



——Sherlock HolmesSHERLOCKSeason One Episode Two —The Blind Banker——Sherlock Holmes茶道中人曾语茶壶经过多道茶的浸润The great artisans say the more the teapot is used将愈加温润如玉焕然有光the more beautiful it becomes.养壶在于重复多次地用老茶汤汁浇壶身The pot is seasoned by repeatedly pouring tea over the surface.陶土吸入茶汤的沉淀The deposit left on the clay形成深厚温润的表面光泽creates this beautiful patina over time.有些茶壶焕发的典雅的幽光Some pots, the clay has been burnished是经四百年前的茶汤浸润而成by tea made over 400 years ago.博物馆将在十分钟后关门This museum will be closing in 10 minutes.四百年的古董他们允许你用来泡茶喝呢400 years old, they're letting you use it to make yourself a brew.有些东西注定不该空坐在玻璃护罩里Some things aren't supposed to sit behind glass,它们生来就该被人触碰they're made to be touched.为人所用To be handled.这些茶壶需要关爱These pots need attention.陶土有裂纹了The clay is cracking.我不觉得浇一丁点儿茶汁会有多大帮助Well, I can't see how a tiny splash of tea is going to help.有时候一些东西需要你仔细地观察Sometimes you have to look hard at something才能品味其价值to see its value.看到么See?这一只的光泽稍微亮些This one shines a little brighter.不知道...I don't suppose... 我是说...Um, I mean...你愿意跟我出去喝点东西么I don't suppose that you want to have a drink?当然了不是喝茶Not tea, obviously.跟我去酒吧喝一杯今晚Um, in a pub, with me, tonight.你不会那么喜欢我的You wouldn't like me all that much.喜不喜欢由我自己决定的嘛Can I maybe decide that for myself?我不能去I can't.抱歉I'm sorry.请别再尝试约我了Please stop asking.是保安么Is that security?有人在么Hello?请工作人员速至收银机...Can the till supervisor please go to...?包装区域出现不明货物Unexpected item in bagging area请重试please try again.商品未扫描请重试Item not scanned. Please try again.能小点声吗?Can you maybe keep your voice down?额度不足信用卡授权失败好吧我明白了Card not authorised. Yes, all right! I've got it. 请使用其它付款方式额度不足信用卡授权失败Please use an alternative method of payment. Card not authorised.请使用其它付款方式Please use an alternative method of payment.自己留着吧老子不买了Keep it. Keep that.你出去好久是啊但我啥都没买成You took your time. Yeah, I didn't get the——Sherlock Holmes什么怎么了?What? Why not?因为我在商店里跟自动收银机吵了一架Because I had a row in the shop with a chip and PIN machine.你...你跟台机器吵了一架?You... You had a row with a machine?!差不多它不动弹Sort of. It sat there我朝它叫骂你有现金么?and I shouted abuse. Have you got cash?用我的卡吧Take my card.你该自己去的You could always go yourself, you know,你在这坐了一上午you've been sitting there all morning,我出门这么长时间你就没挪过窝you've not even moved since I left.上次找你办的那个案子呢?And what happened about that case you were offered 切里亚的钻石? 没兴趣the Jharia diamond? Not interested.我给过他们答复了I sent them a message.不劳您大驾我能提得动Don't worry about me, I can manage.你用的是我的电脑? 当然了Is that my computer? Of course.什么我的在卧室呢What? Mine was in the bedroom.什么就这么两步你都懒得走么?What? And you couldn't be bothered to get up?我设了开机密码的It's password protected.不妨说我一分钟内就猜到了In a manner of speaking. Took me less than a minute to guess yours,不是什么碉堡嘛not exactly Fort Knox.好吧还来Right. Thank you.得找个工作了没劲听着是...Listen, um...如果你能借我点儿.....if you'd be able to lend me some...夏洛克你在听我说话么我得去趟银行Sherlock, are you listening? I need to go to the bank.对了你所谓去银行...Yes, when you said we were going to the bank...夏洛克·福尔摩斯Sherlock Holmes.夏洛克·福尔摩斯Sherlock Holmes.塞巴斯汀好啊哥们Sebastian. Hiya, buddy.好久不见了算算该有八年了吧?How long - eight years since I last clapped eyes on you?这是我朋友约翰·华生This is my friend, John Watson朋友? 同事Friend? Colleague.好吧Right.随便坐Grab a pew.喝点什么咖啡还是水?Do you need anything, coffee, water?不需要么我们不渴谢了No? We're all sorted here, thanks.看来你过得挺滋润啊经常出国So you're doing well. You've been abroad a lot.怎么说?Well, so?全球飞来飞去一个月内两次Flying all the way around the world twice in a month.哈我看出来了你又来了Right. You're doing that thing.我们是大学同学这家伙总耍这种鬼把戏We were at uni together, and this guy here had a trick he used to do.才不是什么鬼把戏——Sherlock Holmes他看你一眼就知道你的生平He could look at you and tell you your whole life story.是啊我见识过了Yes, I've seen him do it.搞得人人自危讨嫌的家伙Put the wind up everybody, we hated him.我们去学院宴会厅吃早餐We'd come down to breakfast in the formal hall这混蛋就一针见血地指出你前一天鬼混了and this freak would know you'd been shagging the previous night.我只是观察细节请指教吧I simply observed. Go on, enlighten me.每月出差两回满世界飞全说中了Two trips a month, flying all the way around the world, you're quite right.怎么看出来的?How could you tell?别告诉我是我领带上溅了一滴Are you going to tell me there's a stain on my tie什么曼哈顿产的特制番茄酱?from some special kind of ketchup you can only buy in Manhattan?不我... 那是我鞋上的泥点?No, I... Is it the mud on my shoes?我刚才在外面跟你秘书聊了会儿I was just chatting with your secretary outside.她告诉我的She told me.你能赶来我太荣幸了有人非法闯入银行I'm glad you could make it over, we've had a break-in.威廉爵士的办公室他曾是行长Sir William's office - the bank's former chairman.为表纪念银行保留了他的办公室The room's been left here like a sort of memorial.昨晚有人闯入Someone broke in late last night.偷了什么? 房间里什么都没少What did they steal? Nothing.仅仅留了一条讯息Just left a little message. 六十秒内出现的60 seconds apart.有人在午夜闯进这里So, someone came up here in the middle of the night,挥洒颜料一分钟内又离开了splashed paint around and left within a minute.有多少种方法进那个办公室?How many ways into that office?呵这就是有意思的地方Well, that's where this gets really interesting.银行内部每扇门都由这台电脑上锁Every door that opens in this bank, it gets locked right here.每个步入式柜台每个洗手间Every walk-in cupboard, every toilet.那个门昨晚没有开过?That door didn't open last night?我们保安系统有漏洞There's a hole in our security.你能找到的话我们付你Find it and we'll pay you -五位数five figures.这是预付款This is an advance.告诉我他怎么进来的Tell me how he got in.更大的数额在后面There's a bigger one on its way.我不需要金钱激励塞巴斯汀I don't need an incentive, Sebastian.他咳咳他是在开玩笑He's, er... ..he's kidding you, obviously.暂时由我帮他保管吧Shall I look after that for him?谢谢Thanks.这个月出国两次Two trips around the world this month.你没有问过他的秘书You didn't ask his secretary,你那么说就是想故意惹恼他罢了——Sherlock Holmes你怎么知道的注意到他的手表了吗?How did you know? Did you see his watch?他的表怎么了His watch?时间是对的但日期不对The time was right, but the date was wrong.日期是两天以前Said two days ago.他穿越日界线两次了还没调回来Crossed the date line twice and he didn't alter it.一个月内怎么看出来的?Within a month? How did you get that?新款百年灵New Breitling.今年二月刚刚上市的Only came out this February.好吧你觉得我们还需要在这继续查么OK. So do you think we should sniff around here for a bit longer?我要的线索齐了多谢Got everything I need to know already, thanks.那涂鸦是个讯息That graffiti was a message.给银行交易大厅某个员工的Someone at the bank, working on the trading floors. 只要找到讯息接收方We find the intended recipient and...就能牵出留讯息的人了?They'll lead us to the person who sent it?当然Obvious.交易大厅里有300百名工作人员该从何找起呢Well, there's 300 people up there, who was it meant for?柱子什么?Pillars. What?柱子和屏幕Pillars and the screens.很少有地方能看到那涂鸦Very few places you could see that graffiti from.范围大大缩小了That narrows the field considerably. 还有讯息是在And, of course, the message was left昨晚11点34分留下的这能说明很多事At 11 :34 last night. That tells us a lot.是吗?Does it?每小时都有人轮班Traders come to work at all hours.有些同香港的交易得半夜进行Some trade with Hong Kong in the middle of the night.那条讯息是给半夜里来的人看的That message was intended for somebody who came in at midnight.黄页上姓凡·库的人不多Not many Van Coons in the phone book.出租车Taxi!现在怎么办在这儿呆坐着等他回来么So what do we do now? Sit here and wait for him to come back?刚搬进来啥?Just moved in. What?楼上这家名牌是新的Floor above, new label.也可能是刚换Could have just replaced it.没人那么无聊哪位?No-one ever does that. Hello?你好我住你家楼下我们应该还没见过面Hi, um, I live in the flat just below you. I don't think we've met.是啊呃我才刚搬进来没几天No, well, er, I've just moved in.是这样我忘记带钥匙了Actually, I've just locked my keys in my flat.要我放你进来吗?Do you want me to buzz you in?谢了能顺便借用你家阳台吗?Yeah. And can we use your balcony?啊?What?!夏洛克——Sherlock Holmes夏洛克你没事吧Sherlock, are you OK?好吧等你乐意了再给我开门吧Yeah, any time you feel like letting me in(!)你觉得会是破产吗?Do you think he'd lost a lot of money?城市小青年自杀挺常见的Suicide is pretty common among City boys.还不能确定就是自杀得了We don't know that it was suicide. Come on.门从里面锁死The door was locked from the inside,你是爬阳台进来的you had to climb down the balcony.从待洗衣物看来他离开了三天Been away three days judging by the laundry.看箱子里有些东西折的很整齐Look at the case, there was something tightly packed inside it.多谢我信你就行了不愿意了?Thanks. I'll take your word for it. Problem? 是啊我可没绝望到要去翻死人内裤Yeah, I'm not desperate to root around some bloke's dirty underwear.银行里的涂鸦意图何在呢?Those symbols at the bank, the graffiti, why were they put there?某种密码么显而易见Some sort of code? Obviously.为什么要画? 要交流的话发电邮啊Why were they painted? Want to communicate, why not use e-mail?可能他没有回复Well, maybe he wasn't answering.好呀你跟上了Oh, good, you follow.还是不懂No.哪种讯息让大家唯恐避之不及?What kind of a message would everyone try to avoid?比如今天早上?What about this morning? 你盯着的那些信你说账单?Those letters you were looking at? Bills? 没错他被威胁了Yes. He was being threatened.至少不是煤气公司Not by the Gas Board.看看能不能从杯子上提些指纹...see if we can get prints off this glass.警官初次见面Sergeant, we haven't met.是啊我知道你是谁Yeah, I know who you are我希望你最好别碰任何证据and I would prefer it if you didn't tamper with any of the evidence.我给雷斯垂德打过电话他过来了么?I phoned Lestrade. Is he on his way?他很忙这里由我负责He's busy. I'm in charge.还有我不是什么警官我是迪莫克探长And it's not Sergeant, it's Detective Inspector Dimmock.这显然是自杀We're obviously looking at a suicide.这似乎是所有证据的唯一解释It does seem the only explanation of all the facts.错这只是解释之一Wrong, it's one possible explanation支持部分证据of some of the facts.你有了中意的结论但你You've got a solution that you like, but you are choosing选择忽略了与之不符的一切to ignore anything you see that doesn't comply with it.比如? 伤口在头部右侧Like? Wound's on the right side of his head.所以? 凡·库是左撇子And? Van Coon was left-handed.身体得有多柔韧啊Requires quite a bit of contortion.——Sherlock Holmes左撇子? 你竟然没注意到Left-handed? I'm amazed you didn't notice.看他家的摆设就知道了All you have to do is look around this flat.咖啡桌靠左Coffee table on the left-hand side,咖啡杯手柄朝左coffee mug handle pointing to the left.电源插头常用左边纸和笔Power sockets, habitually used the ones on the left. Pen and paper在电话左侧用右手接电话左手记录on the left of the phone. Picked up with his right, took messages with his left.还要继续? 不了你已经说明了Do you want me to go on? No, I think you've covered it.还是继续吧快说完了I might as well, I'm almost at the bottom of the list. 面包板上刀和黄油There's a knife on the breadboard with butter放在刀刃右边on the right side of the blade因为他用左手握刀because he used it with his left. It's highly unlikely 左撇子很难对头部右侧开枪自杀that a left-handed man would shoot himself in the right of his head.结论有人闯了进来杀害了他Conclusion, someone broke in here and murdered him -这才是所有证据的唯一结论Only explanation of all of the facts.那枪呢?But the gun?他知道会有人来杀他He was waiting for the killer.他被威胁过了什么?He'd been threatened. What?今天在银行警告了他一次Today at the bank, sort of a warning.袭击者进入时他开了一枪He fired a shot when his attacker came in. 子弹呢从开着的窗户飞了And the bullet? Went through the open window.拜托Oh, come on(!)这几率该有多小啊What are the chances of that?!等着看弹道检测报告吧Wait until you get the ballistics report.致命的子弹The bullet in his brain不是他枪里的我向你保证wasn't fired from his gun, I guarantee it.他的门从里反锁了凶手怎么进来的呢?If his door was locked from the inside, how did the killer get in?很好你终于问了个正确的问题Good, you're finally asking the right questions.他几乎是用叉子剪自己的头发He's left trying to sort of cut his hair with a fork,也就是根本做不到which of course can never be done.涂鸦是用来威胁的It was a threat, that's what the graffiti meant.我在开会I'm kind of in a meeting.你能先跟我秘书预约一下么Can you make an appointment with my secretary?我觉得不能等了抱歉塞巴斯汀I don't think this can wait. Sorry, Sebastian.你的一位交易员在你办公室工作的被谋杀了One of your traders, someone who worked in your office, was killed.什么? 凡·库What? Van Coon.警方正在他家The police are at his flat.被谋杀了? 抱歉影响了大家的胃口Killed?! Sorry to interfere with everyone's digestion. 还要预约么Still want to make an appointment(?)要不九点跟苏格兰场警官约一下?Would maybe nine o'clock at Scotland Yard suit?——Sherlock Holmes哈罗公学牛津大学有为青年啊Harrow, Oxford...very bright guy.在亚洲工作过所以……Worked in Asia for a while, so...你让他负责香港账户?You gave him the Hong Kong accounts?曾经一早上损失了五百万Lost 5 million in a single morning,一周内又赚回来了made it all back a week later.艾迪有着钢铁般的意志Nerves of steel, Eddie had.谁会想杀他呢人人都会树敌Who'd want to kill him? We all make enemies.但不是人人都会被爆头You don't all end up with a bullet through your temple.常人是不会失陪一下Not usually. Excuse me.董事长的短信It's my chairman.警方找他了Police have been on to him.显然警方说是自杀Apparently they're telling him it was a suicide.他们弄错了Well, they've got it wrong,塞巴斯汀他是被谋杀的Sebastian. He was murdered.恐怕警方不这么看Well, I'm afraid they don't see it like that.所以? 所以我老板也不这么看So? And neither does my boss.别忘了我雇你查什么的别分心I hired you to do a job. Don't get sidetracked.果然银行家都是铁石心肠的混蛋I thought bankers were all supposed to be heartless bastards.我要你跑一趟克里斯宾拍卖行I need you to get over to Crispians.有两个明代成化年间的古董花瓶拍卖Two Ming vases up for auction - Chenghua.你能评估下么应该素琳去啊她才是专家Soo Lin should go - she's the expert.素琳辞职了需要你帮忙Soo Lin has resigned her job. I need you.就是临时工哦嗯没问题Just locum work. No, that's fine.你... 其实以你的资历干这个浪费了You're, um... Well, you're a bit over-qualified.呃因为我急需用钱Er, I could always do with the money.这周有两位医师度假去了Well, we've got two away on holiday this week还有一位因为怀孕离职了and one's just left to have a baby.对你来说可能太平凡了It might be a bit mundane for you.不不不有时候平凡点也是好事Er, no, mundane is good, sometimes.我挺喜欢平凡Mundane works.简历上说你曾经是个军人军医It says here you were a soldier. And a doctor.你还会别的技能么?Anything else you can do?在学校学过单簧管I learned the clarinet at school.呵呵期待你的表演哦Oh..well, I'll look forward to it.我说过了你能给我递支笔么I said, could you pass me a pen?什么啥时候? 大概一小时以前What? When? About an hour ago.根本没注意我已经出门了吗?Didn't notice I'd gone out then?我去一家诊所面试了I went to see about a job at that surgery.怎么样棒极了她很迷人How was it? Great. She's great.谁?Who?工作The job.——Sherlock Holmes她?She?!它It.随便了过来看Yeah, have a look."能穿墙的侵入者""The intruder who can walk through walls."昨天晚上的事It happened last night.一记者在家中遭枪击身亡Journalist shot dead in his flat.房内门窗皆从内反锁Doors locked, windows bolted from the inside.跟凡·库一样Exactly the same as Van Coon.天哪你是说... 凶手又得手了God! You think...? He's killed another one. 布莱恩·卢奇自由职业记者Brian Lukis, freelance journalist,在自己家被杀murdered in his flat.房门从内紧锁Doors locked from the inside.你得承认两次很相似You've got to admit, it's similar.两人都是被能穿水泥墙的凶手杀的Both men killed by someone who can walk through solid walls.探长你真认为艾迪·凡·库的死Inspector, do you seriously believe that Eddie V an Coon was仅仅是一起都市自杀?just another city suicide?我猜你该看过弹道检测报告了吧You have seen the ballistics report, I suppose?杀害他的子弹是出自他的枪口么And the shot that killed him. Was it fired from his own gun?不No.不所以这案子进程本来No. So this investigation might move 会快很多要是你们当初相信我的话a bit quicker if you were to take my word as gospel. 我刚向你递交了谋杀调查申请I've just handed you a murder inquiry.请给我五分钟调查死者公寓Five minutes in his flat.四楼Four floors up.所以他们自认为安全了That's why they think they're safe.门链搭上门闩上就认为固若金汤了Put a chain across the door, bolt it shut, think they're impregnable.他们根本没考虑还有别的方法进入房间They don't reckon for one second that there's another way in.我不懂这是个飞檐走壁的凶手I don't understand. Dealing with a killer who can climb.你到底在干嘛凶手能像昆虫一样攀墙What are you doing? Clings to the walls like an insect.这就是他的入口That's how he got in.什么?What?!他沿墙而上跑过屋顶He climbed up the side of the walls, ran along the roof,从天窗跳了进来dropped in through this skylight.你开玩笑吧蜘蛛侠吗?You're not serious?! Like Spider-Man?他爬上了港口住宅区公寓六楼He scaled six floors of a Docklands apartment building,从阳台跳进去杀了凡·库鬼扯jumped the balcony and killed Van Coon. Oh, hold on(!)他也是这么进银行的沿着窗架攀进露台That's how he got into the bank - ran along the window ledge onto the terrace.我得找到这两个受害人的联系——Sherlock Holmes借书卡上敲的日期是他被杀当天Date stamped on the book is the same day that he died.夏洛克?Sherlock?好杀手到银行So, the killer goes to the bank,留下了威胁密码leaves a threatening cipher at the bank.凡·库看到后惊慌失措跑回自己家锁上门Van Coon panics, returns to his apartment, locks himself in.几小时后他被杀害Hours later, he dies.凶手在图书馆发现了卢奇把密码写在The killer finds Lukis at the library, he writes the cipher他一定会看到的书架上on the shelf where he knows it'll be seen.卢奇逃回家里Lukis goes home.深夜同样被杀害Late that night, he dies too.他们为什么会被杀夏洛克?Why did they die, Sherlock?只有密码能告诉我们Only the cipher can tell us.世界全靠编码和密码运转约翰The world's run on codes and ciphers, John.从价值百万的银行报警系统From the million-pound security system at the bank 到你欺负的条码扫描仪to the PIN machine you took exception to.我们身边密码术无处不在Cryptography inhabits our every waking moment.是我知道但是...Yes, OK, but...都是电脑生成的But it's all computer generated -电子编译电子密码electronic codes, electronic ciphering methods.这次的不同This is different. 这是古代手法It's an ancient device.现代编译法没用Modern code-breaking methods won't unravel it.我们这是去哪? 我要去咨询个人Where are we headed? I need to ask some advice.什么? 不好意思再说一遍?What?! Sorry?你听清楚了我死都不说了You heard me perfectly. I'm not saying it again.你咨询别人? 是颜料You need advice? On painting.对我得问问专家Yes, I need to talk to an expert.新系列的一部分Part of a new exhibition.很有意思我命名它为Interesting. I call it...城市嗜血狂Urban Bloodlust Frenzy.朗朗上口Catchy(!)我只有两分钟社区协警I've got two minutes before a Community Support Officer就要转过那墙角来了comes around that corner.我画着你说?Can we do this while I'm working?你知道这谁画的么我认得这颜料Know the author? I recognise the paint.像密歇根产的喷力强劲It's like Michigan...hard-core propellant.我猜含锌I'd say zinc.那个符号呢你认识么And what about the symbols? Do you recognise them?都不知是不是个符号I'm not even sure it's a proper language.两个人被杀了莱兹Two men have been murdered, Raz.——Sherlock Holmes破解这密码是找到凶手的关键Deciphering this is the key to finding out who killed them.这是你们唯一的线索?And this is all you've got to go on(?)好像不太够吧你到底帮不帮忙?It's hardly much, is it? Are you going to help us or not?我帮你问问I'll ask around.肯定有人知道点什么喂Somebody must know something about it. Oi!你他妈的在干什么?What the hell do you think you're doing?这画廊是登记保护建筑This gallery is a listed public building.不不等等不是我画的No, no. Wait, wait. It's not me who painted that.我只是帮着拿一下...I was just holding this for...还是个狂热分子哈?Bit of an enthusiast, are we?她手上有个重要修复项目才进行到一半She was right in the middle of an important piece of restoration.她不可能突然辞职的Why would she suddenly resign?家庭纠纷她辞呈里说的Family problems. She said so in her letter.但她没家庭啊But she doesn't have a family.她独自来这个国家的She came to this country on her own.安迪那些茶壶那些陶瓷Andy! Look, those teapots, those ceramics. 已经成了她的心头宝They've become her obsession.她都修复它们好几周了She's been working on restoring them for weeks.我不信她会突然...抛下它们I can't believe that she would just...abandon them.也许是想躲开某个缠着她的人呢?Perhaps she was getting a bit of unwanted attention? 你怎么这么慢You've been a while.是啊你知道的嘛Yeah, well, you know how it is.拘留所警官都是慢性子对吧Custody sergeants don't really like to be hurried, do they?走程序呗按指纹Just formalities. Fingerprints,签罚单周二我还得上治安法庭charge sheet, and I've got to be in magistrates' court on Tuesday.嗯? 我夏洛克我周二要上庭What? Me, Sherlock! In court, on Tuesday!他们要判我反社会行为罪可以很好They're giving me an ASBO! Good, fine. 你告诉你那小朋友You want to tell your little pal欢迎他随时去自首he's welcome to go and own up any time.这个符号我还是搞不明白This symbol, I still can't place it.不我要你去趟警察局No, I need you to go to the police station问问那记者的事and ask about the journalist.他的个人财物应该存档了The personal effects will have been impounded.去把他的日记或别的什么记录行程的拿来Get hold of his diary, or something that will tell us his movements.去找凡·库的助理Go and see V an Coon's PA.追踪他们的行程总会找到重合的If you retrace their steps, somewhere they'll coincide.(苏格兰场)Scotland Yard.周五从大连飞回来的Flew back from Dalian Friday.看来他跟销售连开了几场会Looks like he had back-to-back meetings with the sales team.——Sherlock Holmes能给我打印一份么Can you print me up a copy?没问题他去世那天呢?Sure. What about the day he died?你能告诉我他在哪吗?Can you tell me where he was?抱歉这有个空当Sorry, I've got a gap.我有他所有的收据I have all his receipts.你的朋友... 听着不管你说什么Your friend... Listen, whatever you say,我都百分百赞成I'm behind you 100 percent.是个自大的混蛋...he's an arrogant sod.就这样而已? 别人说得可要难听多了Well, that was mild. People say a lot worse than that. 你是来要这个的吧那记者的日记This is what you wanted, isn't it? The journalist's diary?他做老板如何阿曼达? 欣赏员工么?What kind of a boss was he, Amanda? Appreciative? 不我可不会用这个词Um, no. That's not a word I'd use.艾迪只欣赏带天价标签的东西The only things Eddie appreciated had a big price tag.比如那瓶护手霜是他给你买的吧Like that hand cream. He bought that for you, didn't he?看这个Look at this one.他去世那天叫过出租车.镑Got a taxi from him on the day he died, ..是送他去办公室的That would get him to the office.不是交通高峰看看时间Not rush hour. Check the time.正在早上18 镑他能到...Mid-morning.18 would get him最远到... 西区as far as... .. The West End. 我记得他说过I remember him saying.地铁票一点钟在皮卡迪利广场买的Underground, printed at one in Piccadilly.他最终是搭地铁回的办公室So he got a Tube back to the office.他为什么要搭出租进城搭地铁回来呢?Why would he get a taxi into town, and then the Tube back?因为他在送一件重物Because he was delivering something heavy.扛着个大包裹上电梯很不方便You wouldn't lug a package up the escalator.送东西?Delivering?!送给皮卡迪利广场地铁站附近某人To somewhere near Piccadilly Station.把包裹放下送到手然后...Dropped the package, delivered it, and then...(意大利餐馆收据)停了一下他饿了Stopped on his way. He got peckish.于是你在去地铁站的路上买了午饭So you bought your lunch from here en route to the station但是你从哪过来的呢?but where were you headed from?你从哪下的出租车?Where did the taxi drop you?哦对了Oof! Right.艾迪·凡·库死的那天送了个包裹来Eddie Van Coon brought a package here the day he died.不管那箱子里是什么Whatever was hidden inside that case...我已经拼出了一幅拼图I've managed to piece together a picture用零碎信息信用卡账单收据using scraps of information - credit card bills, receipts.他从中国回来He flew back from China,——Sherlock Holmes就来了这里夏洛克then he came here. Sherlock.就在这街上附近Somewhere in this street, somewhere near.不知具体在哪可...I don't know where, but...就在那儿的那个商店你怎么知道?That shop, over there. How could you tell? 卢奇的日记他那天也在Lukis' diary. He was here too.他记下了地址哦He wrote down the address. Oh.你好Hello.想要...招财猫吗?You want...lucky cat?不不用了谢谢No, thanks, no.只要10镑啊只要10镑Ten! Ten pounds我觉得你老婆她会喜欢I think your wife, she will like.呃谢谢Um, thank you.夏洛克...Sherlock...这个标签没错我看见了The label there. Yes, I see it.跟密码上一模一样It's exactly the same as the cipher.这是个古老的号码系统"苏州码子"It's an ancient number system - Hang Zhou.如今只有街头贩子才用These days only street traders use it.这就是银行Those were numbers written on the wall at the bank 图书馆墙上写的数字and at the library.用古老的中国异体字写的数字Numbers written in an ancient Chinese dialect.这个是15It's a 15.我们以为是商标的其实是数字蒙眼布那条水平线也是数字And the blindfold, the horizontal line. That was a number as well.是汉字的一约翰我们找到了The Chinese number one, John. We found it.两个从中国回来的人Two men travel back from China,都直奔招财猫商店而去both head straight for the Lucky Cat emporium.他们看到了什么?What did they see?不因为他们看到了什么It's not what they saw.是他们箱子里拿回来的东西It's what they both brought back in those suitcases. 你说的不是机场免税品吧And you don't mean duty free.谢谢Thank you.想想塞巴斯汀说的Think about what Sebastian told us.关于凡·库的他在市场上处于机动状态About Van Coon, about how he stayed afloat in the market.损失五百万一星期又赚回来了Lost 5 million. Made it back in a week.这就是他赚钱的窍门That's how he made such easy money.他是个走私者嗯He was a smuggler. Mm.有完美的掩护Cover would have been perfect.商人经常去亚洲Businessman, making frequent trips to Asia.卢奇也是采写中国新闻的记者Lukis was the same, a journalist writing about China.他们俩都从事走私Both of them smuggled stuff about.招财猫是他们的交货地The Lucky Cat was their drop-off.但他们为什么会死呢?But why did they die?。



神探夏洛克第一季第2集中英对照台词Episode 2: The Blind Banker场景:福尔摩斯和华生被请去调查一起与中国有关的谋杀案。

Scene: Holmes and Watson are called to investigate a murder case with connections to China.Sherlock Holmes: (reviewing the crime scene photos) Interesting...very interesting.John Watson: What is it, Holmes?Sherlock Holmes: Look at these symbols carved into the victim's back. They are Chinese characters, but I can't quite figure out what they mean.John Watson: Maybe they are some kind of code?Sherlock Holmes: Possibly. We will need someone who understands Chinese culture and language to help us decipher them.John Watson: (spots an envelope) There's an envelope here addressed to the victim. Let's see what's inside.Sherlock Holmes: (opens the envelope and finds a Chinese puzzle box) Ah, a puzzle box. This could be the key to understanding the symbols.John Watson: (looks at the box) Do you think you can solve it?Sherlock Holmes: Only one way to find out.场景:福尔摩斯和华生离开现场,寻找懂中文的人帮助解开谜团。



神探夏洛克第一季集英汉对照台词集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]1明斯克白俄罗斯Minsk Belarus2从头开始源源本本告诉我Just tell me what happened from the beginning.3(东欧口音)我们去泡吧We had been to a bar,4酒吧不错我开始和一个女招待搭讪nice place, and, er, I got chatting with one of the waitresses,5凯伦她很不高兴后来回到酒店and Karen weren't happy with that, so...when we get back to the hotel, 6我们吵起来打了一架we end up having a bit of a ding-dong.7她老是讽刺我说我不似个真爷们She's always getting at me, saying I weren't a real man.8不"是"个真爷们Wasn't a real man.9什么 "不是" 你说的"不似"What It's not "weren't", it's "wasn't".10接着说Go on.11然后我也不知怎么回事Well...then I don't know how it happened,12突然我手里就多了把刀but suddenly there's a knife in my hands...13我老爹是个屠户所以我会使刀..and me old man was a butcher, so I know how to handle knives.14他叫我们肢解野兽 "教"He learned us how to cut up a beast. Taught.15什么 "教"你们肢解野兽What Taught you how to cut up a beast.16嗯反正我就动作了Yeah, well, then I done it.17"动手" 动手捅了她Did it. Did it! Stabbed her,18一刀一刀又一刀等我低头看她经已...over and over and over, and I looked down, and she weren't...19"已经"..wasn't...20不会东了..moving no more.21"不会动了"Any more.22老天我真不知道怎么回事God help me, I dunno how it happened,23但这是意外我发誓but it was an accident, I swear.24你一定得帮我福尔摩斯先生You've got to help me, Mr Holmes!25人人都说你是最棒的Everyone says you're the best.26没有你...Without you...27我会为这个被挂的I'll get hung for this.28不不贝维克先生不会的No, no, Mr Bewick, not at all.29绞死倒是会的Hanged, yes.-==破烂熊乐园倾情奉献==-本字幕仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业用途神探夏洛克第一季第3集翻译:tpring 人鱼心台大叉 LOVEKEICO校对:tpring时间轴:忍不住XE的60 浅浅33致命游戏34你他妈的在干什么啊What the hell are you doing!35无聊什么?Bored. What!36无聊别...Bored! No...37无聊Bored!38无聊啊Bored!39真不知道如今的犯罪阶层都怎么了Don't know what's got into the criminal classes. 40幸好我不是其中一员Good job I'm not one of them.41所以你拿墙出气?So you take it out on the wall?42墙自找的The wall had it coming.43俄罗斯那案子呢白俄罗斯What about that Russian case Belarus44老一套家庭情杀浪费我时间Open and shut domestic murder. Not worth my time.45好可惜哦Oh, shame(!)46家里有吃的没我饿死了Anything in I'm starving.47我草...Oh, f...48有个人头There's a head.49砍掉的人头我就要茶谢谢A severed head! Just tea for me, thanks.50不冰箱里有个人头嗯?No, there's a head in the fridge. Yes?51是人头喂唉我还能A bloody head! Well, where else52放在哪呢你不介意的吧I supposed to put it You don't mind, do you53呃... 从巴兹医学院太平间拿来的Well... Got it from Barts morgue.54我在测量人死后唾液的凝结速度I'm measuring the coagulation of saliva after death.55我看见你写的出租司机案了I see you've written up the taxi driver case.56呃对Er...yes.57"粉色的研究"A Study In Pink.58真好听Nice.59你知道粉红女郎粉红箱子Well, you know. Pink lady, pink case,60粉红手机全是粉红你喜欢吗?pink phone. There was a lot of pink. Did you like it?61呃不喜欢为什么我以为你会得意呢Um...no. Why not I thought you'd be flattered.62得意 "夏洛克能瞬间看穿一切人和事"Flattered! "Sherlock sees through everything and everyone in seconds. 63"然而神奇的是他同时也在某些方面""What's incredible, though, is how spectacularly ignorant he is 64"极其无知""about some things."65等等我不是说...Hang on, I didn't mean that...66哦你这个"极其无知"是夸我来的Oh, you meant "spectacularly ignorant" in a nice way(!)67听着我不在乎谁是首相或者...Look, it doesn't matter to me who's Prime Minister or...68我知道谁和谁有奸情I know. ..who's sleeping with who...69地球是否绕着太阳转Whether the Earth goes round the sun.70又是这个这不重要That again! It's not important!71不重要...Not impor...!72这是小学知识你怎能不知道?It's primary school stuff. How can you not know that?73就算知道过我也删除了Well, if I ever did, I've deleted it.74删除了?Deleted it?75你看这是我的硬盘唯一合理做法是Listen. This is my hard drive, and it only makes sense76只存进有用的东西真正有用的to put things in there that are useful. REALLY useful.77普通人总在脑子里塞满垃圾Ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish.78有用的信息都找不到了明白?That makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters. Do you see? 79可这是太阳系的问题啊But it's the solar system!80拜托有什么意义?Oh, hell! What does that matter!81我们绕太阳转要是改成绕月亮转So we go round the sun. If we went round the moon,82或者像小熊一样绕着花园转圈or round and round the garden like a teddy bear,83不也一样吗it wouldn't make any difference!84对我唯一重要的是工作All that matters to me is the work!85没有工作我脑子都要锈了Without that, my brain rots!86写进你博客里去或者行行好Put that in your blog! Or, better still,87别再拿你的高见折磨全世界了stop inflicting your opinions on the world!88你去哪外面我需要新鲜空气Where are you going Out! I need some air.89抱歉亲爱的抱歉Oh, sorry, love! Sorry.90哎哟你们俩发生家庭纠纷了?Ooh-ooh! Have you two had a little domestic?91外面天气冷飕飕的Ooh, it's a bit nippy out there.92他应该多穿点的He should have wrapped himself up a bit more.93看看外面赫德森太太Look at that, Mrs Hudson.94寂静Quiet.95沉静安详Calm. Peaceful.96何其可恶啊Isn't it hateful?97哦总会出点事的夏洛克Oh, I'm sure something will turn up, Sherlock.98出个漂亮的凶杀案你就会开心啦A nice murder. That'll cheer you up.99嗯绝对是时候了Mmm. Can't come too soon.100喂你把我的墙壁怎么了啊Hey, what have you done to my bloody wall!101这个算在你房租里小伙子I'm putting this on your rent, young man!102早安哦早安Morning. Oh...m-morning.103看吧就说你该用气垫床的See Told you you should have gone with the Lilo.104不不没事我睡得挺好谢谢你好心收留No, no, no, it's fine, I slept fine. It's very kind of you.105也许下次我会让你睡在我被角上Well, maybe next time I'll let you kip at the end of my bed, you know. 106"被埋没在..."..which was discovered mouldering...'107' 再下次呢 "18个月前被发现"What about the time after that ' ..18 months ago.108"专家将之誉为本世纪最大艺术发现"'Experts are hailing it as the artistic find of the century...' 109要早餐吗好呀Do you want some breakfast Love some.110自己做吧我去洗个澡Well, make it yourself. I'm going to have a shower.111"最终售价高达一千万镑"'..It fetched over 20 million ponds.112"这一件有望拍出更高价钱'This one is anticipated to do even better.113回到头条新闻"Back now to our main story.114"伦敦中心区发生了一起大爆炸"'There's been a massive explosion in central London.115"目前还没有伤亡报告'As yet, there are no reports of any casualties,116警方无法确认"and the police are unable to say117"这是否与恐怖分子有关"'if there's any suspicion of terrorist involvement.'118莎拉 "警方公布了紧急电话"Sarah! 'Police have issued an emergency number...'119莎拉 "供当事人亲友联络"sarah! '..for friends and relatives.'120抱歉我得走了Sorry! I've got to run!121抱歉借过一下抱歉借过一下Excuse me, can I get through Excuse me. Can I get through122我家在里面I live over there.123夏洛克Sherlock!124夏洛克Sherlock!125约翰John.126我在电视上看见了你还好吗?I saw it on the telly. Are you OK?127我什么哦没事Me What Oh, yeah, fine.128显然是煤气泄漏了Gas leak, apparently.129我不能不能I can't. Can't?130我手头的案子太多了抽不出空Stuff I've got on is just too big. I can't spare the time.131别管你那些鸡毛蒜皮了这是国家大事Never mind your usual trivia. This is of national importance.132节食成果如何?How's the diet?133不错Fine.134也许你能说通他约翰Perhaps you can get through to him, John.135什么?What?136恐怕我弟弟有时就是这么顽固I'm afraid my brother can be very intransigent.137你这么热心你自己去调查呀If you're so keen, why don't you investigate it?138不行我一刻也不能离开办公室No. I can't possibly be away from the office for any length of time. 139韩国大选就要...Not with the Korean elections so...140反正你也懒得知道对吧?Well, you don't need to know about that, do you?141再说这种案子需要...跑腿Besides, a case like this, it requires...legwork.142莎拉还好吗约翰气垫床如何How's Sarah, John How was the Lilo143沙发夏洛克他睡的沙发Sofa, Sherlock. It was the sofa.144哦当然怎么... 算了Oh, yes, of course. How... Oh, never mind.145夏洛克的生意日见红火了Sherlock's business seems to be booming146自从你和他结成...since you and he became...147朋友和他同居感觉如何?pals. What's he like to live with?148苦不堪言吧我从不无聊Hellish, I imagine. I'm never bored.149好呀那太好了对吧Good. That's good, isn't it?150安德鲁·韦斯特朋友叫他小韦公务员Andrew West, known as Westie to his friends. Civil servant. 151尸体今早在巴特西(伦敦西南)车站铁轨上出现Found dead on the tracks at Battersea station this morning 152脑浆迸裂with his head smashed in.153卧轨自杀?Jumped in front of a train?154顺理成章的推断Seems the logical assumption.155可是可是?But But156若是事故你也不会来了Well, you wouldn't be here if it was just an accident.157国防部在开发新的反导弹系统The MoD is working on a new missile defence system,158人称布鲁斯-帕廷顿计划the Bruce-Partington Program it's called.159计划存在一根记忆棒里The plans for it were on a memory stick.160不怎么明智啊That wasn't very clever.161不是唯一一份哦It's not the only copy. Oh.162可也是机密But it is secret.163而且遗失了And missing.164顶级机密?Top secret?165绝密我们认为记忆棒可能被韦斯特拿了Very. We think West must have taken the memory stick.166不能让它流入外人手里We can't risk it falling into the wrong hands.167你得找到这份计划夏洛克You've got to find those plans, Sherlock.168别逼我命令你你倒是试试呀Don't make me order you. I'd like to see you try. 169好好考虑Think it over.170再见约翰嗯Goodbye, John. Mm.171很快就会再见的See you very soon.172你为什么撒谎?Why did you lie?173你闲得要命You've got nothing on.174根本没案子墙都差点被你拆了Not a single case. That's why the wall took a pounding. 175为什么告诉你哥哥你很忙?Why did you tell your brother you were busy?176为什么不能?Why shouldn't I?177好呀Nice.178兄弟斗气这倒真有意思Sibling rivalry. Now we're getting somewhere.179夏洛克·福尔摩斯Sherlock Holmes.180当然我怎么会拒绝呢?Of course. How could I refuse?181是谁是雷斯垂德我被召唤了What's wrong Lestrade - I've been summoned.182来吗?Coming?183只要你要我来当然Yeah. If you want me to. Of course.184离开我的博客作家我就不知所措了I'd be lost without my blogger.185你喜欢好玩的案子对吧?'You like the funny cases, don't you'186有惊喜的案子显然The surprising ones. Obviously.187这个爆炸案包你满意You'll love this. That explosion.188煤气泄漏吧不Gas leak, yes No.189不不No No.190故意做了那种幌子什么?Made to look like one. What?191整片都炸成白地了就剩一个保险箱Hardly anything left of the place, except a strongbox. 192非常保险的保险箱里面是这个A VERY strong box, and inside it was this.193你没拆开写明给你的不是吗You haven't opened it It's addressed to you, isn't it194照过X光了没有机关We've X-rayed it. It's not booby-trapped.195真让人安心啊How reassuring.196(夏洛克·福尔摩斯)Sherlock Holmes197纸真挺括Nice stationery.198波西米亚信笺Bohemian.199什么?What?200捷克出产的没有指纹?From the Czech Republic. No fingerprints?201没有No.202这位女士用了自来水笔派克世纪铱金笔She used a fountain pen. Parker Duofold, iridium nib.203女士显然嘛She Obviously.204显然Obviously.205可这...是那个手机粉红手机But that... That's the phone. The pink phone.206"粉色的研究"里的?What, from The Study In Pink?207显然不是同一个但故意用同款...Obviously, it's not the same phone, but it's supposed to look like... 208"粉色的研究" 你也看他的博客"Study In Pink" You read his blog209当然我们都爱看Of course. We all do.210你真的不知道地球绕太阳转?Do you REALLY not know that the Earth goes round the sun?211不是同一只手机这个是全新的It isn't the same phone. This one's brand-new.212有人故意选了同样的手机Someone's taken trouble to make it look the same,213说明你的博客读者群还挺广which means your blog has a far wider readership.214"您有一条新短信"'You have one new message.'215就这些不不止这些Was that it No, that's not it.216这到底是跟我们搞什么鬼?What the hell are we supposed to make of that?217一张房产广告照该死的格林威治报时信号An estate agent's photo and the bloody Greenwich pips.218是个警告警告?It's a warning. A warning?219有些秘密社团寄送晒干的西瓜籽Some secret societies used to send dried melon seeds,220桔核之类的东西信号(又意桔核)有五响orange pips, things like that - five pips.221他们警告我们这还会再发生They're warning us it's going to happen again.222我见过这个地方等等I've seen this place before. Hang on.223什么会再发生轰What's going to happen again Boom!224赫德森太太Mrs Hudson!225你看过一眼对吧You did a look, didn't you,226第一次来看房的时候when you first came to see about your flat?227门最近开过The door's been opened, recently.228不可能只有这一把钥匙No, can't be. That's the only key.229找不到人想租这间房I can't get anyone interested in this flat.230太潮湿了吧地下室就这毛病It's the damp, I expect - that's the curse of basements.231我刚结婚的时候住过满墙的青苔I'd a place once when I was first married. Mould all up the wall... 232哦我的天Oh. Dear me.233鞋子Shoes.234他是投弹手记得吗He's a bomber, remember.235(来电号码屏蔽)Number Blocked236你好Hello.237你...好性感帅哥'H-Hello...sexy.'238哪位?Who's this?239我给你...准备了个...小谜语'I've...sent you...a little puzzle,240这只是问个好'just to say hi.'241你是谁你哭什么?Who's talking Why are you crying242我...我没有哭'I...I'm not crying.243我在打字'I'm typing.'244这个...蠢婊子And this...stupid bitch245在替我读is reading it out.246大幕拉开了The curtain rises.247什么没什么What Nothing.248你说什么?No, what did you mean?249这一天我等了一阵子了I've been expecting this for some time. 25012小时...解开...'12 hours to solve...'251我的谜语...夏洛克.....my puzzle, Sherlock...252不然我就...or I'm going to be...253会...捣蛋的哟.....so...naughty.254(巴兹医学院)St. Bartholomew's Hospital255好吧你觉得是谁嗯So, who do you suppose it was Hmm256电话里的在哭的女人Woman on the phone - the crying woman.257她不重要她只是个人质没线索的Oh, she doesn't matter, she's just a hostage. No lead there. 258我没说线索I wasn't thinking about leads.259你帮不上她You're not going to be much use to her.260他们在追踪吗追踪手机信号Are they trying to trace it - trace the call?261投弹手太聪明了没用的我的手机给我Bomber's too smart for that. Pass my phone.262在哪上衣兜Where is it Jacket.263当心点Careful!264你哥哥的短信Text from your brother.265删掉删掉?Delete it. Delete it?266计划已经流出国外了我们没办法Plans are out of the country. Nothing we can do.267(韦斯特之死有进展否 - 麦克罗夫特)Any progress on andrew west's death - Mycroft268麦克罗夫特认为我们有他发给你八条短信了Well, Mycroft thinks there is. He's texted you eight times. 269肯定很重要Must be important.270那他怎么还有空看牙医?Then why didn't he cancel his dental appointment?271看什么?His what?272他只要能说话绝不发短信Mycroft never texts if he can talk.273安德鲁·韦斯特偷了计划去卖Look, Andrew West stole the missile plans, tried to sell them, 274结果送掉了脑袋got his head smashed in,275就这么回事end of story.276唯一疑点是我哥干嘛缠着我The only mystery is why my brother is so determined277打扰我和这么有趣的人交锋to bore me when somebody is being so interesting.278拜托记住有个女人快死了Try and remember there's a woman who might die.279为什么医院里随时都有人死去医生What for There's hospitals full of people dying, Doctor. 280你何不去他们床边哭哭看Why don't you go and cry by their bedside281能不能给他们吊命?and see what good it does them?282(搜索完成)SEARCH COMPLETED283有发现吗当然Any luck Oh, yes!284抱歉我不知道...Oh, sorry. I didn't...285吉姆嗨快进来Jim, hi! Come in! Come in!286吉姆这就是夏洛克·福尔摩斯啊Jim, this is Sherlock Holmes. Ah.287还有...抱歉你是...And, er... Sorry.288约翰·华生嗨John Watson. Hi.289嗨你就是夏洛克·福尔摩斯啊Hi. So you're Sherlock Holmes.290茉莉给我讲了好多你的事你在办案吗?Molly's told me all about you. You on one of your cases? 291吉姆在楼上IT部工作Jim works in IT, upstairs.292我们就这么认识的办公室恋情That's how we met. Office romance.293同性恋Gay.294抱歉什么没什么呃...嗨Sorry, what Nothing. Um, hey.295抱歉抱歉Sorry. Sorry!296呃我还是走吧Well, I'd better be off.297狐狸剧院见I'll see you at the Fox.298六点钟好About sixish Yeah.299再见再见Bye. Bye.300很高兴见到你It was nice to meet you.301我们也是You too.302你说什么同性恋我们在交往耶What do you mean, gay We're together.303居家生活一定很适合你茉莉Domestic bliss must suit you, Molly.304几天没见你胖了三磅You've put on 3lb since I last saw you.305两磅半不三磅Two-and-a-half. No, three.306夏洛克他不是同性恋Sherlock. He's not gay!307你何苦非要毁掉...他不是Why do you have to spoil... He's not!308那么爱打扮?With that level of grooming?309因为他头发上抹东西吗我也抹的呀Because he puts product in his hair I put product in my hair.310你洗头发时抹不一样You wash your hair, there's a difference.311染睫毛额头上有牛磺酸精华霜Tinted eyelashes, signs of taurine cream around the frown lines, 312泡夜店泡到满眼血丝those tired, clubber's eyes.313还有他的内裤他的内裤?Then there's his underwear. His underwear?314腰上露出一截非常特别的品牌Visible above the waistline. Very particular brand.315最明显的是他在碟子底下留了个电话Plus the suggestive fact that he left his number under this dish. 316我建议你尽早分手免得事后伤心I'd say you'd better break it off now and save yourself the pain. 317真棒干的漂亮Charming, well done(!)318为她节省时间不是很好心吗?Just saving her time. Isn't that kinder?319好心不不夏洛克这不是好心Kinder No, no, Sherlock, that wasn't kind.320说吧Go on, then.321你知道我怎么做试试吧You know what I do. Off you go.322还是算了说吧Oh... No. Go on.323我不会站在这由着你笑话我...I'm not going to let you humiliate me while I...324旁观者清An outside eye,325不同的意见对我很有用a second opinion - it's very useful to me.326对哦真的Yeah, right(!) Really!327好吧Fine.328这只是双鞋...跑鞋很好Oh, they're just a pair of sh...trainers. Good. 329状态很好我觉得还挺新They're in good nick. I'd say they were pretty new, 330只有鞋底有磨损except the sole has been well worn,331所以它的主人已经穿了一段时间了so the owner must have had them for a while.332八十年代风格大概是复古款Er, very '80s. Probably one of those retro designs. 333你成就惊人啊还有呢?You're on sparkling form. What else?334码子很大是男人的They're quite big. A man's.335可是...But...336可是内侧有写名字的痕迹But there's traces of a name inside in felt-tip.337成人不会在鞋上签名Adults don't write their names inside their shoes,338所以是小孩的so these belong to a kid.339太棒了还有呢?Excellent. What else?340就这些就这些That's it. That's it.341我做的怎样很好约翰How did I do Well, John.342真的很好Really well.343我说你几乎漏掉了所有重要信息I mean, you missed almost everything of importance,344不过你知道...but, you know...345主人爱惜它擦得很干净The owner loved these. Scrubbed them clean.346还上了油鞋带换了三...不四次Whitened them. Changed the laces three...no, four times.347手指触摸的地方There are traces of flaky skin where his fingers348有皮屑所以他患了湿疹have come into contact with them, so he had eczema.349内侧比外侧磨损严重他足弓无力The shoes are more worn on the inner side, so he had weak arches. 350英国制造的 20年了British-made, 20 years old.35120年不是复古款是原装的20 years They're not retro, they're original.352限量版两条蓝道 1989年的Limited edition - two blue stripes, 1989.353上面还沾着泥看起来很新There's still mud on them. They look new.354有人特意保存的Someone's kept them that way.355鞋掌沾了好几层泥Quite a bit of mud caked on the soles.356化验出内层是苏塞克斯郡的外层是伦敦的Analysis shows it's from Sussex with London mud overlaying it. 357你怎么知道花粉How do you know Pollen.358清晰得像地图泰晤士南岸Clear as a map reference. South of the river.359这孩子20年前从苏塞克斯来伦敦This kid came to London from Sussex 20 years ago360留下了跑鞋他出什么事了?and left the trainers behind. What happened to him?361不是好事Something bad.362他爱这双鞋记得吗绝不容许它弄脏He loved those shoes, remember. He'd never leave them filthy.363不到万不得已不会抛弃它Wouldn't let them go unless he had to.364所以一个大脚小孩来到...So, a child with big feet gets...365什么?What?366卡尔·鲍华Carl Powers.367抱歉谁卡尔·鲍华约翰Sorry, who Carl Powers, John.368那是什么?What is it?369是我的起点It's where I began.3701989年小孩游泳健将从布列顿来1989, kid, champion swimmer, came from Brighton371参加运动会淹死在泳池里for a school sports tournament, drowned in the pool.372一场悲剧你不会记得的可你记得Tragic accident. You wouldn't remember it. But you remember. 373对事有蹊跷?Yes. Something fishy about it?374没人这么想Nobody thought so.375只有我我当时也是小孩Nobody except me. I was only a kid myself.376在报纸上读到的I read about it in the papers.377你起步还挺早啊You started young, didn't you?378那男孩卡尔·鲍华The boy, Carl Powers,379在水中突然抽筋had some kind of fit in the water,380可等他们救他出来已经迟了but by the time they got him out, it was too late.381有些事不对劲我脑海里一直盘桓着There was something wrong somewhere. I couldn't get it out of my head. 382什么他的鞋怎么了What His shoes. What about them383不见了我大闹一场They weren't there. I made a fuss.384我尽力想让警方注意I tried to get the police interested,385可根本没人重视but nobody seemed to think it was important.386其它衣服都在更衣室柜子里He'd left all the rest of his clothes in his locker,387只有鞋不见了but there was no sign of his shoes.388直到今天Until now.389我能帮忙吗?Can I help?390我想帮助你只剩五小时了I want to help. There's only five hours left.391(有进展吗 - 麦克罗夫特)Any developments - Mycroft Holmes392是你哥哥It's your brother.393现在他发给我了He's texting me now.394他怎么有我的号?How does he know my number?395他牙齿准是根管治疗Must be a root canal.396喂他说这是国家大事哼Look, he did say...national importance. Hmm! 397真古板什么?How quaint! What is?398你呀忠君爱国You are. Queen and country.399你不能视而不见啊我没有视而不见You can't just ignore it. I'm not ignoring it. 400我这就派我最出色的人去Putting my best man onto it right now.401行啊好Right, good!402你指谁?Who's that?403约翰真荣幸我就说马上会再见John, how nice! I was hoping it wouldn't be long. 404有什么能效劳?How can I help you?405谢谢Thank you.406我在等着...Um, I was wanting to...407你弟弟派我来收集些情况Your brother sent me to collect more facts408关于被盗的计划反导弹计划about the stolen plans - the missile plans.409是吗是的他正在调查Did he Yes. He's investigating now.410他在... 全力调查中He's, er...investigating away.411我想问问关于死者你还能告诉我什么?I just wondered what else you could tell me about the dead man. 41227岁在沃克斯豪尔当书记员Er, 27. Clerk at Vauxhall Cross.413军情六处MI6.414他在布鲁斯-帕廷顿计划中微不足道He was involved in the Bruce-Partington Program in a minor capacity. 415甲级保安检查通过Security checks A-OK.416未发现恐怖主义联系或倾向No known terrorist affiliations or sympathies.417最后见的是他未婚妻昨晚十点半Last seen by his fiancee 10.30 yesterday evening.418露西亲爱的我得出去一下Lucy, love, I've got to go out.419我要见一个人I've got to see someone.420小韦Westie!421陈尸在巴特西对所以他乘了火车He was found at Battersea, yes. So he got on the train?422没有什么?No. What?423他带着交通卡He had an Oyster card...424但没刷过他一定是买的票..but it hadn't been used. He must have bought a ticket.425尸体上没有车票There was no ticket on the body.426那他怎么会脑浆迸裂Then... How did he end up with a bashed-in brain427死在巴特西铁轨上的?on the tracks at Battersea?428就是这个问题That is the question -429我希望夏洛克能解答的the one I was rather hoping Sherlock would provide an answer to.430他进展怎样?How's he getting on?431他挺好He's fine.432哦案子进展... 非常顺利And it is going...very well.433他呃... 全神贯注在这上面He's, um... He's completely focused on it.434毒药你说什么?Poison! What are you going on about?435肉毒杆菌Clostridium botulinum.436地球上最猛的毒药之一It's one of the deadliest poisons on the planet.437卡尔·鲍华Carl Powers.438哦,等下你是说他是被谋杀的?Oh, wait. Are you saying he was murdered?439记得鞋带吗嗯Remember the shoelaces Mmm.440他有湿疹He suffered from eczema.441很容易把毒下到他药里It would be easy to introduce the poison into his medication. 442两小时后他来到伦敦Two hours later he comes to London,443毒药麻痹肌肉他淹死了the poison paralyses the muscles and he drowns.444验尸怎么没验出来?How come the autopsy didn't pick that up?445这无法检验没人想到它It's virtually undetectable. Nobody was looking for it.446(已解决跑鞋属于卡尔·鲍华)Found. Pair of trainers belonging to Carl Powers (1978-1989). 447鞋上还有微量的残留There are still tiny traces of it in the trainers448(有肉毒杆菌残留贝克街221B)Botulinum toxin still present. Apply 221B Baker St.449他往脚上擦药膏时留的from where he put the cream on his feet.450因此才要藏起鞋That's why they had to go.451我们怎么通知投弹手?So how do we let the bomber know?452引起他注意让计时停止Get his attention, stop the clock.453凶手把鞋藏了这么多年对The killer kept the shoes all these years. Yes.454可见... 他就是投弹手Meaning... He's our bomber.455干得漂亮"Well done, you.456来救我吧"Come and get me."457你在哪?Where are you?458告诉我们你在哪Tell us where you are.459她家住康沃尔郡She lives in Cornwall.460两个蒙面人闯入逼她开车到停车场Two men broke in wearing masks, forced her to drive to the car park 461停在那身上装了能炸平一座房子的炸药and decked her out in enough explosives to take down a house.462叫他打电话给你Told her to phone you.463念这寻呼机上面的信息Check the read-out from this - pager.464只要念错一个字狙击手就开枪If she deviated by one word, the sniper would set her off.465或者只要你没破案哦真优雅Or if you hadn't solved the case. Oh...elegant!466优雅?Elegant?467何苦费这周折怎么会有人想这样What was the point Why would anyone do this468哦全世界总不止我一个人无聊吧Oh...I can't be the only person in the world that gets bored. 469"您有一条新短信"'You have one new message.'470四响Four pips.471看样子第一项考验通过了First test passed, it would seem.472这是第二项Here's the second.473被扔掉的报废车不是吗?It's abandoned, wouldn't you say?474我看看有没有记录I'll see if it's been reported.475怪胎找你的Freak, it's for you.476喂Hello.477你去找警察了这也没关系'It's OK that you've gone to the police.' 478是谁?Who is this?479又是你吗?Is this you again?480可是别指望他们'But don't rely on them.481算你聪明'Clever you,482猜到了卡尔·鲍尔斯'guessing about Carl Powers.483我从来不喜欢他'I never liked him.'484卡尔嘲笑我Carl laughed at me,485所以我让他再也不能笑了so I stopped him laughing.486我看你又偷了一个人的声音吧You've stolen another voice, I presume. 487这是你和我两个人的事This is about you and me.488你是谁那是什么噪音Who are you What's that noise489是生命的声音啊夏洛克It's the sounds of life, Sherlock.490不过别担心我马上就能解决它But don't worry. I can soon fix that.491你九小时内解出了我上个谜语You solved my last puzzle in nine hours. 492这次给你八小时This time you have eight.493好Great!494查到了We've found it.495车是昨天早上租的顾客叫伊安·蒙克福The car was hired yesterday morning by an Ian Monkford.496在银行工作城市青年现金支付Banker of some kind. City boy. Paid in cash.497他跟妻子说去出差但是一直没到Told his wife he was going away on a business trip, never arrived. 498你还在围着他转呃是啊...You're still hanging round him. Yeah, well...499这就是两极相吸吧我们不是...Opposites attract, I s'pose. We're not...500你得找点兴趣爱好You should get yourself a hobby.501集邮火车模型什么的安全的Stamps, maybe. Model trains. Safer.502先告诉你声Before you ask,503那确实是蒙克福的血验过DNA了yes, it's Monkford's blood.DNA checks out.504没尸体暂时没有No body. Not yet.505把血样送到实验室Get a sample sent to the lab.506蒙克福夫人Mrs Monkford...507是我抱歉有两个警官问询过我了Yes. Sorry, but I've already spoken with two policemen.508我们不是警方我们是...We're not from the police, we're...509夏洛克·福尔摩斯您先生的旧友Sherlock HolmesVery old friend of your husband's.510我们可以说是We, um...511我们一起长大的we grew up together.512抱歉哪位我不记得他提到过您I'm sorry. Who I don't think he ever mentioned you.513哦他肯定说过的这事儿...Oh, he must have done. This is...514简直让人伤心欲绝难以置信This is horrible.I mean, I just can't believe it.515我前两天才刚见过他I only saw him the other day.516还是老样子无忧无虑的。

神探夏洛克 学习笔记1.1—1.9

神探夏洛克 学习笔记1.1—1.9

神探夏洛克学习笔记1.1【第一集】00:00—05:091. Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle;根据阿瑟柯南道尔爵士作品改编;——这是开篇字幕最后一段,也作为我们学习笔记的第一个知识点。

算是对伟大的柯南道尔表示一点敬意吧!请大家注意“改编自……”这样的说法是"Based on..."2. What do you mean there's no ruddy car?你说没辆破车(来接我)是啥意思?——我们都知道在美式英语里常把"damn" "darn"这样的字眼加在名词前以表愤怒,比如"Where is my darn watch?"(我那该死的表哪儿去了?),而在英式英语中则用"bloody",比如"You dont' have a bloody plan!"(你们没个倒霉计划!)。

"Ruddy" 是"Bloody"比较委婉的说法,就像"freakin' "是另一个F开头的字较文明的说法一样。

以下是英文的说明:ruddy: In the United Kingdom and some other parts of the Commonwealth, "ruddy" is also used as a mild curse (rather like "damn" or "darn") in place of the more offensive "bloody".3. My husband was a happy man who lived life to the full...我的丈夫,是一个努力生活的乐观男人……——live life to the full,也可以说成live a full life,意思是努力生活。



