for the making process of signs, the local governments should choose reliable and efficient sign-making units by means of bidding to undertake the job.And the translation should be tested in the foreigners to ensure the acceptability.Then a supervision organization in charge of public signs should be established to make sure that some common English versions are accurate and unified.CHAPTER V ConclusionBased on the previous discussions and analyses, the major findings of this study can be summarized as follow:Firstly, the linguistic translation problems account for the reasons for spelling, grammatical and wrong dictions problems. Translators should improve their language acquisition in dealing with the problems.Secondly, as to cultural problems, the translators are advised to adopt communicative translation. To be more specific, the translation strategies are adaptation, restructuring, semi-literal translation, etc.Thirdly, the C-E translation involves the principles and the methods. The principles include three points of clearness, conciseness and simple words. The translation takes place in a given situation or in another sense, the methods of C-E translation of public signs should be divided into four: modification, addition, omission and mutual transformation of affirmative and negative expressions.Actually, the problems of the translation of public signs are far more complicated than the thesis.The problems that have been discussed and proposed with strategies to are just a tiny tip of the whole iceberg.With the development of the society, it is sure that more and more public signs will come out by taking various forms,and new problems in translating them will turn up.Therefore,the classification of public signs and mistranslation, as well as the strategies for the betterment of the current status of sign translation, although the author attempts to let them be, are not all-inclusive and universally accurate. It is a long and hard way for us to go.AcknowledgementsI would like to express my heartfelt thanks to those who offered me their sincere support and encouragement in the process of my thesis writing.First of all, I’d like to give my sincere thanks to my teacher, Kangbing. She has given me valuable instructions on my study. Whenever I need her help, she always enthusiastically offers me. During the process of the completion of the thesis, from the researches chosen to be analyzed to the final composition, her patient and helpful instructions have benefited me a great deal. Her strict requirements have enabled me to learn how to do research work, and her kind encouragement have been supporting me to the end.Second, my true thanks also go to all the teachers who guide me in the field of business English.Finally, my family and friends give me great encouragement and support during the composition of the thesis. I’d like to send them my heartfelt thanks too.Work CitedBaker, Mona. 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英语专业翻译方向论文完整版 (1)

英语专业翻译方向论文完整版 (1)

石河子大学毕业论文题目:如何处理英翻汉中的省略How to Deal with Ellipsis inEnglish-Chinese Translation院(系):外国语学院专业:英语班级:20095学号:2009051431姓名:指导教师:完成日期: 2013年5月6日ContentsI. Introduction (1)II. Literature Review (2)III. The Principles of Ellipsis (4)A. Omitted words must be useless and unnecessary in the translated works. (5)B. The meaning of the omitted words is implied in the test. (5)C. Omitted words are self-evident. (5)IV. The functions and application of ellipsis (5)A. The Coherence of the Meaning of Expression (6)B. The Coincidence of the Manner of Expression (6)1. Ellipsis of Articles (6)2. Ellipsis of Prepositions (7)3. Ellipsis of Pronouns (7)a. Ellipsis of Personal Pronouns (7)b. Ellipsis of Impersonal Indefinite Pronouns (8)c. Ellipsis of Relative Pronouns (8)4. Ellipsis of Conjunctions (9)a. Ellipsis of Coordinating Conjunctions (9)b. Ellipsis of Subordinate Conjunctions (9)5. Ellipsis of Rhetorics (9)V. Conclusion (10)Works Cited (11)AbstractWith the development of globalization, the world's political, economic and cultural communications are becoming increasingly frequent. Meanwhile, the role of translation cannot be ignored. Due to language and cultural disparity, reasonable translation is particularly important. How to deal with ellipsis in translation is one of the important aspects. The paper will explore ellipsis in English-Chinese translation from five aspects, which are ellipsis of pronouns, conjunctions, articles, prepositions, modifications, so as to achieve the purpose of smoother and clearer communication among China and English-speaking countries.Key words: cultural disparity; translation; ellipsis摘要随着全球化的不断发展,各国之间的政治、经济、文化交流日渐频繁。






















































无论是上英语还是语文,我都本着work hard,play harder的理念,以欢乐教学的方式,把嬉戏和教学融为一体,教他们唱英语儿歌,一个月的时间里,我教会了他们四首英文儿歌,同学的学习态度由“要我学”转化为了“我要学”。

