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critical/non,关键点-非 关键点 letter/numeric,字母/ 数字 other,其他
100 pt & critical,100 分制&关键点 100 pt & no score,100 分制&不公布成绩 100 pt & grade,100分 制&定级 risk based,危险性分析
许可指监管部门准予从事食品生产经营 活动的文件或证件(Permit means the document issued by the Regulatory authority that authorizes a person to operate a food establishments)。 在美国洛杉矶县考察时发现,由当地卫 生部门对餐馆颁布许可证(Permit)。
检查频次(FREQUENCY): 1
危险性分类(RISK CATEGORY ): 2
危险性的描述(DESCRIPTION):Examples may include
retail food store operations, schools not serving a highly susceptible population, and quick service operations. Limited menu. Most products are prepared/cooked and served immediately. May involve hot and cold holding of potentially hazardous foods (TCS foods) after preparation or cooking. Complex preparation of potentially hazardous foods (TCS foods) requiring cooking,cooling, and reheating for hot holding is limited to only a few potentially hazardous foods (TCS foods). Establishments that would otherwise be grouped in Category 3 but have shown through historical documentation to have achieved active
(一)实行许可(Permit) (二)开展监督检查、评分与分级管
理 (Inspection score and grade) (三)推行食品安全管理员制度(Food
safety manager’s certification) (四)查处违法行为 (Penalties)
managerial control of foodborne illness risk factors. Newly permitted establishments that would otherwise be grouped in Category 1 until history of active managerial control of foodborne illness risk factors is achieved and documented.
(二)开展监督检查、评分与分 级管理
1、监督检查类别 2、危害性分类与检查频次 3、开展监督检查评分与分级管

操作前检查(Preoperational Inspection) 常规检查(Routine Inspection) 随访检查(Follow-up Inspection) 危害性关键点检查(HACCP Inspection) 投诉检查(Complaint Inspection)
¾餐馆饭店的名誉是最有价值财富之一(A Restaurant's reputation is one of its most valuable assets)
¾美国餐饮食品安全联邦政府监管 部门及职责
¾美国餐饮食品安全州及地方政府 监管的部门及职责
美国餐饮食品安全联邦政府监管 部门及职责
杨明亮 湖北省卫生厅卫生监督局
UU..SS RReessttaauurraanntt FFoooodd SSaaffeettyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt
一一、、美美国国餐餐饮饮食食品品安安全全管管理理体体系系 二二、、美美国国餐餐饮饮食食品品安安全全监监管管措措施施 三三、、美美国国餐餐饮饮自自身身食食品品安安全全
¾食品操作是一项重大的责任(Food handling is a big responsibility);
¾餐饮业主最担心/害怕的是有人在本店就餐后 生病(Having someone getting sick from eating at your restaurant is every restaurant owner‘s worst fear);
检查频次(FREQUENCY): 3
危险性分类(RISK CATEGORY ): 4
Examples include preschools, hospitals, nursing homes, and establishments conducting processing at retail. Includes establishments serving a highly susceptible population or that conduct specialized processes, e.g., smoking and curing; reduced oxygen packaging for extended shelf-life.
检查频次(FREQUENCY): 4
在美国,食品卫生量化分级管理是一个存在 争议的问题,至今尚未形成一致的意见。根 据2002年的资料,美国各州食品监督的方法 不尽相同:(1)采用100分制的州占16%; (2)采取“通过-未通过(pass-fail)”的州 占8%;(3)采取评分和定级制度的州占2%; (4)采用关键控制/非关键控制方式的州占 32%。美国FDA对各州采取的食品监督评分制 度,既不反对也不提倡,主要是进行调研。
(1)食品药品管理局(FDA),负责监督所有国内和专业食品 产品,但不包括肉、禽以及加工蛋产品(processed egg products)。
(2)疾病预防控制中心(CDC),负责公共卫生管理,开展食 品的监测分析和报告。
(1)食品安全检查局(FSIS),负责肉、禽进口或州际之间 加蛋产品的监管。
Table 1.State Inspection Scoring Methods 美国各州监督评分方法
35 30 25 20 百分比 15 10
Methods Source:CFP Inspection Forms Committee,2001
100 pt,100分制
pass fail,通过-不通过
美国餐饮食品安全州及地方政府 监管部门及职责
(1)州政府公共卫生和农业部门协助FDA 和USDA进行食品安全监管。但州政府 公共卫生和农业部门一般不直接管理餐 饮食品安全工作,负责培训、指导、协 调以及重大事件的处理。
(2)县市政府公共卫生主管部门如卫生 局,负责许可、检查以及违法案件的查 处工作。
检查频次(FREQUENCY): 2
危险性分类(RISK CATEGORY ): 3
危险性的描述(DESCRIPTION):An example is
a full service restaurant. Extensive menu and handling of raw ingredients. Complex preparation including cooking, cooling, and reheating for hot holding involves many potentially hazardous foods (TCS foods). Variety of processes require hot and cold holding of potentially hazardous food (TCS food). Establishments that would otherwise be grouped in Category 4 but have shown through historical documentation to have achieved active managerial control of foodborne illness risk factors. Newly permitted establishments that would otherwise be grouped in Category 2 until history of active managerial control of foodborne illness risk factors is achieved and document
(2)农业市场服务局(AMS),负责制定奶、水果、蔬菜、 水产、肉、禽以及蛋产品质量标准及要求。
美国餐饮食品安全联邦政府监管 部门及职责
3、商贸部(Department of Commerce)国家海洋气候 管理局,负责检查海产品的安全和质量。
4、国家环保署(EPA),负责管理食品中的农 药残留及标准的制定。 美国联邦食品安全监管机构不直接监管餐 饮的食品安全工作,主要是制定相应的管理 规定,但在食品安全(如Food Code)监管职能 存在交叉或相互重叠的问题。例Sandwich Pizza 及蛋产品的管理。
危险性分类(RISK CATEGORY ): 1
危险性的描述(DESCRIPTION):Examples include
most convenience store operations, hot dog carts, and coffee shops. Establishments that serve or sell only prepackaged, nonpotentially hazardous foods (non time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods).Establishments that prepare only non-potentially hazardous foods (nonTCS foods). Establishments that heat only commercially processed, potentially hazardous foods (TCS foods) for hot holding. No cooling of potentially hazardous foods (TCS foods). Establishments that would otherwise be grouped in Category 2 but have shown through historical documentation to have achieved active managerial control of foodborne illness risk factors.