DOC: How's your blog going?W: Yeah, good. Very good.DOC: You haven't written a word, have you?W: You just wrote "Still has trust issues".DOC: And you read my writing upside down. You see what I mean? John, you're a soldier, and it's going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life, and writing a blog about everything that happens to you will honestly help you.W: Nothing happens to me.【October 12th】What do you mean, there's no ruddy car?He went to Waterloo, I'm sorry. Get a cab!I never get cabs!I love you.When?Get a cab!My husband... was a happy man who lived life to the full. He loved his family and his work, and that he should have taken his own life in this way is a mystery and a shock to all who knew him.【November 26th】Yes, yes! Taxi! I'll be back in two minutes, mate.What?I'm just going home to get my umbrella.You can share mine.Two minutes, all right?【January 27th】She still dancing?Yeah, if you can call it that.Did you get the car keys off her?Got them out of her bag.Where is she?D : The body of Beth Davenport, Junior Minister for Transport, was found late last night on a building site in Greater London. Preliminary investigations suggest that this was suicide. We can confirm that this apparent suicide closely resembles those of SirJeffrey Patterson and James Phillimore. In the light of this, these incidents are now being treated as linked. The investigation is ongoing, but Detective Inspector Lestrade will take questions now.Detective Inspector, how can suicides be linked?L : Well, they all took the same poison. They were all found in places they had no reason to be. None of them had shown any prior indication.But you can't have serial suicides.L : Well, apparently you can.These three people, there's nothing that links them?L : There's no link we've found yet, but we're looking for it there has to be one. 【Wrong!】D : If you've all got texts, please ignore them.It just says "Wrong".D : Well, just ignore that. If there are no more questions for Detective Inspector Lestrade, I'm going to bring this session to an end.If they're suicides, what are you investigating?L : As I say, these suicides are clearly linked. It's an unusual situation. We've got our best people investigating.【Wrong!】Says "Wrong" Again.D : One more question.Is there any chance that these are murders? And if they are, is this the work of a serial killer?L : I know that you like writing about these, but these do appear to be suicides. We know the difference. The poison was clearly self-administered.Yes, but if they are murders, how do people keep themselves safe?L : Well, don't commit suicide.D : DailyMail.L : Obviously, this is a frightening time for people, but all anyone has to do is exercise reasonable precautions. We are all as safe as we want to be.【Wrong!】【You know where to find me. SH】L : Thank you.D : You've got to stop him doing that. He's making us look like idiots.L : If you can tell me how he does it, I'll stop him.MI: John! John Watson!W: Stamford, Mike Stamford. We were at Barts together.W: Yes, sorry, yes, Mike, hello.MI: Yeah, I know, I got fat.W: No, no.MI: I heard you were abroad somewhere getting shot at. What happened?W: I got shot.W: Are you still at Barts, then?MI: Teaching now, yeah. Bright young things like we used to be. God, I hate them. What about you? Just staying in town till you get yourself sorted?W: I can't afford London on an Army pension.MI: You couldn't bear to be anywhere else. That's not the John Watson I know. W: Yeah, I'm not the John Watson...MI: Couldn't Harry help?W: Yeah, like that's going to happenMI: I don't know, get a flatshare or something?W: Come on, who'd want me for a flatmate? What?MI: You're the second person to say that to me today.W: Who was the first?S : How fresh?M : Just in. 67, natural causes. Used to work here. I knew him, he was nice.S : Fine. We'll start with the riding crop.M : So, bad day, was it?S : I need to know what bruises form in the next 20 minutes. A man's alibi depends on it. Text me.M : Listen, I was wondering. Maybe later, when you're finished...S : You're wearing lipstick. You weren't wearing lipstick before.M : I, er... I refreshed it a bit.S : Sorry, you were saying?M : I was wondering if you'd like to have coffee.S : Black, two sugars, please. I'll be upstairs.M : Ok.W: Bit different from my day.MI: You've no idea!S : Mike, can I borrow your phone? There's no signal on mine.MI: And what's wrong with the landline?S : I prefer to text.MI: Sorry, it's in my coat.W: Er, e mine.S : Oh, thank you.MI: This is an old friend of mine, John Watson.S : Afghanistan or Iraq?W: Sorry?S : Which was it, in Afghanistan or Iraq?W: Afghanistan. Sorry, how did you...?S : Ah, Molly, coffee, thank you. What happened to the lipstick?M: It wasn't working for me.S : Really? I thought it was a big improvement. Your mouth's too small now.M: Ok.S : How do you feel about the violin?W: I'm sorry, what?S : I play the violin when I'm thinking and sometimes I don't talk for days on end. Would that bother you? Potential flatmates should know the worst about each other. W: You told him about me?MI: Not a word.W: Who said anything about flatmates?S : I did. Told Mike this morning I must be a difficult man to find a flatmate for. Now here he is, just after lunch, with an old friend clearly just home from military service in Afghanistan. Wasn't a difficult leap.W: How did you know about Afghanistan?S : Got my eye on a nice little place in central London. We ought to be able to afford it. We'll meet there tomorrow evening, seven o'clock. Sorry, got to dash. I think I left my riding crop in the mortuary.W: Is that it?S : Is that what?W: We've only just met and we're going to go and look at a flat?S : Problem?W: We don't know a thing about each other. I don't know where we're meeting. I don't even know your name.S : I know you're an Army doctor and you've been invalided home from Afghanistan. You've got a brother worried about you, but you won't go to him for help because you don't approve of him, possibly because he's an alcoholic, more likely because he recently walked out on his wife. And I know your therapist thinks your limp's psychosomatic, quite correctly, I'm afraid. That's enough to be going on with, don't you think?S : The name's Sherlock Holmes, and the address is 221 B Baker Street.S : Afternoon.MI: He's always like that.S : Hello.W: Ah, Mr Holmes.S : Sherlock, please.W: Well, this is a prime spot. Must be expensive.S : Mrs Hudson, the landlady she's given me a special deal. Owes me a favour. A few years back, her husband got himself sentenced to death in Florida. I was able to help out.W: Sorry, you stopped her husband being executed?S : Oh, no, I ensured it.H : Sherlock!S : Mrs Hudson, DrJohn Watson.H : Hello. Come in.W: Thank you.S : Shall we...?W:Well, this could be very nice. Very nice indeed.S : Yes. Yes, I think so, my thoughts precisely. So I went straight ahead and moved in.W: Soon as we get this rubbish cleaned up.S : Oh. So this is all... Well, obviously I can straighten things up a bit.W: That's a skull.S : Friend of mine. When I say friend...H : What do you think, then, Dr Watson? There's another bedroom upstairs, if you'll be needing two bedrooms.W: Of course we'll be needing two.H : Oh, don't worry, there's all sorts round here. Mrs Turner next door's got married ones Oh...Sherlock! The mess you've made.W: I looked you up on the internet last night.S : Anything interesting?W: Found your website. The Science Of Deduction.S : What did you think?W: You said you could identify a software designer by his tie and an airline pilot by his left thumb?S : Yes. And I can read your military career in your face and your leg, and your brother's drinking habits in your mobile phone.W: How?H : What about these suicides, then, Sherlock? I thought that'd be right up your street. Three exactly the same.S : Four. There's been a fourth. And there's something different this time.H : A fourth?S : Where?L : Brixton, Lauriston Gardens.S : What's new about this one? You wouldn't have come to me otherwise.L : You know how they never leave notes?S : Yes.L : This one did. Will you come?S : Who's on forensics?L : Anderson.S : He doesn't work well with me.L : Well, he won't be your assistant.S : I need an assistant.L :Will you come?S : Not in a police car, I'll be right behind.L: Thank you.S : Brilliant! Yes! Four serial suicides and now a note. Oh, it's Christmas. Mrs Hudson, I'll be late. Might need some food.L : I'm your landlady, dear, not your housekeeper.S : Something cold will do. John, have a cup of tea, make yourself at home. Don't wait up!H : Look at him, dashing about... My husband was just the same. But you're more the sitting-down type, I can tell. I'll make you that cuppa, you rest your leg.W: Damn my leg! Sorry, I'm so sorry. It's just sometimes this bloody thing...H : I understand, dear, I've got a hip.W: Cup of tea'd be lovely. Thank you.H : Just this once, dear, I'm not your housekeeper.W: Couple of biscuits too, if you've got 'em.H : Not your housekeeper!S : You're a doctor. In fact, you're an Army doctor.W: Yes.S : Any good?W: Very good.S : Seen a lot of injuries, then. Violent deaths.W: Well, yes.S : Bit of trouble too, I bet?W: Of course. Yes. Enough for a lifetime, far too much.S : Want to see some more?W: Oh, God, yes.S :Sorry, Mrs Hudson, I'll skip the tea. Off out.H : Both of you?S : Impossible suicides? Four of them? No point sitting at home when there's finally something fun going on!H : Look at you, all happy. It's not decent.S : Who cares about decent? The game, Mrs Hudson, is on!S : Taxi!S : OK, you've got questions...W: Yeah, where are we going?S : Crime scene. Next?W: Who are you? What do you do?S : What do you think?W: I'd say...private detective.S : But...?W: But the police don't go to private detectives.S : I'm a consulting detective. Only one in the world. I invented the job.W: What does that mean?S : It means when the police are out of their depth, which is always, they consult me. W: The police don't consult amateurs.S : When I met you for the first time yesterday, I said Afghanistan or Iraq. You looked surprised.W: Yes, how did you know?S : I didn't know, I saw. Your haircut, the way you hold yourself says military. But your conversation [Bit different from my day.] said trained at Barts so Army doctor, obvious. Your face is tanned... but no tan above the wrists. You've been abroad, but not sunbathing. Your limp's bad when you walk, but you don't ask for a chair when you stand, like you've forgotten about it, so it's at least partly psychosomatic. That says the original circumstances of the injury were traumatic. Suntan - Afghanistan or Iraq.W: You said I had a therapist.S : You've got a psychosomatic limp, of course you've got a therapist. Then there's your brother. Your phone. It's expensive, e-mail enabled, MP3 player. You're looking for a flatshare. You wouldn't buy this - it's a gift. Scratches. Not one, many over timeit's been in the same pocket as keys and coins. You wouldn't treat your one luxury item like this, so it's had a previous owner. Next bit's easy. You know it already. W: The engraving?S : Harry Watson. Clearly a family member who's given you his old phone. Not your father, this is a young man's gadget. Could be a cousin, but you're a war hero who can't find a place to live. Unlikely you've got an extended family, not one you're close to. So brother it is. Now, Clara, who's Clara? Three kisses says it's a romantic attachment. The expense of the phone says wife, not girlfriend. Must have given it to him recently, the model's only six months old. Marriage in trouble, then - six months on he's given it away. If she'd left him, he would have kept it. Sentiment. No, he wanted rid of it. He left her. He gave the phone to you, so he wants you to stay in touch. You're looking for cheap accommodation, but not going to your brother for help. Maybe you liked his wife or don't like his drinking.W: How can you possibly know about the drinking?S : Shot in the dark. Good one, though. Power connection - tiny little scuff marks round the edge. Every night he plugs it in to charge, but his hands are shaking. You never see those marks on a sober man's phone, never see a drunk's without them. There you go, you were right.W: I was right? Right about what?S : The police don't consult amateurs.W: That...was amazing.S : Do you think so?W: Of course it was. It was extraordinary, quite extraordinary.S : That's not what people normally say.W: What do people normally say?S : Piss off!S : Did I get anything wrong?W: Harry and me don't get on, never have. Clara and Harry split up three months ago and they're getting a divorce. And Harry is a drinker.S: Spot on, then. I didn't expect to be right about everything.W: Harry's short for Harriet.S : Harry's your sister.W: What exactly am I supposed to be doing here?S : Sister!W: No, seriously, what am I doing here?S : There's always something.D : Hello, freak!S : I'm here to see Detective Inspector Lestrade.D : Why?S : I was invited.D : Why?S : I think he wants me to take a look.D : You know what I think, don't you?S : Always, Sally. I even know you didn't make it home last night.D : Er...who's this?S : Colleague of mine, Dr Watson. Dr Watson, Sergeant Sally Donovan. Old friend.D : A colleague? How do you get a colleague? Did he follow you home?W: Would it be better if I just waited...?S : No.D : Freak's here. Bringing him in.S : Ah, Anderson. Here we are again.A : It's a crime scene. I don't want it contaminated. Are we clear on that?S : Quite clear. And is your wife away for long?A : Oh, don't pretend you worked that out. Somebody told you that.S : Your deodorant told me that.A : My deodorant?S : It's for men.A : Well, of course it's for men - I'm wearing it.S : So's Sergeant Donovan. Ooh...I think it just vaporised. May I go in?A : Whatever you're trying to imply...S : I'm not implying anything. I'm sure Sally came round for a nice little chat and just happened to stay over. And I assume she scrubbed your floors, going by the state of her knees.S : You'll need to wear one of these.L : Who's this?S : He's with me.L : But who is he?S : I said he's with me.W: Aren't you going to put one on?S : So where are we?L : Upstairs.L : I can give you two minutes.S : May need longer.L : Her name's Jennifer Wilson, according to her credit cards. We're running them now for contact details. Hasn't been here long. Some kids found her.S : Shut up.L : I didn't say anything.S : You were thinking. It's annoying.【Rache】L : Got anything?S : Not much.A : She's German. Rache. It's German for revenge. She could be trying to tell us...S : Yes, thank you for your input.L : So she's German?S : Of course she's not. She's from out of town, though. Intended to stay in London for one night before returning home to Cardiff - so far, so obvious.W: Sorry, obvious?L : What about the message, though?S : Dr Watson, what do you think?W: Of the message?S : Of the body. You're a medical man.L : We have a whole team outside.S : They won't work with me.L : I'm breaking every rule letting you in here...S : Yes, because you need me.L : Yes, I do. God help me.S : Dr Watson!L : Oh, do as he says. Help yourself. Anderson, keep everyone out for a couple of minutes...S : Well?W: What am I doing here?S : Helping me make a point.W: I'm supposed to help you pay the rent.S :This is more fun.W: Fun? There's a woman lying dead.S : Perfectly sound analysis, but I was hoping you'd go deeper.W: Yeah... Asphyxiation...probably. Passed out, choked on her own vomit. Can't smell any alcohol on her. It could have been a seizure. Possibly drugs.S : You know what it was, you've read the papers.W: Well, she's one of the suicides. The fourth...?L : Sherlock, two minutes, I said. I need anything you've got.S : Victim is in her late 30s. Professional person, going by her clothes. I'm guessing the media, going by the frankly alarming shade of pink. Travelled from Cardiff today, intending to stay in London for one night from the size of her suitcase.L :Suitcase?S : Yes. She's been married at least ten years, but not happily. She's had a string of lovers, but none of them knew she was married.L : Oh, for God's sake, if you're just making this up...S : Her wedding ring. Ten years old at least. The rest of herjewellery has been regularly cleaned, but not her wedding ring. State of her marriage right there. The inside is shinier than the outside, so it's regularly removed. The only polishing it gets is when she works it off her finger. It's not for work, look at her nails. She doesn't work with her hands, so what or who does she remove her rings for? Not one lover, she'd never sustain the fiction of being single for that long, so more likely a string of them. Simple.W: That's brilliant. Sorry.L : Cardiff?S : It's obvious, isn't it?W: It's not obvious to me.S : Dear God, what is it like in your funny little brains? It must be so boring. Her coat it's slightly damp, she's been in heavy rain in the last few hours no rain anywhere in London in that time. Under her coat collar is damp too. She's turned it up against the wind. She's got an umbrella in her pocket, but it's dry and unused. Not just wind, strong wind too strong to use her umbrella. We know from her suitcase that she was intending to stay overnight, but she can't have travelled more than two or three hours, because her coat still hasn't dried. So, where has there been heavy rain and strong wind within the radius of that travel time? Cardiff.W: That's fantastic.S : Do you know you do that out loud?W: Sorry, I'll shut up.S : No, it's...fine.L : Why do you keep saying suitcase?S :Yes, where is it?She must have had a phone or an organiser. Find out who Rachel is.L : She was writing Rachel?S : No, she was leaving an angry note in German! Of course she was writing Rachel, no other word it can be. But why did she wait until she was dying to write it?L : How do you know she had a suitcase?S : Tiny splash marks on her right heel and calf not present on the left. She was dragging a wheeled suitcase behind her with her right hand. Don't get that splash pattern any other way. Smallish case, going by the spread. Case that size, woman this clothes-conscious could only be an overnight bag so we know she was staying one night. Where is it? What have you done with it?L : There wasn't a case.S : Say that again.L : There wasn't a case. There was never any suitcase.S : Suitcase! Did anyone find a suitcase? Was there a suitcase in this house?L : Sherlock, there was no case!S : But they take the poison themselves, they swallow the pills. There are clear signs, even you lot couldn't miss them.L : Right, thanks. And...?S : It's murder, all of them. I don't know how. But they're not suicides, they're serial killings. We've got a serial killer. Love those. There's always something to look forward to.L : Why are you saying that?S : Her case! Come on, where is her case? Did she eat it? Someone else was here and they took her case. So the killer must have driven here. Forgot the case was in the car.L : She could have checked into a hotel, left it there.S : No, she never got to the hotel. Look at her hair. She colour-coordinates her lipstick and shoes. She'd never have left any hotel with her hair still looking...W: Sherlock?L : What is it, what?S : Serial killers, always hard. You have to wait for them to make a mistake.L : We can't just wait!S : Oh, we're done waiting. Look at her, really look! Houston, we have a mistake. Get on to Cardiff. Find out who Jennifer Wilson's family and friends were. Find Rachel!L : Of course, yeah - but what mistake?!S : Pink!Let's get on with it...D : He's gone.W: Who, Sherlock Holmes?D : Yeah, he just took off. He does that.W: Is he coming back?D : Didn't look like it.W: Right. Right... Yes. Sorry, where am I?D : Brixton.W: Do you know where I could get a cab? It's just, er... well... my leg.D : Er... ...try the main road.W: Thanks.D : But you're not his friend. He doesn't have friends. So who are you?W: I'm...I'm nobody. I just met him.D : OK, bit of advice, then. Stay away from that guy.W: Why?S : You know why he's here? He's not paid or anything. He likes it. He gets off on it. The weirder the crime, the more he gets off. And you know what...? One day just showing up won't be enough One day we'll be standing round a body, and he'll be the one that put it there.W: Why would he do that?D : Because he's a psychopath. Psychopaths get bored.Donovan!D : Coming.D : Stay away from Sherlock Holmes.W: Taxi! Taxi...W: Hello?M :There is a security camera on the building to your left. Do you see it?W: Who's this? Who's speaking?M : Do you see the camera, Dr Watson?W: Yeah, I see it.M : Watch... There is another camera on the building opposite you. Do you see it? And finally, at the top of the building on your right.W: How are you doing this?M : Get into the car, Dr Watson. I would make some sort of threat, but I'm sure your situation is quite clear to you.W: Hello.Hi.W:What's your name, then?Er...Anthea.W: Is that your real name?No.W: I'm John.Yes. I know.W: Any point in asking...where I'm going?None at all... John.W: Ok.M :Have a seat, John.W: You know, I've got a phone. I mean, very clever and all that, but, er... you could just phone me. On my phone.M : When one is avoiding the attention of Sherlock Holmes, one learns to be discreet, hence this place. Your leg must be hurting you. Sit down.W: I don't want to sit down.M : You don't seem very afraid.W: You don't seem very frightening.M : Yes... The bravery of the soldier. Bravery is by far the kindest word for stupidity, don't you think? What is your connection to Sherlock Holmes?W: I don't have one. I barely know him. I met him...yesterday.M : Mmm, and since yesterday, you've moved in with him and now you're solving crimes together. Might we expect a happy announcement by the end of the week? W: Who are you?M : An interested party.W: Interested in Sherlock? Why? I'm guessing you're not friends.M : You've met him. How many friends do you imagine he has? I am the closest thing to a friend that Sherlock Holmes is capable of having.W: And what's that?M : An enemy.W: An enemy?M : In his mind, certainly. If you were to ask him, he'd probably say his arch-enemy. He does love to be dramatic.W: Well, thank God you're above all that.M : I hope I'm not distracting you.W: Not distracting me at all.M : Do you plan to continue your association with Sherlock Holmes?W: I could be wrong... but I think that's none of your business.M : It could be.W: It really couldn't.M :If you do move into, um......221 B Baker Street, I'd be happy to pay you a meaningful sum of money on a regular basis to ease your way.W: Why?M : Because you're not a wealthy man.W: In exchange for what?M : Information. Nothing indiscreet. Nothing you'd feel...uncomfortable with. Just tell me what he's up to.W: Why?M : I worry about him. Constantly.W: That's nice of you.M : But I would prefer for various reasons that my concern go unmentioned. We have what you might call a... difficult relationship.W: No.M : But I haven't mentioned a figure.W: Don't bother.M : You're very loyal veryquickly.W: No, I'm not, I'm just not interested.M : "Trust issues", it says here.W: What's that?M : Could it be that you've decided to trust Sherlock Holmes of all people?W: Who says I trust him?M : You don't seem the kind to make friends easily.W: Are we done?M : You tell me. I imagine people have already warned you to stay away from him, but I can see from your left hand that's not going to happen.W : My what?M : Show me.W: Don't...M : Remarkable.W: What is?M : Most people blunder round this city and all they see are streets and shops and cars. When you walk with Sherlock Holmes, you see the battlefield. You've seen it already, haven't you?W: What's wrong with my hand?M : You have an intermittent tremor in your left hand. Your therapist thinks it's post-traumatic stress disorder. She thinks you're haunted by memories of your military service.W: Who the hell are you? How do you know that?M : Fire her. She's got it the wrong way round. You're under stress right now, and your hand is perfectly steady. You're not haunted by the war, Dr Watson... You miss it. Welcome back.M : Time to choose a side, Dr Watson.I'm to take you home. Address?W: Er, Baker Street. 221 B Baker Street. But I need to stop off somewhere first.W:Listen, your boss. Any chance you could not tell him this is where I went? Sure.W: You've told him already, haven't you?Yeah.W: Hey, um... do you ever get any free time?Oh, yeah. Lots. Bye.W: OK.W: What are you doing?S : Nicotine patch. Helps me think. Impossible to sustain a smoking habit in London these days. Bad news for brain work.W: It's good news for breathing.S : Oh, breathing! Breathing's boring.W: Is that...three patches?S : It's a three-patch problem.W: Well...? You asked me to come, I'm assuming it's important.S : Oh, yeah, of course. Can I borrow your phone?W: My phone?S : Always a chance that my number will be recognised. It's on the website.W: Mrs Hudson's got a phone.S : Yeah, she's downstairs. I shouted, but she didn't hear.W: I wasthe other side of London...。