学校五班级又是毕业班级,除了要求提高他们对学习的爱好,更重要的还是在于成果的要求,所以,在胜利提高同学的学习爱好之后,我又转变把战略变为力量教学,应校长的要求,教给他们一些生活化的英语口语,于是,我把目标索定了“美国俚语”这一环节,每天晚上回家的第一任务,就是翻查资料,找到适合于他们的一些美国俚语,比如“where can i wash my hands?” “may i have your name?” “where to?” 等。

在课堂上大家都很期盼“美国俚语”的环节,同学们都说:这样的英语既好玩又有用!一个月的时间,他们的口语有了明显的提高,无论课上还是课下,同学都会用“hello ada,goodmorning”的方式和我问好,看着他们有这样的成果,我想,我胜利了!此外,由于班主任的信任,我除了英语教学以外,还负责全学年的语文写作课程,一个月的时间里,作文讲解课10余堂,同学们由原来一篇作文100多字增长到400字左右,对作文的爱好也大大提高,课下同学主动找到我说:老师,我现在觉得作文一点都不难!听到这样的话语,我真的兴奋极了。

商务英语毕业论文 [商务英语翻译类论文]

商务英语毕业论文 [商务英语翻译类论文]

商务英语毕业论文 [商务英语翻译类论文]商务英语是一门新兴的学科,商务英语翻译既是该学科中的关键一环,又是教学考的难点。































英语翻译实践报告论文English Translation Practice Report PaperIntroductionTranslation is the bridge that connects different languages and cultures. As an essential skill for cross-cultural communication, translation plays a crucial role in various fields, such as literature, business, and diplomacy. This paper aims to reflect on my translation practice experience and explore the challenges I encountered during the process.1. Translation Practice ExperienceDuring the translation practice, I had the opportunity to work on various texts, including literary works, business documents, and academic papers. This diverse range of materials allowed me to enhance my translation skills and familiarize myself with different translation techniques. I also had the chance to collaborate with fellow translators, which enriched my understanding of the industry.2. Challenges in Translation PracticeDespite the valuable experience gained, I encountered several challenges throughout the translation process. Firstly, maintaining the balance between fidelity and fluency was often difficult. While it is crucial to accurately convey the source text's meaning, it is equally important to ensure the translated text flows naturally in the target language.Secondly, cultural nuances posed a significant obstacle during the translation practice. Understanding cultural references andexpressions is essential to accurately convey the intended meaning. However, some cultural elements may lack equivalent equivalents, requiring a creative and context-based approach.Lastly, time management is a vital aspect of translation practice. Meeting deadlines without compromising the quality of the translation demanded careful planning and efficient time allocation.3. Strategies and SolutionsTo tackle the challenges mentioned above, I incorporated various strategies during my translation practice. Firstly, extensive research on the source text's cultural background and context helped me grasp its underlying meaning and effectively convey itin the target language.Secondly, actively seeking feedback from experienced translators and language professionals proved to be immensely helpful. Engaging in discussions about translation choices and receiving constructive criticism allowed me to refine my skills and broaden my understanding of different translation methods.Lastly, honing my time management skills allowed me to deliver quality translations within the set deadlines. Planning out each translation project and setting realistic goals ensured a smooth and efficient workflow.ConclusionTranslation practice is a valuable opportunity to improve translation skills and gain practical experience. Although challenges exist, such as finding the balance between fidelity andfluency, understanding cultural nuances, and managing time effectively, employing effective strategies can help overcome these obstacles. With continued practice and learning, translators can enhance their abilities and contribute to effective cross-cultural communication.。














































如Bassnet & Lefevele就指出翻译的研究实际上就是文化互动的研究,Nida亦强调译者的双文化能力。











关键词:功能翻译理论;基础理论;阐释Abstract:Chinesetraditionaltranslationtheoryconsistsonlyoftranslationprincipleswithoutconcretemethodologyanditcannotbeappliedtopracticaltranslating.Thispapergivesabriefaccounttofunctionaltranslationtheory,prob Keywords:functionaltranslationtheory;basictheory;exposition功能翻译理论强调,翻译是⼀种特殊的交际形式,涉及三种⽂本:原语⽂本、译者的图式⽂本和译语⽂本。









