



一.细节知识点(一)Greek &Roman1.drama●Aeschylus埃斯基洛斯:Prometheus Bound被束缚的普罗米修斯,Persians波斯人,Agamennon●Sophcles索发克里斯:(tragic art)Oedipus the king, Electra,Antigone●Euripides欧里庇得斯:“problem plays”,Andromache,Medea,Trojan Women●Aristophanes阿里斯多芬尼斯:Frogs,Clouds,Wasps,Birds2.Historian●H erodotus:*“father of history”* from Greek to Persians *full ofanecdotes and dialogues ,interesting●T hucydides: *younger than Herodotus *Athens to Sparta and Athensto Syracuse希拉库萨 *style is imagination and power *the greatesthistorian that ever lived3.philosophy and science●P ythagoras毕达哥拉斯: *bold thinker *believe everything isnumbers* scientific mathematics----point,line ,magnitude震级,surface,body,first proportion●H eracleitus赫拉克里克:*fire is the primary element of universe*sayings: all is flux,nothing stationary/you cannot step twice intothe same river/fresh waters are ever flowing in upon you/ the sunis new every day.*believe mingling of opposites ,opposites produce harmony(二) Bibletranslation●Latin version:383-405AD by St .Jerome●English version:1382 John Wycliff(三)Middle ages/ Medieval1. AD 476 Roman power was gone2. after 1054 Church was divided into Roman Catholic and Eastern OrthodoxChurch3.The Crusades: 1096-1291 last for about 200 years4.learning:● Charlemagne查理曼大帝:*western and central Europe*father of Europe .Emperor of Romans in 800*Carolingian Renaissance加洛林*encourage Christian religion and ancient learning by setting monasteryschools● Alfred the Great阿尔弗雷德大帝:*ruler of Anglo Saxon of Wessex*Encourage teacher and scholars , Wessex center of learning*Anglo Saxon chronicles英国编年史● St .Thomas Aquinas*Italian philosopher ,scholasticism经院哲学*Summa Contra Centiles , Summa Theologiae 《神学大全》*building a society of “God’s rule””God’s will”,Pope is“Christ’splenipotentiary基督的全权代表” above secular rulers● Roger Bacon罗杰培根*a British monk ,one of the earliest advocates of experimental scientificresearch and observation*works :Opus maius ,encyclopedia of the sciences of his time5.Literature●Beowulf :an Anglo Saxon epic● Song of Roland ,La Chanson de Gestes: French● Dante:the divine of comedy神曲 greatest poet of Italy●Geoffrey Chaucer 乔叟:English poet :canterbury tales坎特伯雷故事集,(first short story teller, first modern poet in English literature )(四)Renaissance1.started in Florence and Venice, Italy2.heart of Renaissance philosophy is greatness of man ,humanism3.masterpieces :● Giovanni Boccaccio薄伽丘:Decameron十日谈(the greatest achievementof prose fiction 散文小说in the middle ages)● Francesco Petrarch彼德拉克:*discover Cicero’s Oration Oro Arochia,a Roman defense of poetry*Works: Canzoniers(lyrical), Africa,Metrical Epistles,On Contempt forthe Worldly Life,On Solitude,Ecologues, The Letters●Giotto乔托:*forerunner of Renaissance,led the way to humanism,realistic depiction of space*works: Flight into Egypt ,Betrayal of Juda s●Giorgione乔尔乔捏:Tempesta , Sleeping Venus(use of colour schemes to unify picture and most revolutionaryresult in this sphere)●Leonardo da Vinci:*painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor,anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer.*12 paintings 5000 books ,Renaissance man in the true sense of word.*Last Supper(most famous religious pictures), Mona Lisa(most portrait)●Michelangelo Buonarroti:* an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet, and engineer* David ,Sistine Chapel ,Dying Slave ,Moses●Raphael:Madonna(Virgin Mary)各种圣母画,school of Athens● Rabelais拉伯雷: French ,Gargantua and Pantagruel《巨人传》● Pleiade 七星诗社:French ,leader is Pirre de Ronsard(Sonnet PourHelene) ,发扬保卫法兰西语言●Cervantes塞万提斯:Spanish,Don Quixote 1062● Erasmus:Dutch, Renaissance humanist, Catholic priest, teacher, andtheologian,Greek edition of New Testament ,Praise of Folly《愚人颂》●Durer : German ,follower of Martin Lutherthe four horsemen of apocalypse 天启四骑士knight ,death and the devil●Thomas more:英国人,Utopia乌托邦,conclusion●Shakespeare:英国人Twelfth night ,As you like it ,Hamlet,Othello,King Lear ,Macbeth,Antony and Cleopatra,Sonnets, King Henry 5,6二 .名词解释1.RenaissanceRenaissance is a period of western civilization between 14-17th century.The word Renaissance means revival .it also means the revival of interestin ancient Greek and Roman culture,which started in Florence andVenice ,Italy . the heart of~is humanism.2 . Reformation~ was a 16th century religious movement as well as a socio-political movement ,which began with Martin Luther’s 95 theses in 1517. TheReformation began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church.3.Middle ages :~is also called Medieval ,”the year of faith”* or the thousand-year period following the fall of the western roman empire in the 5th century .it camebetween ancient times and modern times .During this period Germanickingdom grew into nations such as England ,French ,Spain, Italy, Germany.4 . Feudalism~is a system of holding land in exchange for military service .the word~was derived from the Latin “feudum” , a grant of land.5 Catholic~Means” universal”. ~church was a highly centralized and disciplinedinternational religious organization .in the middle ages ,almost everyEuropeans belonged to it.6. old testament~is one of the two parts of the Bible ,which is about the God and the laws of God. Testament means agreement—the agreement between God and man.7. Pentateuch 摩西五书The oldest first five parts of the Bible including Genesis ,Exodus,Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy8. doric :one of Greek architecture styles,~is also called masculine style .it’s sturdy 坚定的,powerful,severelooking ,showing sense of proportions andnumbers.Ionic:feminine style graceful and elegant,showing wealth of ornament装饰三.问答1. What happened in Western Europe after the decline of the Roman Empire?After the Roman Empire lost its predominance优势, a great many Germanic Kingdoms began to grow into the nations know as England, France, Italy, andGermany in its place. These nations of Western Europe were in the scene of frequent wars and invasions. The political unity had given way to widespread destruction and confusion. Hunger and disease killed many lives and village fell into ruin and great areas of land lay waste. There was no central government to keep the order. The only organization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian church. Christianity was almost the all and the one of Medieval lives in western Europe and took lead in politics, law, art, and learning for hundreds years.2. What were the cultural characteristics of the period from 500 to 1000? Above all, the cultural characters of this period were the heritage and achievement of Roman culture and the emergence of Hebrew and Gothic culture.3.What made Italy the birthplace of the Renaissance?Because of its geographical position, foreign trade developed early in Italy. This brought Italy into contact with other cultures and gave rise to urban economy and helped Italy accumulate wealth which was an essential factor for the flowering of art and literature.For two centuries beginning from the late 15th century, Florence was the golden city which gave birth to a whole generation of poets, scholars, artists and sculptors. There was in Florence a revival of interest in classical learning and rising of humanist ideas.And to spread the new ideas, libraries and academies were founded.In the 15th century printing was invented and helped to spread humanist ideas.4. How did Italian Renaissance art and architecture break away from medi eval traditions?The Italian Renaissance art and architecture radically broke away from the medieval methods of representing the visible world. Compared with the latter, the former has t he following distinct features:⑴Art broke away from the domination of church and artist who used to be craftsmen commissioned by the church became a separate strata doing noble and creati ve work⑵Themes of painting and architecture changed from purely celestial realm focusingon the stories of the Bible, of God and Mary to an appreciation of all aspects of n ature and man;⑶The artists studied the ruins of Roman and Greek temples and put many of the principles of ancient civilization into their works;⑷Artists introduced in their works scientific theories of anatomy and perspective.。





