Sherlock神探福尔摩斯第一季第一集WATSON华生THE PERSONAL BLOG OF DR.John H.Watson(约翰·华生医生的博客)How's your blog going?博客写的如何?Yeah, good, very good.嗯顺利很顺利You haven't written a word, have you?你一个字都没写对吧?You just wrote "still has trust issues".你刚写下了"仍然不信任人"And you read my writing upside down.而你颠倒着读出了我写的东西You see what I mean?知道我什么意思了?John, you're a soldier约翰你是个军人and it's going to take you a while从这个身份到普通人to adjust to civilian life需要一个过程and writing a blog about everything that happens to you把你每天的遭遇写在博客上will honestly help you.会有很大帮助Nothing happens to me.我根本没有任何遭遇October 12th10月12日'What do you mean there's no ruddy car?'你说一辆破车都没了?He went to Waterloo, I'm sorry.他去滑铁卢了抱歉Get a cab I never get cabs叫辆出租车我从不叫车I love you. When?我爱你什么时候?Get a cab快叫辆出租车My husband我的丈夫was a happy man who lived life to the full.是个努力生活的乐观男人He loved his family and his work,他热爱家庭和工作and that he should have taken his own life in this way他选择这样结束自己的生命is a mystery让人无法理解and a shock to all who knew him.也让认识他的人都感到震惊Taxi, taxi出租车出租车November 26th11月26日I'll be just two minutes, mate. What?给我两分钟朋友什么?I'm just going home to get my umbrella.我要回去拿伞You can share mine.你可以和我一起撑Two minutes, all right?就两分钟好吗?Boy 18,kills himself in side sports centre(18岁男孩在体育馆自杀)January 27th11月27日She still dancing?她还在跳舞?Yeah, if you can call it that.是的如果叫做跳舞的话Did you get the car keys off her?拿走她车钥匙了吗?Got them out of her bag.从她包里拿出来了Where is she?她到哪里去了?The body of Beth Davenport, Junior Minister for Transport, 副运输部长贝斯·戴文特的尸体was found late last night昨天深夜在伦敦on a building site in Greater London.一建筑工地被发现Preliminary investigations suggest that this was suicide.初步调查的结果为自杀We can confirm that我们可以确认this apparent suicide closely resembles those of这起自杀案十分类似于Sir Jeffrey Patterson杰弗瑞·帕特森爵士and James Phillimore.和詹姆士·费力默的状况In the light of this,因为这点these incidents are now being treated as linked.我们认为他们很有可能有关联The investigation is ongoing调查还在继续but Detective Inspector Lestrade will take questions now. 不过雷斯垂德探长会回答大家的问题Detective Inspector, how can suicides be linked?探长自杀事件怎么会有关联?Well, they all took the same poison.因为他们服用的药都一样They were all found in places they had no reason to be. 尸体都在他们不该出现的地方出现None of them had shown any prior indication.都没有明显的动机But you can't have serial suicides.不可能会有连环自杀Well, apparently you can.显然已经有了These three people, there's nothing that links them?这三人之间没有关系吗?There's no link we've found yet but暂时还没发现关系但是we're looking for it. There has to be one.我们在寻找一定存在的Wrong!(错)If you've all got texts, please ignore them.如果你们都收到了短信请忽略它It just says "Wrong".上面只写着"错"Well, just ignore that. If there are no more questions,是的别管它如果没有其它问题For Detective Inspector Lestrade要问雷斯垂德探长的话I'm going to bring this session to an end.这次发布会就到此结束了If they're suicides, what are you investigating?既然是自杀你们在调查什么?As I say, these suicides are clearly linked.就像我说的这几起自杀明显存在联系It's an unusual situation,这件事很不寻常we've got our best people investigating.我们已经派遣最好的人手调查Says "Wrong" again.又收到了“错”One more question.最后一个问题Is there any chance that these are murders?有可能是谋杀吗?And if they are, is this the work of a serial killer?如果是的话会是连环杀手干的吗?I know that you like writing about these我知道你们更喜欢写这种故事but these do appear to be suicides.但现场状况确系自杀We know the difference.两者的差别明显The poison was clearly self-administered.很清楚毒药是他们自己服下的Yes, but if they are murders,是的可如果他们真是被杀how do people keep themselves safe?大家怎么才能保证自身安全?Well, don't commit suicide.珍爱生命不要自杀Daily Mail每日邮报Obviously, This is a frightening time for people现在虽是恐慌时期but all anyone has to do is exercise reasonable precautions. 大家需要的是提高警惕We are all as safe as we want to be.安全是可以由自己创造的wrong(错)You know where to find me. SH(你知道我在哪里夏·福)Thank you.谢谢大家You've got to stop him doing that.你得阻止这家伙He's making us look like idiots.弄的我们像白痴一样If you can tell me how he does it, I'll stop him.你告诉我他是怎么做到的我就去John约翰John Watson约翰·华生Stamford, Mike Stamford. We were at Barts together. 麦克·斯坦佛巴兹医学院的同学Yes, sorry, yes, Mike, hello.是的抱歉麦克你好Yes, I know, I got fat. No, no.是我知道自己胖了没有I heard you were abroad somewhere getting shot at. 我听说你出国了还中枪了What happened?怎么回事?I got shot.就是中枪了Are you still at Barts then?你还在巴兹吗?Teaching now,现在教书了yeah, bright young things like we used to be.聪明的年轻人就像当年的我们God, I hate them.上帝啊我烦死他们了What about you,那你呢?just staying in town till you get yourself sorted?恢复之前一直这样呆着?I can't afford London on an Army pension.只靠军队抚恤金在伦敦无法生活Couldn't bear to be anywhere else.在别的地方你活不下去That's not the John Watson I know.这不是我认识的约翰·华生I'm not the John Watson.我不是那个约翰·华生了Couldn't Harry help?哈利没帮你?Yeah, like that's going to happen你觉得可能吗I don't know, get a flatshare or something?不知道找个人一起租房子什么的Come on得了Who'd want me for a flatmate?谁愿意同我做室友?What?怎么了?You're the second person to say that to me today.你是今天第二个对我说这话的人Who was the first?谁是第一个?How fresh?有多新鲜?Just in. 67, natural causes.刚来的67岁自然死亡Used to work here. I knew him, he was nice.曾经在这里工作我认识他人不错Fine.很好We'll start with the riding crop.那我们从马鞭开始So, bad day was it?呃今天心情不好吗?I need to know what bruises form in the next 20 minutes. 我需要知道它在20分钟内的伤痕情况A man's alibi depends on it. Text me.一个人的不在场证明就靠他了发短信给我Listen, I was wondering.对了我想...Maybe later, when you're finished...等会儿如果你结束了...You're wearing lipstick.你搽了口红You weren't wearing lipstick before.你从来不用的I refreshed it a bit.我想显得精神点Sorry, you were saying?抱歉你刚刚说什么?I was wondering if you'd like to have coffee? 我说要不要去喝咖啡?Black, two sugars, please. I'll be upstairs.黑咖啡两块糖谢谢拿到楼上OK.好吧Bit different from my day. You've no idea物是人非了你没想到吧Mike, can I borrow your phone?麦克可以借电话一用吗?There's no signal on mine.我的在这儿没信号And what's wrong with the landline?座机坏了吗?I prefer to text.我比较喜欢发短信Sorry, it's in my coat.抱歉在我外套里Here, use mine.这里用我的Oh, thank you.噢谢谢你This is an old friend of mine, John Watson. 这是我的老朋友约翰·华生Afghanistan or Iraq?在阿富汗还是伊拉克?Sorry?什么?Which was it, in Afghanistan or Iraq?哪个国家阿富汗还是伊拉克? Afghanistan, sorry, how did you know?阿富汗抱歉你怎么知道?Ah Coffee, thank you.茉莉咖啡来了谢谢What happened to the lipstick?口红呢?It wasn't working for me.它对我没用Really? It was a big improvement.是吗? 我觉得很有用Your mouth's too small now.你现在嘴太小了OK.好吧How do you feel about the violin?你对小提琴感觉如何?I'm sorry, what?对不起什么?I play the violin when I'm thinking and sometimes我在想事情时会拉小提琴有时I don't talk for days on end. Would that bother you?一天都不讲话你介意吗?Potential flatmates should know the worst about each other. 做室友应该知道对方的缺点You told him about me?你把我的事告诉他了Not a word.一个字都没提Who said anything about flatmates?那谁告诉你室友这回事?I did. Told Mike this morning我本人今早我告诉麦克that I must be a difficult man to find a flatmate for.我这种人找个室友多困难Now here he is just after lunch刚过午饭他就来了with an old friend clearly just home from带来一个老朋友显然刚在military service in Afghanistan. Wasn't a difficult leap.阿富汗军队服役过并不难猜到吧How did you know about Afghanistan?你怎么知道阿富汗的事?Got my eye on a nice little place in central London.我找到了伦敦市中心的一个好地方We ought to be able to afford it.价格我们一起能负担得起We'll meet there tomorrow evening, seven o'clock.明晚7点整在那里碰头Sorry, got to dash.抱歉我真健忘I think I left my riding crop in the mortuary.把鞭子留在停尸间了Is that it?这表示?Is that what?表示什么?We've only just met我们才刚见面and we're going to go and look at a flat?就要一起找房子?Problem?有问题吗?We don't know a thing about each other.我们彼此一无所知I don't know where we're meeting,不知道约在哪里见I don't even know your name.甚至也不知道你的名字I know you're an Army doctor and you've been我知道你是军医刚从阿富汗invalided home from Afghanistan.被遣送回国You've got a brother worried about you你有一个哥哥很关心你but you won't go to him for help because you don't你却不愿意得到他的帮助approve of him, possibly because he's an alcoholic,你对他不满也许因为他嗜酒more likely because he recently walked out on his wife. 更有可能是他刚抛弃了他老婆And I know that your therapist thinks your我也知道医生认为你limp's psychosomatic, quite correctly, I'm afraid.患有伤残心理后遗症恐怕这诊断很对That's enough to be going on with, don't you think?作为室友这些够了吧?The name's Sherlock Holmes我的名字叫夏洛克·福尔摩斯and the address is 221B Baker Street.那里的地址是贝克街221BAfternoon.下午好Yeah, he's always like that.是的他一直都这样Messages- Received(短信)Messages-sent(发送成功)If brother has green ladder arrest brother. SH(如果哥哥有绿色梯子就逮捕他夏·福)search(搜索)Sherlock Holmes(夏洛克·福尔摩斯)BAKER STREET W1 CITY OF WESTMINSTER(贝克街威斯敏斯特)Hello你好Ah - Mr Holmes. Sherlock, please.福尔摩斯先生请叫我夏洛克Well, this is a prime spot. Must be expensive.这里位置很好应该非常贵Mrs Hudson, the landlady - she's given me a special deal. 房东赫德森太太给了我特价Owes me a favour. A few years back,欠我一个人情几年之前her husband got himself sentenced to death in Florida. 她丈夫在弗罗里达被判处无期徒刑I was able to help out.我出了点力Sorry - you stopped her husband being executed?所以你让她丈夫免于死刑?Oh, no, I ensured it.没有我指证了他Sherlock夏洛克Mrs Hudson, Dr John Watson.赫德森太太约翰·华生医生Hello. Come in.你好进来Thank you. Shall we...?谢谢请进吧Well, this could be very nice.这里还挺不错very nice indeed确实很棒Yes.是的Yes, I think so, my thoughts precisely.对我也这样觉得So I went straight ahead and moved in.所以我就直接搬进来了Soon as we get all this rubbish cleaned out...只要把这些垃圾清理出去...So this is all... Well,所以这都是... 好吧obviously I can erm... straighten things up a bit.我可以把它们放放好That's a skull. Friend of mine.这是个骷髅我的朋友When I say friend...我说的朋友是...What do you think, then, Dr Watson?你觉得如何华生医生?There's another bedroom upstairs,楼上还有一个卧室if you'll be needing two bedrooms.如果你们需要两间卧室的话Of course we'll be needing two.当然需要两间Oh, don't worry, there's all sorts round here.别担心的这里什么人都有Mrs Turner next door's got.隔壁特勒太太家那对还结婚了呢Oh... Sherlock The mess you've made.夏洛克看看弄的多乱I looked you up on the internet last night.昨晚在网上搜索了你Anything interesting?有什么有趣的发现吗?Found your website. The Science of Deduction.找到了你的网站"演绎法研究"What did you think?你觉得如何?You said you could identify a software designer by his tie 你说可以从领带看出一个软件设计师and an airline pilot by his left thumb?从大拇指看出一个飞行员Yes.是的And I can read your military career我从你的脸和腿上in your face and your leg,看出你军人的经历and your brother's drinking habits on your mobile phone. 从你的手机上看出你兄弟酗酒How?怎么看?What about these suicides then, Sherlock?这些自杀是怎么回事夏洛克?I thought that'd be right up your street.我想你会感兴趣吧Three exactly the same.3起一模一样的案件Four.4起There's been a fourth. And there's something第4起发生了而且这次different this time. A fourth?有些不一样第4起?Where?在哪里?Brixton, Lauriston Gardens.布莱克斯顿劳里斯顿花园What's new about this one?这次有什么不同?You wouldn't have come to me要不你也不会专程来otherwise there was somethin different.肯定有些反常之处You know how they never leave notes? Yeah. This one did. 之前受害人从不留信息这次有了Will you come?你来吗?Who's on forensics? Anderson.这次谁负责取证? 安德森He doesn't work well with me.我和他相处不好Well, he won't be your assistant.反正他不会是你助手I NEED an assistant.我需要一个助手Will you come?你来吗?Not in a police car, I'll be right behind.不坐警车我要跟在后面Thank you.谢谢Brilliant Yes太棒了耶Four serial suicides, and now a note.4起连环自杀这次还有遗言Oh, it's Christmas. Mrs Hudson,圣诞节到了啊赫德森太太I'll be late. Might need some food.我会迟点来可能需要准备点食物I'm your landlady, dear, not your housekeeper.我是你的房东亲爱的不是管家Something cold will do. John, have a cup of tea,冷的也行约翰喝杯茶make yourself at home.把这儿当自己家Don't wait up别等我Look at him, dashing about...看看他就知道就知道往外跑My husband was just the same.我丈夫也一样But you're more the sitting-down type, I can tell.看的出来你是很沉稳的类型I'll make you that cuppa, you rest your leg.我给你倒杯茶歇歇你的腿Damn my leg Sorry, I'm so sorry -它娘的腿对不起抱歉It's just sometimes this bloody thing...有时候这些操蛋的事儿...I understand, dear, I've got a hip.我明白亲爱的我髋骨也不好Cup of tea'd be lovely. Thank you. Just this once, dear, 一杯茶就好了谢谢就说一次亲爱的I'm not your housekeeper.我不是管家Couple of biscuits too, if you've got 'em.再来两块饼干如果有的话Not your housekeeper我不是你管家哦DI Lestrade, in charge of the investigation(雷斯垂德探长负责调查)You're a doctor.你是个医生In fact you're an Army doctor.而且是个军医Yes.是的Any good?干的好吗?Very good.非常出色Seen a lot of injuries, then. Violent deaths.那你一定见过很多伤口惨死的尸体Well, yes.是的Bit of trouble too, I bet?也很难受吧我想?Of course. Yes. Enough for a lifetime, far too much. 当然一辈子的都见过了太多了Want to see some more?想再看多些吗?Oh, God, yes.上帝啊好的Sorry Mrs Hudson, I'll skip the tea. Off out.对不起赫德森太太不喝茶了Both of you?你们都不喝了?Impossible suicides? Four of them?不可能的自杀案件? 四起?No point sitting at home没理由坐在家里了when there's finally something fun going on人生终于有乐趣了Look at you, all happy. It's not decent.死人了你这么开心不像话Who cares about decent?管他像不像话The game, Mrs Hudson, is on游戏开始了赫德森太太Taxi出租车OK, You've got questions...好吧你有问题要问Yeah, where are we going?是的我们去哪里?Crime scene. Next?犯罪现场下个问题?Who are you, what do you do?你是谁你的职业是什么?What do you think?你觉得呢?I'd say... private detective. But?我会猜...私家侦探可是?But the police don't go to private detectives.警察不会去找私家侦探I'm a consulting detective. Only one in the world,我是个"咨询侦探" 世界唯一的I invented the job.这工作是我发明的What does that mean? Means when the police那是什么? 每当警察are out of their depth, which is always,找不到方向他们经常都这样they consult me.他们会咨询我The police don't consult amateurs.警察不会咨询外行的When I met you for the first time yesterday,我昨天遇到你时I said Afghanistan or Iraq. You looked surprised.提到了阿富汗和伊拉克你看起来很惊讶Yes, how DID you know?是的你怎么知道?I didn't know, I saw.我不是知道是观察到的'Your haircut, the way you hold yourself says military. 你的发型举止是军人的风格'But your conversation... ' Bit different from my day. 而你说的话物是人非了.. said trained at Barts -说明在巴兹医学院学习过so Army doctor, obvious.所以很明显是军医'Your face is tanned...你的脸晒的比较黑'but no tan above the wrists.可手腕却没晒黑You've been abroad, but not sunbathing.所以你曾去过国外可并不是日光浴'Your limp's really bad when you walk,你的走路时跛的厉害but you don't ask for a chair when you stand -却宁愿站着不要椅子that you forgot about it完全忘了伤残'so it's at least partly psychosomatic.所以至少有点身心障碍'That says the original circumstances of the injury也说明因为你的伤口were traumatic -'是外伤wounded in action then. Wounded in action,战场上受伤战场上受伤suntan - Afghanistan or Iraq.苏丹阿富汗或者是伊拉克You said I had a therapist.你说我有个治疗师You've got a psychosomatic limp,你有伤残心理障碍of course you've got a therapist.当然会有治疗师Then there's your brother. Your phone.然后是你的哥哥因为电话'It's expensive, e-mail enabled, MP3 player. '它很贵能发邮件听音乐And you're looking for a flatshare.而你穷到要和人合租You wouldn't buy this - it's a gift.所以不是你买的是个礼物'Scratches. Not one, many over time -'划痕不只一条很多很多it's been in the same pocket as keys and coins.一定是和钥匙和硬币放一个口袋You wouldn't treat your one luxury item like this,你不会对自己的奢侈品这样so it's had a previous owner.所以它之前还有主人Next bit's easy. You know it already.下一点就很简单了你应该知道了The engraving?刻的字?Harry Watson.哈利·华生Clearly a family member who's given you his old phone. 明显是你家人送你的电话Not your father, this is a young man's gadget.不是你父亲这东西是年轻人玩的Could be a cousin, but you're a war hero有可能是表兄弟可你是个who can't find a place to live -无家可归的战斗英雄unlikely you've got an extended family,不像是大家族里的人not one you're close to. So brother it is.所以是近亲那就是兄弟了Now, Clara, who's Clara?然后是克拉若?Three kisses says it's a romantic attachment.3个吻代表是浪漫的纪念The expense of the phone says wife, not girlfriend.这个价格应该是老婆送的不是女朋友Must have given it to him recently,应该是最近给的it's only six months old.大概用了6个月Marriage in trouble then - six months on he's given it away. 婚姻出现问题了6个月他就送人了If she'd left HIM, he would have kept it. Sentiment.如果是她甩他也许他会留作纪念No, he wanted rid of it. He left HER.不他想扔掉是他甩她He gave the phone to you, so he wants you to stay in touch. 他把手机给你是希望和你保持联系You're looking for cheap accommodation,你在找便宜的房子but you're not going to your brother for help -却不向你兄弟求助that says you've got problems with him.所以你和他之前有问题Maybe you liked his wife, or don't like his drinking.也许你喜欢他老婆也许讨厌他喝酒How can you possibly know about the drinking?那你怎么知道他喝酒的事?Shot in the dark. Good one, though.胡乱猜的不过挺准Power connection - tiny little scuff marks round it.电源插口周围有一些磨损Every night he plugs it in but his hands are shaking.所以他每晚想插进去充电可手却在发抖You never see those marks on a sober man's phone,这在清醒人的手机上是不会出现的never see a drunk's without them.每个酗酒的人都有There you go, you were right.好吧你也说对了I was right? Right about what?我对了哪里说对了?The police don't consult amateurs.警察不会咨询外行That... was amazing.这...太神奇了Do you think so? Of course it was.你这样觉得? 当然了It was extraordinary, it was quite extraordinary.了不起真的很了不起That's not what people normally say.别人通常不会这么说What do people normally say?别人一般怎么说?Piss off滚开Did I get anything wrong?我有哪里猜错了吗?Harry and me don't get on, never have,哈利和我关系不好从来没好过Clara and Harry split up three months ago卡拉若和哈利三个月之前分手and they're getting a divorce,他们在闹离婚and Harry is a drinker.哈利是酗酒的人Spot on, then. I didn't expect to be right about everything. 那全中没想到所有都猜中了Harry's short for Harriet.哈利是哈莉叶的爱称Harry's your sister.哈利是你的姐妹Look, what exactly am I supposed to be doing here?我到底来这儿做什么?Sister姐妹No - seriously, what am I doing here?老实讲我到底来这里做什么?There's always something.总要出点错Hello, freak I'm here to see Detective Inspector Lestrade. 你好怪胎我找雷斯垂德探长Why?为什么?I was invited.Why? I think he wants me to take a look.为什么? 我想他想让我看看Well, you know what I think, don't you?好吧你知道我想什么吗?Always Sally.当然莎莉I even know you didn't make it home last night. 我知道你昨天连家都没有回I don't... Who's this?我没有...这位是谁?Colleague of mine, Dr Watson.我的同事华生医生Dr Watson, Sergeant Sally Donovan.华生医生莎莉·多诺万警官Old friend.老朋友A colleague? How do YOU get a colleague?同事? 你竟然有同事?Did he follow you home?他会跟踪你到家吗?Would it be better if I just waited...如果我出去等是不是比较好...No.别Freak's here. Bringing him in.怪胎来了我带他进去Ah, Anderson. Here we are again.啊安德森又见面了It's a crime scene. I don't want it contaminated. 这是犯罪现场不许污染它Are we clear on that?明白了吗?Quite clear.非常明白And is your wife away for long?你老婆很久不回家了吗?Oh, don't pretend you worked that out.别装做是你推理出来的Somebody told you that.有人告诉你吧Your deodorant told me that.你的除臭剂告诉我的My deodorant?It's for men.是男士用的Well, of course it's for men - I'm wearing it.当然了我喷的当然是男用的So's Sergeant Donovan.和多诺万警官身上的一样Ooh... I think it just vaporised. May I go in?味道突然消失了我能进吗?Ah, look. Whatever you're trying to imply...听着不管你在暗示什么...I'm not implying anything. I'm sure Sally came round我什么都没说我相信莎莉只是for a nice little chat, and just happened to stay over.来和你聊聊天顺便就过夜了And I assume she scrubbed your floors,我猜她还帮你擦了地going by the state of her knees.从她膝盖看出来的You'll need to wear one of these.你得穿一件这个Who's this?这是谁?He's with me.我的人But who is he? I said he's with me.可他是谁? 我说他是我的人Aren't you going to put one on?你不穿一件吗?So where are we? Upstairs.现场在哪? 楼上I can give you two minutes.我给你两分钟的时间May need longer.也许需要久一点Her name's Jennifer Wilson according to her credit cards, 信用卡上显示她叫詹妮弗·温森we're running them now for contact details.我们在用它寻找确切联系地址Hasn't been here long.尸体在这里并不久Some kids found her.小孩们发现的Shut up.住嘴I didn't say anything.我什么都没说You were thinking. It's annoying. 你在思考干扰了我Left Handed(左撇子)RACHE German revenge (RACHE 德文名词复仇) Rachel(人名: 瑞秋)wet(湿润)dry(干燥)wet(湿润)Clean(干净)clean(干净)clean(干净)dirty(脏)unhappily married 10(婚姻不睦: 10年以上)clean(干净)dirty(一面干净一面脏)regularly removed(经常脱下)serial adulterer(多次通奸)Got anything?发现什么了吗?Not much.不太多She's German.她是德国人Rache. It's German for revenge.RACHE在德文中是复仇的意思She could be trying to tell us something...她是想告诉我们什么Yes, thank you for your input.谢谢您的参与So she's German? Of course she's not.所以她是德国人? 当然不是She's from out of town though.(未来7天天气预报) 她是外地来的Intended to stay in London for one night她准备在回卡迪夫前before returning home to Cardiff. So far, so obvious.在伦敦呆一晚上这很明显Sorry - obvious?抱歉明显?What about the message though?那这个信息是什么?Dr Watson, what do you think?华生医生你认为呢?Of the message?信息?Of the body. You're a medical man.是尸体你是学医的We have a whole team right outside.我们外面有整队人马They won't work with me.他们不为我工作I'm breaking every rule letting YOU in here...我排除万难让你来这里Yes... because you need me.是的...因为你需要我Yes, I do.是的我需要God help me.上帝保佑Dr Watson Hm?华生医生?Oh, do as he says. Help yourself.像他说的那样请自便Anderson, keep everyone out for a couple of minutes... 安德森让大家离开几分钟Well? What am I doing here?好吧? 我来这里做什么?Helping me make a point. I'm supposed to帮我理清头绪我只想be helping you pay the rent. This is more fun.分担你的房租这个有趣多了Fun? There's a woman lying dead.有趣?一个女人躺在这里死掉了Perfectly sound analysis, but I WAS hoping you'd go deeper. 分析很准确不过希望你再深入点Yeah...好吧Asphyxiation, probably. Passed out,可能是窒息死亡晕过去了choked on her own vomit.被自己的呕吐物塞住Can't smell any alcohol on her.身上没有酒味It could have been a seizure. Possibly drugs.应该是突然发作可能是药物You know what it was, you've read the papers.你知道怎么回事你看了报纸Well, she's one of the suicides. The fourth...?她是自杀者之一第4个Sherlock - two minutes, I said, I need anything you got.夏洛克你说两分钟发现了些什么Victim is in her late 30s. Professional person,受害者年近30 专业人士going by her clothes -从她的衣着判断I'm guessing the media,我猜是传媒界的人going by the frankly alarming shade of pink.穿着显眼的粉色Travelled from Cardiff today intending她从卡迪夫而来to stay in London one night from the size of her suitcase.准备呆一晚从箱子大小可以看出Suitcase? Suitcase, Yes.箱子? 箱子是的She's been married at least ten years, but not happily.她结婚至少10年了但并不愉快She's had a string of lovers她有一连串的情人but none of them knew she was married.但没人知道她结婚了Oh, for God's sake, if you're just making this up...看在上帝的份上你是顺口说说的Her wedding ring. Ten years old at least.她的婚戒至少有10年历史了The rest of her jewellery has been regularly cleaned, 她其它的饰品都很干净but not her wedding ring.唯独婚戒不是State of her marriage right there这就是她的婚史The inside is shinier than the outside.里面比外面亮That means its regularyly removed说明经常被摘掉The only polishing it gets is只有在她摘掉时when she works it off her finger.才算被擦拭一次It's not for work, look at her nails.不是为工作看她的指甲She doesn't work with her hands她不用手工作so who does she remove her rings for?那为什么要脱去婚戒?Not one lover, she'd never sustain不只有一个情人她不能the fiction of being single for that long假装单身那么久so more likely a string of them. Brilliant.所以更可能有一长串人厉害Sorry. Cardiff?抱歉卡迪夫?It's obvious, isn't it?很明显不是吗?It's not obvious to me.对我来说不明显Dear God, what is it like in your funny little brains, 上帝啊你们小脑瓜里到底装了什么it must be so boring. Her coat -一定很无聊看她的外套it's slightly damp,有一点潮湿she's been in heavy rain the last few hours -一定是在最近几个小时内遭遇了暴雨no rain anywhere in London in that time.伦敦这段时间都没下雨Under her coat collar is damp too.大衣领背面也湿了She's turned it up against the wind.她把它翻起来挡雨She's got an umbrella in her pocket but it's dry and unused. 她口袋里有雨伞可却是干的没用过Not just wind, strong wind - too strong to use her umbrella. 不只有风是强风大到不能打伞We know from her suitcase从她的箱子里that she was intending to stay overnight看出她准备过夜but she can't have travelled more than two or three hours 但是她的旅程没超过两三个小时because her coat still hasn't dried.因为外套还没干So - where has there been heavy rain所以哪里刚刚有暴雨and strong wind within the radius of that travel time?有强风且在两三小时旅程内?Cardiff.卡迪夫Fantastic. Do you know you do that out loud?太棒了你知道你大声说出来了吗?Sorry, I'll shut up. No, it's... fine.抱歉我闭嘴没..关系Why do you keep saying suitcase?为什么你一直说旅行箱?Yes, where is it?是的它在哪儿?She must have had a phone or an organiser.电话里或是记事本上一定有Find out who Rachel is. She was writing Rachel?找找瑞秋这个人她写的是瑞秋?No, she was leaving an angry note in German -不她用德语留了句愤怒遗言of course she was writing Rachel, no other word it can be. 当然她写的是瑞秋不可能是其他词the question is Why did she wait问题是为什么要等到until she was dying to write it?临死时来写?How do you know she had a suitcase?。



