语法_ed 分词 PPT

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Held twice a year, the Guangzhou Fair is a mirror of Chinese economy.
Frustrated, she went back to her home.
表示伴随的情况、陪衬性的动作或补充说 明,通常放于句末,相当于并列分句。
___ ed 分词讲解
—ED分词即过去分词,具有 形容词的句法功能,在句中 主要作定语和状语,作表语、 补语和独立成分等。
及物动词的过去分词作定 不及物动词的过去分
语时,表示它所修饰的名 词作定语时不表示被
词是分词行为的承受者, 动意义,ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu表示完成
表示被动的行为,通常带 意义,如:
European market.
To live in the hearts of those (which
are) left behind is not to die.
分词(短语)可以做状语,修饰 谓语动词,表示动作发生的时间、 原因、结果、方式、条件、让步 或伴随状况,相当于相应的状语 从句或并列分句。分词短语作状 语,可放在句首、句末或句中, 用逗号分开。
a retired worker= a
frozen food
worker who has retired
a moved object
an escaped
boiled water published writings
prisoner = a prisoner who has escaped
但有时也可放在它所修饰的名词之后,这时强调分词 的动作。如:
the time given the department concerned Hydrogen is the lightest substance known.
由名词、副词或形容词和过去分词构成的 复合形容词 放在它所修饰的名词之前。如:
devoted, disappointed, discourage, distinguished, educated等
E.g. The rusted. She is deeply read in the
classics. Einstein’s theory of relativity is
known all over the world. He felt thoroughly disappointed.
过去分词做表语,表示主语所处的状态。 作表语的过去分词已几乎形容词化,可以 被副词修饰,有比较形式。这类过去分词 常见的有:accustomed, amazed,
amused, astonished, bored, broken,
closed, decided, dedicated, delighted,
Complicated in design, the machine is easy to manipulate
通常放在句首或句末,偶尔放在句中(主 语与谓语动词之间)。有时,可在分词前 加连词as if或as though。
He threw himself from his horse and lay still as if shot.
Once installed, this heater operates automatically.
The book when finished will contain 200 pages.
Confined to bed, she needed to be waited on in everything.
➢ 过去分词作表语时,系动词除be外,还有appear, become, come, get, go, grow, keep, remain, seem等
The children, exhausted, fell asleep at once.
让步状语 可放在句首或句末;有时,分词前
可加although, though或 whether等词。相当于让步状语 从句。
Given the same information, people often arrive at different conclusion.
通常位于句首表示分词所表示的动作一发生,谓语动 词所表示的动作立即发生。如果两个动词同时发生, 多用“while或when+分词”结构。
Once installed, this heater operates automatically.
The book when finished will contain 200 pages.
He ended his speech, cheered by the whole audience.
The children watched the acrobatic show, fascinated.
For many years such thought, accused of constantly, lay hidden in her bosom.
state-owned enterprises a well-known writer a man-made satellite
➢ 过去分词短语作定语时,放在其所修 饰的名词之后,作用相当于定语从句。 如:
Cotton and silk blouses (which are)
made in China sell well in the
Confined to bed, she needed to be waited on in everything.
The children, exhausted, fell asleep at once.
通常位于句首表示分词所表示的动作一发生,谓语动 词所表示的动作立即发生。如果两个动词同时发生, 多用“while或when+分词”结构。