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Chapter one

1.国际贸易概念:International trad e is also known as worl d trad e, foreign trad e,

overseas trad e. It refers to the process of fair and d eliberate exchange of goods or services between two or more countries, involving the use of two or more currencies. Besid es, international trad e concerns trad e operations of both import and export and includ es the purchase and sale of both visibl e and invisibl e goods.


1)Resource reasons (natural resource, human resource and technol ogy)

2)Economic reasons (economic benefits, comparative advantage and

economies of scal e)

3)Other reasons (political reasons, differences in tastes, preferences and

consumption patterns)


In particular, international trad e is more subject to:

Language habits and cultural differences

2)Foreign laws, customs and regulations or international rul es

3)Exchange rate fluctuations and interest rate

4)Higher l evel of political, financial and transportation risks

5)More compl ex business procedures therefore managers need a broad er

range of management skills


1)从货物流向(direction of cargo fl ow)分: export trad e, import trad e and transit trad e(过境贸易)

2)从参与的贸易方(the number of participants )分:direct trad e, indirect trad e and entrepot trad e(转口贸易)

转口贸易:entrepot trade refers to the transaction which involves importing goods for further processing or assembling and the re-exporting the goods abroad. 转口贸易又称中转贸易或再输出贸易,是指国际贸易中进出口货物的买卖,不是在生产国和消费国之间直接进行,而是通过第三国转手进行的贸易。对于第三国来说,就是转口贸易,与过境贸易的最大区别在于货物的所有权会发生转移,并且只涉及一个贸易方。国际上有很多中转地,如新加坡,香港,鹿特丹等

3)从商品形式(form of goods)分:有形贸易(visibl e/tangibl e goods trad e)和无形贸易(invisibl e/intangibl e goods trad e)

barter trad e)和自由结汇贸易(free-liquidation trad e)

5.进出口贸易的程序:Export and import procedures:

transaction, the whol e operation und ergoes four stages:

1) the preparation of a transaction

2) the negotiation of the contract

3) the performance of the contract

4) the settlement of disputes


①Negotiation can be conducted in two forms:

In words (face-to-face negotiation or negotiation through tel ephone)

In writing (business correspond ence which includ es letters, faxes, e-mails)

②Four main steps: 询盘(enquiry), 发盘(offer), 还盘(counter-offer),接受(acceptance)

Chapter two 国际贸易术语

1.三种贸易术语的解释规则(three sets of rul es)

1) 1932年华沙牛津规则(Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932)

2) 美国对外贸易修正案1941(Revised American Foreign Trad e Definitions 1941)

3) 2000年国际贸易术语解释通则(International Rul es for the Interpretation of Trad e Terms 2000)

2. incoterms2000 的具体内容(E、F、C、D组的划分,重点在F、C类)(这个不知道怎么写,看书本P34-42)

3. 装运合同术语和到货合同术语区别

Shipment contract:起运前交付(the d elivery will happen at the time or before

)如:E F C 类

Arrival contract: 到达目的地后交付(d eliver at the time of arrival)

Symbolic d elivery:买方并没有实质性的接受到货物,而是通过一系列运输单据证明其交接。(the buyer d oes not physically receive the goods, the d elivery is proved by the submission of transport d ocument by the seller to the buyer)只意味着买方同意了买方交货的事实,并不代表买方接受了该批货物就是与合同一致的货物。

Actual d elivery: the buyer (or his agent) physically receives the goods upon the Chapter three 出口商品的价格

1.出口商品价格的表达(expression of export price)

The standard format of a price in international trad e has four components


货币(a cod e of currency)

金额(a number indicating the price)

数量单位(a unit for measuring quantity)

贸易术语(a certain trad e term)


2. 价格的计算