自考英语《欧洲文化入门》知识点笔记(全十章)1、There are many elements constituting(组成) European Culture.2、There are two major elements:Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.3、The richness(丰富性) of European Culture was created by Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.第一章1、The 5th century closed with civil war between Athens and Sparta.2、The economy of Athens rested on(依赖) an immense(无限的)amount of slave labour.3、Olympus mount,776 BC first celebration, Revived in 1896(当代奥运会)4、Ancient Greece(古希腊)’s epics was created by Homer.5、They are about events of Homer’s own time. (错)(They are not about events of Homer’s own time,probably in the period 1200-1100 B.C.)6、The Homer’s epics consisted of Iliad and Odyssey.7、Agamemnon,Hector,Achilles are in Iliad.8、Odysseus and Penelope are in Odyssey.9、Odyssey(对其作品产生影响)—→James Joyoe‘s Ulysses(描述一天的生活)。


00Greek that of the eastern half.
00230Both Latin and Greek belong to Indo-European language.
00240The Roman writer Horace(:e0lQCQMR65-8t^ WlN0) said captive Greece took her rude conqueror captive 0
00The world s first vast interior space.NLu
N,{ Colosseum('Yt珐) is an enormous.2)Yvsb_q_gRb
00410Sculpture(QX) She-wolf(
00; Father of History ! Herodotus ! war(between Greeks and Persians)
00This war is called Peleponicion wars. ZSWTY嬒d 3
00fH[ v^l g_洺0
00; The greatest historian that ever lived. ( geggO'YvS[) ! Thucydides ! war (Sparta Athens and Syracuse)
00200The burning of Corinth in 146 B.C. Marked Roman conquest of Greece.
00210The melting between Roman Culture and Greek Culture. (Wl_ g ^Jvh)
00220From 146 B.C. Latin was the language of the western half of the Roman Empire.







