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文献信息: Maribel P. The research of rural e-commerce pattern [J]. Information Systems Research, 2016, 12(2): 60-71.


The research of rural e-commerce pattern

Maribel P


Based on the characteristics of rural areas, regional scattered small-scale production, is put forward for regional trade core e-commerce concept, namely, region to region (both A2A), area of business (A2B) and business to regional (B2A) model. Discuss the connotation of the three models and basic methods. To build agricultural product supply, high benefit value chain, and put forward the rural regional collaborative e-commerce model (ABC), and discusses the collaborative approach, namely technology together, data and business synergy together. Rural electronic commerce is discussed, the key technologies to be solved in the dynamic planning, logistics business matching and human-computer interaction technology, agricultural knowledge search engine.

Keywords: Rural electronic commerce; Collaborative commerce; Logistics; The cloud service

1 Introduction

Mergence, dispersion of agricultural production and the regional, low-value and perishable, large range of agricultural products, such as top factors greatly restricted the agricultural production industrialization, modernization and radiation area of the market. These characteristics of agricultural production is the difficulty to realize e-commerce, e-commerce comes in. Realize the electronic commerce mode must be built the following three elements: business model, logistics mode and operation platform. Its core value is the service "three rural", promote the circulation of agricultural products, promote agricultural technology popularization of science and technology, and ensure that all parties involved. Implement approaches should be considered in the rural economic base, cultural education, regional characteristics, to build a system of high value chain, low cost. Therefore, put forward a region as the

core of rural e-commerce mode, and study to achieve this goal of the rural model of e-commerce, logistics and related key technologies.

2 The rural electronic commerce model

Due to the dispersion can't produce scale effect to agriculture, rural areas and farmers, thus to an area as the core to form a group of unity in the face of distributors, suppliers, customers, in order to achieve better returns. Construction of regional sales network the main node is the kiosk, a kiosk represents a small region (country), by the kiosk connected together to form a larger area, then step by step together constitute a huge sales network. The researcher is the bridge of farmers and the network, agent role; information. The logistics node is polymerization and divergent role. Represented by the area can be formed three main business models, namely, both A2A, A2B, B2A and thus form a comprehensive, the countryside electronic commerce system.

2.1 A2A model

Both A2A modes (Area to Area) are the Area of regional pattern. Will be scattered small farmers, the collection of the minor agricultural production to the cities, distribution to consumers, need a set of organized, perfect sales network system, including business mode and the logistics distribution system. Business model is the most basic function is to establish a farmers' market on the net, for online transactions decentralized farmers supply and demand information, industry information, market information, and send the customer feedback information to farmers on a regular basis. Logistics distribution system to be in a kiosk Mei Village construction and set up more than a messenger, and feedback to the farmers purchasing information and collecting information of agricultural products. In short-range Mei Village set of logistics, the concentration of distribution; Composed of kiosk logistics network by chain transmission to realize the rapid delivery of logistics. Through the information of the supply and demand information and logistics information platform for unified management and scheduling. The researcher and logistics agent can be held by a rural transportation profession of part-time, in order to reduce system operating costs. Through this kind of distribution system and the supporting information platform can
