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aliment/o: food, nutrient

•alimentation: process of giving or taking nourishment. 养料,营养品

•alimentary: pertaining to food. 营养的,饮食的

•hyperalimentation: hyper- excessive, hence excessive amount of food. 营养的,饮食的appendic/o: appendix 阑尾

•appendectomy: ectomy excision, hence removal of the appendix.阑尾切除术

•appendicitis: inflammation of the appendix. 阑尾炎

•appendical: pertaining to the appendix 阑尾的

auto-: self, own

•autodigestion: digestion of oneself. 自身消化,自溶作用,自身溶解

•autoinfection: infection from oneself. 自身感染,内源性感染

•autopsy: -opsy process of viewing; hence the examination of a dead body with one’s own eyes. 尸体解剖,尸检

bil/i: gall, bile 胆汁

•bilirubin: bile pigment. 胆红素

•biliary: pertaining to bile or bile ducts. 胆汁的, 胆的

•biliation: the production and excretion of bile. 胆汁分泌

bucc/o: cheek 颊

•buccal: pertaining to the cheek. 颊的, 口的, 口腔的

•bucca: cheek 口,颊

•buccopulpal: pertaining to cheek and pulp. 颊髓的,颊与牙髓的

cec/o: cecum盲肠

•cecorrhaphy: -rrhaphy suture, hence surgical repair of the cecum.盲肠缝合术

•cecopexy: -pexy fixation, hence fixation of the cecum.盲肠固定术

•cecocolic: col/o colon, hence pertaining to the cecum and colon.盲(肠)结肠的

chol/e, chol/o: gall, bile

•cholelithiasis: lith/o stone; -iasis disease condition, hence the condition of having stones in the gall bladder. 胆石病

•cholestasis: -stasis stopping, hence stoppage of the flow of bile. 胆汁郁积, 胆汁阻塞•cholemesis: -emesis vomiting, hence vomiting of bile. 呕胆


cholecyst/o: gallbladder胆囊

•cholecystectomy: excision of the gallbladder. 胆囊切除术

•cholecystitis: inflammation of the gallbladder. 胆囊炎

•cholecystic: pertaining to the gallbladder. 胆囊的

cis/o: to cut

•incision: in- into; -ion process, hence the process of cutting in.切开,切口,断口

•incisor: one of four front teeth in the dental arch.切牙

•excision: ex- out, hence the process of cutting out.切除,切除

col/o, colon/o: colon

•colonopathy: diseased condition of the colon. 结肠病

•colonoscope: a viewing instrument to examine the colon. 结肠镜

•colostomy: -stomy surgical opening to the outside of the body, hence from the colon to the outside of the body. 结肠造口术

dent/o, dent/i: tooth

•dentition: the teeth in the dental arch. 齿系, 齿列

•lobiodental: lobi/o lip, hence pertaining to the lip and the teeth. 唇齿的

•dentifrice: fricare to rub, hence substance used to clean the teeth. 洁牙剂

diverticul/o: things that turn aside憩室

•diverticulum: abnormal side-pocket in the intestine wall. (复diverticula) 憩室

•diverticulitis: inflammation of the diverticula (small pouches) in the intestine wall, especially in the colon.憩室炎

•diverticulosis: the presence of the diverticula.憩室病

duoden/o: duodenum十二指肠

•duodenectomy: excision of the duodenum. 十二指肠切除术

•gastroduodenal: pertaining to stomach and duodenum. 胃十二指肠的

•duodenitis: inflammation of the duodenum. 十二指肠炎

enter/o: intestine

•enteropathy: disease of the intestine. 肠病

•enterocolitis: inflammation of the small intestine and colon.小肠结肠炎

•gastroenterologist: specialist in alimentary tract disorders.胃肠病学家


gingiv/o: gums 龈

•gingivae: gums 龈

•gingivitis: inflammation of the gums.龈炎

•gingivectomy: excision of the gums. 龈切除术

ile/o: ileum回肠

•ileocecal: cec/o cecum(盲肠), hence pertaining to the ileum and cecum.


•ileostomy: -stomy surgical opening to the outside of the body. 回肠造口术

•ileitis: inflammation of the ileum.回肠炎

jejun/o: jejunum空肠

•gastrojejunostomy: surgical connection or opening between the stomach and jejunum.胃空肠吻合术