古希腊文明对现代政治、哲学、艺术和文学产生了深远影响,其知识点主要包括以下几个方面:1. 政治制度:古希腊是世界上第一个实行民主制度的国家,雅典是古希腊的政治中心,其民主制度对世界政治制度的发展产生了巨大影响。

2. 哲学思想:古希腊哲学家们提出了许多重要的哲学理论,如苏格拉底的“知己知彼,百战不殆”、“以善为美,以美为善”等观点,这些哲学思想成为了西方哲学的基石。

3. 艺术和文学:古希腊是文艺复兴时期的艺术和文学的重要源泉,其雕塑、绘画、戏剧和史诗等作品对后世艺术产生了巨大的影响。


4. 历史事件:古希腊发生了许多重要的历史事件,如波斯战争、伯罗奔尼撒战争等,这些事件对古希腊文明的发展产生了巨大影响。


古罗马文明是古代欧洲最伟大的文明之一,其知识点主要包括以下几个方面:1. 政治制度:古罗马是世界上第一个实行共和制度的国家,其政治制度对欧洲和世界历史产生了深远影响。


2. 法律制度:古罗马制定了众多重要的法律法规,如《十二表法》是古罗马最早的法典,为后世法律制度的发展奠定了基础。

3. 城市建设:古罗马建设了许多伟大的城市,如罗马、庞贝和尼米亚等城市,这些城市对古代欧洲城市的发展产生了重要影响。

4. 基础设施建设:古罗马兴建了许多重要的基础设施,如水道、公路和桥梁等,这些基础设施为古罗马帝国的经济和文化发展提供了重要支持。






















欧洲文化入门听课笔记和重点总结第一篇:欧洲文化入门听课笔记和重点总结欧洲文化入门听课笔记和重点总结1.希腊罗马Homer Author of epics Sappho Lyric poet 三大悲剧家:Aeschylus Tragic dramatist Sophocles Tragic dramatist Euripides Tragic dramatist 喜剧家:Aristophanes Comedy writer 历史学家:Herodotus wrote about wars between Greeks and Persians Father of history Thucydides wrote about wars between Athens and Sparta and Athens and Syracuse the greatest historian that have ever lived 哲学和科学:Pythagoras All things were numbers founder of scientific mathematics Heracleitue Fire is the primary element Democritus Materialist,one of the earliest exponents of the atomic theory Socrates Dissect of oneself,virtue was high worth of life,dialectical method Plato Man have knowledge because of the existence of certain general ideas Aristotle Direct observation,theory follow fact,idea and matter together made concrete individual realities Euclid a textbook of geometry Archimedes when a body is immersed in water its loss of weight is equal to the weight of the water displaced “Give me a place to stand and I…ll move the World”Others Diogenes(the Cynics)Pyrrhon(the Sceptics)Epicurus(the Epicureans)Zeno(the Stoics)4th century B.C.后半叶希腊在Alexander,king of Macedon的领导下,5th century B.C.达到顶峰,146 B.C.被罗马攻克2.基督教和圣经Jews—以前叫Hebrews,3800B.C.穿过中东沙漠,1300B.C.Moses带领Hebrews离开埃及,开始他们的Exodus,他在Sinai山定了ten commandments in the name of God,40年后Hebrews定居Pelestine,known as Canaan,Hebrew人的历史口头传送记入the old Testament,6th century B.C.,他们在Babylon形成synagogue(忧太集会)来发扬他们的教义。