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PerspectiveDomestication and Foreignization in C-E Translation of Four-Character Idioms On C-E Translation of Hotel Introduction in Hunan Province from the Perspective of SkopostheorieE-C Translation of Business Letters—From the Perspective of Nida’s Functional Equivalence TheoryA Skopos Study on the Translation of Report on the Work of the Government 2011On English-Chinese Translation of Business Correspondence from the Perspective of Skopos TheoryUniversals of Translation and Zhang Peiji's Selected Modern Chinese ProseOn Xu Yanchong’s Translation of 300 Tang Poems from the Perspective of Aesthetics Reception TheoryOn Subtitles Translation of Humorous Dialogues in Friends from the Perspective of Functional EquivalenceAn Elementary Study on Chinese to English Soft News Translation: from the Perspective of Nida's Functional-Equivalence Translation TheoryAn Elementary Study on Brand Name Translation--from the Perspective of Peter Newmark's Communicative Translation TheoryA Study on Gu Zhengkun's Translation of Shakespeare's Sonnets-- from the Perspective of SkopostheorieApplication of the Functionalist Translation Theory in Film Title TranslationA Study on the Translation of Idioms Between English and Chinese from the Perspective of Functional EquivalenceA Study of Chinese Menu Translation from the Perspective of Foreignization and Domestication On Translation of Brand Names from the Perspective of AdaptationOn English Translation of Li Bai’s peotry in the Light of Functional Equivalence Theory The “Equivalence” and “Aestheticism” in Trademark TranslationOn Culturally Loaded English Idioms and Their Translation此文档是由网络收集并进行重新排版整理.word可编辑版本!。



































”(方梦之,2003:47)德国翻译理论家Mary Snell-Hornby将翻译分为三类:文学翻译(Literary Translation),普通言语翻译(General Language Translation),以及专门用途言语翻译(Special Language Translation)。

