地质 矿产普查与勘探 英汉词汇短语

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1 机器学习:machine learning
2 成本管理:Cost Management
3 金矿床:gold deposit
4 多孔介质:porous media
5 工程地质:engineering geology
6 图象处理:image processing
7 信息提取:information extraction
8 地质环境:geological environment
9 工程管理:engineering management
10 空间数据挖掘:spatial data mining
11 高光谱遥感:hyperspectral remote sensing
12 矿产资源:Mineral resource
13 空间自相关:Spatial Autocorrelation
14 成矿预测:metallogenic prognosis
15 数字矿山:digital mine
16 地质模型:geological model
17 主成份分析:principal component analysis
18 压力场:pressure field
19 遥感技术:remote sensing technique
20 铜矿床:copper deposit
21 矿业权:Mining right
22 环境地球化学:environmental geochemistry
23 拓扑关系:topological relation
24 粗糙度:surface roughness
25 结构面:Structural plane
26 分形模型:fractal model
27 误差校正:Error correction
28 三次样条插值:cubic Spline interpolation
29 施工成本:construction cost
30 遥感监测:remote sensing
31 辐射传输:radiative transfer
32 多元统计:multivariate statistics
33 矿床类型:deposit type
34 西昆仑:West Kunlun
35 Matlab程序:matlab program
36 接口程序:interface program
37 找矿前景:prospecting potential
38 时间域:time domain
39 自动提取:automatic extraction
40 地质工程:geological engineering
41 K-L变换:K-L transformation
42 城市地质:urban geology
43 锶同位素:strontium isotope
44 地质资料:geological data
45 动态更新:dynamic updating
46 三维地质模型:3D geological model
47 地质遗迹:geological relics
48 教学实习:teaching practice
49 岩性识别:lithologic identification
50 光谱特征:Spectral characteristics
东昆仑:eastern Kunlun
52 指数模型:exponential model
53 地质填图:geological mapping
54 综合信息:comprehensive information
55 体积模量:bulk modulus
56 影像处理:image processing
57 系统体系结构:system architecture
58 热红外遥感:Thermal infrared remote sensing
59 MATLAB工具箱:MATLAB Toolbox
60 资源量:resource extent
61 地质图:geological map
62 GPS系统:GPS system
63 Kriging方法:Kriging method
64 地形校正:topographic correction
65 铅锌矿:lead-zinc mine
66 图像解译:image interpretation
67 异常识别:anomaly recognition
68 赤平投影:Stereographic projection
69 数学地质:mathematical geology
70 GM(1,1)模型:GM (1,1) model
71 找矿模式:prospecting model
72 工程测量:engineering measurement
73 地质数据:geological data
74 工程哲学:philosophy of engineering
75 非正态分布:non-normal distribution
76 集合预报:Ensemble forecast
77 地质体:geological body
78 地质分析:geological analysis
79 地

球化学块体:geochemical block
80 传统方法:Traditional method
81 蚀变信息:alteration information
82 资源评价:resources assessment
83 线性构造:linear structure
84 围岩蚀变:wallrock alteration
85 变异函数:variation function
86 组件开发:component development
87 基准点:datum point
88 地质测量:geological survey
89 变差函数:variation function
90 地质数据库:Geological database
91 矿石品位:Ore grade
92 矿体:ore body
93 地质找矿:geological prospecting
94 中国学者:Chinese scholars
95 矿产:mineral resources
96 新发现:new discovery
97 元素组合:element association
98 地震效应:Earthquake effect
99 地质应用:geological application
100 新类型:new type
101 保障能力:support ability
102 代价敏感学习:cost-sensitive learning
103 面雨量:area rainfall
104 克立格法:Kriging method
105 定量反演:quantitative retrieval
106 普通克立格:ordinary Kriging
107 方法对比:method comparison
108 谐波信号:harmonic signal
109 自动绘制:automatic drawing
110 柴达木盆地北缘:northern margin of Qaidam Basin
111 勘探技术:exploration technique
112 矿产资源管理:Mineral resource management
113 SD法:SD method
114 钻探技术:drilling technique
115 具体措施:concrete measure
116 土壤科学:soil science
117 克里格法:Kriging method
118 调查评价:investigation and evaluation
119 蚀变带:alteration zone
120 西准噶尔:western Junggar
121 铁矿山:iron mine
122 Surpac软件:Surpac software
123 固体矿产:solid mineral
124 填图方法:mapping method
125 铀成矿:uranium metallogenesis
126 R型因子分析:R-factor analysis
127 顺序指示模拟:sequential indicator simulation
128 压力剖面:pressure profile
129 东昆仑造山带:eastern Kunlun orogenic belt
130 储量估算:reserve estimation
131 矿产资源评价:mineral resource assessment
132 MAPGIS软件:MAPGIS software
133 地层压力:stratum pressure
134 地质理论:geological theory
135 勘查方法:exploration method
136 地质编录:geological logging
137 多元信息:multivariate information
138 煤田地质勘探:coal geological exploration
139 ETM数据:ETM data
140 地球化学数据:geochemical data
141 球状模型:spherical model
142 遥感信息提取:Remote sensing information extraction
143 三维地质建模:3D geological model
144 地质结构:geologic structure
145 安庆铜矿:anqing copper mine
146 自动成图:automatic mapping
147 地质报告:geological report
148 蚀变异常:alteration anomaly
149 SiO2含量:SiO2 content
150 煤田地质:coal geology
151 川西北:northwestern Sichuan Province
152 勘查技术:exploration techniques
153 矿山开发:mine development
154 成果应用:result application
155 光谱曲线:spectrum curve