王佐良欧洲文化入门知识点总结一、欧洲地理概况1. 概述:欧洲是世界上第三大洲,北起北冰洋,南至地中海和黑海,西界大西洋,东临乌拉尔山脉、乌拉尔河和里海。

2. 各国概况:欧洲共有50个国家,主要包括英国、法国、德国、意大利、西班牙等国家。


二、欧洲历史概述1. 文艺复兴:欧洲文艺复兴是欧洲历史上一次重大的文化运动,是从14世纪中后期开始,15世纪到16世纪初达到高潮。


2. 工业革命:工业革命是指从18世纪末到19世纪初,以英国为中心的一场以机器代替手工业为特征的社会经济变革。


三、欧洲文化的特点1. 宗教文化:欧洲是基督教文明的发源地,基督教文化在欧洲有着深远的影响,造就了许多宏伟的教堂和宗教艺术。

2. 古典文化:希腊罗马文化对欧洲文明有着深远的影响,许多欧洲国家的建筑、雕塑、绘画等艺术形式都受到了古典文化的启发。

3. 音乐文化:欧洲有着丰富多样的音乐文化,如奥地利的维也纳音乐、意大利的歌剧、西班牙的弗拉明戈等,许多世界著名的作曲家和音乐家都出自欧洲。

4. 文学文化:欧洲文学在世界文学史上占有重要地位,如莎士比亚、但丁、雨果、托尔斯泰等名家名作都是世界文学宝库中的珍品。

四、欧洲风俗文化1. 饮食文化:欧洲的饮食文化多种多样,以法国、意大利等国家的美食最为著名,例如法式大餐和意大利披萨饼等。

2. 节庆文化:欧洲各国有着丰富多彩的传统节庆,如法国的巴士底狄大游行、德国的慕尼黑啤酒节、西班牙的圣诞夜等。

3. 服饰文化:欧洲各国的服饰文化也十分丰富多彩,代表性的如英国的格子、法国的时装等。

五、欧洲国际关系1. 欧盟:欧洲联盟是由欧洲国家组成的政治经济联盟,旨在促进成员国之间的经济合作与发展,维护和平与安全。





















欧洲文化知识点总结1. 艺术欧洲是世界上艺术之都,以其众多博物馆、美术馆和艺术家而闻名。




2. 音乐欧洲音乐历史悠久,可以追溯到古希腊和古罗马时期的音乐。




3. 建筑欧洲的建筑风格多种多样,代表性建筑如希腊的帕台农神庙、古罗马的斗兽场、巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔、威尼斯的圣马可大教堂、威尼斯的圣马可大教堂等都成为了当地的标志性建筑。


4. 文学欧洲文学是世界文学的重要组成部分,包括古希腊的史诗《荷马史诗》、古罗马的《尤利乌斯•凯撒传》、中世纪的《唐吉诃德》和《尼布龙根传奇》、文艺复兴时期的《唐璜》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、现代的小说《匆匆那年》、《麦田守望者》、《经济学原理》等,都成为了世界文学的经典之作。


5. 哲学欧洲哲学在西方哲学中占有重要地位,古希腊的苏格拉底、柏拉图和亚里士多德等哲学家们奠定了西方哲学的基础,他们提出了许多深刻的哲学思想,如“人人皆有理智”和“美、善、真理等普遍真理”。


6. 宗教欧洲是世界上宗教文化最为丰富的大陆之一,多种宗教并存,包括基督教、伊斯兰教、犹太教等。

欧洲文化入门 第二章 考点 复习要点

欧洲文化入门 第二章 考点 复习要点

I. General IntroductionIn European history, the thousand-year period following the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century is called the Middle Ages,also called Medieval times(476-1450). It is so called because it came between ancient times and modern times.In the latter part of the fourth century the Huns(匈奴人) swept into Europe from central Asia, robbing and killing as they came along, and large-numbers of the half civilized Germanic tribes such as the Visigoths, the Franks, the Angles and Saxons, and the Vandals fled(逃避) their homelands in northern Europe and were pushed to cross the Danube river*(多瑙河) into the territory(领土) of the Roman Empire. In A. D. 476 a Germanic general killed the last Roman emperor(君主) and took control of the government. While the Eastern Roman Empire continued, the power of ancient Rome was gone. In its place mushroomed a great many Germanic kingdoms, which in a few hundred years were to grow into the nations known as England. France, Spain, Italy, and Germany. Between the fifth and eleventh centuries, western Europe was the scene of frequent wars and invasions(战争和侵略). The political unity had given way to widespread destruction and confusion. Hunger and disease killed many lives; towns and villages fell into ruin and great areas of land lay waste.During the Medieval times there was no central government to keep the order. The only organization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian church. It continued to gain widespread power and influence- In the Late Middle Ages,almost everyone in western Europe was a Christian and a member of the Christian Church.It is also known as the medieval period(1000), and as the Dark Ages(476-1000). As during the Middle times there wasno central government to keep the order, and the Christian church shaped people ’ s ideas and lives by taking the lead in politics, law, art, and learning of Europe, it is also called “ Age of Faith .”Whatever names we may give to this span of time, this is a period in which classical, Hebrew and Gothic heritages merged(传承、融合). And it is this fusion and blending of different ideas and practices 'that paved the way for the development of what is the present-day European culture.II . Manor and Church1. FeudalismFeudalism in Europe was mainly a system of land holding a system of holding land in exchange for military service. The word "feudalism" was derived from the Latin "feudum", a grant of land.a. Growth of FeudalismWhen the Western Roman Empire grew weak, people lived in constant danger of attacks from invaders and robbers. They had to find ways to protect their families and homes. Owners of small farms sought protection from large landowners, by giving them land and services; In return the large landowners promised to protect the landless peasants and their families. Besides, war had destroyed lots of towns, trade and business had declined, more and more townspeople fled to the countryside to seek protection from those powerful landowners. In this way, the large landowners came to own more and more and while the peas ants ended up giving the lords not only their land but their freedom as well. Most of them became serfs(农奴), bound to the land where they had been born. Only very fewpeasants were freemen, they were usually the workers who made the ploughs, shod the horses, and made harnesses for oxen and horses.Then in 732 Charles Martel, a Prankish ruler gave his soldiers estates known as fiefs as a reward for their service. They, granted the right to govern large sections of land as fiefs to great lords. These lords known as vassals in turn promised to fight for the king. And they themselves further granted parts of their fiefs to lesser vassals. Thus, a complicated system of government developed. After 800, the kings in Europe were usually very weak. Without a strong central government the kingdoms of Western Europe were divided into thousands of feudal manors or farming communities, each as big as an ancient polis. Some nobles grew more powerful than the king, and became independent rulers. They had the right to collect taxes and to make their own laws. Many of them coined their own money and raised their own armies. Therefore feudalism was also a system of government a form of local and decentralized government.b. The ManorThe centre of medieval life under feudalism was the manor. Manors were founded on the fiefs of the lords. Some lords owned only one manor; others owned many. They lived in a manor house. The manor(庄园主的住宅) house originally consisted of one big room with a high ceiling and astraw-covered floor. There nobles(贵族) met with vassals(奴仆), carried the laws and said their prayer. By the twelfth (第十二)century manor houses were made of stone and designed as fortresses(堡垒). They came to be called castles(城堡). Medieval Europe was dotted with castles. For instance in Germany alone [here were as many as 1 0 000 castles.Near the manor stood a small village of wood and dirt cottages with thatched roof. The village was surrounded by forests, meadows, pastures,and fields. Most village had a church, mill(作坊), bread oven(烤炉), and wine press. At the centre of the manor stood the church.c. Knighthood and Code of Chivalry(骑士!)Almost all nobles were knights in the Medieval days. But no one was born a knight ― knighthood had to be earned. The training was both long and hard. A noble began his education as a page at the age of seven. He was taught to say his prayers, learned good manners and ran errands for the ladies. At about fourteen, the page(学习骑士,接收训练期间做侍从,可以被训练为骑士) became a squire(地主,乡绅) or assistant to a knight (骑士) who became his master.学习骑士在十四岁的时候成为乡绅或者作为自己导师(也是骑士)的助手。



