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I. it做形式主语


1.让孩子们出去玩是很重要的。(important) It is important to let the children go out to play.

2.作为奥林匹克运动会的主办国不是容易的。(easy)it is not easy to be the host of

Olympic games

3.你给了我们这么大的帮助,不胜感谢。(kind)it is very kind of you to offer us such a big favor

4.很难想象这海洋有多深。(imagine)it is hard to imagine how deep the ocean is.

5.横越这么大的一个湖,很不容易。(1ake)it is not easy to across such a big lake

6.一个外国人在像纽约那样的大城市里是很容易迷路的。(get lost)it is easy for a

foreigner to get lost in a big city like ny

7.将来人类征服自然不是一种梦想。(conquer)it wont be a dream for human beings to

conquer nature

8.使污染问题得到解决需要很长时间。(solve) it takes a long time to solve pollution problem.

9.我们在学校学习的各门功课都各自有用,很难说哪一门不怎么有用。(useful in its own way)all kinds of subject that we learn at school are useful in their own ways it

is hard to say which subject is useless.

10.很难想象这位电影明星在电影界一直活跃了长达半个世纪之久。(remain active) It is hard to imagine that the movie star in the film industry has been active for over

half a century.

11.我们开始了解到抵制他们的风俗习惯是不公平的。(unfair,reject) We began to understand that resist their customs and habits are unfair.

12.成年人非得有6小时以上的睡眠不可吗? (necessary) Adults have to more than six

hours of sleep?

13.你要烧好菜,光在厨房里干几天可不行。 (take) Do you want to burn a good meal,

light can not dry for a few days in the kitchen.

14.想要在一天之内学好一门外语,这是不可能的。(impossible) it is not possible that Want to learn a foreign language well in a day,

15.我们有必要为了将来干得更好而现在学得更多些。(necessary) It is necessary for us to do a better job in the future and learn more about now.

16.掌握一门外语是要花时间用力气的。(take) o master a foreign language is to spend

time with strength.

17.学好一门功课是费时间的,你不要期望在短期内创造奇迹。(wonder) To learn a subject is time consuming, you don't expect miracles in the short term.

18.依我看,掌握好汉语对于中国学生来说十分重要。(in one’s opinion) In my o pinion, mastering Chinese is very important for Chinese students.

19.他不关煤气就离开房间,真是糊涂。(stupid) Out of the room, he's not gas is really confused.

20.她结婚后很少同我们联络。(rare) fter getting married, she seldom to contact with us.


1.据说学习一门语言的最好方法是和说那种语言的人交际。(communicate with) It is said that the best way to learn a language is and say that language communication.

2.据说每一个生物都能以自己的方式来保护自己。(in its own way) It is said that every creature can in their own ways to protect themselves.

3.吸烟对身体健康有害已是众所周知,然而要说服人们戒烟仍不是容易的事。(persuade) Smoking is harmful to health is well known, however, to persuade people to give up

smoking is not easy.

4.众所周知,吸烟会导致多种疾病。(cause)it is known to all that smoking can cause 5.据报道这两天旅行社挤满了打算外出过春节的人。(report) According to the report

these two days travel agency is crowded with people going to go out for the Spring


6.有人声称他们两在海湾战争期间曾过往甚密。(claim,associate)it is claimed that they were closely associated with each other each other during the culf war

7.据估计,上海二十年后将在许多方面赶上像纽约、伦敦这样的国际大都市。 (catch up with)

it is evaluate will catch up with international metropolises like ny and London in many ways in 20 years


It is said that if you spit in public, you will be fine about 2000 RMB in Singapore 9.据说,一些著名的意大利音乐家将于下月来中国,并在新的上海大剧院举行一场音乐会。

(hold)it is said that some f amous Italian musicians will come t o china next mouth and hold a concert in the new grand opera of shanghai.

10.据报道现在想自己买房的人数在迅速增长。(It)it is reported that the number of

people who plan to buy their own houses increasing very fast time.

11.人们相信吸烟可能引起心脏病及其他一些疾病。(cause) It is believed that smoking can cause heart disease and other diseases.


13.众所周知,粗心会导致失败。(result in) As is known to all, careless leads to
