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Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu 1
8yuan/a kilo
10yuan/a kilo
20 yuan/a kilo
The third chicken is cheap . The second one is cheaper .
The first one is the cheapest of all.
Task 2 形容词和副词的比较级
1. 白天变得越来越长. The day is getting longer and longer. 2. 我们的国家变得越来越美. Our country is getting more and more beautiful. 比较级+and+比较级表示“越来越… 3. 汤姆是两兄弟中较高的一个 . Tom is the taller of the two brothers. 比较级前一般不用the修饰,但特指两 者之一时用the修饰。
4. 汉语比英语难的多. Chinese is much more difficult than English. 5. 他比你跑地快一点儿 . He runs a little faster than you. 6. 我父亲比我母亲年长三岁. My father is three years older than my mother. 比较级前可用表示程度的副词修饰,如 a little, a bit ,much ,a lot, even ,four years old等
The moon is big. The earth is bigger ______ .
The sun is the ___ ______ biggest of the three .
He is heavier _______ than she. She is lighter _______ than he. She is heavier _______ than it. He is the ___ _______ heaviest. It is the ___ _______ lightest .
80 yuan
120 yuan
180 yuan
Peter English 90
Anne 98
Ken 92
The children are good at English. Peter’s English is ____ good . Ken’s English is better ______ than Peter. Anne’s English is ___ the ____ best . But her math is the ___ _____ worst of the three. Girls do better _____ ( well ) in language study than boys.
以字母e 结尾的词,加 r,st
3. thin thinner thinnest big bigger biggest 重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时,双写 辅音字母,加 er,est 4. easy easier easiest lucky luckier luckiest 以辅音字母加“y”结尾的双音节词,先改 “y”为“i”再加er, est
Look at the boys. Tom is very young. Tony is _______ younger than Tom. Who is the ___ ________? youngest Peter is .
Summer is hot. Summer is hotter _____ than spring. Winter is cold. Winter is _____ colder than autumn.
Task1: 形容词和副词比较级和最高级构成 一、单音节和 部分双音节词
1. slow slower slowest fast faster fastest young younger youngest tall taller tallest
一般在词尾加 er, est 2. fine finer finest late later latest
二、多音节和部分双音节词 delicious more delicious most delicious easily more easily most easily
在词前加more或most 不规则变化 good/well better best bad/badly/ill worse worst many/much more most little less least far farther farthest further furthest
The football is cheaper _______ than the bench. The bench is ____ more_________ expensive than the football. The bike is ___ the ____ most _________ expensive of all.
7. 她吃得越多就越胖. The more she eats ,the fatter she will be. 8. 我们种越多的树,环境就会越好. The more trees we plant,the better the environment will be. The 加比较级加句子,the加比较级加 句子,表示:越…,越…
1. 我比你瘦.
I am thinner than you.
2. 我摘的苹果比你少.
I picked fewer apples than you (did).
3. 中国印度.哪个国家更大?
Which country is larger,China or India?
4. 我认为语文比数学更有趣.
I think Chinese is more interesting than maths.