《欧洲文化入门》知识点笔记1、There are many elements constituting(组成) European Culture.2、There are two major elements:Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.3、The richness(丰富性) of European Culture was created by Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.第一章1、The 5th century closed with civil war between Athens and Sparta.2、The economy of Athens rested on(依赖) an immense(无限的)amount of slave labour.3、Olympus mount, Revived in 1896(当代奥运会)4、Ancient Greece(古希腊)’s epics was created by Homer.5、They events of Homer’s own time. (错)(They are not about events of Homer’s own time, probably in the period 1200-1100 B.C.)6、The Homer’s epics consisted of Iliad and Odyssey.7、Agamemnon,Hector, Achilles are in Iliad.8、Odysseus and Penelope are in Odyssey.9、Odyssey(对其作品产生影响)—→James Joyoe’s Ulysses(描述一天的生活) In the 20th century.10、Drama in Ancient Greece was floured in the 5th century B.C.11、三大悲剧大师① Aeschylus《Prometheus Bound》—→模仿式作品Shelly《Prometheus Unbound》② Sophocles(之首)《Oedipus the King》—→ Freud’s “the Oedipus complex” (恋母情结)—→ David Herbert Lawrence’s《Sons and lovers》(劳伦斯)447页③ EuripidesA.《Trojan Women》B.He is the first writer of “problem plays”(社会问题剧) 在肖伯纳手中达到高潮,属于存在主义戏剧的人物C.Elizabeth Browning called him “Euripides human”(一个纯粹的人)D.Realism can be traced back(追溯到) to the Ancient Greece.To be specific(具体来说),Euripides.12、The only representative of Greek comedy is Aristophanes. 18页Aristophanes writes about nature. —→浪漫主义湖畔派(The lakers)华兹华兹(新古典主义代表作家《格列夫游记》《大人国小人国》《温和的提议》用讽刺的写作手法)13、History (Historical writing)史学创作※“Father of History” —→ Herodotus —→ war(between Greeks and Persians)This war is called Peleponicion wars. 博罗奔泥撒,3只是陈述史实,并没有得出理论。







