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用陈述句的语序。例如: She asked whether/if I could speak French.
She didn’t say whether/if she’d go or stay at home. Tell me whether/if you like it or not. I am wondering whether or not we will get there in
于句首作主语,通常采用 it 作先行主语,将 that 从句 放在后面。例如: That you do not like her has nothing to do with it. It’s possible that there’ll be a vacancy. It is reported that the troops have already crossed the border.
概念 如果一个语法结构含有同一层次甚至高一层次的结构为其直
接成分,这种现象叫做“从属”。例如: the man with a gun in his hand
名词词组:名词词组+介词词组 the man who was holding a gun in his hand
I prefer his plan to yours, in that his is more practical.
We know nothing about her save that her surname is Jones.
4. That 从句作同位语 同位语从句用于解释说明先行词的内容,通常由 that 引导,
从属结构可以是词组(主要是介词词组),也可以是限定分 句、非限定分句或无动词分句。
限定从属分句就是以限定动词词组作谓语动词的从属分句。 例如:
What caused the fire is still a mystery.
主语,名词性分句 The man who did the robbery has been caught.
The fact that 常置于句首充当主语,也可置于某些不能直接 跟 that 从句的介词或动词之后充当宾语。
5. That 的省略问题 That 从句充当主语、补语、同位语时,一般不省略。That
从句充当宾语时,如果前面的动词为常用动词,that 往 往可以省略,如果前面的动词为较正式、不常用的动词, that 不宜省略。例如:
Since the speaker can’t come, we’ll have to cancel the
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
名词性分句 名词性分句能在句中起名词词组的作用,可以在句中作主语、
1. That 从句作主语 That 从句是由陈述句转化而来的。正式文体中可以将它置
除此外还可用 whether, what 等疑问词。例如: We came to the decision that we must act at once.
He made a proposal that the meeting be postponed.
the fact that…是较常见的同位语结构,例如: The fact that he has not been seen recently disturbs
Whether he will agree is another matter.
It was uncertain whether he could come.
The question is whether people will buy it.
everybody in the office.
He was held responsible for the fact that his dog had bitten his neighbor.
It is impossible to disguise the fact that business is bad.
time. Whether 和 if 都可与 or 或 or not 连用,但 whether 可以直 接后随 or not,if不行。
Tell me whether to do it. I didn't know whether to believe him or not . Whether 后可直接跟不定式,if不行。
2. That 从句作补足语 That 从句也可以在系动词后作补足语,说明事实或想法。
My advice is that you should sell the car.
The answer is simply that they aren’t interested in doing it.
3. That 从句作宾语 That 从句最普通的用法是作某些动词的宾语。例如: He complained that his meal was cold.
Evidence indicated that the experiments were unsuccessful.
少数几个介词后可以接 that 从句充当宾语,如 except that, but that, save that, in that:
He told me (that) he would go fishing tomorrow afternoon and that he would invite Mary to go with him.
6. Whether/if 从句 Whether/if 从句是由一般疑问句转化而来的间接问句,采
She said (that) she was feeling better.
The judge held that the child's interests in this case must come first.
当一个句子有多个 that 从句充当宾语时,第一个 that 可以 省略,但后面的 that 不能省略。例如: