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靈魂有sen源自文库ory awareness, 還是是身體? 笛卡爾主宰視覺政權的主觀理性,判斷 阿爾柏提數學化的理性空間 去身體化的觀點 grid
Plato’s Eidos
1. 看到的形式、形狀;人的形象、外貌(例如柏拉圖《會飲》210b);人 的秀美,體格,體質等;
2. 一般說的形狀,如數的圖形、裝飾的圖形、音階,原子的各種形狀(參 看idea)、幾何的各種圖形;
有關視覺與主體的問 題
Eidos--mimesis Psyche –Body—senses Upper world—this world, reality--shadow chora Perspective—symbolic form, constructed
discursively Ego cogito, ergo sum sive cxisto. 觀看──主體
5. 後期希臘還有各種不同貨物的含義。
The distinctive expression of the cognitive or intellectual character of a culture or social group. Cf. ETHOS n. 1.
1936 G. BATESON Naven xv. 220 We may surmise that the characteristics of Iatmul culture which we are now studying are due to a standardisation of the cognitive aspects of the personality of the individuals. Such a standardisation and its expression in cultural behaviour I shall refer to as the eidos of a culture. 1948 A. L. KROEBER Anthropol. (rev. ed.) vii. 293 The eidos of a culture would..be its appearance, its phenomena, all that about it which can be described explicitly. 1964 C. MADGE Society in Mind 13 In my usage, eidos, as a whole, means the predominant character of the whole stock of ideas available in a society or group. Social eidos then means that part of eidos which relates to social institutions and activities. 1970 E. LEACH Lévi-Strauss ii. 30 The binary oppositions: transformed/normal and Culture/Nature which are (by implication) internalised into the eidos of human culture everywhere. 1987 R. NEEDHAM Counterpoints ix. 189 Bateson suggests that it is possible that these two patterns of thought are both represented in the eidos of all cultures.
3. 相似的形式、種或性質(例如柏拉圖《斐多》91d,亦參看《克拉圖魯》 394d,以及《國家》389b),如事物的位置、狀態、行動的計畫、政策, 特殊的概念,意義,觀念;基本的性質、類型、文學風格等;
4. 類、種(柏拉圖常用,例如《泰阿泰德》178a,148b,205d等處);邏輯 上的種(例如《智者》235d,《政治家》262e,285b以及其他“對話” 中);和=idea含義6(例如《斐多》103e,《國家》596a,《巴門尼德》 132a以及其他“對話”中);與質料(hule)相對應的形式,以及由此 引申出形式因,本質(亞里斯多德);