以下是一些欧洲文化导论的知识点总结:1. 古希腊文化古希腊文化是欧洲文明的发源地之一。





2. 古罗马文化古罗马文化是欧洲文明的另一个重要组成部分。




3. 基督教文化基督教是欧洲文化的重要组成部分。



4. 文艺复兴文艺复兴是欧洲文化史上的一个重要时期。



5. 宗教改革宗教改革是欧洲文化史上的另一个重要时期。


6. 欧洲的殖民扩张欧洲的殖民扩张对世界的历史、政治、经济和文化产生了深远的影响。


7. 欧洲的政治和社会制度欧洲的政治和社会制度对欧洲文化的发展产生了重要影响。





























欧洲文化入门A brief introduction to Western cultureChecking the name rosterFinal scoreExam(70%)+ attendance + presentation(30%) Organize your class into 13 or 14 groups.Show the sample of presentation.Ask the first two groups to prepare for the presentation.(case study)In our class, the most important for all of my friends is to open your mouth since we have passed our test already. Practice makes perfect. Fermented—Black TeaUnfermented-green Semi-fermented—oolong teatea ceremonycha-no-yo HinduismCastedowryBuddhismMonknun1.Fundamentalism ZenismThailandTibetLhamaBuddha treenestChristianitya.Catholicsb.Orthodoxc.ProtestantIslamismAllahKoranSaturday---Judaism----Jehovah SynagogueSundayJesus Christ GoodbyeGod be with you. MonotheismTrinityIncarnationBibleTestamentGenesisHebrewGaiaChaosJesusChrist----Mohammed KoranGaiawoman JehovahHoverHerbal medicine chemical Produce Universe Cosmos AssimilationBe full ofMammalWe are bornErosAthenaCreepClayHebrewCharles Darwin---evolution Sigmund Freud---Psychoanalysis Albert Einstein---relativityKarl Marx---capitalism AssimilationJewAbraham Semitic Adam’s rib EveCaste system Hinduism Dowry Genesis The seventh Holy 777 OddEven666Holy---day---holiday EdenJesus ChristsinSt. Mary SeaweedJesus(Hebrew) Christ(Greek) SaviorJehovahsinPeace Heaven Jehovah Crusade Jerusalem AngelManBidding---order Archangel Lucifer---SatanPandora---Eve Crafty---sly BibleDark Ages Expelsword Testament doom Judgment Day Scapegoat SnakeSly---craftyWe are born sinned. SinnerOriginal sinHoly dayHebrewPitchHope Project JehovahAdam---( Cain, Abel)---Seth---Noah(10th)---Sem---Abraham-----Isaac---Jacob (Israel)----12tribes---Joseph---Moses ---Jesus Christ AfflictionArabian Peninsula SinaiRed SeaFamineEnslaveJehovah---Moses Bondage ConcubineIsrael---wrestler BastardIsaac Newton JerusalemRamRebekah---Rebecca Jesus Christ saviorNile deltaAbuseMidwifeGo-between matchmaker consume afflictionIsrael----wrestler Chosen people Rebekah---Rebecca Jacob--EsauJerusalemPiousRamOffspringJesus Christ saviorTar---pitchHoly 7Sabbath---holiday Spout WithdrawWreckage Crow Auspicious Ominous Peace dove Pigeon OliveDate Appointed Crime communionCriminal Abortion Commit suicide St. Maria/Mary SaintBibleVirgin Mary SaturdayHoly 7Jesus Christ JehovahSwordDoomHope ProjectTar---pitchHoly 7Recede---withdraw St. MarySaintCloneseaweedPitchRecede—withdraw WreckageCrowPeace dove PigeonOliveForfeit---lose Capital punishment SaviorSymbolParasiteCovenant Abraham Assimilation Fish and Chips Fake Confusion ChineseTrue and false Assimilation UrUrSemitic AbrahamJewsoccerUrBabel---Hebrew ConfusionJewBibleJesus Christ JehovahVirginCloneSeaweedExpelDoomedEvilTar—pitchHoly 7RecedeGoodbyeGod bless/be with you.Herbal medicine JustHoly 7EvilMockRecede Withdraw Wreckage CrowFish and Chips Peace dovePigeonOlive branch Forfeit----lose Capital punishment Symbol CovenantPlainUrSemiticSpreadBabel---HebrewParasite confusion ConfuseBabel -----Hebrew Confusion Pebble road Concrete road Kingdom of bikes TownOxbridgeArtsScienceIvy League HarvardMITYalePrinceton Stanford---San FranciscoITAdam---EveCain---Abel---SethNoah(tenth) SemSemitic AbrahamUrDeparted Persian Gulf Northern Dynasty Assimilation EgyptAbusedFalterAbraham Lincoln ConcubineThe chosen people ArabianIsaac Newton JerusalemTorch---light AltarRevereWithholdRamDogBitchOffspringRejoiceJesus ChristOut of EgyptIsaac--Rebehah---Rebe ccaJacob---Esau EdomitesJacob----Israel-----------wrestler----12 tribes Joseph---Prime ministerFaminepitchEnslaveMidwifeGo-between-------------matchmakerPitchJesus Christ monotheismNileBondageIsrael---Jacob Jehovah Consume Hebrew---Yiddish Affliction---torture Stammer--- Aaron’s stickRabbi SynagogueThe chosen people monotheism Sinai Peninsula Nile Stink—stank Frog---toad OvenMixing bowls Sabbath---holidayChurch Synagogue CircumciseThe Circumcision CompetitionSelf-centered PleadLiceSprinkle---The chosen people Locust-GrasshopperScarBiasedscarRamDog---bitchBoilTorrentialLocust---grasshopper All for one and one for allbloodLava----magma PlagueRamSabbath Synagogue1948The Circumcision Roast Unleavened Passover ExecuteSmite---attack Captive DungeonRamHerdtrapPostUrgeBondage Ensnare---trapped PanicAweSinai Peninsula MercyClanLust forPeer pressure Cha ChaWaltzTapBalletThe CircumcisionInitial payment Trumpet Cloaked Judaism Monotheism Atheist Sabbathfiliallust forlambramSanskritIndo-European Jesus---Hebrew Christ---Greek savior Jehovah1948JewDavid Solomon(3) JosephVirgin Mary God be with you. GoodbyeGod be with us. Emmanuel30---33BaptistLentCensusStableGospelConceive JesusChristSaviorCloneGod be with us. AmenSo be it.God be with us. Census Gospel如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!Stable30---33BaptistLentRobeChristmasEasterGospelLentLame30----33Preaching Baptize Robe Disciple Apostle Peter Rock Judas Prophesy Throng ScribeFridaySunday13WombscribeLawyerFriday---Easter Sunday 13WombFriday13---JudasBegotten perishWrath---anger So be it.---Amen Beware of Revoke---cancel Den30—33 Jerusalem ConfessExpelApostle Conspire---plot VineDa VinciLast dinner Passover dinner GaySecludedA Judas kiss VenomThe circumcisionMockSkull Vinegar RippedLinenSpicesealEaster Sunday Psalm Gospelreign如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!ExpiredevourAtheist。