请把声音关小点先生Turn the music down, sir.嘿Hey...关掉音乐Cut the music.抱歉Sorry.你知道我为什么拦下你吗You know why I pulled you over?好吧很显然你觉得有必要Well, obviously you felt the need to狐假虎威一下exercise your limited powers,因超速而罚我punish me for ignoring the speed limit.没关系我都懂的It's okay, I understand.其实我我也爱罚人It's... I... I like to punish people too.或说至少我曾经爱罚人Or, at least I used to.请出示驾照和行驶证License and registration.马上拿给你Coming right up.先生你是要贿赂我吗Are you trying to bribe me, sir?是啊当然Yes, of course.这么多够吗Is that not enough?没关系多拿点不就是钱吗Well, take more. It's only money.这是违法的先生It's against the law... sir.你们这些人对法律的态度真有意思对吧You people are funny about your laws, aren't you? 你也偶尔犯过法是不是?You break the laws sometimes, don't you?偶尔拉着警笛横冲直撞Put my siren on and drive really fast...彪悍人生不解释with no reason at all.就是任性奈我何Just 'cause I can.你看为什么不呢这才有意思Right! And why wouldn't you? It's fun!逍遥法外真刺♥激♥ 对吧Feels good to get away with something, doesn't it?是啊Yeah.-啊 -没关系警官大人- Uh... - It's okay, Officer.大家都爱跟我吐露心声People like to tell me things.那些人性深处的顽皮的Those deep, dark, naughty,阴暗小想法little desires that are on their minds.这是天赐的It's a gift.人生得意须尽欢Must be something about this face.心动了我没说错吧You're tempted to keep that, aren't you?那还等什么来吧拿着Well, what are you waiting for, permission? Go on, take it. 给自己买♥♥点好东西你应得的Buy yourself something pretty. You deserve it.你不介意的话我要继续上路了If you don't mind, I really must be on my way.哦是当然不介意Oh. Yeah, of course.-嘿夜生活快乐 -是啊- Hey, have a nice evening. - Yeah.你也是警官You too, Officer.你也是You too.Hey, Boss.你去哪儿了Where have you been?哦就泡在城♥堡♥里Oh, holed up with a chateau,跟一个叫忠诚的辣妹厮磨copulating with a young woman named Faith.多讽刺啊不是吗It's ironic, isn't it?谢谢帕特里克Thank you, Patrick.退下吧You can go.你这磨人的小妖精You little devil.怎么我掉东西了?What? I dropped something?好吧我很肯定你掉了Well, I'm sure you did.-听着路西法我是床上运动狂热爱好者 -看得出来- Now, Lucifer. I am a big fan of sex. - Obviously但我逃出地狱可不是来调酒的But I didn't leave Hell to be a bartender.你不该把你珍贵的时间Shouldn't you be spending your valuable time花在更有"意义"的事儿上吗doing something more "Significant"?你是万生恸哭的地狱之主You're the Lord of Hell for crying out loud.我已经退休了梅兹我除了时间一无所有I'm retired, Maze. I've got nothing but time.多谢Thank you.我觉得你有客人要招呼I think you have a visitor.哦阿门纳迪尔Oh, Amenadiel,什么风把你吹来了哈?how's it hanging big guy? Huh?你得回地下世界Your return to the underworld has been requested.哦对了好啊Oh, right. Okay.让我看看我的档期Let me just, uh... check my calendar.哦找到了 "7号♥到Yeah, here it is. Uh... the "7th of never"15号♥都没空"through to the "15th of ain't gonna happen".这让我回去可怎么工作?How's that worth to you guys?啊听着Ah, look...告诉父亲从地狱辞职是因为remind Dad that I quit Hell because I'm sick and tired在他导的戏里我演够了of playing a part in His play.我警告你少冒犯父亲路西法I'm gonna warn you against disrespecting our father, Lucifer. 哼父亲从一开始Yeah, well, our father's been disrespecting me就没尊重过我五十步笑百步你不觉得吗since the beginning of time, so pot-kettle, don't you think?你在嘲弄一切神圣You... are a mockery of everything divine.多谢指点Thank you!谢谢但Thank you, but...最近我想了很多lately, I've been doing a fair amount of thinking.你觉得我是生来成魔Now, do you think that I'm the Devil because I'm inherently evil 还是老爷子判定我是魔or just because dear old Dad decided I was?你觉得恶魔离开地狱的下场是什么吗What exactly do you think happens when the Devil leaves Hell? 所有恶魔All of those demons...所有被折磨的灵魂all of those tormented and tortured souls...他们去向何方where do you think they go?不知道Don't know.不在乎不关我的事老哥Don't care. Not my problem, brother.所以就当这职位在公开招聘吧So consider the position officially open.而你我的带羽毛的朋友可以滚下地狱了And you, my feathered friend, can go to hell.有胆你就试试Yeah, try it.你觉得父亲现在很恼火You think Father's upset now.你知道You know...他不会再心慈手软多久了he will not be merciful for much longer.嘿你Hey, you.记得我吗?Remember me?-等等你是不是个名人 -黛利拉- Wait, you're famous, aren't you? - Delilah!-黛利拉是你吧? -我爱你黛利拉- Delilah isn't it? - I love you, Delilah!能跟你合个影吗Can I have your autograph?我要先喝一杯If I can have a drink.那么你是想说说为什么还回来找我吗So, are you gonna tell me why you really came back?这里有我要找的答案There's something I need to know.什么答案What's that?我Did I...有没有把我的灵魂出♥卖♥♥♥给恶魔sell my soul to the Devil?好吧这暗示着Well, that would imply the恶魔对你的灵魂很感兴趣Devil's actually interested in your soul.听着我只是Look... all I did...把你介绍给几个was introduce you to a few欠我人情的有头有脸的人物就这么多key people who owed me favors. That's all.我的意思是好事多磨I mean what's all that good came out a hell of a lot of bad... 哦是啊所以恶魔帮了你一把不是吗Oh, right. So the Devil made you do it, did he?酒毒袒胸自♥拍♥The alcohol and the drugs, the topless selfies.选择在你亲爱的The choices are on you, my dear.我的意思是吉米·巴恩斯I mean... Jimmy Barnes?真不敢相信你几乎嫁给那个小白脸I can't believe you almost married that sweaty little imp.他帮我出专辑你把我介绍给他的He produced my album, you introduced me to him.我建议你与他共事不是在床上共事I suggested you work with him, not sleep with him.-好吧我混乱了 -之后你就让他混乱了- Well, I got confused. - Then you left him at the altar.是啊我真粗鲁Yeah, that was rude of me.不实际上我很喜欢No, actually, I quite enjoyed that bit.你知道吗他把我困在格莱美的洗手间里You know, he trapped me in the bathroom in the Grammys. 说他希望破镜重圆Said he wanted to get back together.之后我就听说他跟一个超模结婚了就这周Then I hear he's marrying a supermodel. This weekend.我还有点小妒忌And I'm jealous.天哪我简直一团糟Oh, God, I'm a mess.神跟你的烂摊子没关系God had nothing to do with your mess.听着黛利拉你没出♥卖♥♥♥灵魂Look, you didn't sell your soul, Delilah.你帮了我大忙You're doing me a favor.-我很怕 -你该怕- I'm scared. - You should be.因为我要你做到的Because what I'm about你很难做到to ask is gonna be quite difficult for you.振作点Pull yourself together.就这样这就是我要的That's it. That's all I'm asking.你在浪费天赋虚度人生You're wasting your talent, your life.嗯Hmm?你只是凡人亲爱的You're only human, darling.我照做就是了I'm gonna do as you asked.我会振作起来的I'm gonna get it together.-我保证路西法 -听好- Promise, Lucifer. - Look...跟我无关it's not about me.当下之事都取决于你What happens now, that's up to you.-好吗 -好- Okay? - Yeah.过来亲爱的Come here, you.哦不不不别死Oh, no, no, no. Not yet.你干了什么What did you do?我很抱歉抱歉你为什么要杀了她Sorry? Why did you end her life?还能为什么Why else?钱啊Money.钱Money?此时我多希望我还在地狱Oh, it's times like this I wish I was still in Hell.你不知道我会为你准备多少有趣的项目All the fun activities that I've planned for you.嘿老兄我只是扣动了扳机Hey, man, I just pulled the trigger.你想知道我至今查到多少吗Would you like to hear what I got so far?副官说这是我的案子Lieutenant said this is my case.没错克洛伊这是你的案子Yes, Chloe, it's your case.不要浪费时间Don't waste your time.这个案子不复杂It's an easy one.这是凶手埃迪·迪肯That's our bad guy. Eddy Deacon.他是个低级毒贩He's a low-level drug dealer.我们在他口袋里找到这些We found these in his pocket...而这是黛利拉钱包里面的and this in Delilah's purse.所以...很明显和毒品相关So... it's obviously drug related.她可能欠他一些钱或别的什么She probably owed him a bunch of money or something. 她最近唱片卖♥♥的不是很好She's not exactly selling out stadiums these days.那么你怎么知道他是低级毒贩And... how do you know he's low-level?Look at his car.你看见他的表了吗那可不便宜Did you look at his watch? That thing ain't cheap.那可能是假的It's probably fake.会有很多人关注这个案子克洛伊There's gonna be a lot of attention on this one, Chloe.我不会调查得太仔细I wouldn't pick too hard at it.尤其是棕榈街事件之后Not after Palmetto Street.丹我就是因为棕榈街事件才申请的这个案子I asked for this case because of Palmetto Street, Dan.不管怎么样有目击者吗So, anyway, any witnesses?路西法·莫宁斯塔Lucifer Morningstar.路西法·莫宁斯塔那不是Lucifer Morningstar... is that a...戏剧人物还是...?a stage name or something?不好意思天赐的名字God-given, I'm afraid.你知道吗你看上去很面熟我们之前见过吗D'you know... you look familiar. Have we met before?是啊五分钟之前我在问你问题Yeah, 5 minutes ago. And I'm asking the questions.告诉我你和受害人的关系Talk to me about your relationship with the victim.好吧她曾经在这里工作几年前Well, she used to work here. A few years back.我偶尔会在她唱歌♥的时候给他伴奏I would occasionally accompany her while she sang.后来她变成了大明星就有人想杀她Then she became a big star and someone decided to end her life. -你认识杀手吗 -不认识-Did you know the shooter? -No.但是我在他死之前But we did have an interesting和他聊了一会儿little chat just before he kicked off.我问他为什么这么做I asked him why he did it.你想扮演警♥察♥吗Like to play cop, do ya?我只想做一个普通人警官No, I just like to play in general, Detective.你呢What about you?你和死者交流过So, you had a conversation with the dead guy.不那时他还没咽气Oh, no, he wasn't quite dead.他的灵魂还没有进入地狱His soul hadn't crossed the threshold.我知道了I see.他告诉你原因了吗Did he tell you why he did it?为什么当然是钱啊Why money, of course.你们人类很爱钱是不是You humans, you love your money, don't you?没错我们是爱钱Yes. Yes, we do.所以你是哪个星球来的伦敦?And, uh, what planet are you from? London?他还说了我只是扣动了扳机Yes he also said, "I just pulled the trigger",你不觉得很有趣吗now don't you think that's interesting.黛利拉被一个毒贩射杀Delilah was shot to death by a drug dealer.看上去是黛利拉自己招惹了这家伙And looks like Delilah herself kept the guy pretty busy. 你知道这令人悲伤也很丑恶但这不是很深奥的问题You know, it's sad, it's ugly, but it's not rocket science. 他们之间可能发生了什么不愉快的事Something probably went south between them,她挨了枪子she gets riddled with bullets一个扮演上帝的人却全身而退and a nice little act of God takes him out.你知道事情不是这样的警官You know, it doesn't work like that, Detective.你不觉得那只是给It's quite a neatly wrapped洛杉矶警♥察♥局的一份精美小礼品吗little present for the LAPD, don't you think?为什么你不告诉我Why don't you tell me something?为什么她死在乱枪下How did she end up dying in a hailstorm of bullets你却毫发无损and you get away without a scratch?我觉得这很有趣你觉得呢I think that's interesting, don't you?-我是不死之身 -不死之身-The benefits of immortality. -Immortality?当然你怎么拼写的一个还是两个MMm. Of course. Uh... you spell that with 1 or 2 "M"S?我总是忘记I always forget.你那腐♥败♥的机构会怎么处理这件事What will your corrupt little organization do about this?不好意思'Scuse me?你会找到嫌疑人吗他们会被惩罚吗Will you find the person responsible, will they be punished, 这案子是不是你的头等大事因为对我来说是的will this be a priority for you? Because it is for me.你简直吊炸天You got some balls on you, pal.非常感谢他们长得很匀称Oh, thank you very much, but they're really quite average. -我不信 -现在-Yeah, I bet. -Now...你确定我们之前没见过吗Are you sure that we haven't met?我发誓我见过你裸体我们做过爱吗I could swear I've seen you naked. Have we had sex?-到此为止 -警官等等-We're done here. -Ah, Detective, wait.还有在逃犯等着被惩罚呢我们没有结束Someone out there needs to be punished. We're not done.是啊我们没完Yeah. Yeah, we are.如果有任何人反对这神圣的婚姻If there is anyone here that would oppose this holy union,请立刻提出或永远保持沉默speak now or forever hold your peace.不好意思我有个问题'Scuse me. Yeah, I have a problem.难道没人意识到Has... has anyone else noticed这位年轻女子是多么how incredibly, jaw-droppingly,沉鱼落雁闭月羞花倾国倾城吗loin-stirringly beautiful this young woman is而这个侏儒长得多么丑陋矮小磕碜啊and how short, sweaty and altogether fugly this homunculus is? 我是说这到底是结婚还是劫持I mean what is this, a wedding or a kidnapping?你懂我什么意思吗Do you know what I mean?幸好神父Yeah. Good luck with that, Padre. Ooh...不久之前你在那里还和我打过招呼while you're at it, say hey from me, it's been a while.吉米·巴恩斯你还记得我吗Jimmy Barnes, remember me?你好伙计这是私人宴会你是怎么进来的Hey, man. This is a private event. How did you get in here?如此大方慷慨的唱片制♥作♥人却不让人参加宴会?Yeah and quite a lavish one for a record producer on the outs?-你真的记得我对吗 -是啊我记得-You do remember me, don't you? -Yeah, yeah. I remember you. 你要干什么我现在有点忙Now, what do you want? I'm a little busy.好吧难以相信你竟然在前未婚妻Well... I can't believe that you're getting married曾经的闪耀明星被无情谋杀的一天后the day after your ex-fiancie and once a bright star-举办婚礼 -是啊很悲伤-was murdered in cold blood. -Yeah, it's very sad.但是你知道吗她曾经破坏过我的婚礼But you know what? She ruined my wedding once.我不会让它再次发生I'm not about to let that happen again.旧情难忘是吗杰米两次It's hard to be rejected, isn't it, Jimmy? Twice. Hm!-什么 -你最近可是想把她追回来-What? -Only, you tried to get her back recently.我是说过如果哪个女人敢甩我我就杀了她I mean I'd kill someone if they denied me once...那并不是真的not that that's possible.行了So, come on.你怎么解释吉米What do you say, Jimbo, huh?你想要她死吗Did you want her dead?不要这样看着我你这个变♥态♥Look, st... stop looking at me that way, you freak.我不会和你玩头脑游戏的I am not playing that mind game with you. I...不我当然不会No, of course not.我被她抛弃的时候很愤怒感觉被羞辱了I was furious and I was humiliated when she dumped me, 不过我觉得我恢复的很好but I think I... I think I've rebonded pretty well.是啊显而易见佩服啊Yes, clearly. Respect.你应该和堕落太祖去玩头脑游戏Should go play your mind games with Too Vile.那个饶舌歌♥手The rapper?黛利拉为了那个疯子抛弃了我Come on. Delilah dumped me for that lunatic.他们总是打架他经常抽她They were always fighting. He slapped her around a bunch. 他身边都是带着枪的傻蛋He surrounded himself with gun toting morons 24/7.他才是幕后主使He is the real deal.好吧Right.对不起我太莽撞了请允许我自我介绍Sorry. How rude. Allow me to introduce myself.我是路西法·莫宁斯塔Lucifer Morningstar.我今晚真不想和他做♥爱♥I really don't want to have sex with him tonight.哦我对不起我Oh, my... I'm sorry. I...难以相信我居然这么说I can't believe I just said that.不不不在这里应该诚实点Oh, no, no, no. Let's be honest here.我是说你不会嫁给这个烂人I mean you're not marrying this human stain因为你根本不爱他对吗cause you're actually in love with him, right?-上帝不 -不-Oh, God, no. - No.好的我该走了Right. Well, I should get going.哦祝你们好运我走了Ooh... best of luck with you crazy kids. All right.下午好先生Good afternoon, sir.我来此找一个叫做堕落太祖的人Yes, I'm here to see the man sadly known as "Too Vile". -他在吗 -不好意思先生他现在没空-Is he in? -Sorry, sir, he's unavailable.-恐怕他在哀悼 -好吧-He's in mourning, I'm afraid. -Right.我给他带了点大♥麻♥I have narcotics for him.请进先生Right this way, sir.谁来把这天杀的音乐关掉Could someone please turn down this God-awful music?!你好唱片师谢谢Hello, disc jockey! Thank you.这小丑是谁Who's this clown?先生他给您带来了大♥麻♥He has narcotics for you, sir.我是路西法·莫宁斯塔My name is Lucifer Morningstar.路西法·莫宁斯塔Lucifer Morningstar?那是个娘炮的嘻哈名字That's a gay hip-hop name.好吧这话我听着很不爽Well, that offends me.-你不喜欢嘻哈吗 -不我不喜欢- What, y-you don't like hip-hop? - No, I most certainly do not. 这冒犯我了Well, that offends me.你对黑人有意见吗You have a problem with black people?不一点也不我只是讨厌你的音乐而已No, not in the slightest. I just hate your music.当我说你的音乐时我是说"你的"音乐And when I say your music, I mean "Your" Music,不是其他黑人创作的not the music made by other black people.没有蓝调音乐就无论如何不会有恶魔音乐Without the blues there would be no Devil's music whatsoever. 当然在那领域仍有很多巨匠There are of course many giants in the field.但不是你我说明白了吗Just not you. Am I being clear?你是说明白了没错Mm-hmm. Yeah, you're being clear. All right.-很好 -如果你是来找死的- Good. - If you're looking to get yourself killed.不过别浪费你的子弹了我是不死之身Yes, but don't waste your munitions, I'm immortal.跟我说说黛利拉Tell me about Delilah.你没看新闻吗You ain't seen the news?那贱♥人♥死了Bitch is dead.别开枪蠢货Don't shoot, you idiot!-我没杀她 -我为什么信你- I didn't kill her. - Why should I believe you?因为我爱她Because I loved the girl.人有时候就会杀自己所爱的人People sometimes kill the people with whom they're in love. 人心难测The heart's mysterious-别人是这么说的 -我喜欢她- So I'm told. - I liked her.-她让我疯狂 -女人是会让人这样- Girl made me crazy. - Women can do that.并不代表你可以打她们对吗Doesn't mean you should beat them up, does it?我们很早之前就解决这问题了We worked that out a long time ago.我打她那次是因为她背着我偷男人I hit her once 'cause I found out she was cheating on me.好吧Right.-跟谁 -我不知道我不知道- With whom? - I don't know, I don't know.她不肯告诉我She wouldn't tell me. All right?说这是个大秘密Said it was a big secret,某个结了婚的有钱佬some... some, uh... uh, rich married guy.那她有没有朋友是她可能透露的Well, did she have a friend that she might have confided in? 她谁也不信伙计She didn't trust no one, man. Uh... uh...一个心理医生一个心理医生可能知道a therapist. A therapist is probably the only one who knows. 她在贝弗利山庄看一个医生叫琳达She sees some, uh... uh, Doctor Linda in... in Beverly Hills.她很低调一周去见她五次Saw her like five times a week on the DL.还用了假名Used a fake name, everything.哦她还有这事儿Oh, did she now?谢谢你抽出时间Well... thank you... for your time.洛杉矶警局放下枪趴地上快LAPD. Guns down. On the Floor. Down.你们两个靠墙站You two, against the wall.警探欢迎光临Detective. Welcome to the party.拿上那桶把枪收起来快Grab the bucket, collect the guns. Now!你个滑头你真听我的You sly dog, you did listen to me.我打开凶手了的手♥机♥I ran the dead guy's cellphone,堕落太祖是他最后打电♥话♥的人Too Vile was the last person he called.怎么会这样Come on, man.我觉得很有趣的是And what I find highly interesting你自己是怎么把这些联♥系♥在一起的is how you made the connection on your own.亲爱的我一直在忙好吗Well, I've been busy, my dear.-跟我说说黛利拉 -我问过了警探- Talk to me about Delilah. - I've been over that one, Detective.还有你为什么在死者被杀两天前打电♥话♥给凶手And why you called the shooter 2 days before she was murdered? 好吧我打电♥话♥给埃迪是因为他有时放我鸽子Fine. Yeah, I called Eddy 'cause he hooks me up sometimes.他是通过我认识的黛利拉He met Delilah through me.随便吧别当我是凶手Whatever. Don't make me a killer, do it?但这让你成嫌犯了No. But it does make you a suspect.什么这样说埃迪电♥话♥里的每个人都是嫌犯了What, so everyone on Eddy's phone's a suspect?你逗我吗Are you joking?你要给半个好莱坞市中心的人You gonna drag half of Hollywood downtown-都颁个奥斯卡什么的吗 -等等- be like the Oscars or something. - Wait.你不是电影里那妞吗Weren't you that chick from that film?什么什么电影Hmm? What is this? What film?她之前是个演员对吗She used to be an actress or something, right?是的Yeah.那部青少年电影忘记叫什么了That teen movie, I forget what it's called.对了 "热血校园" 我就是从那儿知道的你Of course, "Hot Tub High School". That's where I know you from. 我们回到正题上好吗Let's just stick to my question, shall we?就是有着著名裸体镜头的那部It's the one with the famous nude scene,从热浴盆里出来coming out of the hot tub.就像是衣服被迅速扯下来了It was like a complete Fast Time's rip off.她就像新一代的菲比·凯茨She was like the new Phoebe Cates.-谢谢 -那真是个绝赞的裸体镜头- Thanks. I appreciate that. - That was quite a nude scene.你再说话I have far too many bullets我就一枪崩了你in this thing for you to still be talking.你我们现在要好好谈谈You, we need to have a conversation right now.这完全是浪费时间警探That's a waste of time, Detective.我刚威胁完他他不是我们要找的人I've just threatened his life. He's not our guy.他要说的都说了相信我He would've said, trust me.-你干什么了 -对了那不是犯法的吗- You did what? - Yeah, I-isn't that illegal?有点是的Uh... little bit. Yeah.你待那别动你跟我来You, stay put. You, you're coming with me.什么What? Ooh.很荣幸With pleasure.至少你现在会听我说了At least perhaps now you'll listen to me,虽然我不明白为什么我被逮捕了although I'm not quite sure why I'm being arrested. 因为你干扰警方调查'Cause you're interfering with a police investigation, 你违反了我数都数不清的you've broken I can't法律而且你惹毛我了even count how many laws and you piss me off.好吧你知道我可以轻易摆脱Right. I can get out of these, you know?有意思Funny.你怎么做到的How did you do that?我们在浪费时间Come on, we're wasting time.我们应该齐心协力We should be out there,解决凶杀案将凶手绳之以法solving a homicide and punishing those responsible. "我们" 你真是疯了我要逮捕你上车"We"? You're insane. I'm taking you in. Get in the car. 不这太无聊了更别说一点意义都没有No, that's boring, not to mention pointless.我会帮你的这会很有趣Come on, I'll help you. It'll be fun.你能怎么帮我How could you possibly help me?我有特殊技能我很擅长说服别人I have a certain skill set, I can be very persuasive with people. 能发现别人发现不了的东西And tend to see things that others cannot.所以你能通灵还是怎么着So... you're a psychic or something?不我不会读心也不是绝地武士No, I can't read people's minds. I'm not Jedi.人们只是喜欢向我袒露心扉People just like to tell me things.就就只是对你坦诚相告?Hmm? Just... just tell you things?坦白他们的罪过就这样吗Just confess their sins? Just like that?不不是他们的罪过我没有权力知道人们的罪过No, not their sins. I have no power over people's sins.事实上我在这方面还挺糟糕的I actually get a bad rap for that.我有能力引出人们内心肮脏的想法I have the ability to draw out people's forbidden desires.人越简单我就越容易做到The more simple the human, the easier it is.人越复杂就越有挑战性也更刺♥激♥The more complex, the more challenging and exciting really. 但不是那些是真正的罪恶你们人类身上的罪恶But no, the actual sins, the... the sins are on you people."你们人类"?"You people"?我懂了我懂了I got it. I got it.这名字 "路西法"这名字The name, the whole "Lucifer" Thing还有欲望就像你的超能力and desire's like your superpower.更像是上帝的礼物Um... it's more like a gift from God, really.好吧Okay.听着Look...告诉我警探tell me, Detective...这辈子你最想要的是什么what do you desire more than anything else in this life?就这样这就是你的神技能吗This is it? This is your big trick?我猜当我还是个小女孩时I guess... when I was a little girl, I...我就一直想成为像我父亲一样的警♥察♥ always wanted to be a cop like my daddy, so that...这样有一天我就能帮助人们that... one day I could help people, then...然后当我说闭嘴滚进车里时then be taken seriously...别人就会知道我不是在开玩笑when I say to shut up and get in the damn car.你不是绝地武士之类的人对吗You're not like a Jedi or something, are you?上车Get in the car.不不不不不我知道些你不知道的事No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I know something you don't know. 真的吗是什么Really? What's that?除非你让我跟你一起办案我才告诉你Won't say unless you take me with you on this.求你了我帮你找出堕落太祖了不是吗Please. Come on. I got you Too Vile, didn't I?你为什么这么在乎这个案子Why do you care about this so much?在乎黛利拉About Delilah?听着我就是Look, I just...我就是关心I just do.如果我没干涉她的事业的话Look, if I hadn't have meddled with her career,或许她就不会死maybe she wouldn't have died.好好吧Okay. Okay, fine.但如果你这小线索没用的话But if this little clue thing of yours doesn't pan out,你就要被拷着且不许挣脱these are going back on and they're gonna stay on.这是个承诺吗Is that a promise?是在贝弗利山庄的心理医生名字叫琳达Yeah, therapist in Beverly Hills with the first name, Linda... 看看黛利拉是不是她客户see if Delilah was a client.事实上她有个笔名A-a-actually she had a pseudonym,我刚好知道which I also happen to know.我其实挺在行的不是吗I'm actually quite good at this aren't I?"俏丫头"Uh, "Penny Lane"黛利拉可能会用"俏丫头"这个名字谢谢Delilah may have gone by "Penny Lane". Thanks.别得意八字都还没一撇呢Don't look so smug. Nothing's panned out yet不不不不是因为那件案子No, no, no. It's not that,我只是认出你来了it's just that I knew that I recognized you.是啊没错你看见了我的奶♥子♥Right, right. You've seen my boobies.超激动吧你还是个12岁的毛孩子吗It's exciting. What are you, 12?所以你是因为那个电影So, is the, uh, movie why才感到自卑当警♥察♥的吗you've got such a chip on your shoulder?呃我觉得这事我是绝对忘不掉了Uh, it's low on the list of things I have to live down I guess. 没错 "魅力警花努力上爬Right. "Attractive female cop struggling to be汉子世界闯出天下" 是这样吗taken seriously in a man's man's world." Is that it?没错差不多就是这意思Yeah. Something like that.他们都被你吓到了Well, they're threatened.你有睿智的头脑过人的直觉You're clearly smart and have notable instincts.别管他们相信自己Ignore them. Trust yourself.我是丹瑟好的发给我吧谢了Detective Dancer. Right, text it to me. Thanks.怎么了What's that?被你说中了What you were saying stands up,有个叫"俏丫头"的人在比弗利山庄找琳达·马丁医生看病there's a Penny Lane who sees a Dr Linda Martin in Beverly Hills. 好极了我会安排出时间Excellent. I'll clear my schedule.-哇奥某人还真是受欢迎 -麻烦你闭嘴你好- Ooh! Someone's popular. - Please stop talking? Hello.什么你是说真的?她还好吗?What? You're kidding me. Is she OK?哦他不在那就对了谢了Oh. Of course he's not there. Thanks.-我们得休息会儿 -什么不行绝对不行- We gotta make a pit stop. - What? No! Absolutely not.我女儿跟别人打架了我得去接她My kid got into a fight. I've gotta go and pick her up-什么她自己不会回家吗 -她才七岁- What, can't she get herself home? - She's seven.听着哥不是来帮你跑腿的Look, I'm not here to help you run errands.哥是来帮你解决杀人案的I'm here to help you solve a homicide.说的像真的一样Really?!好了在这儿老实等着All right, wait here.恭候您归来我讨厌孩子。













2010年8月28日,BBC一台的Controller Jay Hunt在爱丁堡电视节上宣布,《夏洛克》将会推出第二季,仍然是三集90分钟电视剧。



神探夏洛克第一季第一集整理版本(总11页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除Computer: THE PERSONAL BLOG OF . (约翰·华生医生的博客)Dr.: How's your blog going? (博客写的如何)W: Yeah, good, very good. You haven't written a word, have you? You just wrote "still has trust issues". (嗯,顺利,很顺利。


)Dr.:And you read my writing upside down. You see what I mean? John, you're a soldier, and it's going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life, and writing a blog about everything that happens to you will honestly help you. (而你颠倒着读出了我写的东西, 知道我什么意思了约翰,你是个军人, 从这个身份到普通人需要一个过程, 把你每天的遭遇写在博客上,会有很大帮助.) W: Nothing happens to me. (我根本没有遭遇)October 12th (10月12日)Man: 'What do you mean there's no ruddy car'(你说一辆破车都没了)Woman: He went to Waterloo, I'm sorry. Get a cab.(他去滑铁卢了,抱歉.叫辆出租车.)Man: I never get cabs. (我从不叫车)Woman: I love you. (我爱你)Man: When? (什么时候)Woman: Get a cab.(快叫辆出租车)Woman: My husband…was a happy man who lived life to the full. He loved his family and his work, and that he should have taken his own life in this way…is a mystery, and a shock to all who knew him. (我的丈夫…是个努力生活的乐观男人. 他热爱家庭和工作, 他选择这样结束自己的生命…让人无法理解,也让认识他的人都感到震惊.)November 26th (11月26日)Man1:I'll be just two minutes, mate. (给我两分钟伙计。




1. 神探夏洛克Sherlock(2011 & 2012)评分:9.5导演: 保罗·麦奎根/ 托比·海恩斯编剧: 史蒂文·莫法特/ 马克·加蒂斯/ 斯蒂芬·汤普森主演: 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇/ 马丁·弗瑞曼/ 拉珀特·格雷夫斯/ 安德鲁·斯科特/ 马克·加蒂斯/ 尤娜·斯塔布斯/ 拉娜·普尔弗类型: 剧情/ 犯罪/ 悬疑制片国家/地区: 英国语言: 英语集数: 3(第一季)+3(第二季)单集片长: 90分钟又名: 新福尔摩斯第二季/ 当夏洛克遇见华生(我瞬间邪恶了)2. 飞天大盗Hustle (2004)(更新至第八季)评分:8.9导演: Tony Jordan编剧: 托尼·乔丹/ Bharat Nalluri / Mathew Graham主演: Adrian Lester类型: 犯罪/ 剧情/ 悬疑官方网站: /drama/hustle/制片国家/地区: 英国语言: 英语集数: 6×8单集片长: 60 分钟飞天大盗的剧情简介· · · · · ·这是关于一群诈骗高手的故事,他们每周都会用令人意想不到的手段去完成一宗复杂的诈骗案。

Mickey(Adrian Lester饰)是这伙人的头儿,在诈骗圈子里属于顶尖高手,他们的作案计划一般都由他来完成。

Albert(Robert Vaughn饰)是一个经验丰富的诈骗老手,他的任务便是物色合适的诈骗对象并将他们带入套中。





——Sherlock HolmesSHERLOCKSeason One Episode One — A Study in Pink口语及新鲜说法我想显得精神点——Sherlock HolmesI refreshed it a bit.物是人非了你没想到吧Bit different from my day. You've no ideaHow do you feel about the violin?对不起什么?I'm sorry, what?我在想事情时会拉小提琴有时I play the violin when I'm thinking and sometimes 一天都不讲话你介意吗?I don't talk for days on end. Would that bother you? 做室友应该知道对方的缺点Potential flatmates should know the worst about each other.你把我的事告诉他了You told him about me?一个字都没提Not a word.那谁告诉你室友这回事?Who said anything about flatmates?我本人今早我告诉麦克I did. Told Mike this morning我这种人找个室友多困难that I must be a difficult man to find a flatmate for. 刚过午饭他就来了Now here he is just after lunch带来一个老朋友显然刚在with an old friend clearly just home from阿富汗军队服役过并不难猜到吧military service in Afghanistan. Wasn't a difficult leap.你怎么知道阿富汗的事?How did you know about Afghanistan?我找到了伦敦市中心的一个好地方Got my eye on a nice little place in central London. 价格我们一起能负担得起We ought to be able to afford it.明晚7点整在那里碰头We'll meet there tomorrow evening, seven o'clock. 抱歉我真健忘Sorry, got to dash.把鞭子留在停尸间了I think I left my riding crop in the mortuary.这表示?Is that it? 表示什么?Is that what?我们才刚见面We've only just met就要一起找房子?and we're going to go and look at a flat?有问题吗?Problem?我们彼此一无所知We don't know a thing about each other.不知道约在哪里见I don't know where we're meeting,甚至也不知道你的名字I don't even know your name.我知道你是军医刚从阿富汗I know you're an Army doctor and you've been被遣送回国invalided home from Afghanistan.你有一个哥哥很关心你You've got a brother worried about you你却不愿意得到他的帮助but you won't go to him for help because you don't 你对他不满也许因为他嗜酒approve of him, possibly because he's an alcoholic, 更有可能是他刚抛弃了他老婆more likely because he recently walked out on his wife.我也知道医生认为你And I know that your therapist thinks your患有伤残心理后遗症恐怕这诊断很对limp's psychosomatic, quite correctly, I'm afraid.作为室友这些够了吧?That's enough to be going on with, don't you think? 我的名字叫夏洛克·福尔摩斯The name's Sherlock Holmes那里的地址是贝克街221Band the address is 221B Baker Street.下午好Afternoon.是的他一直都这样Yeah, he's always like that.(短信)Messages- Received——Sherlock Holmes(发送成功)Messages-sent(如果哥哥有绿色梯子就逮捕他夏·福)If brother has green ladder arrest brother. SH(搜索)search(夏洛克·福尔摩斯)Sherlock Holmes(贝克街威斯敏斯特)BAKER STREET W CITY OF WESTMINSTER你好Hello福尔摩斯先生请叫我夏洛克Ah - Mr Holmes. Sherlock, please.这里位置很好应该非常贵Well, this is a prime spot. Must be expensive.房东赫德森太太给了我特价Mrs Hudson, the landlady - she's given me a special deal.欠我一个人情几年之前Owes me a favour. A few years back,她丈夫在弗罗里达被判处无期徒刑her husband got himself sentenced to death in Florida.我出了点力I was able to help out.所以你让她丈夫免于死刑?Sorry - you stopped her husband being executed?没有我指证了他Oh, no, I ensured it.夏洛克Sherlock赫德森太太约翰·华生医生Mrs Hudson, Dr John Watson.你好进来Hello. Come in.谢谢请进吧Thank you. Shall we...?这里还挺不错Well, this could be very nice.确实很棒very nice indeed是的Yes. 对我也这样觉得Yes, I think so, my thoughts precisely.所以我就直接搬进来了So I went straight ahead and moved in.只要把这些垃圾清理出去...Soon as we get all this rubbish cleaned out...所以这都是... 好吧So this is all... Well,我可以把它们放放好obviously I can erm... straighten things up a bit.这是个骷髅我的朋友That's a skull. Friend of mine.我说的朋友是...When I say friend...你觉得如何华生医生?What do you think, then, Dr Watson?楼上还有一个卧室There's another bedroom upstairs,如果你们需要两间卧室的话if you'll be needing two bedrooms.当然需要两间Of course we'll be needing two.别担心的这里什么人都有Oh, don't worry, there's all sorts round here.隔壁特勒太太家那对还结婚了呢Mrs Turner next door's got.夏洛克看看弄的多乱Oh... Sherlock The mess you've made.昨晚在网上搜索了你I looked you up on the internet last night.有什么有趣的发现吗?Anything interesting?找到了你的网站"演绎法研究"Found your website. The Science of Deduction.你觉得如何?What did you think?你说可以从领带看出一个软件设计师You said you could identify a software designer by his tie从大拇指看出一个飞行员and an airline pilot by his left thumb?是的Yes.我从你的脸和腿上——Sherlock HolmesAnd I can read your military career看出你军人的经历in your face and your leg,从你的手机上看出你兄弟酗酒and your brother's drinking habits on your mobile phone.怎么看?How?这些自杀是怎么回事夏洛克?What about these suicides then, Sherlock?我想你会感兴趣吧I thought that'd be right up your street.3起一模一样的案件Three exactly the same.4起Four.第4起发生了而且这次There's been a fourth. And there's something有些不一样第4起?different this time. A fourth?在哪里?Where?布莱克斯顿劳里斯顿花园Brixton, Lauriston Gardens.这次有什么不同?What's new about this one?要不你也不会专程来You wouldn't have come to me肯定有些反常之处otherwise there was somethin different.之前受害人从不留信息这次有了You know how they never leave notes? Yeah. This one did.你来吗?Will you come?这次谁负责取证? 安德森Who's on forensics? Anderson.我和他相处不好He doesn't work well with me.反正他不会是你助手Well, he won't be your assistant.我需要一个助手I NEED an assistant. 你来吗?Will you come?不坐警车我要跟在后面Not in a police car, I'll be right behind.谢谢Thank you.太棒了耶Brilliant Yes起连环自杀这次还有遗言Four serial suicides, and now a note.圣诞节到了啊赫德森太太Oh, it's Christmas. Mrs Hudson,我会迟点来可能需要准备点食物I'll be late. Might need some food.我是你的房东亲爱的不是管家I'm your landlady, dear, not your housekeeper.冷的也行约翰喝杯茶Something cold will do. John, have a cup of tea,把这儿当自己家make yourself at home.别等我Don't wait up看看他就知道就知道往外跑Look at him, dashing about...我丈夫也一样My husband was just the same.看的出来你是很沉稳的类型But you're more the sitting-down type, I can tell.我给你倒杯茶歇歇你的腿I'll make you that cuppa, you rest your leg.它娘的腿对不起抱歉Damn my leg Sorry, I'm so sorry -有时候这些操蛋的事儿...It's just sometimes this bloody thing...我明白亲爱的我髋骨也不好I understand, dear, I've got a hip.一杯茶就好了谢谢就说一次亲爱的Cup of tea'd be lovely. Thank you. Just this once, dear,我不是管家I'm not your housekeeper.再来两块饼干如果有的话Couple of biscuits too, if you've got 'em.我不是你管家哦——Sherlock HolmesNot your housekeeper(雷斯垂德探长负责调查)DI Lestrade, in charge of the investigation你是个医生You're a doctor.而且是个军医In fact you're an Army doctor.是的Yes.干的好吗?Any good?非常出色Very good.那你一定见过很多伤口惨死的尸体Seen a lot of injuries, then. Violent deaths.是的Well, yes.也很难受吧我想?Bit of trouble too, I bet?当然一辈子的都见过了太多了Of course. Yes. Enough for a lifetime, far too much. 想再看多些吗?Want to see some more?上帝啊好的Oh, God, yes.对不起赫德森太太不喝茶了Sorry Mrs Hudson, I'll skip the tea. Off out.你们都不喝了?Both of you?不可能的自杀案件? 四起?Impossible suicides? Four of them?没理由坐在家里了No point sitting at home人生终于有乐趣了when there's finally something fun going on死人了你这么开心不像话Look at you, all happy. It's not decent.管他像不像话Who cares about decent?游戏开始了赫德森太太The game, Mrs Hudson, is on出租车Taxi 好吧你有问题要问OK, You've got questions...是的我们去哪里?Yeah, where are we going?犯罪现场下个问题?Crime scene. Next?你是谁你的职业是什么?Who are you, what do you do?你觉得呢?What do you think?我会猜...私家侦探可是?I'd say... private detective. But?警察不会去找私家侦探But the police don't go to private detectives.我是个"咨询侦探" 世界唯一的I'm a consulting detective. Only one in the world,这工作是我发明的I invented the job.那是什么? 每当警察What does that mean? Means when the police找不到方向他们经常都这样are out of their depth, which is always,他们会咨询我they consult me.警察不会咨询外行的The police don't consult amateurs.我昨天遇到你时When I met you for the first time yesterday,提到了阿富汗和伊拉克你看起来很惊讶I said Afghanistan or Iraq. You looked surprised.是的你怎么知道?Yes, how DID you know?我不是知道是观察到的I didn't know, I saw.你的发型举止是军人的风格'Your haircut, the way you hold yourself says military.而你说的话物是人非了'But your conversation... ' Bit different from my day. 说明在巴兹医学院学习过.. said trained at Barts -所以很明显是军医——Sherlock Holmesso Army doctor, obvious.你的脸晒的比较黑'Your face is tanned...可手腕却没晒黑'but no tan above the wrists.所以你曾去过国外可并不是日光浴You've been abroad, but not sunbathing.你的走路时跛的厉害'Your limp's really bad when you walk,却宁愿站着不要椅子but you don't ask for a chair when you stand -完全忘了伤残that you forgot about it所以至少有点身心障碍'so it's at least partly psychosomatic.也说明因为你的伤口'That says the original circumstances of the injury 是外伤were traumatic -'战场上受伤战场上受伤wounded in action then. Wounded in action,苏丹阿富汗或者是伊拉克suntan - Afghanistan or Iraq.你说我有个治疗师You said I had a therapist.你有伤残心理障碍You've got a psychosomatic limp,当然会有治疗师of course you've got a therapist.然后是你的哥哥因为电话Then there's your brother. Your phone.它很贵能发邮件听音乐'It's expensive, e-mail enabled, MP player. '而你穷到要和人合租And you're looking for a flatshare.所以不是你买的是个礼物You wouldn't buy this - it's a gift.划痕不只一条很多很多'Scratches. Not one, many over time -'一定是和钥匙和硬币放一个口袋it's been in the same pocket as keys and coins.你不会对自己的奢侈品这样You wouldn't treat your one luxury item like this, 所以它之前还有主人so it's had a previous owner.下一点就很简单了你应该知道了Next bit's easy. You know it already.刻的字?The engraving?哈利·华生Harry Watson.明显是你家人送你的电话Clearly a family member who's given you his old phone.不是你父亲这东西是年轻人玩的Not your father, this is a young man's gadget.有可能是表兄弟可你是个Could be a cousin, but you're a war hero无家可归的战斗英雄who can't find a place to live -不像是大家族里的人unlikely you've got an extended family,所以是近亲那就是兄弟了not one you're close to. So brother it is.然后是克拉若?Now, Clara, who's Clara?3个吻代表是浪漫的纪念Three kisses says it's a romantic attachment.这个价格应该是老婆送的不是女朋友The expense of the phone says wife, not girlfriend. 应该是最近给的Must have given it to him recently,大概6用了个月it's only six months old.婚姻出现问题了6个月他就送人了Marriage in trouble then - six months on he's given it away.如果是她甩他也许他会留作纪念If she'd left HIM, he would have kept it. Sentiment. 不他想扔掉是他甩她No, he wanted rid of it. He left HER.他把手机给你是希望和你保持联系He gave the phone to you, so he wants you to stay in touch.你在找便宜的房子You're looking for cheap accommodation,却不向你兄弟求助——Sherlock Holmesbut you're not going to your brother for help -所以你和他之前有问题that says you've got problems with him.也许你喜欢他老婆也许讨厌他喝酒Maybe you liked his wife, or don't like his drinking. 那你怎么知道他喝酒的事?How can you possibly know about the drinking?胡乱猜的不过挺准Shot in the dark. Good one, though.电源插口周围有一些磨损Power connection - tiny little scuff marks round it. 所以他每晚想插进去充电可手却在发抖Every night he plugs it in but his hands are shaking. 这在清醒人的手机上是不会出现的You never see those marks on a sober man's phone, 每个酗酒的人都有never see a drunk's without them.好吧你也说对了There you go, you were right.我对了哪里说对了?I was right? Right about what?警察不会咨询外行The police don't consult amateurs.这...太神奇了That... was amazing.你这样觉得? 当然了Do you think so? Of course it was.了不起真的很了不起It was extraordinary, it was quite extraordinary.别人通常不会这么说That's not what people normally say.别人一般怎么说?What do people normally say?滚开Piss off我有哪里猜错了吗?Did I get anything wrong?哈利和我关系不好从来没好过Harry and me don't get on, never have,卡拉若和哈利三个月之前分手Clara and Harry split up three months ago他们在闹离婚and they're getting a divorce, 哈利是酗酒的人and Harry is a drinker.那全中没想到所有都猜中了Spot on, then. I didn't expect to be right about everything.哈利是哈莉叶的爱称Harry's short for Harriet.哈利是你的姐妹Harry's your sister.我到底来这儿做什么?Look, what exactly am I supposed to be doing here? 姐妹Sister老实讲我到底来这里做什么?No - seriously, what am I doing here?总要出点错There's always something.你好怪胎我找雷斯垂德探长Hello, freak I'm here to see Detective Inspector Lestrade.为什么?Why?他请我来的I was invited.为什么? 我想他想让我看看Why? I think he wants me to take a look.好吧你知道我想什么吗?Well, you know what I think, don't you?当然莎莉Always Sally.我知道你昨天连家都没有回I even know you didn't make it home last night.我没有...这位是谁?I don't... Who's this?我的同事华生医生Colleague of mine, Dr Watson.华生医生莎莉·多诺万警官Dr Watson, Sergeant Sally Donovan.老朋友Old friend.同事? 你竟然有同事?A colleague? How do YOU get a colleague?他会跟踪你到家吗?Did he follow you home?——Sherlock Holmes如果我出去等是不是比较好...Would it be better if I just waited...别No.怪胎来了我带他进去Freak's here. Bringing him in.啊安德森又见面了Ah, Anderson. Here we are again.这是犯罪现场不许污染它It's a crime scene. I don't want it contaminated.明白了吗?Are we clear on that?非常明白Quite clear.你老婆很久不回家了吗?And is your wife away for long?别装做是你推理出来的Oh, don't pretend you worked that out.有人告诉你吧Somebody told you that.你的除臭剂告诉我的Your deodorant told me that.我的除臭剂?My deodorant?是男士用的It's for men.当然了我喷的当然是男用的Well, of course it's for men - I'm wearing it.和多诺万警官身上的一样So's Sergeant Donovan.味道突然消失了我能进吗?Ooh... I think it just vaporised. May I go in?听着不管你在暗示什么...Ah, look. Whatever you're trying to imply...我什么都没说我相信莎莉只是I'm not implying anything. I'm sure Sally came round来和你聊聊天顺便就过夜了for a nice little chat, and just happened to stay over. 我猜她还帮你擦了地And I assume she scrubbed your floors,从她膝盖看出来的going by the state of her knees.你得穿一件这个You'll need to wear one of these.这是谁?Who's this?我的人He's with me.可他是谁? 我说他是我的人But who is he? I said he's with me.你不穿一件吗?Aren't you going to put one on?现场在哪? 楼上So where are we? Upstairs.我给你两分钟的时间I can give you two minutes.也许需要久一点May need longer.信用卡上显示她叫詹妮弗·温森Her name's Jennifer Wilson according to her credit cards,我们在用它寻找确切联系地址we're running them now for contact details.尸体在这里并不久Hasn't been here long.小孩们发现的Some kids found her.住嘴Shut up.我什么都没说I didn't say anything.你在思考干扰了我You were thinking. It's annoying.(左撇子)Left Handed(RACHE 德文名词复仇)RACHE German revenge(人名: 瑞秋)Rachel(湿润)wet(干燥)dry(湿润)wet(干净)Clean(干净)clean(干净)clean——Sherlock Holmes(脏)dirty(婚姻不睦: 10年以上)Unhappily married 10+ years(干净)clean(一面干净一面脏)dirty(经常脱下)regularly removed(多次通奸)serial adulterer发现什么了吗?Got anything?不太多Not much.她是德国人She's German.RACHE在德文中是复仇的意思Rache. It's German for revenge.她是想告诉我们什么She could be trying to tell us something...谢谢您的参与Yes, thank you for your input.所以她是德国人? 当然不是So she's German? Of course she's not.她是外地来的She's from out of town though.她准备在回卡迪夫前Intended to stay in London for one night在伦敦呆一晚上这很明显before returning home to Cardiff. So far, so obvious. 抱歉明显?Sorry - obvious?那这个信息是什么?What about the message though?华生医生你认为呢?Dr Watson, what do you think?信息?Of the message?是尸体你是学医的Of the body. You're a medical man.我们外面有整队人马We have a whole team right outside.他们不为我工作They won't work with me.我排除万难让你来这里I'm breaking every rule letting YOU in here... 是的...因为你需要我Yes... because you need me.是的我需要Yes, I do.上帝保佑God help me.华生医生?Dr Watson Hm?像他说的那样请自便Oh, do as he says. Help yourself.安德森让大家离开几分钟Anderson, keep everyone out for a couple of minutes...好吧? 我来这里做什么?Well? What am I doing here?帮我理清头绪我只想Helping me make a point. I'm supposed to分担你的房租这个有趣多了be helping you pay the rent. This is more fun.有趣?一个女人躺在这里死掉了Fun? There's a woman lying dead.分析很准确不过希望你再深入点Perfectly sound analysis, but I WAS hoping you'd go deeper.好吧Yeah...可能是窒息死亡晕过去了Asphyxiation, probably. Passed out,被自己的呕吐物塞住choked on her own vomit.身上没有酒味Can't smell any alcohol on her.应该是突然发作可能是药物It could have been a seizure. Possibly drugs.你知道怎么回事你看了报纸You know what it was, you've read the papers.她是自杀者之一第4个Well, she's one of the suicides. The fourth...?夏洛克你说两分钟发现了些什么Sherlock - two minutes, I said, I need anything you got.受害者年近30 专业人士Victim is in her late 30s. Professional person,从她的衣着判断——Sherlock Holmesgoing by her clothes -我猜是传媒界的人I'm guessing the media,穿着显眼的粉色going by the frankly alarming shade of pink.她从卡迪夫而来Travelled from Cardiff today intending准备呆一晚从箱子大小可以看出to stay in London one night from the size of her suitcase.箱子? 箱子是的Suitcase? Suitcase, Yes.她结婚至少10年了但并不愉快She's been married at least ten years, but not happily. 她有一连串的情人She's had a string of lovers但没人知道她结婚了but none of them knew she was married.看在上帝的份上你是顺口说说的Oh, for God's sake, if you're just making this up...她的婚戒至少10有年历史了Her wedding ring. Ten years old at least.她其它的饰品都很干净The rest of her jewellery has been regularly cleaned, 唯独婚戒不是but not her wedding ring.这就是她的婚史State of her marriage right there里面比外面亮The inside is shinier than the outside.说明经常被摘掉That means its regularyly removed只有在她摘掉时The only polishing it gets is才算被擦拭一次when she works it off her finger.不是为工作看她的指甲It's not for work, look at her nails.她不用手工作She doesn't work with her hands那为什么要脱去婚戒?so who does she remove her rings for?不只有一个情人她不能Not one lover, she'd never sustain 假装单身那么久the fiction of being single for that long所以更可能有一长串人厉害so more likely a string of them. Brilliant.抱歉卡迪夫?Sorry. Cardiff?很明显不是吗?It's obvious, isn't it?对我来说不明显It's not obvious to me.上帝啊你们小脑瓜里到底装了什么Dear God, what is it like in your funny little brains, 一定很无聊看她的外套it must be so boring. Her coat -有一点潮湿it's slightly damp,一定是在最近几个小时内遭遇了暴雨she's been in heavy rain the last few hours -伦敦这段时间都没下雨no rain anywhere in London in that time.大衣领背面也湿了Under her coat collar is damp too.她把它翻起来挡雨She's turned it up against the wind.她口袋里有雨伞可却是干的没用过She's got an umbrella in her pocket but it's dry and unused.不只有风是强风大到不能打伞Not just wind, strong wind - too strong to use her umbrella.从她的箱子里We know from her suitcase看出她准备过夜that she was intending to stay overnight但是她的旅程没超过两三个小时but she can't have travelled more than two or three hours因为外套还没干because her coat still hasn't dried.所以哪里刚刚有暴雨So - where has there been heavy rain有强风且在两三小时旅程内?——Sherlock Holmesand strong wind within the radius of that travel time? 卡迪夫Cardiff.太棒了你知道你大声说出来了吗? Fantastic. Do you know you do that out loud?抱歉我闭嘴没..关系Sorry, I'll shut up. No, it's... fine.为什么你一直说旅行箱?Why do you keep saying suitcase?是的它在哪儿?Yes, where is it?电话里或是记事本上一定有She must have had a phone or an organiser.找找瑞秋这个人她写的是瑞秋?Find out who Rachel is. She was writing Rachel?不她用德语留了句愤怒遗言No, she was leaving an angry note in German -当然她写的是瑞秋不可能是其他词of course she was writing Rachel, no other word it can be.问题是为什么要等到the question is Why did she wait临死时来写?until she was dying to write it?你怎么知道她有箱子?How do you know she had a suitcase?她的右后跟和小腿肚有泥浆的痕迹Tiny splash marks on her right heel and calf左边却没有not present on the left.从泥点的图案可以看出She was dragging a wheeled suitcase behind her她右手拉着一个带轮子的箱子with her right hand, by that splash pattern.以泥点分布来看是略小的箱子Smallish case, going by the spread.这么小的箱子对穿衣这么讲究的女士来说Case that size, woman this clothes-conscious -只够呆一晚could only be an overnight bag所以我知道她只带一晚so we know she was staying one night. 它在哪里你们拿去做了什么?Where is it, what have you done with it?这里没箱子There wasn't a case.再说一遍Say that again.这里没箱子什么箱子都没有There wasn't a case. There was never any suitcase. 箱子有人找到一个箱子吗Suitcase Did anyone find a suitcase?房子里有箱子吗?Was there a suitcase in this house?先生这里没有箱子Sir, there was no case可他们是自己服毒的吞了药But they take the poison themselves, swallow the pills.这个很明显你们怎么会找不到There are clear signs, even you lot couldn't miss them.好吧谢谢那...Right, thanks. And...?所有案子都是谋杀我不知道方法It's murder, all of them. I don't know how.他们不是自杀是连环谋杀But they're not suicides, they're serial killings.我们要寻找一个连环杀手We've got a serial killer.太好了I love it.总算有所期待了There's always something to look forward to.你凭什么这样说?Why are you saying that?她的箱子拜托她的箱子呢?Her case Come on, where is her case?自己吃掉了吗?Did she eat it有其他人在现场带走了她的箱子Someone else was here, and they took her case.所以杀手一定是开车到这儿So the killer must have driven here.把箱子忘在车里了Forgot the case was in the car.——Sherlock Holmes她有可能已经订好酒店放在里面了She could have checked into a hotel, left it there.不没去酒店看她的头发No, she's never got to the hotel. look at her hair.口红和鞋都是一样颜色She colour-coordinates her lipstick and her shoes.她不可能离开酒店She'd never have left any hotel如果头发还那么...with her hair still looking...夏洛克? 怎么了?Sherlock? What is it, what?连环杀手总是很难对付Serial killers, always hard.必须等着他们自己犯错You have to wait for them to make a mistake.我们不能干等着!We can't just wait!不用再等了看看她好好看Oh, we're done waiting. Look at her, really look!总部错误找到了调查卡迪夫那边Houston, we have a mistake. Get on to Cardiff.去找詹妮弗·威尔森的家人和朋友.Find out who Jennifer Wilson's family and friends were.去找瑞秋Find Rachel当然了好的但到底是什么错?Of course, yeah - but what mistake?!粉色Pink!快干活吧...Let's get on with it...他走了He's gone.谁? 夏洛克·福尔摩斯?Who, Sherlock Holmes?是啊他就那么走了他总是这样Yeah, he just took off. He does that.他会回来吗? 看来不会了Is he coming back? Didn't look like it.好吧Right. 好吧...Right...不好意思我现在是在哪里?Yes. Sorry, where am I?布莱克斯顿Brixton.你知道该去哪里打车吗?Do you know where I could get a cab?因为...It's just er...呃...well -我的腿my leg.去主干道打车吧Try the main road.谢谢Thanks.但你不是他的朋友But you're not his friend.他根本没有朋友He doesn't HA VE friends.那你是谁?So who are you?我...我谁也不是我才刚认识他I'm... I'm nobody. I just met him.好吧那我建议你离他远点OK, bit of advice then. Stay away from that guy.为什么?Why?你知道他为什么来这里吗?You know why he's here?没有任何报酬什么也没有He's not paid or anything.他喜欢这种场景能让他兴奋He likes it. He gets off on it.罪案越离奇他就越兴奋你知道吗?The weirder the crime, the more he gets off. And you know what?总有一天探案会无法满足他One day just showing up won't be enough.总有一天我们会围着一具尸体One day we'll be standing round a body夏洛克·福尔摩斯就是始作俑者——Sherlock Holmesand Sherlock Holmes will be the one that put it there.为什么要那么做?Why would he do that?因为他精神变态Because he's a psychopath.精神变态很容易无聊Psychopaths get bored.多诺万来了Donovan! Coming.离夏洛克·福尔摩斯远一点Stay away from Sherlock Holmes.出租车出租车...Taxi! Taxi...喂?Hello?你左边的大楼上有架监控摄像头There is a security camera on the building to your left.看到了吗?Do you see it?'你是哪位?Who's this?哪位?Who's speaking?看到摄像头了吗华生医生?Do you see the camera, Dr Watson?是的我看到了看着...Yeah, I see it. Watch...街对面的大楼上有另一个摄像头看到了吗? There's another camera on the building opposite you. Do u see it?最后一个你右手边大楼的顶层And finally, at the top of the building on your right. 你是怎么做到的?How are you doing this?上车华生医生'Get into the car, Dr Watson.我本可以威胁你'I would make some sort of threat,但你一定很清楚自己的处境but I'm sure your situation is quite clear to you. '你好嗨Hello. Hi. 你叫什么名字?What's your name, then?呃...安西娅Er... Anthea.是你的真名吗? 不是Is that your real name? No.我叫约翰I'm John.我知道Yes. I know.我有必要问问这是去哪吗?Any point in asking... where I'm going?毫无必要None at all...约翰John.好吧OK.坐下吧约翰Have a seat, John.你知道我有手机的You know, I've got a phone.摄像头那招是很妙I mean, very clever and all that,但是...but er...打电话给我就行you could just phone me.到我手机上On my phone.要想避开夏洛克·福尔摩斯的眼睛When one is avoiding the attention of Sherlock Holmes,就该学会谨慎所以在此见面one learns to be discreet, hence this place.你的腿一定很疼坐下吧Your leg must be hurting you. Sit down.我不想坐下I don't want to sit down.你不怎么害怕啊You don't seem very afraid.你也不怎么吓人You don't seem very frightening.——Sherlock Holmes没错...Yes...军人的勇敢The bravery of the soldier.勇敢是愚蠢最好听的代言词你说呢?Bravery is by far the kindest word for stupidity, don't u think?你和夏洛克·福尔摩斯什么关系?What is your connection to Sherlock Holmes?没关系我们几乎不认识我昨天才遇到他I don't have one. I barely know him, I met him... yesterday.才一天工夫你们就同居了Mmm, and since yesterday you've moved in with him现在还一起查案and now you're solving crimes together.这周末是不是就该好事将近了?Might we expect a happy announcement by the end of the week?你是谁? 利益相关者Who are you? An interested party.对夏洛克? 为什么?Interested in Sherlock? Why?我猜你们不是朋友I'm guessing you're not friends.你也见过他你想他能有几个朋友?You've met him. How many friends do you imagine he has?我是夏洛克能拥有的I'm the closest thing to a friend最近乎朋友的存在你指什么?that Sherlock Holmes is capable of having And what's that?敌人敌人?An enemy. An enemy?在他看来我绝对是敌人In HIS mind, certainly.如果你问他他会说我是他的魔王If you were to ask him, he'd probably say his arch-enemy.他喜欢把事情搞得戏剧化He does love to be dramatic.哟谢天谢地你没这毛病Well, thank God YOU'RE above all that.我没打扰你吧I hope I'm not distracting you.一点也没打扰Not distracting me at all.你打算继续和夏洛克·福尔摩斯合作下去?Do you plan to continue your association with Sherlock Holmes?也许说的不对...I could be wrong...但我觉得这不关你事but I think that's none of your business.很难说真不关你事It could be. It really couldn't.如果你真的搬进...If you DO move into, erm...贝克街221B号.. 221B Baker Street,我将非常乐意行方便I'd be happy to pay you a meaningful sum定期付你可观报酬of money on a regular basis to ease your way.为什么?Why?因为你不富有Because you're not a wealthy man.交换条件是?In exchange for what?提供信息Information.绝不会侵犯隐私绝不会让你为难Nothing indiscreet. Nothing you'd feel... uncomfortable with.只需告诉我他在干什么为什么?Just tell me what he's up to. Why?我常常为他担心I worry about him. Constantly.你可真好人That's nice of you.但出于种种原因But I would prefer for various reasons希望你对此事守口如瓶that my concern go unmentioned,。



演职员表编辑演员表职员表制作人杰弗瑞·贝尔、乔斯·韦登、毛丽莎·谭查罗恩原著斯坦·李、杰克·科比导演乔斯·韦登、Bobby Roth、Jesse Bochco、David Straiton、Vince Misiano、Bill Gierhart、乔纳森·弗雷克斯、洛克萨妮·道森、Cheylov副导演(助理)Maileen Williams、Harmony Gosbee、Katie Carroll编剧乔斯·韦登Joss Whedon、杰德·韦登Jed Whedon、毛丽莎·谭查罗恩Maurissa Tancharoen 摄影David Boyd、Feliks Parnell、Jeffrey C. Mygatt配乐Bear McCreary剪辑Paul Trejo、Debby Germino、Joshua Charson艺术指导Gregory Melton美术设计Roland Rosenkranz、Alex Hajdu服装设计Ann Foley、贝丝·海曼展开[演职员表信息来源][7]角色介绍编辑菲尔·寇森探员(AgentPhil Coulson)是这个特工队小组组长。










W: Nothing happens to me.
W: Is that it?
S : Is that what?
W: We've only just met and we're going to go and look at a flat?
S : Problem?
W: We don't know a thing about each other. I don't know where we're meeting. I don't even know your name.
W: You told him about me?
M: Not a word.
W: Who said anything about flatmates?

神探夏洛克[BBC]第一季01 中英对照台词 [未完待续]

神探夏洛克[BBC]第一季01 中英对照台词 [未完待续]

Sherlock Holmes[BBC]第一季01 中英对照[W--John Watson][S--Sherlock Holmes][A--][L--Lestrade][][][][]( )内为短信内容——How's your blog going?你的博客写得怎么样了W——Yeah, good. Very good.很好真的——You haven't written a word, have you?你一个字都没写吧W——You just wrote "Still has trust issues".你刚写了“依然存在信任危机”——And you read my writing upside down.而你在倒着看我写的字You see what I mean?明白我的意思吗John, you're a soldier.约翰你是个军人And it's going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life.你需要一段时间才能适应正常生活And writing a blog about everything that happens to you will honestly help you.把你的一切遭遇写进博客对你会有很大帮助W——Nothing happens to me.我没什么遭遇{October 12th}{十月十二日}——What do you mean, there's no ruddy car?没车是什么意思——He went to Waterloo, I'm sorry.抱歉他开车去了滑铁卢——Get a cab!叫的士——I never get cabs!我从来都叫不到的士——I love you.我爱你——When?我等不及了——Get a cab!快去叫的士——My husband was a happy man who lived life to the full.我的丈夫天性乐观生活美满He loved his family and his work, and that he should have taken his own life in this way, is a mystery and a shock to all who knew him.他热爱家庭和工作却选择了这种方式结束生命对所有熟识他的人而言都极为震惊和迷惑不已{November 26th}{11月26日}——Yes, yes! Taxi!的士I'll be back in two minutes, mate.等我两分钟伙计——What?怎么——I'm just going home to get my umbrella.我得回去拿伞——You can share mine.我们可以合撑一把——Two minutes, all right?就两分钟行吧{18岁青年在体育中心内自杀}{January 27th}{1月27日}——She still dancing?她还在跳舞吗——Yeah, if you can call it that.对要是这也算跳舞——Did you get the car keys off her?拿了她的车钥匙吗——Got them out of her bag.从她包里拿了——Where is she?她在哪儿{A STUDY IN PINK}——The body of Bath Davenport, Junior Minister for transport, was found late last night on a building site in Greater London.交通部副部长贝丝达文波的尸体于昨天后半夜在伦敦一座建筑工地被发现Preliminary investigations suggest that this was suicide.初步调查显示为自杀We can confirm that this apparent suicide closely resembles those of SirJeffrey Patterson and James Phillimore.我们可以确认这起明显的自杀案件近似于杰弗里帕特森爵士和詹姆斯菲利莫的案子In the light of this, these incidence are now being treated as linked.鉴于此我们认为这些案件之间存在关联The investigation is ongoing, but Detective Inspector Lestrade will take questions now.我们已经开展调查而雷斯垂德探长将负责回答接下来的问题——Detective Inspector, how can suicides be linked?探长先生自杀案件怎么会有关联L——Well, they all took the same poison. They were all found in places they had no reason to be. None of them had shown any prior indication.死者都服用了相同的毒药发现尸体的地方死者都没理由出现在那里死者生前都没有自杀征兆——But you can't have serial suicides.但是你没法连犯自杀案L——Well, apparently you can.显然是可以的——These three people, there's nothing that links them?这三人之间没有关联吗L——There's no link we've found yet, but we're looking for it. There has to be one.目前为止没有发现但是我们还在调查他们之间肯定有关联(Wrong!)(错了)——If you've all got texts, please ignore them.要是你们收到短信无视就好——It just says "Wrong".上面就写着“错了”——Well, just ignore that.对无视就好If there are no more questions for Detective Inspector Lestrade, I'm going to bring this session to an end.要是没有其他问题这次记者招待会就到此为止——If they're suicides, what are you investigating?如果这是自杀案件你们又在调查什么L——As I say, these suicides are clearly linked. It's an unusual situation. We've got our best people investigating.如我所说这些自杀案件明显有所关联这次局面非比寻常我们的精英探员已着手调查(Wrong!)(错了)——Says "Wrong!" again.又是“错了”——One more question.再回答一个问题——Is there any chance that these are murders? And if they are, is this a work of serial killer?有谋杀的可能吗若是的话会不会是连环杀手L——I know that you like writing about this, but these do appear to be suicides.我知道这样写很吸引人但这显然是自杀We know the differences. The poison was clearly self-administered.我们清楚之间的差异死者显然是自己吞下毒药——Yes, but if they are murders, how do people keep themselves safe?对要他们真是被谋杀大家要怎么保障安全L——Well, don't commit suicide.不要自杀就行——Daily Mail《每日邮报》L——Obviously, this is a frightening time for people, but all anyone had to do is exercise reasonable precautions. We are all as safe as we want to be.虽然最近人心惶惶但大家只需采取合理的预防措施我们就能保障自己的安全(Wrong!)(错得离谱)(You know where to find me. -SH)(你知道我在哪里福)L——Thank you.谢谢——You've got to stop him doing that.你得阻止他这么胡闹He's making us look like idiots.搞得我们像傻瓜——If you can tell me how he does it, I'll stop him.要是你告诉我他怎么办到我也很乐意阻止——John!约翰John Watson!约翰华生Stamford, Mike Stamford. We were at Barts together.我是迈克史丹佛我们以前一起在巴茨医院共事——Yes, sorry, yes. Mike, hello.对抱歉迈克你好——Yeah, I know. I got fat.没事我理解我胖了——No, no.没有——I heard you were abroad somewhere getting shot at. What happened? 听说你去国外挨枪子儿了情况如何——I got shot.我中了枪Are you still at Barts, then?你还在巴茨医院吗——Teaching now, yeah. Bright young things like we used to do.现在教书对着一群朝气十足的小屁孩就跟我们以前一个样God, I hate them.老天我真讨厌他们What about you? Just staying in town till you get yourself sorted?你呢处理停当之前先住在城里吗——I can't afford in London on an Army pension.靠军队退休金没法在伦敦过日子——You can't bare to be anywhere else. That's not the John Watson I know. 其他地方也不行我了解你——Yeah, I'm not the John Watson...我已经变了——Couldn't Harry help?没找海瑞帮忙吗——Yeah, like that's going to happen.这显然行不通——I don't know, get a flat-share or something?我也不知道那找人合租公寓之类的呢——Come on, who'd want me for a flatmate?得了谁愿意当我室友What?怎么了——You're the second person to say that to me today.今天也有个人和我这么说过——Who's the first?是谁——How fresh?有多新鲜——Just in, 67, natural causes.刚刚送来67岁自然死亡——Used to work here. I knew him. He was nice.以前在这工作我认识他他人很好——Fine.好吧——We'll start with the riding crop.开始鞭挞吧——So, bad day, was it?今天不太顺哈——I need to know what bruises form in the next 20 minutes.二十分钟后告诉我尸体的瘀伤情况A man's alibi depends on it. Text me.某人的不在场证明就靠“他”了发短信给我——Listen, I was wondering. Maybe later, when you're finished... 那个我想问一下等你工作完后...——You're wearing lipstick. You weren't wearing lipstick before. 你涂了唇膏你以前从不涂唇膏——I er... I refreshed it a bit.我想换换形象——Sorry, you were saying?不好意思你刚说什么——I was wondering if you'd want to have a coffee.我是想问你想来杯咖啡吗——Black, two sugars, please. I'll be upstairs.黑咖啡两块糖麻烦了我就在楼上——Ok.好吧——Bit different from my day.有点时过境迁的感觉——You're no idea!岂止如此——Mike, can I borrow your phone? There's no signal on mine. 迈克能借你手机用下吗我的没信号——And what's wrong with the landline?你不能用电话吗——I prefer to text.我喜欢发短信[09:41]。


W: But it' What does that matter?! So we go round the sun. If we went round the moon, or round and round the garden like a teddy bear, it wouldn't make any difference! All that matters to me is the work! Without that, my brain rots! Put that in your blog! Or, better still, stop inflicting your opinions on the world!
M: Just so.
SH: Consulting criminal. Brilliant.
M: Isn't it? No-one ever gets to me. And no-one ever will.
SH: I did.
M: You've come the closest. Now you're in my way.