生产探矿:productive exploration
157 滇东:eastern Yunnan Province
158 浅层地温能:shallow geothermal energy
159 图形裁剪:graphics clipping
160 数字地质填图:digital geological mapping
161 储量计算:reserve estimation
162 深部找矿:Deep mineral exploration
163 遥感解译:remote sensing
164 金属矿床:metallic deposits
165 凤凰山铜矿:Fenghuangshan copper deposit
166 找矿靶区:prospecting target area
167 块体模型:block model
168 综合预测:Comprehensive Forecast
169 钻孔数据:drill data
170 数字区域地质调查:digital regional geological survey
171 系统缺陷:system defect
172 坐标系转换:coordinate system conversion
173 金属矿产:metal minerals
174 数字填图:digital geological mapping
175 铜陵矿集区:Tongling ore concentration area
176 克立格估计:Kriging estimation
177 物探技术:geophysical prospecting technique
178 ETM图像:ETM image
179 深部探测:deep exploration
180 组件式开发:component-based development
181 MAPGIS:MAPGIS software
182 三维数据结构:3D data structure
183 羊拉铜矿:Yangla copper deposit
184 蚀变信息提取:alteration information extraction
185 矿产资源规划:mineral resources plan
186 找矿远景区:ore prospective area
187 蚀变岩:alteration rock
188 资源储量:resource reserves
189 地层因素:formation factor
190 普朗铜矿:Pulang copper Deposit
191 光谱识别:Spectral identification
192 地质勘探:geology exploration
193 搜索椭球体:search ellipsoid
194 地质档案:geological file
195 地质剖面图:geologic section
196 勘探剖面:Exploration profile
197 影像增强:imaging enhancement
198 断面法:cross-section method
199 数字区调:digital regional geological survey
200 光谱异常:spectral anomaly
201 核测井信号:nuclear logging signal
202 有限元网格划分:finite element meshing
203 数据模板:data template
204 等值线追踪:contour tracing
205 普通克立格法:ordinary Kriging
206 数据入库:data loading
207 南方CASS:south CASS
208 勘查技术与工程:exploration technology and engineering
209 软数据:Soft Data
210 数字地形模型(DTM):Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
211 矿山遥感:mine remote sensing
212 资源勘查工程:resources prospecting engineering
213 垂直剖面法:vertical section method
214 证据权方法:weights of evidence method
215 隐伏矿体:concealed ore body
216 还原蚀变:reduction alteration
217 矿化异常:mineralization anomaly
218 接替资源:alternative resources
219 玉龙铜矿:Yulong Copper Mine
220 定位预测:position prediction
221 矿产储量:mineral storage
222 含矿性:ore potentiality
223 比值分析:ratio analysis
224 矿床储量:reserves of ore deposits
225 地质剖面:geologic section
226 储量审定:reserves examinati

