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A: I am glad that you are interested in our products. Actually the brochure show just a fraction of our machine tools. Please come in and take a look at our exhibits in the show room
B:I am very glad to hear that. We would like to import auto parts from your company on a regular basis, provided your prices compare favorably with those of others. To be frank with you, your listed prices are indeed among the least competitive. I would like to hear your most recent quotations.
Exercise 1
A: Welcome to Shanghai Import and Export Commodities Fair. My name is Ming Chen. I am Sale Manager of the Shanghai Machinery Company Inc.
B: 您好,陈先生。我叫肖恩·哈德逊。我来自 美国西雅图,是太平洋贸易有限公司采购部的 主任
A: 我方最近作了调价。当然我不是说我们所报的 是终结价格。按照我们的惯例,为了推动我们将 来业务关系的发展,我们愿意给新客户以最公道 的价格,即便这样做会使我方蒙受相当大的损失, 我们也在所不惜。
B: But my knowledge of the auto parts market
tells me that your offer is not attractive. Besides, I
B:陈先生,贵方的价格没有什么竞争 力。我要的数量很大,但是按照您的 报价我只能大大削减预定的购买量。
A: As I said earlier, Mr. Hudson. Our prices are adjustable according to the quantity of your requirement. If our offer is the only thing that bothers you, you can look around and call again for another discussion of our quotations.
A: 没问题,但是合同中的所有的内容都必须 用中文和英文两种文字写明。
B: yes, the names of the commodities, specifications, quantity, unit prices, the total payment, and the shipment, all to be written bilingually. By the way, we hope the shipment will be made before the end of June. We cannot accept any delay, you know.
B: 那是一定的。能与您相会我很 高兴。我要同公司联系,汇报一下 贵方的报价,明天我会把我们的决 定告诉您的。
A: That is fine. See you tomorrow then.
Exercise 2
A: 下午好,我能为您做些什么吗? B: Well, I am interested in your new line of
B: 好的。贵公司的产品颇有吸引力, 当然产品的工艺还不尽如人意。我是 否可以向您询价。这份单子上列出了 我感兴趣的机床。我希望您报一下西 雅图到岸价的最低报价。
A: Thank you for your inquiry. We can supply you with all the required tools on the list. Here is my C.I.F.U.S. Pacific Coastal City price list. We may adjust the prices according to the quantity you want.
A: 那还用说。
B: it is C.I.F, and therefore the insurance premium should be borne by your side.
A: 那当然,我们按合同办事
B: good, no more questions A: 太好了,让我们把合同的技术处理交给我们的助手
need time to build up my confidence in the
quality of your stuff. In any case, I would rather
wait and hunt around, if you were unable to
include any reasonable discount.
business. May I look at your C.I.F price sheet of auto parts? A: 当然可以。我们最近扩大了业务范围以便 更好地为我们的远东亚洲客户服务,尤其是为 中国客户服务。中国是一个无人可以忽视的巨 大的市场。我公司愿意同一切有兴趣的中国客 户建立业务关系。
A: I am very pleased to meet you, Mr. Hudson. Please sit down and allow me to introduce our company and its products.
B: 谢谢,我看过贵公司的宣传小册子,贵 公司的经营范围,特别是贵公司生产的机 床品种,也给我留下了极为深刻的印象。 我相信我的顾客一定会喜欢你们的新产品。
A: 我们保证货物的质量。我们有免费的样品 供您检验。至于折扣的问题,我们可以按价目 单的开价再减去5%, 这是我方的底盘,对不 去,我们不准备接收还盘。
B: I Appreciate your frankness. Though there is still a gap between your floor offer and my expectations, I am willing to sign contracts with you. I like what you said. I am doing this for the development of our future business relations.
去办理吧。我想请您去喝一杯,庆祝我们第一笔生意 的顺利成交
B:thank you very much. I believe this initial cooperation will lead to many more in the future.
A: 不知道你们对合同的条款满意吗?
B: I have studied the contract. I think a few places are not clearly spelt out; they need further clarification. And the format of the contract. We would like to use copies prepared and printed by our own company. Will that be all right with you ?