Moriaty: Do you mind if I get that? (我接一下你没意见吧?)Sherlock: Oh, no, please. You've got the rest of your life. (没事,请便. 尽情使用你的余生吧.) Moriaty: Hello? Yes, of course it is. What do you want? Sorry!(喂? 是的,当然是我.什么事? 不好意思!)Sherlock: It’s fine. (没事)Moriaty: say that again! Say that again, and know that if you're lying to me, I will find you, and I will skin you. Wait! Sorry. Wrong day to die. (你再说一遍! 再说一遍,警告你,要是你敢骗我, 我会找到你,活剥你的皮. 等着! 抱歉. 今天死不成了)Sherlock: Did you get a better offer? (你有更好的邀请了?)Moriaty: You'll be hearing from me, Sherlock. So if you have what you say you have, I will make you rich. If you don't, I'll make you into shoes. (会给你消息的夏洛克. 要是你真有你说的东西,我会让你发大财. 要是你没有, 我会把你做成鞋穿.)Watson: What happened there? (这是怎么回事?)Sherlock: Someone changed his mind.The question is... who? (有人让他改变了主意. 问题在于... 是谁?)Irene Adler: Well, now, have you been wicked, Your Highness? (你不乖了是不是,殿下?)Kate: Yes, Miss Adler. (是,艾德勒小姐)Sherlock: What are you typing?(你在打什么?)Watson: Blog. (博客)Sherlock: About? (写什么?)Watson: Us. (写我们)Sherlock: You mean me. (是写我吧)Watson: Why? (为什么?)Sherlock: Well, you're typing a lot. (看你敲了一大篇)Watson: Right, then. (好吧)Sherlock: So, what have we got?(看看我们有什么新案子)Man: My wife seems to be spending a very long time at the office. (我的妻子好像在办公室待的时间太长了)Sherlock: Boring. (无聊)Woman: I think my husband might be having an affair. (我觉得我丈夫有外遇)Sherlock: Yes. (对)Man: She's not my real aunt, she's been replaced. I know she has. I know human ash. (她不是我姨妈,她被人偷换了. 我知道她被换了. 我认识人的骨灰)Sherlock: Leave. (开路)Men: We are prepared to offer any sum of money you care to mention for the recovery of these files. (价码由您开,开多少我们都愿意出, 只要能找回这些文件)Sherlock: Boring. (无聊)Youngs: We have this website, it explains the true meaning of comic books, cos people miss a lot of the themes. But then all the comic books started coming true. (我们开了个网站,来解读漫画书的真意, 因为读者总是不关注主题. 可是所有的漫画书突然就成真了)Sherlock: Oh...interesting. (哦,有意思)Sherlock:“Geek Interpreter”. What's that? ("希腊译员".这是什么?)Watson: That's the title. (标题)Sherlock: What does it need a title for? (要标题做什么?)Sherlock: Do people actually read your blog? (真有人读你的博客?)Watson: Where do you think our clients come from? (你觉得客户都是哪来的?)Sherlock: I have a website. (我有个网站啊)Watson: In which you enumerate 240 different types of tobacco ash. Nobody's reading your website. Right then, dyed blonde hair, no obvious cause of death, except for these speckles, whatever they are. (你在上面列举了240种不同的烟灰, 谁会看你的网站啊. 好吧,染出来的金发,死因不明显, 除了这些斑点,不管它们是什么.)Sherlock: Oh, for God's sakes! What?The Speckled Blonde?! (天呐,拜托! "斑点金发女"?)Girls: They wouldn't let us see Granddad when he was dead. Is that cos he'd gone to heaven? (爷爷死了之后,他们不让我们见他. 是因为他上天堂了吗?)Sherlock: People don't really go to heaven when they die, they're taken to a special room and burned. (死人其实不会上天堂的, 他们被送到特殊的房间焚烧掉了)Watson: Sherlock... (夏洛克…)Lestrade: There was a plane crash in Dusseldorf yesterday. Everyone dead. (昨日杜塞尔多夫(德国城市)发生坠机. 无人生还.)Sherlock: Suspected terrorist bomb. We do watch the news. (怀疑恐怖分子安炸弹? 我们也看新闻) Watson: You said "boring" and turned over. (你说声"无聊"扭头不理了)Lestrade: Well, according to the flight details, this man was checked in on board. Inside his coat he's got a stub from his boarding pass, napkins from the flight, even one of those special biscuits. Here's his passport, stamped at Berlin Airport. So this man should have died in a plane crash in Germany yesterday, but instead he's in a car boot in Southwark. (根据航班信息,这人办了登机手续. 大衣里还有登机牌票根,机上的餐巾纸, 还有一块特供饼干. 这是他的护照,在柏林机场盖章.就是说这人本该死于昨天德国的坠机,却跑到了萨瑟克(伦敦东南)一辆车后备箱里)Watson: Lucky escape. (算他走运)Lestrade: Any ideas? Eight so far? (有想法么?八种?)Sherlock: OK, four ideas. Maybe two ideas. (好吧,四种想法.就算两种吧)Sherlock: No, no, no, don't mention the unsolved ones. (不行不行不行,没解决的别往上写) Watson: People want to know you're human. (大家想看你人性的一面)Sherlock: Why? (为什么?)Watson: Because they're interested. (因为他们感兴趣)Sherlock: No, they're not. Why are they? (才不呢.他们凭什么感兴趣?)Watson: Hmm, look at that. (嗯,你看这个)Sherlock: Sorry, what? (抱歉,什么?)Watson: I reset that counter last night. This blog has had nearly 2,000 hits in the last eight hours. This is your living, Sherlock, not 240 different types of tobacco ash. (我昨晚重置了计数器. 过去8小时这个博客有近2000点击量.这才是你的生活,夏洛克, 不是240种不同的烟灰)Sherlock: 243. (243种)Sherlock: So what's this one? Belly Button Murders? (这个案子叫什么? "肚脐眼谋杀"?) Watson: The Navel Treatment? ("脐部治疗案")Lestrade: There's a lot of press outside, guys. (外面挤满记者了,伙计们)Sherlock: Well, they won't be interested in us. (反正不是冲我们来的)Lestrade: Yeah, that was before you were an internet phenomenon. A couple of them specifically wanted photographs of you two. (嗯,那是你成为网络红人之前,还有专程来拍你们俩合影的)Sherlock: God's sake! John. (老天呐! 约翰)Watson: Hmm? (嗯?)Sherlock: Cover your face and walk fast. (遮住脸,快点走)Lestrade: Still, it's good for the public image, big case like this.(毕竟有助于提升公众形象啊.办这种大案)Sherlock: I'm a private detective, the last thing I need is a public image. (我是个私家侦探, 我最不需要的就是公众形象)Irene Adler: Hello. I think it's time, don't you?(喂.我觉得时候到了,你说呢?)Mrs. Hudson: Oh, dear! Thumbs!? (哎哟,天啊!大拇指!?)Driver: The door was... The door was... (大门...大门...)Mrs. Hudson: Boys! You've got another one! (男孩们,又一个找你们的)Sherlock: Tell us from the start, don’t be boring. (从头开始说,别说无聊话)Driver: Hey! Are you OK? Excuse me! Are you all right? (喂! 没事吧你? 对不起! 你还好吗?) Police: Sir, phone call for you. (长官,你的电话)Carter: Carter. (我是卡特)Lestrade: Have you heard of Sherlock Holmes? (听说过夏洛克·福尔摩斯吗?)Carter: Who? (谁?)Lestrade: Well, you're about to meet him now. This is your case, it's entirely up to you, this is just... friendly advice, but give Sherlock five minutes on your crime scene, and listen to everything that he has to say. And as far as possible... try not to punch him. (你马上就能见到他了. 你的案子你说了算,我只是... 友情建议, 给夏洛克五分钟看看现场, 听他的一切意见.并且尽量... 忍住别揍他.) Carter: OK. (好的)Police: Sir, this gentleman says he needs to speak to you. (长官,这位先生想跟您说话)Carter: Yes, I know. Sherlock Holmes? (对,我知道.夏洛克·福尔摩斯?)Watson: John Watson. Are you set up for wi-fi? (我是约翰·华生.你们架了无线网吗?)Watson: You realise this is a tiny bit humiliating?(你知道这多少有点丢人吧?)Sherlock: It's OK, I'm fine. Now... show me to the stream. (没关系,我不介意.现在...带我到溪边看看) Watson: I didn't really mean for you. (我不是说你丢人)Sherlock: Look, this is a six. There's no point in my leaving the flat for anything less than a seven, we agreed. Now go back, show me the grass. (你看,这案子只够六分. 七分以下的都不用我出房门, 我们说好的.现在往后退, 给我看草地.)Watson: When did we agree that? (什么时候说好的?)Sherlock: We agreed it yesterday. Stop! Closer. (昨天就说好了.停下!靠近点)Watson: I wasn't even at home yesterday. I was in Dublin. (我昨天都没在家.我在都柏林) Sherlock: It's hardly my fault you weren't listening. Shut up! (你没好好听又不是我的错.闭嘴!) Watson: Do you just carry on talking when I'm away? (我不在家你还一个人叨叨?)Sherlock: I don't know, how often are you away? Now... show me the car that backfired. (不知道,你经常不在吗? 现在, 拍那辆逆火的车)Watson: It's there. (在那里)Sherlock: That's the one that made the noise, yes?(就是它发出的响声,对吗?)Watson: Yeah. If you're thinking gunshot... there wasn't one. He wasn't shot, he was killed by a single blow to the back from a blunt instrument, which then magically disappeared, along with the killer. It's got to be an eight, at least. You've got two more minutes, they want to know more aboutthe driver. (对. 如果你想说枪击,没有枪.他没被枪击, 他是从身后被钝物一击致命的, 钝物也神秘失踪了,跟杀手一起. 至少能算八分吧. 再给你两分钟, 他们想知道司机的信息)Sherlock: Oh, forget him, he's an idiot. Why else would he think himself a suspect? (没他事,他是个傻瓜.不然他怎么会觉得自己有嫌疑?)Carter: I think he's a suspect. (我也觉得他有嫌疑)Sherlock: Pass me over.(把电脑递过去)Watson: All right, but there's a mute button, and I will use it.(行,如果这有个消音按钮,我可能会用的)Sherlock: Up a bit! I'm not talking from down here! (抬高点,我不要从底下说话)Watson: OK. Just take it, take it. (好好,你拿着,拿着)Sherlock: Having successfully committed a crime without a single witness, why would he call the police and consult a detective? Fair play? (要是他成功实施了犯罪毫无目击者,何苦叫来警察还找侦探咨询? 为公平竞争?)Carter: He's trying to be clever. It's overconfidence. (他耍小聪明,自恃过高)Sherlock: Did you see him? Morbidly obese, the undisguised halitosis of a single man living on his own. The right sleeve of an internet porn addict, the breathing pattern of an untreated heart condition. Low self-esteem, tiny IQ and a limited life expectancy, and you think he's a criminal mastermind?! Don't worry, this is just stupid. (你见过他吗? 病态肥胖,独居单身汉毫不掩饰的口臭.右边袖子显示网络色情成瘾,呼吸显示心脏病未经治疗.自卑,智商低,预期寿命有限, 你觉得他能当幕后黑手? 别急,是他们犯傻.)Driver: What did you say? Heart what? (你说什么?什么心脏病?)Sherlock: Go to the stream. (去溪那边)Carter: What's in the stream? (溪里有什么?)Sherlock: Go and see. (去看了就知道)Mrs. Hudson: Sherlock! You weren't answering your doorbell. (夏洛克,你怎么不应门铃)Man1: His room's through the back, get him some clothes. (他的房间在后面,给他拿点衣服.) Sherlock: Who the hell are you? (你们是什么人?)Man1: Sorry, Mr Holmes... You're coming with us. (抱歉,福尔摩斯先生.你跟我们走一趟) Watson: Sherlock.what's going on? What's happening?I've lost him. I don't know what... (夏洛克,怎么回事? 怎么了? 他断线了,我不知道…)Police: Dr Watson? (华生医生?)Watson: Yeah. (我是)Police: It's for you. (找你的)Watson: OK, thanks. (哦,谢谢)Police: No, sir, the helicopter. (不,是直升机找你)Man1: Please, Mr Holmes, where you're going you'll want to be dressed. (拜托,福尔摩斯先生,去那里你会希望穿好衣服的)Sherlock: I know exactly where I'm going. (我清楚我要去哪里了)Watson: You wearing any pants? (你穿裤子了吗?)Sherlock: No. (没)Watson: OK. At Buckingham Palace. Right. Aah, aah, I am seriously fighting an impulse to steal an ashtray. What are we doing here, Sherlock, seriously, what? (好吧.白金汉宫啊.好吧. 我在拼命忍着好想偷个烟灰缸.我们到底来干什么,夏洛克?)Sherlock: I don't know. (我也不知道)Watson: Here to see the Queen? (觐见女王吗?)Sherlock: Oh, apparently, yes. (显然就是了)Mycroft: Just once, can you two behave like grown-ups? (你们两个,能不能偶尔有点大人样?) Watson: We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants. I wouldn't hold out too much hope. (我们解决罪案,我写到博客上, 他连裤子都忘穿了.大人什么的别指望了吧)Sherlock: I was in the middle of a case, Mycroft. (我正办案呢,麦克罗夫特)Mycroft: What, the hiker and the backfire? I glanced at the police report, a bit obvious, surely? (什么,徒步旅行者和汽车逆火的事? 我看了眼警方报告, 不觉得有点太明显吗?)Sherlock: Transparent. (一目了然)Mycroft: Time to move on then. We are in Buckingham Palace, the very heart of the British nation. Sherlock Holmes, put your trousers on! (那就赶紧办下一件吧. 我们身处白金汉宫,大英帝国的中心. 夏洛克·福尔摩斯,把裤子穿上.)Sherlock: What for? (为什么?)Mycroft: Your client. (为你的委托人)Sherlock: And my client is...? (敢问我的委托人是...?)Harry: Illustrious, in the extreme. And remaining, I have to inform you, entirely anonymous. Mycroft. (声名显赫,无人不知.并且我不得不说, 绝对匿名. 麦克罗夫特)Mycroft: Harry. May I just apologise for the state of my little brother. (哈瑞.请容我为我幼弟的状况道歉.)Harry: A full-time occupation, I imagine. And this must be Dr John Watson, formerly of the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers? (我猜因为工作全天无休吧. 这想必就是约翰·华生医生, 前诺桑伯兰第五军团成员?)Watson: Hello, yes. (你好,正是我)Harry: My employer is a tremendous fan of your blog. (我的雇主是你博客的忠实读者)Watson: Your employer? (你的雇主?)Harry: Particularly enjoyed the one about the aluminium crutch. (对铝制拐杖一篇尤为喜爱) Watson: Thank you. Ahem... (谢谢)Harry: And Mr Holmes the Younger. You look taller in your photographs. (年轻的福尔摩斯先生. 你在照片里显得高些.)Sherlock: I take the precaution of a good coat and a short friend. Mycroft, I don't do anonymous clients. I'm used to mystery at one end of my cases, both ends is too much work. Good morning. (保险起见我有一件好大衣和一位矮个朋友.麦克罗夫特,我不接匿名委托人. 我习惯案件一端是谜题, 两端都是谜题太麻烦了.早安)Mycroft: This is a matter of national importance. Grow up! (这是国家大事.成熟点)Sherlock: Get off my sheet! (放开我的床单)Mycroft: Or what? (不然呢?)Sherlock: Or I'll just walk away. (不然我就这样走出去)Mycroft: I'll let you. (我随你便)Watson: Boys, please... Not here. (男孩们,拜托,别在这吵)Sherlock: Who is my client? (我的委托人是谁?)Mycroft: Take a look at where you're standing, and make a deduction. You are to be engaged by the highest in the land, now. For God's sake! Put your clothes on! (看看你站的地方,演绎推理一下. 你受雇于全国地位最高的人.所以拜托给我把衣服穿上)Mycroft: I'll be mother. (我来做东道)Sherlock: And there is a whole childhood in a nutshell. (一句话概括了我们整个童年)Harry: My employer has a problem. (我的雇主遇到个麻烦)Mycroft: A matter has come to light of an extremely delicate and potentially criminal nature, and in this hour of need, dear brother, your name has arisen. (出了一件极为敏感可能引发犯罪的事件, 在这危急之秋,亲爱的弟弟,我们想起了你.)Sherlock: Why? We have a police force of sorts, even a marginally secret service. Why come to me? (为什么? 我们有支算是警察的队伍, 甚至还有勉强机密的特工局. 找我干什么?)Harry: People come to you for help, don't they, Mr Holmes? (不是有很多人找你帮忙吗,福尔摩斯先生?)Sherlock: Not to date anyone with a navy. (至今还没遇见自家有海军的)Mycroft: This is a matter of the highest security, and therefore of trust. (事关最高机密,必须找可信的人)Watson: You don't trust your own secret service? (你连你自己的特工局都不信?)Mycroft: Naturally not. They all spy on people for money. (当然不信, 那些人窥探别人就为了拿钱) Harry: I do think we have a timetable. (我们有时间表要遵守的)Mycroft: Yes, of course. Erm... What do you know about this woman? (对,当然,呃... 关于这个女人,你知道什么?)Sherlock: Nothing whatsoever. (一无所知)Mycroft: Then you should be paying more attention. She's been at the centre of two political scandals in the last year, and recently ended the marriage of a prominent novelist, by having an affair with both participants separately. (这你就要格外留心了.去年一年她就卷进了两起政治丑闻, 最近还终结了一位著名小说家的婚姻,方法是与双方分别发生外遇)Sherlock: You know I don't concern myself with trivia. Who is she? (你知道我不关心这些花边. 她是谁?)Harry: Irene Adler. Professionally known as "The Woman".(艾琳·艾德勒. 专业称呼为"那位女人") Watson: Professionally? (专业称呼?)Mycroft: There are many names for what she does. She prefers "dominatrix".(她的职业有许多种叫法. 她喜欢用"施虐女王")Sherlock: Dominatrix. ("施虐女王")Mycroft: Don't be alarmed. It's to do with sex. (不必惊慌,是指性关系里的)Sherlock: Sex doesn't alarm me. (性才不会使我惊慌)Mycroft: How would you know? She provides, shall we say, recreational scolding for those who enjoy that sort of thing and are prepared to pay for it. These are all from her website. (你怎么知道? 她提供所谓的...娱乐性责罚, 给那些有这种癖好并愿意支付报酬的人.这都是她网站的截图)Sherlock: And I assume this Adler woman has some compromising photographs. (那么我估计这位艾德勒女士有些不雅照片)Harry: You're very quick, Mr Holmes. (你反应真快,福尔摩斯先生)Sherlock: Hardly a difficult deduction. Photographs of whom? (这丝毫不难演绎.谁的照片?) Harry: A person of significance to my employer. We'd prefer not to say any more at this time. (一个对我雇主至关重要的人. 眼下我们宁愿少说为妙)Watson: You can't tell us anything? (你什么也不能告诉我们?)Mycroft: I can tell you it's a young person. A young female person. (我能告诉你们这位人士非常年轻. 一位年轻女士)Sherlock: How many photographs? (多少照片?)Mycroft: A considerable number, apparently. (显然为数不少)Sherlock: Do Miss Adler and this young female person appear in these photographs together? (艾德勒小姐和这位年轻女士一同在照片上吗?)Mycroft: Yes.They do. (对)Sherlock: I assume in a number of compromising scenarios? (想必是在一系列不雅场景之中?) Mycroft: An imaginative range, we are assured. (照我们的想象,肯定是的.)Sherlock: John, you might want to put that cup back in your saucer now. (约翰,你还是把茶杯放到托盘上吧)Harry: Can you help us, Mr Holmes? (你能帮我们吗,福尔摩斯先生?)Sherlock: How? (怎么帮?)Harry: Will you take the case? (你接这起案子吗?)Sherlock: What case? Pay her, now and in full. As Miss Adler remarks in her masthead, know when you are beaten. (哪有案子? 马上给她钱,要多少给多少. 等艾德勒小姐公布了照片,你们就能领教她的厉害了)Mycroft: She doesn't want anything. She got in touch. She informed us that the photographs existed. She indicated that she had no intention to use them to extort either money or favour. (她什么也不想要. 她联系了我们. 她告诉我们这些照片的存在.她说她无意用它们来敲诈金钱或好处) Sherlock: Oh, a power play. A power play with the most powerful family in Britain. Now that is a dominatrix. Ooh, this is getting rather fun, isn't it. (哦,炫耀力量. 向全英国最有权势家族炫耀力量. 不愧是施虐女王啊.这么一来就有趣多了不是吗.)Watson: Sherlock... (夏洛克...)Sherlock: Hmm. Where is she? (嗯,她在哪?)Mycroft: In London, currently. She's staying... (伦敦,眼下她住在...)Sherlock: Text me the details, I'll be in touch by the end of the day. (细节短信我,晚上我再联系你) Harry: Do you really think you'll have news by then? (你觉得那时你能得到消息吗?)Sherlock: No, I think I'll have the photographs. (不,我觉得我能拿到照片)Harry: One can only hope you're as good as you seem to think. (只能指望你有自己想的那么厉害了) Sherlock: I'll need some equipment, of course. (当然,我需要些设备)Mycroft: Anything you require, I'll have it sent... (要什么尽管说,我会送到...)Sherlock: Can I have a box of matches? (能给我盒火柴吗?)Harry: I'm sorry? (抱歉,什么?)Sherlock: Or your cigarette lighter, either will do. (点烟的打火机也行)Harry: I don't smoke. (我不吸烟)Sherlock: No, I know you don't, but your employer does. (我知道你不吸,可你的雇主吸烟) Harry: We have kept a lot of people successfully in the dark about this little fact, Mr Holmes. (我们成功地让许多人对这件小事一无所知,福尔摩斯先生)Sherlock: I'm not the Commonwealth. (我又不是整个英联邦)Watson: And that's as modest as he gets. Pleasure to meet you. (这是他最谦虚的话了. 很高兴见到你们)Sherlock: Laters! (回头见)Watson: OK, the smoking, how did you know?(好吧,吸烟的事,你怎么知道?)Sherlock: The evidence was right under your nose, John, as ever you see, but do not observe. (证据就在你鼻子底下,约翰, 你又是只看不观察)Watson: Observe what? (观察什么?)Sherlock: The ashtray. (烟灰缸)Irene: Kate! We're going to have a visitor. I'll need a bit of time to get ready. (凯特! 有人来拜访我们了. 我需要点时间做准备)Kate: A long time? (很长时间吗?)Irene: Hmm...ages. (漫长啊)Watson: What are you doing? (你在干什么?)Sherlock: I'm going to into battle, John. I need the right armour. No. (我要上战场了,约翰.我需要挑好甲胄.不)Irene: Nah. (不行)Kate: Works for me. (我看效果不错)Irene: Everything works on you. (对你全都效果不错)Watson: So, what's the plan? (好吧,什么计划?)Sherlock: We know her address. (我们知道她的地址)Watson: We just ring her doorbell? (直接按门铃?)Sherlock: Exactly. Just here, please. (正是.就停这里,谢谢)Watson: You didn't even change your clothes. (你根本没换衣服)Sherlock: Then it's time to add a splash of colour. (所以是时候甜点颜色了)Watson: Are we here? (到了?)Sherlock: Two streets away, but this will do. (还有两条街但这里就行)Watson: For what? (干什么?)Sherlock: Punch me in the face. (揍我的脸)Kate: Shade? (色调?)Irene: Blood. (血红)Watson: Punch you? (揍你?)Sherlock: Yes, punch me, in the face. Didn't you hear me? (对,揍我,照脸揍.没听见吗?) Watson: I always hear "punch me" when you speak but it's usually sub-text. (你说话老有"揍我"这层意思但你一般不明说呀)Sherlock: Oh, for God's sakes! Thank you, that was... OK, I think we're done now, John! (上帝啊!多谢,这就... 好了,这样就够了,约翰.)Watson: You want to remember, Sherlock, I was a soldier. I killed people. (你给我记住,夏洛克,我是军人,会杀人的)Sherlock: You were a doctor! (你是个医生)Watson: I had bad days! (我也有不爽的时候)Kate: What are you going to wear? (打算穿什么?)Irene: My battle dress. (我的战袍)Kate: Oh, lucky boy. (哦,算这小子走运)Kate: Hello? (喂?)Sherlock: Oh, very sorry to disturb you, um, I've just been attacked, um, um, and I think they, they took my wallet and, um, and my phone. Um, please could you help me? (真不好意思打扰,呃,我被人袭击了, 呃,他们好像... 拿了我的钱包, 还有... 手机也拿走了. 呃,能请你帮个忙吗?)Kate: I can phone the police, if you want? (帮你打电话报警可以吗?)Sherlock: Thank you. Could you, please? Would you mind if I just waited here, just until they come? Thank you, thank you so much. Thank you. Oh. (多谢了.可以吗? 不介意我在这里等他们来吧? 谢谢,真是多亏你了. 谢谢,哦.)Watson: I saw it all happen. It's OK, I'm a doctor. Have you got a first aid kit? (我目击了全过程. 没事,我是医生.你有急救包吗?)Kate: In the kitchen. Please. (在厨房里,请进)Sherlock: Thank you. (谢谢)Watson: Thank you. (谢谢)Irene: Hello, sorry to hear you've been hurt. I don't think Kate caught your name? (你好,听说你受伤了,好遗憾. 凯特似乎没问你名字?)Sherlock: I'm so sorry, I'm... (抱歉,我叫...)Irene: It's always hard to remember an alias when you've had a fright. Isn't it? Well, there now. We're both defrocked. Mr Sherlock Holmes. (假名字总是一受惊就忘光了.不是吗? 没关系. 我们都剥去伪装了. 夏洛克·福尔摩斯先生)Sherlock: Miss Adler, I presume. (艾德勒小姐,对吧)Irene: Look at those cheekbones, I could cut myself slapping that face. Would you like me to try? (看看这颧骨,扇上去都会划破我的手呢. 要我试试看吗?)Watson: Right, this should do it. I've missed something, haven't I? (嗯,这些应该够了.我错过什么了吧?)Irene: Please, sit down. Or if you'd like some tea, I can call the maid. (请座吧.想用点茶的话,我可以叫女仆)Sherlock: I had some at the Palace. (我在王宫用过茶了)Irene: I know. (我知道)Sherlock: Clearly. (显然)Watson: I had a tea too, at the Palace. If anyone's interested. (我也在王宫用过茶了.如果有人想知道的话)Irene: Do you know the big problem with a disguise, Mr Holmes? However hard you try, it's always a self-portrait. (你知道化装术的最大弱点在哪吗福尔摩斯先生? 不管多么努力,都只能描绘出一幅自画像)Sherlock: You think I'm a vicar with a bleeding face? (你觉得我是个脸上流血的牧师?)Irene: No, I think you're damaged, delusional and believe in a higher power. In your case, it's yourself. Hmm, and somebody loves you. If I had to punch that face, I'd avoid your nose and teeth, too.(不,我觉得你深受创伤,妄自尊大崇尚某种强力.对你来说,那就是你自己. 还有个人爱着你.要是让我揍你的脸, 我也会避开鼻子和牙齿的)Watson: Ha-ha! Could you put something on, please? Er, anything at all. A napkin? (哈哈.能请你穿点东西吗? 呃,什么都行.餐巾?)Irene: Why? Are you feeling exposed? (怎么?你觉得暴露了吗?)Sherlock: I don't think John knows where to look. (我觉得约翰眼睛没地方看了)Irene: No, I think he knows exactly where. I'm not sure about you. (不,我想他完全知道该往哪看. 你呢,我就不好说了)Sherlock: If I was to look at naked women, I'd borrow John's laptop. (如果我想看裸女, 我会借约翰的笔记本电脑的)Watson: You do borrow my laptop. (你本来就爱借我的电脑)Sherlock: I confiscate it. (我那是充公)Irene: Never mind, we've got better things to talk about. Now, tell me, I need to know, how was it done? (算了,换个好点的话题.现在告诉我,我需要知道, 是怎么做到的?)Sherlock: What? (什么?)Irene: The hiker with the bashed-in head, how was he killed? (脑浆迸裂的旅行者,他怎么死的?) Sherlock: That's not why I'm here. (这不是我来的原因)Irene: No, no, no,.You're here for the photographs, but that's never going to happen and as we're chatting, anyway. (不不不,你是来拿照片的.可那办不到,所以不如聊聊天.)Watson: That story's not out. How do you know about it? (消息还没披露.你怎么会知道?)Irene: I know one of the policemen. Well, I know what he likes. (我认识一个警察.我知道他喜欢什么)Watson: Oh. And you...like policemen? (哦.你...喜欢警察?)Irene: I like detective stories. And detectives. Brainy is the new sexy. (我喜欢侦探故事.还有侦探. 智慧是性感的新潮流)Sherlock: The position of the car relative to the hiker, that and the fact that the death blow was to the back of the head, that's all you need to know. (车和旅行者的相对位置,加上打击位置是在脑后,知道这些就够了.)Irene: OK, tell me, how was he murdered? (那告诉我,他怎么被谋杀的?)Sherlock: He wasn't. (他没被谋杀)Irene: You don't think it was murder? (你觉得不是谋杀?)Sherlock: I know it wasn't. (我知道不是)Irene: How? (怎么?)Sherlock: The same way I know the victim was a excellent sportsman, recently returned from foreign travel and that the photographs I'm looking for are in this room. (就像我知道受害人是个出色的运动员,刚从国外旅行回来,我要找的照片就在这房间)Irene: OK, but how? (好吧,怎么知道的?)Sherlock: So they are in this room. Thank you. John, man the door, let no-one in. Two men alone in the countryside, several yards apart and one car. (这么说真在这房间.谢谢.约翰,守住门,别放人进来.两个人单独在乡间,相隔几码,只有一辆车.)Irene: Oh, I,... I thought you were looking for the photos now. (哦,我以为你在搜寻照片呢) Sherlock: No, no. Looking takes ages, I'm just going to find them, but you're clever and we've got a moment, so let's pass the time. Two men, a car, nobody else. Driver's trying to fix his engine. Getting nowhere. And the hiker is taking a moment, looking at the sky. Watching the birds? Any moment now, something is going to happen. What? (不,不. 搜寻多花时间,我会直接发现的, 可你这么聪明,我们又有空, 不如来打发时间吧. 两个人,一辆车,没有别人. 司机想要修引擎. 徒劳无功. 旅行者休息了一会,抬头看天. 看鸟? 从现在起,随时都会发生. 发生什么?)Irene: The hiker is going to die. (旅行者会死)Sherlock: No, that's the result. What's going to happen? (不,那是结果.到底会发生什么?)Irene: I don't understand. (我不明白)Sherlock: Oh, well try to. (哦,努力想想吧)Irene: Why? (为什么?)Sherlock: Because you cater to the whims of the pathetic and take your clothes off to make an impression. Stop boring me and think. It's the new sexy. (因为你会迎合那些可怜虫的兴致, 脱掉衣服来打动他们. 别让我无聊了,思考.这是性感的新潮流)Irene: The car's going to backfire. (车会回火)Sherlock: There's going to be a loud noise. (会发出一声巨响)Irene: So what? (所以呢?)Sherlock: Noises are important. They can tell you everything. For instance... Thank you. On hearing a smoke alarm, a mother would look towards her child. Amazing how fire exposes our priorities. I really hope you don't have a baby in here. All right, John, you can turn it off now. I said you can turn it off now! (声响很重要.能揭示一切.比如... 谢谢.听见火警铃,一位母亲会首先看她的孩子.火警多神奇,瞬间暴露我们最珍贵的东西.真心希望你没在里面藏个孩子.好了,约翰,可以把警报器关了.我叫你快把警报器关了)Watson: Give me a minute! Thank you. (稍等一下!谢谢)Sherlock: You should always use gloves with these things, you know. Heaviest oil deposit is always on the first key used, that's a 3, but after that, the sequence is impossible to read. I see it's a six digit code. It can't be your birthday, no disrespect, but clearly you were born in the 80s and 8's barely used, so... (下回记住了用这种东西一定要戴手套.第一个按的键上总有最重的油脂残留.是3键,但之后顺序就很难分辨了,看来是六位密码.不可能是生日,无意冒犯,你明显生于80年代但8键几乎没被碰,所以...)Irene: I'd tell you the code right now, but you know what? I already have. Think. (我可以现在告诉你密码,但是呢,密码早已透露给你了. 思考吧)Man: Hands behind your head, on the floor, keep it still! (手放头后,跪下,不许动!)Watson: Sorry, Sherlock,(抱歉,夏洛克)Man: Miss Adler, on the floor! (艾德勒小姐,乖乖跪下)Sherlock: Don't you want me on the floor, too? (难道我不需要跪下吗?)Man: No, sir, I want you to open the safe. (不,先生,我要你把密码箱打开.)Sherlock: American. Interesting. Why would you care? (美国人.有趣.关你们什么事呢?)Man: Sir, the safe, now, please. (先生,快开密码箱,谢谢)Sherlock: I don't know the code. (我不知道密码)Man: We've been listening, she said she told you. (她说她已经把密码给你了,我们都听到了) Sherlock: If you've been listening, you'll know she didn't. (你们要是真用心听就知道她没告诉我) Man: I assume I missed something. From your reputation, I assume you didn't, Mr Holmes. (我是可能听漏了.但依您的名声来说您肯定都听进去了, 福尔摩斯先生)Watson: For God sake, she's the one who knows the code, ask her! (老天,她才是设密码的人好吗,干嘛不问她!)Man: Yes, sir, she also knows the code that automatically calls the police and sets off the burglar alarm. I've learned not to trust her. (话是没错,但她会告诉我们那个输入后会自动报警的密码.经验告诉我这女人不能信任)Irene: Mr Holmes doesn't... (福尔摩斯先生并不...)Man: Shut up! One more word out of you, just one and I will decorate that wall with the insides of your head. That, for me, will not be a hardship. Mr Archer, at the count of three, shoot Dr。



豆瓣评分8‎.5以上英剧‎【好吧最近被‎s herl‎o ck给勾‎上瘾了】updat‎i ng~欢迎补充来源:陈小乾•﹏•的日志排名不分先‎后整理辛苦,勿转载,谢谢。

1. 神探夏洛克‎Sherl‎o ck(2011 & 2012)评分:9.5导演: 保罗·麦奎根/ 托比·海恩斯编剧: 史蒂文·莫法特/ 马克·加蒂斯/ 斯蒂芬·汤普森主演: 本尼迪克特‎·康伯巴奇/ 马丁·弗瑞曼/ 拉珀特·格雷夫斯/ 安德鲁·斯科特/ 马克·加蒂斯/ 尤娜·斯塔布斯/ 拉娜·普尔弗类型: 剧情/ 犯罪/ 悬疑制片国家/地区: 英国语言: 英语集数: 3(第一季)+3(第二季)单集片长: 90分钟又名: 新福尔摩斯‎第二季/ 当夏洛克遇‎见华生(我瞬间邪恶‎了)2. 飞天大盗 Hustl‎e (2004)(更新至第八‎季)评分:8.9导演: Tony Jorda‎n编剧: 托尼·乔丹 / Bhara‎t Nallu‎r i / Mathe‎w Graha‎m主演: Adria‎n Leste‎r类型: 犯罪/ 剧情/ 悬疑官方网站: /drama‎/hustl‎e/制片国家/地区: 英国语言: 英语集数: 6×8单集片长: 60 分钟飞天大盗的‎剧情简介· · · · · ·这是关于一‎群诈骗高手‎的故事,他们每周都‎会用令人意‎想不到的手‎段去完成一‎宗复杂的诈‎骗案。