227 找矿矿物学:mineralogy for ore prospecting
228 环形构造:circle structure
229 未动用储量:non-producing reserves
230 涌出量:pouring amount
231 矿产资源勘查:exploration of mineral resources
232 产出特征:occurrence characteristics
233 区域成矿背景:Regional mineralizing setting
234 多光谱遥感:multispectral remote sensing
235 矿体圈定:ore delineation
236 品位估算:grade estimation
237 异常分级:anomaly classification
238 多目标区域地球化学调查:multipurpose regional geochemical survey
239 蚀变信息检测:Alteration information detection
240 地层信息:strata information
241 三维遥感:3D remote sensing
242 深部矿:deep deposit
243 卫星遥感图像:satellite images
244 钻孔信息:borehole information
245 光谱角:spectral angle mapper
246 综合解译:synthetic analysis
247 砂砾料场:sand field
248 几何算法:geometry algorithm
249 图库管理:graph storehouse management
250 Gauss消去法:Gauss Elimination
251 蚀变矿物填图:Alteration mineral mapping
252 距离幂次反比法:Distance Power Inverse Ratio method
253 ShapeFile:Shape file
254 空间数学模型:spatial mathematical model
255 三维Kriging:3D Kriging
256 衰老矿井:aging mine
257 铜矿体:copper ore body
258 表层结构调查:Near-surface Structure Survey
259 光谱角填图:Spectral angle mapper
260 个旧地区:Gejiu area
261 三维结构模型:3D structure model
262 线性地质特征:geologic lineament
263 境界优化:Pit limit optimization
264 遥感地质解译:remote sensing geological interpretation
265 汝州市:RuZhou City
266 多层次模糊综合评价:multi-level fuzzy integrated evaluation
267 资源量估算:estimation of resources
268 复采:second mining
269 巴什布拉克铀矿区:Bashibulake uranium ore district
270 水文地质符号:signs of hydrology geology
271 水文地质图例:legends of hydrology geology
272 三维地质模拟:3D geological modeling
273 稳健方法:robust method
274 地质勘测:geological survey
275 岩矿:rock and mineral
276 铜山铜矿:Tongshan copper deposit
277 三维地层模型:3D stratum model
278 超基性岩体:ultrabasic rock
279 矿业权核查:mining right inspection
280 光谱数据空间结构:spectral data space structure
281 成矿预测区:Become the forecasting area in mine
282 矿山工程软件:Mine engineering software
283 广义三棱柱(GTP):generalized tri-prism(GTP)
284 露采矿山:opencast mine
285 资源储量估算:resources and reserves estimation
286 增强处理:enhancing processing
287 矿床地质模型:deposit modeling
288 光谱提取:Spectra Extraction
289 多源地学信息:remote sense、geophysical prospecting、geochemical prospecting and geology information
290 兰坪铅锌矿:the Lanping Plumbum and Zinc Mine
291 工

程地质遥感:remote sensing in engineering geology
292 最小包围盒:encasing box
293 三维块体:3D blocks
294 二维制图:two dimensional drafting
295 最优密度分割:The best density separation method
296 空间变异理论:spatial variability theory
297 计算机分类:computer classification
298 中国学科中心:WDC China
299 地层数据:formation data
300 平面法:plane-corresponding method
301 自动圈定:Automatic enclose mine
302 蚀变遥感异常:alteration remote sensing anomaly
303 壤塘成矿带:Rangtang metallogenic belt
304 盒3段:the third member of Shihezi Formation
305 塔尔巴哈台山:Taerbahatai Mrs
306 平行剖面法:method of parallel section
308 地质勘查规范:geological exploration norm
309 中酸性岩体:intermediate-acid intrusive rocks
310 数字实际材料图:Digital Factual Datum Map
311 滞后距:lag distance
312 测量工作:survey work
313 文件保存:file saving
314 工程地质资料:engineering geological information
315 MATLAB技术:MATLAB Technology
316 少数民族人才:National minority talented person
317 矿化蚀变信息:altered rock's information
318 勘查技术方法:exploration technology and method
319 地质异常体:geology abnormal
320 水土空间变异:Spatial variability of soil water-salt
321 人工神经指示克立格:Artificial Neural Indicator Kriging
322 储量估算插值:reserves estimation interpolation
323 OO-Solid数据模型:OO-Solid Model
324 遥感找矿预测:remote sensing prospecting prediction
325 黑山岭地区:and mountain areas
326 区域地球化学勘查数据处理:Regional geochemical exploration data processing
327 单元素异常:Single element anomaly
328 多元异常:Multi-variate anomaly
329 岩矿填图:Rocks and Minerals Mapping
330 矿产资源储量动态估算:Mineral resources and reserves dynamic estimation
331 实地核查数据:Field verification data
332 采取率:core recovery rate
333 异常套合:registered unusual
334 3D反演成像:3D inversion imaging
335 多目标化探:multi-object geochemical exploration
336 矿化蚀变异常:mineralization alteration abnormality
337 浅部矿:shallow deposit
338 东乌珠穆沁:Dong Ujimqin
339 中美合作填图:Sino-U.S. cooperative geological mapping
340 填图理念:mapping idea
341 阳山矿区:Yangshan mining area
342 地层错断:bad break within geological body
343 界限三角形:limit triangle
344 感应技术:sensing technology
345 泽当矿田:Tsedang Orefield
346 递进与综合:progressive and comprehensive
347 条件概率分布函数:conditional cumulative distribute function
348 CGIS软件:software of CGIS
349 保护利用规划图:protection and utilization planning map
350 矿权坐标转换:coordinate conversion of mining right
51 矿区控制加密:orefie