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欧洲文化入门考前总结来源:考试吧()2009年10月9日【考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户】模拟考场视频课程-l 希腊罗马Homer Author of epicsSappho Lyric poetAeschylusTragic dramatistSophocles Tragic dramatistEuripides Tragic dramatistArostophoes Comedy writerHerodotus Greeks and Persians Father of the historyThucydides Athens and Sparta, Syracuse historianPythagoras All things were numbersHeracleitue Fire is the primary elementDemocritus Materialist , atomicSocrates Dissect of oneself, virtue was high worth of life, dialectical methodPlato Man have knowledge because of the existence of certain general ideasAristotle Direct observation, theory follow fact, idea and matter together made concrete individual realitiesEuclid geometristOthers Diogenes, Pyrrhon, Epicurus philosophyCicero Far less rhetorical, but colloquial and intimate Prose writerCaesar I came, I saw, I conquered Prose writerLucretius On the nature of things poetVirgil ---Aeneas---tragic hero4th century B.C.后半叶希腊在Alexander,king of Macedon的领导下,5th century B.C.达到顶峰,146B.C.被罗马攻克。

l 基督教和圣经²Jews—以前叫Hebrews,3800B.C.穿过中东沙漠,1300B.C.Moses带领Hebrews离开埃及,开始他们的Exodus,他在Sinai山定了ten commandments in the name of God,40年后Hebrews 定居Pelestine, known as Canaan,Hebrew人的历史口头传送记入the old Testament, 6th century B.C.,他们在Babylon形成synagogue(忧太集会)来发扬他们的教义。

²Jesus生活在第一个罗马帝国Augustus, Emperor Constantine 1于313年宣布基督教合法,Emperor Theodosius于393年宣布基督教为国教。

²Hebrew人的历史口头传送记入the old Testament,旧约包含39本书,写了从1000B.C.---100A.D.的事情,最重要的前五本是Pentateuch,旧约主要由Hebrew写成,the New Testment主要是Greek的形式,包含14本书,最古老的Latin Bible叫Vulgate,在1382年被John Wycliff翻译成了英语,Greek Bible叫Septuagintl 中世纪²开始于476西罗马帝国得衰败²5-11世纪²在文化上继承了Roman culture,出现了Hebrew and Gothic culture²feudalism主要是一种system of land holding,for exchanging military service,它还是一种local and decentralized government²1045,教堂分裂为the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church²反击Moslems,开始了Crusades²Charles Martel给士兵们estates known as fiefs in 732²St. Thomas Aquinas写了The Summa Theologica总结了中世纪神学的所有知识并形成了系统,他认为feudal hierarchy of society is God’s ruleThe power of feudal rulers is God’s willPope is Crist’s Plenipotentiary²中世纪封建社会的人主要分为三个等级:clergy, lords, peasants²Charlemagne and Alfred the Great encouraged learning by setting up monastery schools. They copied various ancient books and translated the Latin works into the vernacular.l 文艺复兴与宗教改革Boccaccio DecameronCervantes Don Quixote(crowned literature of Spain)Petrarch Sonnet,father of modern poetryDa VinciArtist in ItalyMichelangelo Artist in ItalyRaphael Known for his Madonna Artist in ItalyTitian Oil color Artist in ItalyRonsard FranceRabelais Cargantua and Pantagruel FranceMontaigne The Essais FranceThomas More UtopiaShakespeare crowned literature of EnglandCopernicus The father of modern astronomyVesalius The founder of modern medicine AnatomyAldus Manutius The foremost printer in ItalyMachiavelli Father of political science Political sciencehistoriographyDanteV osariothers Giotto,Brunelleschi,Donatello,Giorgione,Spencer, Bacon artists²Reformation was led by Martin Luther. 它主张用the Bible的绝对权威取代the Roman Catholic Church的绝对权威,这促进了资本主义的发展。