(Mary Snell-Hornby,2001:32) 其中的普通言语翻译就是我们所说的实用英语翻译,包括新闻、广告、电影、公示语翻译等。















































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1. IntroductionBa Jin is an outstanding writer. He also is an excellent translator in Chinese literature history. His vision of The Happy Prince sell well in China in the past several decades. He has a sense of aesthetics in translation. The version translated by Ba Jin perfectly reflects his aesthetic thought. The version has simple wording, vivid image and fresh style. In recent years, more and more scholars have begun to focus on the translation of Ba Jin’s The Happy Prince . The thesis focuses on exploring Ba Jin’s version--The Happy Prince from strategies and features in translation.Through this study, it is found that translator should not omit the core of the origin text during the translation, on the contrary, the aesthetic information as its ultimate goal to be taken representative. This thesis will be helpful for those scholars who want a deep understanding about Ba Jin’s aesthetic thoughts on translation and stimulate people ’s interest to the aesthetic translation. By summing up experience and lessons learned in this field, more and better works will be published.2. Translation AestheticsAesthetics is a philosophical branch of inquiry concerned with beauty, art and perception. Translation aesthetics has a long history. There are few points about translation aesthetics. Liu (2004: 45) thinks that “the formal system is constituted by physical, natural properties and external components that directly build up images ” . Mao (2005: 97) discusses few topics about beauty in his book, including the beauty of sounds, the magic words, emotion, and so on . He defines the Translation Aesthetics is the study on aesthetic subject, aesthetic object and the aesthetic activities in Translation Aesthetics, this is the first time that translation aesthetics as the title in his book, he briefly reviewed the development history of Chinese translation aesthetics, concluded that “the basis of theory in traditional Chinese translation theory is aesthetics ”. Translation aesthetic object contains the original work and target work; translation aesthetic subject contains reader and translator; aesthetic activities have many details, including aesthetic judgments, aesthetic appreciation, creative aesthetic representation and so on.Liu (2004: 78) pointed out that “the combination of translation theory and artistic aesthetics is the basic characteristics of Chinese traditional translation theory ” in his book, [1][2] [1]in which he analyzes the aesthetic subject and aesthetic object briefly. Translation is a progress, including comprehension, transformation and improvement.2.1 Aesthetic SubjectNida (1963: 45) said “Translator is the aesthetic subject. A good target text not only has a bearing on the aesthetic constituents of its aesthetic object, but also has a bearing on the aesthetic subject ’s ability. When they are both in the integrating aesthetic relationship, translating, as the progression of aesthetic representation, should be endowed aesthetic effect” . Fu (1993:79) states that there are two aesthetic subjects during translating work--translator and receptor . Translator plays a very important role in translation. Aesthetic subjects refer to those people who can make judgment under the specific condition. Aesthetic subject is called “second reality ” by Tytler (2009: 32) because it is different form reality, and it has two types: translators and readers. Translator is the aesthetic subject of origin works, while reader is the aesthetic subject of the target works. Translators play a crucial role in translation. Translator should understand the works first, and then transform the meaning to target works. Translator is a active part in aesthetic translation. Considering the receptors, Mark (1997: 124) thinks that translator not only transform the main meaning to target work, but also aestheticconsciousness, culture accomplishment and aesthetic experience .Lao Zi (1999: 223) holds translator is the aesthetic subject of target text, he plays a very important role in perceiving, judging and evaluating original text and transforming every detail into target text, the deeper he understands the original text, the higher the quality oftranslation work would be.Liu (2004: 35) thinks that the translator should start translating work from the children ’sangle . So it is indispensable that the translator to master three aesthetic conditions: aesthetic consciousness, culture accomplishment and aesthetic experience .(1) aesthetic consciousnessAesthetic consciousness refers to the perception of aesthetics or a sense of aesthetics, they are from translator ’s instinct. In children ’s world, everything is so quite and simple, everyone is so friendly, their thoughts are very different from adults ’. If children think the world is imbalance after reading a book, the book is not a good one.(2) culture accomplishment[3][4] [5] [6] [7] [1]A good translator should have original language knowledge, target language knowledge and other related professional knowledge. As a translator of children ’s literature, the necessary knowledge is to know characteristics at different ages. If the translator apply children ’s language for adult, it should be very ridiculous to read such a translated work.(3) aesthetic experienceAs a translator, he must have enough vocabulary as well as syntactic resources, and he can use them flexibly in different situations. During translating works, translators should master translation methods, which will be helpful to make him acquire his aesthetic experience. For translators, aesthetic experience is quite important, especially in the translation of children ’s literature.Reader can be divided into two types-- adult and children. As readers, they are quite different. Adults have their own aesthetic standards. During reading works, they won’t accept the information from target works. Because they are capable of judging, evaluating and appreciating what they read. Also they can comprehend the knowledge that they have never heard, Their experience and relevant knowledge offer translators convenience to translate target works. While children are quite different from adults, children like literature which describe truth, beauty, honesty and kindness. They think that it is full of peace and love in the world around them. Children are curious, they will pay all their attention to new scene or environment, no matter it is bad or good.2.2 Aesthetic ObjectAccording to Liu’s (2004: 35) opinion, aesthetic object refers to source text [1]. Itsaesthetic values should be founded upon its aesthetic constituents. There are two categories, one