ld control densification
352 最优密度分割法:Optimal density segmentation
353 铁化蚀变:Fe3+ alteration
354 填绘:filling and drawing
355 灰色线性回归组合:gray linear regression combination
356 岩矿光谱特征:rock-mineral spectral characteristics
357 纯净像元指数(PPI):pixel purity index(PPI)
358 部署与实施:arrangement and execution
359 传统方法矿产资源储量估算软件:mineral resources and reserves estimation system
360 夹石及采空区扣除:stone and gob area deduction
361 系统实现及应用:system realization and application
362 潜在资源量:potential resource quantity
363 排序扫描算法:Sequential scanning algorithm
364 地层缺失和倒转:stratum absence and reversion
365 控制点搜索:reference point searching
366 3°带:3° zone
367 雄村铜矿:Xiongcun copper deposit
368 遥感图像应用:application of remote sensing image
369 遥感信息判读:reading remote sensing information for judgment
370 图文数字化:graph-text digitalization
371 地勘类专业:major in geological prospecting
372 分层教学体系:stratum teaching system
373 内蒙古扎鲁特旗:Zhalot of Inner Mongolia
374 铁路勘察:railway line survey
375 泛克里格模型:Universal Krige Model
376 转换域:transforming domain
377 最小取样量:minimum sampling mass
378 ASTER与ETM数据:ASTER and ETM data
379 高(多)光谱数据:Hyper(multi-) spectral data
380 Crosta法:Crosta technique
381 掩膜技术:masking technique
382 矿物光谱特征:mineral spectral features
383 阿热勒托别地区:Areletuobie area
384 雄武镇背斜:Xiongwu Town anticline
385 新型遥感技术:new types of remote sensing technology
386 铀资源勘查:uranium deposit prospecting
387 比值逻辑乘运算:ratio logistic multiplication
388 混合蚀变:mixed alteration anomaly
389 小井调查:Small well investigation
390 勘探施工:exploration construction
391 岩石测量:rock measurement
392 原始地质编录:Initial geological logging
393 世界数据中心:World Data Center
394 世界数据系统:World data system
395 三维数字岩心:3D digital core
396 局部孔隙度理论:local porosity theory
397 单向约束TIN:Unilateralism TIN
398 资源/储量估算:Resource / reserve estimates
399 平行断面法:parallel cross-section method
400 截面圆锥体公式:section cone formula
401 梯形体公式:trapezoid body formula
402 错误检测率:probability of wrong detection
403 遥感图:remote-sensing map
404 分层增量自适应:stratified momentum term adaptive
405 矿产储量估算软件:Mineral resources and reserves calculation software
406 增强型专题制图:ETM~ +
407 羟基异常:Hydroxylate anomaly (OHA)
408 可见和近红外:Visible and near-infrared (VNIR)
409 化学元素值预测:prediction of chemical element data
410 J

ohnson转换:Johnson transform
411 数字矿产勘查:Digital mineral survey
412 图件报表快速编制:Quick mapping and tabling
413 实时快速更新:Real time fast updating
414 多元地学信息数据:multi-source geosciences-message data
415 西昆仑北段:the northern section of the west kunlun
416 上扬子:Upper Yangtze
417 Kriging抽样:Kriging sampling
418 汇交要求:Hand in request
419 矿山环境监测:mine environment monitoring
420 光谱拟合:spectral fitting
421 多重分形滤波:S-A method
422 铁染蚀变:iron stained alteration
423 羟基蚀变:hydroxyl alteration
424 综合致矿地质异常:geoanomaly associated with mineralization
425 信息提取与集成:extraction and integration of geoanomalous information
426 信息关联与转换:connection and transformation of geoanomalous information
427 矿产资源综合定量评价:quantitatively integrated mineral exploration
428 局部奇异性指数:local singularity exponent
429 滑动衬值:gliding contrast value
430 样本排序:sample ranking
431 数据探查分析:exploratory data analysis(EDA)
432 第二深度空间找矿勘探:the second depth and space for ore exploration
433 矿区监测:monitoring in mining area
434 知识驱动模型:data-driven model
435 遥感蚀变信息:remote sensing alteration information
436 DEM垂向叠加:vertical addition of DEM
437 空间不完备数据:Spatial Incomplete Data
438 雷达遥感影像:SAR remote sensing image
439 单位土壤碳量:Unit Soil Carbon Amount
440 地层数据模型:stratum data model
441 空间散乱点插值:spatial scattered points interpolation