²1492, Columbus发现了America²1487,Dias发现了the cape of good hope²1497,da Gama发现了绕过好望角去印度的航线²英国在Elizabeth I的统治下达到鼎盛时期²宗教改革以后,基督教分裂为:the Protestant and the Roman Catholic²Humanism是文艺复兴时代的灵魂思想l 17世纪Leibniz Distinguishes three levels of understandingcaculausMilton Areopagitica,English revolutionBacon Knowledge is power EnglandDescartes I think therefore I am FranceCorneille FrenchNeoclassicismdramatistsRacineMoliereLocke²很多科学器械在被发明:microscope, telescope, thermometer, barometer, pendulum²Bacon认为哲学应该与神学分开²Leibniz区别了人的三种理解程度,自我意识,意识,潜意识(无意识)²Bacon反对deductive method,创立了inductive method²Hobbes认为最好的统治方式是monarchy²1689,the Bill of Rights建立了the Parliament至高无上的权利²英国大革命中,Cromwell带领行动Milton提供思想²法国最着名的建筑:Palace of Versailles Garden FrontEast Front of the Louvre英国最着名建筑:St. Paul’s Cathedral²17th:physics, mathematics²18th:chemistry²19th:biology²20th:psychology²French classicism²Baroque art²Newton²Galileol 启蒙运动Diderot FranceMontesquieu Separation of powersV oltaireHobbes Social contractLocke Social contractRousseauDefoeHenry FieldingSamuel Richardson The founder of English domestic novalLessing German dramastistGerman classicimGoetheschillerKant Waterhead of modern philosophyPropose the nebular hypothesis Pope poetDr.Johnson lexicographerJ.S.Bach ChristianityMajor musicians of the musical Englithenment HandelHaydn Classical period Viennese schoolMozartBeethoven Romantic Movement²18世纪两大着名运动:The American War of Independence(1776)The Declaration of IndependenceThe French Revolution(1789)Declaration of the Rights of Man²Rococo艺术的典型建筑代表:Hotel de Soubise²Addison, Steele在期刊The Tatler , The Spectator上发表论文²The Enlightenment²Rococo artl 现实主义FranceBalzzacStendhala novel is a mirror walking along the roadFlaubert first French realist Objectivity, detachmentZora Naturalism, scientific heredityMaupssantChickikov A character in Shame, and hypocrisyPeter the Great Russian reforms. End the middle age DostoyevskyIbsen For women hypocrisy and seemy politicsStrindberg Autobiograpgical Existence and self-realization EnglishGeorge Eliot Scientific, reason,objectivityCharles DickensThackeray Becky SharpThomas Hardy Wessex uperior, pitiless, indifferenceBerbard Shaw Fabian society major Barbara> Nobel Prize in 1925 RussiaGogolTurgenev First gain recognition in the westDostoevskyTolstoyOther countriesWalt WhitmanHenry James The master beyond all masters, psychological subtletyMark TwainFather of American literatureGustave Courbet Neo-Baroque Brutality and vulgarityMillet Outside the circle of politics painterManet The luncheon on the grass Challenge to Greco-RomanMonet Impression:sunriseVan Gogh Against impressionismGauguin Use color in unexpected combinationsAuguste Rodin Art for art’s sake sculptureAntonin Dvorak The symphony in E Minor Patterns found in folk musicClaude Debussy The founder of modern musical impression²反对falseness, sentimentality²Mark Twain称1870-1890年的美国为the gilded age,内战之后,New England的重要性让位于New York²Realisml 现代主义和其它T.S.EliotConrad Human motives , moral valuesVirginia Woolf Bloomsbury, stream of consciousnessJames Joyce Symbolism, naturalistic,interior monologueW.B.Yeats imagist movement, SymbolismWilliam FaulknerConflictsbrotherhoodGorky TrilogyJohn OsbornRobbe-Grillet Nouveau RomanSamuel Beckett Absurd DramaTomas MannPsychological effect of isolationAndre Gide1947,Nobel PrizeAlbert Camusmeaning of life, values 1957,Nobel PrizeM.A.Sholokhov1965,Nobel PrizeMarcel Proust Remembrance of things pastKingsley Amis The angry young menAllen Ginsberg The beat generationIack Kerouac The beat generationJean-Paul Sartre ExistenlialismEmil Nolde Expressionism In GermanyJoseph Heller Black humorFauves Boldest color,Picasso cubismUmverto Boccioni futurismMarcel DuchampDada movementJackson Pollock Abstract expressionism Drip techniqueHenry Moore Three-dimensional sculpter²现代主义复杂丰富,它包含symbolism, surrealism, cubism, expressionism, futurism ²我们这个时代四个最伟大的音乐家:Schoenberg(serialism) Stravinsky(neoclassicism), Bartok, Vaughan Williams。