is aesthetic superstratum elements, which refers to the features of the form of a language such as the characteristics of its phonology, lexicon and syntax. It is called the beauty of form in aesthetics, such as image, style of source text. It could be perceived directly. The other constituent is non-superstratum. There is no direct relationship between it and linguistic form. E (1978)has quite different idea from Liu (2004), he thinks that aesthetic object includessource text and target text. As real reflection of the reality, aesthetic object is called “third reality ”by Zhi (2006). Aesthetic objects can cater to people ’s aesthetic needs. Liu (2004) divided aesthetic objects into two terms: form system and non-form system. [8] [9] [1]Form system has two salient features. Firstly, it relates to susceptible feelings. Secondly, that form is a complicated conception.According to Liu’s opinion(2005),the non-form aesthetic constituents can be divided[1]into four scopes:sentiments,ideals, images and symbols .3. Ba Jin’s Aesthetic Thoughts in TranslationAs we all know, Ba Jin’s works are the solid foundation in Chinese literature,as a famous novelist in literary world, he has abundant aesthetic thoughts on translation. He provides lots of works for us. But few scholars pay attention to his aesthetic thought. He is famous for his novel in the modern literature world. Literature world pays more attention to his works at the beginning of his creation. But the study on his aesthetic thought in his novel has not been given sufficient attention. It is necessary to explore and summarize Ba Jin’s aesthetic thought. Ba Jin’s translation benefits from his extensive knowledge.Through the translation practic on children’s literature, Ba Jin acquires a lot precious experience, also he has a childlike heart, which makes children bound up in his works. All these experiences make him to become a first-class translator,and to achieve a great success in translation.3.1 Ba Jin’s Career as TranslatorBa Jin is a writer, also is a productive translator. All people know him as the writer's identity, but few people know his identity as a translator. He had built numerous characters. What he does in translation and writing pushes him to be an outstanding scholar. Many foreigners seek advice form him constantly. Ba Jin’s aesthetic thought in translation in the process of his translation work come from his accomplishment in Chinese language and English language,his rich experience and writing talent,his unassumingness and perseverance,etc...Generally speaking, all of these qualities play a crucial role in the comprehension and replication of aesthetics in The Happy Prince.Ba Jin has the idea of translating The Happy Prince few decades age, but he just didn’t dare to start. He decides to start the translation work in middle March of 1942. In the rest time of 1942, Ba Jin finished a portion of translation, three short stories--The Selfish Giant, The Happy Prince and The Nightingale and the Rose. After that moment, he was disappointed to his own translation, so he lost confidence suddenly. The more worse thing happened during the war in 1944, his handwriting were burned after he put them back to the bookrack. Ba Jin didn’t give up, he started again in 1946, two years later, he ultimately finished the translating.Thinking back, we can notice that the new start is good for the translation, because he became more mature in choosing words and dealing with the different cultures than the first time, also he had a deep understanding to the source work during such a long time. Ba Jin is worthy of our respect,no matter as a writer or translator.3.2 Ba Jin’s Aesthetic Translation ThoughtsThere is no standard for the definition of children’s literature,it has its own characteristics. Firstly, the details in children’s literature are dramatic and easy to understand, story lines are beneficial for promotion of the children’s interests, wit and taste.Secondly, children’s literature has an education function. Its language is meaningful,simple stories illustrate the profound truth. Thirdly, children are the target receiptor of children’s literature, so the language should be full of childlike innocence.In this way, can the works win the favor of children,to attract more readers.Children’s literature is quite different from adult literature.The former needs more special attention. Through years study in translation and language,Ba Jin has his own untouchable thoughts on translation.3.2.1 Ba Jin’s Language Features in TranslationWhen people talk about Ba Jin’s translation, they always concern with literal translation. Ba Jin shows children’s world on different levels.Firstly of all,Ba Jin’s language is very simple and colloquial. Children’s literature has become a hot topic in recent years. More and more translators and writers have realized that receiptors preferred to hear the sound of words and phrases. To meet the needs of children for rhythm and sounds,writers and translators try to make the language of their works sound nice, vivid and smooth. Ba Jin’s works are well-known, because some works written or translated by him are looked as stories. His wording is simple and easy to understand,readers,especially young readers feel familiar to the language,also it is benefit to understand other narration.Secondly,the most foregrounded during Ba Jin’s translation is the sound beauty. In children’s language,musical sound and noticeable characteristics are indispensable. We can find that there are so many interjection, exclamation and onomatopoeia in the conversation. Some writers and translators regard it as trivial or useless details, in fact, these elements are very important for translation. They are helpful to make the conversation more lively andinteresting, attracting more young readers. Ba Jin’s translation sets a good example in this respect.Lastly, Ba Jin focuses on the literal translation. He won’t omit every source language point. The target readers are European, so we can find Europeanized sentences in his works. These structures cause difficulties in understanding for children, however, as we all know, the readers and receiptors are not only the children, but also adults,it sounds reasonable.3.2.2 Ba Jin’s Aesthetic Attitude in TranslationThe aesthetic attitude is defined as the attitude to the aesthetic objects. It is influenced by many factors. One of the most factors is the inner desire and interest, it always exists in our minds.During the translation, the translators may extend the emotion or express his own sentiment if he love the original writer or this work, also he may take a quite initiative in the process of translation. Just as the excellent translator Roman(1959: 93) said, there are two standards to judge whether a translator is befitting to translate a original work. The first is wether the translator has interest in the source work, or the translator enjoys the source work;[10]The second standard is whether the translator has eyes to find every artistic element.Ba Jin says, he just chose those works which cater for his emotion or taste. His first translating is Signal,he has a great enthusiasm for this book, and his own sensibilities in it.Sometimes Ba Jin not totally goes along with the original authors, but every work is excellent in his eyes. He wants to open his heart to the readers through his own works and translation. Initially, Ba Jin was just trying to translate, while after he finished, he would be quite excited and very appreciate his own achievements.Wilde’s fairytales have few Significant features, such as beautiful and integrated style, the poetic language and the musical tone. Ba Jin was interested in them. He praised Wilde from the bottom of his heart. Wilde is a writer famous for his childlike language and his beautiful works, and he has his own characteristic style and rhetoric. Ba Jin said that he learned how to be a straight shooter after translating work.This positive aesthetic attitude to ensure Ba Jin's insistence, even in a bad situation he can modify his manuscripts and finish the translating.Ba Jin and Wilde hold a similar idea on the importance of the form, they both think thatform has a major influence on the literary.Ba Jin thinks that inferior should serve content, and he firmly believe that translators and writers in China never stop seeking for a form which can express their ideas freely. Wilde often regards form as the start point for the creation of works, the next one is ideas and then devotion. The form should be suitable for conveying original writer’s emotion incisively and vividly, attract more receiptors, and enhance the reader’s sense of aesthetics.A literature work can have many translators and countless readers. Every translator expresses his own aesthetic thoughts in his translating through his unique method. Each of them does their utmost to be faithful to the source work, but it cannot stop permeating the embodiment of personal judgment on aesthetics in translation. Ba Jin has his own principle in translation is that he tries his best to be faithful to the source work.Aa Jin focuses on the creative power during the translation.He has always insisted on the tone and style, this is the reason why so many people love Ba Jin’s visions.4. Ba Jin’s Aesthetic Translation in The Happy PrincePart three provides a brief introduction to Ba Jin as a translator, and his unique aesthetic thoughts in translation. In this part it is requisite to analyze Ba Jin’s achievement in translating works. Ba Jin translated version The Happy Prince is very popular in a period of time. Therefore,this study takes Ba Jin’s vision of The Happy Prince as an example to explore the aesthetics in the source work, to explore Ba Jin’s concrete manifestation of aesthetic elements in his vision,and how he takes aesthetic enjoyment to target readers.In fact, the key point of translation work is to make the target text to the maximum extent similar with the original text in aesthetics. No translator can produce a perfect text.If an imperfect to be a consummate one by translating,it is regarded as a palimpsest,not translation. In Yan’s opinion (1998: 167), aesthetic thoughts can be embodied in many ways, such as the Nationalization issues of the beauty of form; the filiation between national cultures and the beauty of form; the relation between form and content; how to make the aesthetic ideality to[11]be specific things .Before explore the aesthetic thoughts in translation, it is helpful to analyze the aesthetic features in The Happy Prince. For clarity,this thesis probe into the aesthetic thoughts in Ba Jin’s vision from three aspects: poetic language,image and style, these aspects are interdependent to each other in an organic whole and even overlap in some cases.4.1 Representation of the Poetic Language of The Happy PrinceIn literary art, scholars always regard language as the vehicle. Readers are attracted by literary language firstly when read writings. If the art cannot attract reader’s attention with best story and original concept, it indicates that there is no good nguage is like outerwear of writings, it contains words, phrases, sentence, paragraphs and discourses. There are many details in the process of expressing aesthetic thoughts and showing the original images, such as grammar,sentence structure and logic and so on.Beauty of language is determined by many aspects, including the choosing of words, sentence patterns and other linguistic expressions. A complete translation starts from original text and ends up with target text, so the transfer process of aesthetic thoughts is also from the original text to the translation. The external aesthetic elements are regarded as the form of language,the connotative aesthetic elements are content. The content contains not only the meaning,tone and sound,but also lingering charm and mood.4.1.1 Features of Language in The Happy PrinceIn Wilde’s fairytales, the most prominent feature in language is smoothness. In Ba Jin’s vision of The Happy Prince, there is a prominent feature is poetic language, no matter in describing a scene, telling a scenario, or making a dialogue, the language is always vivid and smart.There are five stories in The Happy Prince--The Nightingale and the Rose; The Selfish Giant; The Devoted Friend and The Remarkable Rocket.They are all filled with fantastic imagination and delicate sarcasm with simple colloquial language. All these cater for tastes of children and adults. Ba Jin owns a good language foundation and rich writing and has a very high capacity in comprehending the original text and applying target language.All these advantages have a promoting effect on Ba Jin’s translating work. He transfers the beauty of original text at utmost to the vision of The Happy Prince. The beauty in the original language gets represented in the largest degree in his version of The Happy Prince.4.1.2 Specific Representation of Language in The Happy PrincePeople who read this book will be deeply touched by its story, like The Nightingale and the Rose, this story focuses on the representation of the process in which the nightingale pressed her breast against the thorn all night to make a red rose with her blood for the student she loved.......“Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow,” said the Prince, ‘”will younot stay with me for one night, and be my messenger ? The boy is so thirsty,and the mother so sad” (Oscar Wilde1996:165) .......“燕子,燕子,小燕子,”王子要求说,“你难道不肯陪我过一夜,做一回我的信差么?那个孩子咳得太厉害了,他的母亲太苦恼了”(巴金 2010:202) 。