Micke‎y(Adria‎n Leste‎r饰)是这伙人的‎头儿,在诈骗圈子‎里属于顶尖‎高手,他们的作案‎计划一般都‎由他来完成‎。

Alber‎t(Rober‎t Vaugh‎n饰)是一个经验‎丰富的诈骗‎老手,他的任务便‎是物色合适‎的诈骗对象‎并将他们带‎入套中。


Please use an alternative method of payment. Card not authorised.
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Please use an alternative method of payment.
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放着吧 我不要了
Keep it. Keep that.
00:04:53,140 --> 00:04:55,980
-怎么这么久 -好吧 东西还没买到
- You took your time. - Yeah, I didn't get the shopping.
The clay is cracking.
00:01:12,700 --> 00:01:16,140
Well, I can't see how a tiny splash of tea is going to help.
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神探夏洛克 第二集 中英对白

神探夏洛克 第二集 中英对白

1=破烂熊乐园倾情奉献2茶道中人曾语茶壶经过多道茶的浸润The great artisans say the more the teapot is used3将愈加温润如玉焕然有光the more beautiful it becomes.4养壶在于重复多次地用老茶汤汁浇壶身The pot is seasoned by repeatedly pouring tea over the surface. 5陶土吸入茶汤的沉淀The deposit left on the clay6形成深厚温润的表面光泽creates this beautiful patina over time.7有些茶壶焕发的典雅的幽光Some pots, the clay has been burnished8是经四百年前的茶汤浸润而成by tea made over 400 years ago.9博物馆将在十分钟后关门This museum will be closing in 10 minutes.10四百年的古董他们允许你用来泡茶喝呢400 years old, they're letting you use it to make yourself a brew. 11有些东西注定不该空坐在玻璃护罩里Some things aren't supposed to sit behind glass,12它们生来就该被人触碰they're made to be touched.13为人所用To be handled.14这些茶壶需要关爱These pots need attention.15陶土有裂纹了The clay is cracking.16我不觉得浇一丁点儿茶汁会有多大帮助Well, I can't see how a tiny splash of tea is going to help.17有时候一些东西需要你仔细地观察Sometimes you have to look hard at something18才能品味其价值to see its value.19看到么See?20这一只的光泽稍微亮些This one shines a little brighter.21不知道...I don't suppose...22我是说...Um, I mean...23你愿意跟我出去喝点东西么I don't suppose that you want to have a drink?24当然了不是喝茶Not tea, obviously.25跟我去酒吧喝一杯今晚Um, in a pub, with me, tonight.26你不会那么喜欢我的You wouldn't like me all that much.27喜不喜欢由我自己决定的嘛Can I maybe decide that for myself?28我不能去I can't.29抱歉I'm sorry.30请别再尝试约我了Please stop asking.31是保安么Is that security?32有人在么Hello?33-神探夏洛克第一季第2集盲眼银行家34-=破烂熊字幕组=-翻译:人鱼心台大叉fflonestar tpring校对:tpring molatime时间轴:来打酱油的迷糊浅浅烟雨訾洲35请工作人员速至收银机...Can the till supervisor please go to...?36包装区域出现不明货物Unexpected item in bagging area37请重试please try again.38商品未扫描请重试Item not scanned. Please try again.39能小点声吗?Can you maybe keep your voice down?40额度不足信用卡授权失败好吧我明白了Card not authorised. Yes, all right! I've got it.41请使用其它付款方式额度不足信用卡授权失败Please use an alternative method of payment. Card not authorised. 42请使用其它付款方式Please use an alternative method of payment.43自己留着吧老子不买了Keep it. Keep that.44你出去好久是啊但我啥都没买成You took your time. Yeah, I didn't get the shopping.45什么怎么了?What? Why not?46因为我在商店里跟自动收银机吵了一架Because I had a row in the shop with a chip and PIN machine.47你...你跟台机器吵了一架?You... You had a row with a machine?!48差不多它不动弹Sort of. It sat there49我朝它叫骂你有现金么?and I shouted abuse. Have you got cash?50用我的卡吧Take my card.51你该自己去的You could always go yourself, you know,52你在这坐了一上午you've been sitting there all morning,53我出门这么长时间你就没挪过窝you've not even moved since I left.54上次找你办的那个案子呢?And what happened about that case you were offered -55切里亚的钻石? 没兴趣the Jharia diamond? Not interested.56我给过他们答复了I sent them a message.57不劳您大驾我能提得动Don't worry about me, I can manage.58你用的是我的电脑? 当然了Is that my computer? Of course.59什么我的在卧室呢What? Mine was in the bedroom.60什么就这么两步你都懒得走么?What? And you couldn't be bothered to get up?61我设了开机密码的It's password protected.62不妨说我一分钟内就猜到了In a manner of speaking. Took me less than a minute to guess yours, 63不是什么碉堡嘛not exactly Fort Knox.64好吧还来Right. Thank you.65得找个工作了没劲Need to get a job. Oh, dull.66听着是...Listen, um...67如果你能借我点儿.....if you'd be able to lend me some...68夏洛克你在听我说话么我得去趟银行Sherlock, are you listening? I need to go to the bank.69对了你所谓去银行...Yes, when you said we were going to the bank...70夏洛克·福尔摩斯Sherlock Holmes.71夏洛克·福尔摩斯Sherlock Holmes.72塞巴斯汀好啊哥们Sebastian. Hiya, buddy.73好久不见了算算该有八年了吧?How long - eight years since I last clapped eyes on you?74这是我朋友约翰·华生This is my friend, John Watson75朋友? 同事Friend? Colleague.76好吧Right.77随便坐Grab a pew.78喝点什么咖啡还是水?Do you need anything, coffee, water?79不需要么我们不渴谢了No? We're all sorted here, thanks.80看来你过得挺滋润啊经常出国So you're doing well. You've been abroad a lot.81怎么说?Well, so?82全球飞来飞去一个月内两次Flying all the way around the world twice in a month.83哈我看出来了你又来了Right. You're doing that thing.84我们是大学同学这家伙总耍这种鬼把戏We were at uni together, and this guy here had a trick he used to do. 85才不是什么鬼把戏It's not a trick.86他看你一眼就知道你的生平He could look at you and tell you your whole life story.87是啊我见识过了Yes, I've seen him do it.88搞得人人自危讨嫌的家伙Put the wind up everybody, we hated him.89我们去学院宴会厅吃早餐We'd come down to breakfast in the formal hall90这混蛋就一针见血地指出你前一天鬼混了and this freak would know you'd been shagging the previous night.91我只是观察细节请指教吧I simply observed. Go on, enlighten me.92每月出差两回满世界飞全说中了Two trips a month, flying all the way around the world, you're quite right. 93怎么看出来的?How could you tell?94别告诉我是我领带上溅了一滴Are you going to tell me there's a stain on my tie95什么曼哈顿产的特制番茄酱?from some special kind of ketchup you can only buy in Manhattan?96不我... 那是我鞋上的泥点?No, I... Is it the mud on my shoes?97我刚才在外面跟你秘书聊了会儿I was just chatting with your secretary outside.98她告诉我的She told me.99你能赶来我太荣幸了有人非法闯入银行I'm glad you could make it over, we've had a break-in.100威廉爵士的办公室他曾是行长Sir William's office - the bank's former chairman.101为表纪念银行保留了他的办公室The room's been left here like a sort of memorial.102昨晚有人闯入Someone broke in late last night.103偷了什么? 房间里什么都没少What did they steal? Nothing.104仅仅留了一条讯息Just left a little message.105六十秒内出现的60 seconds apart.106有人在午夜闯进这里So, someone came up here in the middle of the night,107挥洒颜料一分钟内又离开了splashed paint around and left within a minute.108有多少种方法进那个办公室?How many ways into that office?109呵这就是有意思的地方Well, that's where this gets really interesting.110银行内部每扇门都由这台电脑上锁Every door that opens in this bank, it gets locked right here. 111每个步入式柜台每个洗手间Every walk-in cupboard, every toilet.112那个门昨晚没有开过?That door didn't open last night?113我们保安系统有漏洞There's a hole in our security.114你能找到的话我们付你Find it and we'll pay you -115五位数five figures.116这是预付款This is an advance.117告诉我他怎么进来的Tell me how he got in.118更大的数额在后面There's a bigger one on its way.119我不需要金钱激励塞巴斯汀I don't need an incentive, Sebastian.120他咳咳他是在开玩笑He's, er... ..he's kidding you, obviously.121暂时由我帮他保管吧Shall I look after that for him?122谢谢Thanks.123这个月出国两次Two trips around the world this month.124你没有问过他的秘书You didn't ask his secretary,125你那么说就是想故意惹恼他罢了you said that just to irritate him.126你怎么知道的注意到他的手表了吗?How did you know? Did you see his watch?127他的表怎么了His watch?128时间是对的但日期不对The time was right, but the date was wrong.129日期是两天以前Said two days ago.130他穿越日界线两次了还没调回来Crossed the date line twice and he didn't alter it.131一个月内怎么看出来的?Within a month? How did you get that?132新款百年灵New Breitling.133今年二月刚刚上市的Only came out this February.134好吧你觉得我们还需要在这继续查么OK. So do you think we should sniff around here for a bit longer? 135我要的线索齐了多谢Got everything I need to know already, thanks.136那涂鸦是个讯息That graffiti was a message.137给银行交易大厅某个员工的Someone at the bank, working on the trading floors.138只要找到讯息接收方We find the intended recipient and...139就能牵出留讯息的人了?They'll lead us to the person who sent it?140当然Obvious.141交易大厅里有三百名工作人员该从何找起呢Well, there's 300 people up there, who was it meant for?142柱子什么?Pillars. What?143柱子和屏幕Pillars and the screens.144很少有地方能看到那涂鸦Very few places you could see that graffiti from.145范围大大缩小了That narrows the field considerably.146还有讯息是在And, of course, the message was left147昨晚11点34分留下的这能说明很多事at 11.34 last night. That tells us a lot.148是吗?Does it?149每小时都有人轮班Traders come to work at all hours.150有些同香港的交易得半夜进行Some trade with Hong Kong in the middle of the night.151那条讯息是给半夜里来的人看的That message was intended for somebody who came in at midnight. 152黄页上姓凡·库的人不多Not many Van Coons in the phone book.153出租车Taxi!154现在怎么办在这儿呆坐着等他回来么So what do we do now? Sit here and wait for him to come back? 155刚搬进来啥?Just moved in. What?156楼上这家名牌是新的Floor above, new label.157也可能是刚换Could have just replaced it.158没人那么无聊哪位?No-one ever does that. Hello?159你好我住你家楼下我们应该还没见过面Hi, um, I live in the flat just below you. I don't think we've met. 160是啊呃我才刚搬进来没几天No, well, er, I've just moved in.161是这样我忘记带钥匙了Actually, I've just locked my keys in my flat.162要我放你进来吗?Do you want me to buzz you in?163谢了能顺便借用你家阳台吗?Yeah. And can we use your balcony?164啊?What?!165夏洛克Sherlock?166夏洛克你没事吧Sherlock, are you OK?167好吧等你乐意了再给我开门吧Yeah, any time you feel like letting me in(!)168你觉得会是破产吗?Do you think he'd lost a lot of money?169城市小青年自杀挺常见的Suicide is pretty common among City boys.170还不能确定就是自杀得了We don't know that it was suicide. Come on.171门从里面锁死The door was locked from the inside,172你是爬阳台进来的you had to climb down the balcony.173从待洗衣物看来他离开了三天Been away three days judging by the laundry.174看箱子里有些东西折的很整齐Look at the case, there was something tightly packed inside it.175多谢我信你就行了不愿意了?Thanks. I'll take your word for it. Problem?176是啊我可没绝望到要去翻死人内裤Yeah, I'm not desperate to root around some bloke's dirty underwear. 177银行里的涂鸦意图何在呢?Those symbols at the bank, the graffiti, why were they put there? 178某种密码么显而易见Some sort of code? Obviously.179为什么要画? 要交流的话发电邮啊Why were they painted? Want to communicate, why not use e-mail? 180可能他没有回复Well, maybe he wasn't answering.181好呀你跟上了Oh, good, you follow.182还是不懂No.183哪种讯息让大家唯恐避之不及?What kind of a message would everyone try to avoid?184比如今天早上?What about this morning?185你盯着的那些信你说账单?Those letters you were looking at? Bills?186没错他被威胁了Yes. He was being threatened.187至少不是煤气公司Not by the Gas Board.188看看能不能从杯子上提些指纹...see if we can get prints off this glass.189警官初次见面Sergeant, we haven't met.190是啊我知道你是谁Yeah, I know who you are191我希望你最好别碰任何证据and I would prefer it if you didn't tamper with any of the evidence. 192我给雷斯垂德打过电话他过来了么?I phoned Lestrade. Is he on his way?193他很忙这里由我负责He's busy. I'm in charge.194还有我不是什么警官我是迪莫克探长And it's not Sergeant, it's Detective Inspector Dimmock.195这显然是自杀We're obviously looking at a suicide.196这似乎是所有证据的唯一解释It does seem the only explanation of all the facts.197错这只是解释之一Wrong, it's one possible explanation198支持部分证据of some of the facts.199你有了中意的结论但你You've got a solution that you like, but you are choosing200选择忽略了与之不符的一切to ignore anything you see that doesn't comply with it.201比如? 伤口在头部右侧Like? Wound's on the right side of his head.202所以? 凡·库是左撇子And? Van Coon was left-handed.203身体得有多柔韧啊Requires quite a bit of contortion.204左撇子? 你竟然没注意到Left-handed? I'm amazed you didn't notice.205看他家的摆设就知道了All you have to do is look around this flat.206咖啡桌靠左Coffee table on the left-hand side,207咖啡杯手柄朝左coffee mug handle pointing to the left.208电源插头常用左边纸和笔Power sockets, habitually used the ones on the left. Pen and paper209在电话左侧用右手接电话左手记录on the left of the phone. Picked up with his right, took messages with his left. 210还要继续? 不了你已经说明了D'you want me to go on? No, I think you've covered it.211还是继续吧快说完了I might as well, I'm almost at the bottom of the list.212面包板上刀和黄油There's a knife on the breadboard with butter213放在刀刃右边on the right side of the blade214因为他用左手握刀because he used it with his left. It's highly unlikely215左撇子很难对头部右侧开枪自杀that a left-handed man would shoot himself in the right of his head.216结论有人闯了进来杀害了他Conclusion, someone broke in here and murdered him -217这才是所有证据的唯一结论only explanation of all of the facts.218那枪呢?But the gun?219他知道会有人来杀他He was waiting for the killer.220他被威胁过了什么?He'd been threatened. What?221今天在银行警告了他一次Today at the bank, sort of a warning.222袭击者进入时他开了一枪He fired a shot when his attacker came in.223子弹呢从开着的窗户飞了And the bullet? Went through the open window.224拜托Oh, come on(!)225这几率该有多小啊What are the chances of that?!226等着看弹道检测报告吧Wait until you get the ballistics report.227致命的子弹The bullet in his brain228不是他枪里的我向你保证wasn't fired from his gun, I guarantee it.229他的门从里反锁了凶手怎么进来的呢?If his door was locked from the inside, how did the killer get in? 230很好你终于问了个正确的问题Good, you're finally asking the right questions.231他几乎是用叉子剪自己的头发He's left trying to sort of cut his hair with a fork,232也就是根本做不到which of course can never be done.233涂鸦是用来威胁的It was a threat, that's what the graffiti meant.234我在开会I'm kind of in a meeting.235你能先跟我秘书预约一下么Can you make an appointment with my secretary?236我觉得不能等了抱歉塞巴斯汀I don't think this can wait. Sorry, Sebastian.237你的一位交易员在你办公室工作的被谋杀了One of your traders, someone who worked in your office, was killed. 238什么? 凡·库What? Van Coon.239警方正在他家The police are at his flat.240被谋杀了? 抱歉影响了大家的胃口Killed?! Sorry to interfere with everyone's digestion.241还要预约么Still want to make an appointment(?)242要不九点跟苏格兰场警官约一下?Would maybe nine o'clock at Scotland Yard suit?243哈罗公学牛津大学有为青年啊Harrow, Oxford...very bright guy.244在亚洲工作过所以……Worked in Asia for a while, so...245你让他负责香港账户?You gave him the Hong Kong accounts?246曾经一早上损失了五百万Lost 5 million in a single morning,247一周内又赚回来了made it all back a week later.248艾迪有着钢铁般的意志Nerves of steel, Eddie had.249谁会想杀他呢人人都会树敌Who'd want to kill him? We all make enemies.250但不是人人都会被爆头You don't all end up with a bullet through your temple.251常人是不会失陪一下Not usually. Excuse me.252董事长的短信It's my chairman.253警方找他了Police have been on to him.254显然警方说是自杀Apparently they're telling him it was a suicide.255他们弄错了Well, they've got it wrong,256塞巴斯汀他是被谋杀的Sebastian. He was murdered.257恐怕警方不这么看Well, I'm afraid they don't see it like that.258所以? 所以我老板也不这么看So? And neither does my boss.259别忘了我雇你查什么的别分心I hired you to do a job. Don't get sidetracked.260果然银行家都是铁石心肠的混蛋I thought bankers were all supposed to be heartless bastards. 261我要你跑一趟克里斯宾拍卖行I need you to get over to Crispians.262有两个明代成化年间的古董花瓶拍卖Two Ming vases up for auction - Chenghua.263你能评估下么应该素琳去啊她才是专家Will you appraise them? Soo Lin should go - she's the expert. 264素琳辞职了需要你帮忙Soo Lin has resigned her job. I need you.265就是临时工哦嗯没问题Just locum work. No, that's fine.266你... 其实以你的资历干这个浪费了You're, um... Well, you're a bit over-qualified.267呃因为我急需用钱Er, I could always do with the money.268这周有两位医师度假去了Well, we've got two away on holiday this week269还有一位因为怀孕离职了and one's just left to have a baby.270对你来说可能太平凡了It might be a bit mundane for you.271不不不有时候平凡点也是好事Er, no, mundane is good, sometimes.272我挺喜欢平凡Mundane works.273简历上说你曾经是个军人军医It says here you were a soldier. And a doctor.274你还会别的技能么?Anything else you can do?275在学校学过单簧管I learned the clarinet at school.276呵呵期待你的表演哦Oh..well, I'll look forward to it.277我说过了你能给我递支笔么I said, could you pass me a pen?278什么啥时候? 大概一小时以前What? When? About an hour ago.279根本没注意我已经出门了吗?Didn't notice I'd gone out then?280我去一家诊所面试了I went to see about a job at that surgery.281怎么样棒极了她很迷人How was it? Great. She's great.282谁?Who?283工作The job.284她?She?!285它It.286随便了过来看Yeah, have a look.287"能穿墙的侵入者""The intruder who can walk through walls."288昨天晚上的事It happened last night.289一记者在家中遭枪击身亡Journalist shot dead in his flat.290房内门窗皆从内反锁Doors locked, windows bolted from the inside.291跟凡·库一样Exactly the same as Van Coon.292天哪你是说... 凶手又得手了God! You think...? He's killed another one.293布莱恩·卢奇自由职业记者Brian Lukis, freelance journalist,294在自己家被杀murdered in his flat.295房门从内紧锁Doors locked from the inside.296你得承认两次很相似You've got to admit, it's similar.297两人都是被能穿水泥墙的凶手杀的Both men killed by someone who can walk through solid walls. 298探长你真认为艾迪·凡·库的死Inspector, do you seriously believe that Eddie Van Coon was 299仅仅是一起都市自杀?just another city suicide?300我猜你该看过弹道检测报告了吧You have seen the ballistics report, I suppose?301杀害他的子弹是出自他的枪口么And the shot that killed him. Was it fired from his own gun? 302不No.303不所以这案子进程本来No. So this investigation might move304会快很多要是你们当初相信我的话a bit quicker if you were to take my word as gospel.305我刚向你递交了谋杀调查申请I've just handed you a murder inquiry.306请给我五分钟调查死者公寓Five minutes in his flat.307四楼Four floors up.308所以他们自认为安全了That's why they think they're safe.309门链搭上门闩上就认为固若金汤了Put a chain across the door, bolt it shut, think they're impregnable.310他们根本没考虑还有别的方法进入房间They don't reckon for one second that there's another way in.311我不懂这是个飞檐走壁的凶手I don't understand. Dealing with a killer who can climb.312你到底在干嘛凶手能像昆虫一样攀墙What are you doing? Clings to the walls like an insect.313这就是他的入口That's how he got in.314什么?What?!315他沿墙而上跑过屋顶He climbed up the side of the walls, ran along the roof,316从天窗跳了进来dropped in through this skylight.317你开玩笑吧蜘蛛侠吗?You're not serious?! Like Spider-Man?318他爬上了港口住宅区公寓六楼He scaled six floors of a Docklands apartment building,319从阳台跳进去杀了凡·库鬼扯jumped the balcony and killed Van Coon. Oh, hold on(!)320他也是这么进银行的沿着窗架攀进露台That's how he got into the bank - ran along the window ledge onto the terrace. 321我得找到这两个受害人的联系I have to find out what connects these two men.322借书卡上敲的日期是他被杀当天Date stamped on the book is the same day that he died.323夏洛克?Sherlock?324好杀手到银行So, the killer goes to the bank,325留下了威胁密码leaves a threatening cipher at the bank.326凡·库看到后惊慌失措跑回自己家锁上门Van Coon panics, returns to his apartment, locks himself in.327几小时后他被杀害Hours later, he dies.328凶手在图书馆发现了卢奇把密码写在The killer finds Lukis at the library, he writes the cipher 329他一定会看到的书架上on the shelf where he knows it'll be seen.330卢奇逃回家里Lukis goes home.331深夜同样被杀害Late that night, he dies too.332他们为什么会被杀夏洛克?Why did they die, Sherlock?333只有密码能告诉我们Only the cipher can tell us.334世界全靠编码和密码运转约翰The world's run on codes and ciphers, John.335从价值百万的银行报警系统From the million-pound security system at the bank336到你欺负的条码扫描仪to the PIN machine you took exception to.337我们身边密码术无处不在Cryptography inhabits our every waking moment.338是我知道但是...Yes, OK, but...339都是电脑生成的But it's all computer generated -340电子编译电子密码electronic codes, electronic ciphering methods.341这次的不同This is different.342这是古代手法It's an ancient device.343现代编译法没用Modern code-breaking methods won't unravel it.344我们这是去哪? 我要去咨询个人Where are we headed? I need to ask some advice. 345什么? 不好意思再说一遍?What?! Sorry?346你听清楚了我死都不说了You heard me perfectly. I'm not saying it again.347你咨询别人? 是颜料You need advice? On painting.348对我得问问专家Yes, I need to talk to an expert.349新系列的一部分Part of a new exhibition.350很有意思我命名它为Interesting. I call it...351城市嗜血狂Urban Bloodlust Frenzy.352朗朗上口Catchy(!)353我只有两分钟社区协警I've got two minutes before a Community Support Officer 354就要转过那墙角来了comes around that corner.355我画着你说?Can we do this while I'm working?356你知道这谁画的么我认得这颜料Know the author? I recognise the paint.357像密歇根产的喷力强劲It's like Michigan...hard-core propellant.358我猜含锌I'd say zinc.359那个符号呢你认识么And what about the symbols? Do you recognise them? 360都不知是不是个符号I'm not even sure it's a proper language.361两个人被杀了莱兹Two men have been murdered, Raz.362破解这密码是找到凶手的关键Deciphering this is the key to finding out who killed them. 363这是你们唯一的线索?And this is all you've got to go on(?)364好像不太够吧你到底帮不帮忙?It's hardly much, is it? Are you going to help us or not? 365我帮你问问I'll ask around.366肯定有人知道点什么喂Somebody must know something about it. Oi!367你他妈的在干什么?What the hell do you think you're doing?368这画廊是登记保护建筑This gallery is a listed public building.369不不等等不是我画的No, no. Wait, wait. It's not me who painted that.370我只是帮着拿一下...I was just holding this for...371还是个狂热分子哈?Bit of an enthusiast, are we?372她手上有个重要修复项目才进行到一半She was right in the middle of an important piece of restoration. 373她不可能突然辞职的Why would she suddenly resign?374家庭纠纷她辞呈里说的Family problems. She said so in her letter.375但她没家庭啊But she doesn't have a family.376她独自来这个国家的She came to this country on her own.377安迪那些茶壶那些陶瓷Andy! Look, those teapots, those ceramics.378已经成了她的心头宝They've become her obsession.379她都修复它们好几周了She's been working on restoring them for weeks.380我不信她会突然...抛下它们I can't believe that she would just...abandon them.381也许是想躲开某个缠着她的人呢?Perhaps she was getting a bit of unwanted attention?382你怎么这么慢You've been a while.383是啊你知道的嘛Yeah, well, you know how it is.384拘留所警官都是慢性子对吧Custody sergeants don't really like to be hurried, do they?385走程序呗按指纹Just formalities. Fingerprints,386签罚单周二我还得上治安法庭charge sheet, and I've got to be in magistrates' court on Tuesday. 387嗯? 我夏洛克我周二要上庭What? Me, Sherlock! In court, on Tuesday!388他们要判我反社会行为罪可以很好They're giving me an ASBO! Good, fine.389你告诉你那小朋友You want to tell your little pal390欢迎他随时去自首he's welcome to go and own up any time.391这个符号我还是搞不明白This symbol, I still can't place it.392不我要你去趟警察局No, I need you to go to the police station393问问那记者的事and ask about the journalist.394他的个人财物应该存档了The personal effects will have been impounded.395去把他的日记或别的什么记录行程的拿来Get hold of his diary, or something that will tell us his movements. 396去找凡·库的助理Go and see Van Coon's PA.397追踪他们的行程总会找到重合的If you retrace their steps, somewhere they'll coincide.398(苏格兰场)Scotland Yard.399周五从大连飞回来的Flew back from Dalian Friday.400看来他跟销售连开了几场会Looks like he had back-to-back meetings with the sales team. 401能给我打印一份么Can you print me up a copy?402没问题他去世那天呢?Sure. What about the day he died?403你能告诉我他在哪吗?Can you tell me where he was?404抱歉这有个空当Sorry, I've got a gap.405我有他所有的收据I have all his receipts.406你的朋友... 听着不管你说什么Your friend... Listen, whatever you say,407我都百分百赞成I'm behind you 100 per cent.408是个自大的混蛋...he's an arrogant sod.409就这样而已? 别人说得可要难听多了Well, that was mild. People say a lot worse than that.410你是来要这个的吧那记者的日记This is what you wanted, isn't it? The journalist's diary?411他做老板如何阿曼达? 欣赏员工么?What kind of a boss was he, Amanda? Appreciative?412不我可不会用这个词Um, no. That's not a word I'd use.413艾迪只欣赏带天价标签的东西The only things Eddie appreciated had a big price tag.414比如那瓶护手霜是他给你买的吧Like that hand cream. He bought that for you, didn't he?415看这个Look at this one.416他去世那天叫过出租车18.5镑Got a taxi from him on the day he died, 18.50.417是送他去办公室的That would get him to the office.418不是交通高峰看看时间Not rush hour. Check the time.419正在早上18镑他能到...Mid-morning. 18 would get him420最远到... 西区as far as... .. The West End.421我记得他说过I remember him saying.422地铁票一点钟在皮卡迪利广场买的Underground, printed at one in Piccadilly.423他最终是搭地铁回的办公室So he got a Tube back to the office.424他为什么要搭出租进城搭地铁回来呢?Why would he get a taxi into town, and then the Tube back? 425因为他在送一件重物Because he was delivering something heavy.426扛着个大包裹上电梯很不方便You wouldn't lug a package up the escalator.427送东西?Delivering?!428送给皮卡迪利广场地铁站附近某人To somewhere near Piccadilly Station.429把包裹放下送到手然后...Dropped the package, delivered it, and then...430(意大利餐馆收据)停了一下他饿了Stopped on his way. He got peckish.431于是你在去地铁站的路上买了午饭So you bought your lunch from here en route to the station 432但是你从哪过来的呢?but where were you headed from?433你从哪下的出租车?Where did the taxi drop you?434哦对了Oof! Right.435艾迪·凡·库死的那天送了个包裹来Eddie Van Coon brought a package here the day he died. 436不管那箱子里是什么Whatever was hidden inside that case...437我已经拼出了一幅拼图I've managed to piece together a picture438用零碎信息信用卡账单收据using scraps of information - credit card bills, receipts. 439他从中国回来He flew back from China,440就来了这里夏洛克then he came here. Sherlock.441就在这街上附近Somewhere in this street, somewhere near.442不知具体在哪可...I don't know where, but...443就在那儿的那个商店你怎么知道?That shop, over there. How could you tell? 444卢奇的日记他那天也在Lukis' diary. He was here too.445他记下了地址哦He wrote down the address. Oh.446你好Hello.447想要...招财猫吗?You want...lucky cat?448不不用了谢谢No, thanks, no.449只要10镑啊只要10镑10! 10 pounds450我觉得你老婆她会喜欢I think your wife, she will like.451呃谢谢Um, thank you.452夏洛克...Sherlock...453这个标签没错我看见了The label there. Yes, I see it.454跟密码上一模一样It's exactly the same as the cipher.455这是个古老的号码系统"苏州码子"It's an ancient number system - Hang Zhou.456如今只有街头贩子才用These days only street traders use it.457这就是银行Those were numbers written on the wall at the bank 458图书馆墙上写的数字and at the library.459用古老的中国异体字写的数字Numbers written in an ancient Chinese dialect.。

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Computer:THEPERSONALBLOGOFDR.JohnH.Watson.(约翰·华生医生的博客)Dr.:How'syourbloggoing?(博客写的如何?)W:Yeah,good,verygood.Youhaven'twrittenaword,haveyou?Youjustwrote"stillhastrustissues" .(嗯,顺利,很顺利。


)Dr.:Andyoureadmywritingupsidedown.YouseewhatImean?John,you'reasoldier,andit'sgoingtot akeyouawhiletoadjusttocivilianlife,andwritingablogabouteverythingthathappenstoyouwill honestlyhelpyou.(而你颠倒着读出了我写的东西,知道我什么意思了?约翰,你是个军人,从这个身份到普通人需要一个过程,把你每天的遭遇写在博客上,会有很大帮助.)W:Man:Man:Man:的丈夫…是Man1Man2Man1:Man2:Man1:Man:Man:Man:onabuildingsiteinGreaterLondon.Preliminaryinvestigationssuggestthatthiswassuicide.Wec anconfirmthatthisapparentsuicidecloselyresemblesthoseofSirJeffreyPattersonandJamesPhi llimore.Inthelightofthis,theseincidentsarenowbeingtreatedaslinked.Theinvestigationiso ngoing,butDetectiveInspectorLestradewilltakequestionsnow.(副运输部长贝斯·戴文特的尸体昨天深夜在伦敦一建筑工地被发现。




)Reporter1:DetectiveInspector,howcansuicidesbelinked?(探长自杀事件怎么会有关联?)Lestrade:Well,theyalltookthesamepoison.Theywereallfoundinplacestheyhadnoreasontobe.N oneofthemhadshownanypriorindication.(因为他们服用的药都一样,尸体都在他们不该出现的地方出现,都没有明显的动机)Reporter1:Butyoucan'thaveserialsuicides.(不可能会有连环自杀)Lestrade:Well,apparentlyyoucan.(显然已经有了)Reporter2:Thesethreepeople,there'snothingthatlinksthem?(这三人之间没有关系吗?)Lestrade:There'snolinkwe'vefoundyetbutwe'relookingforit.Therehastobeone.(暂时还没发现关系,但是我们在寻找,一定存在的.)Phone:Wrong!(错)S.D:Ifyou'veallgottexts,pleaseignorethem.(如果你们都收到了短信,请忽略它.)Reporter1:Itjustsays"Wrong".(上面只写着"错")S.D:Well,justignorethat.Iftherearenomorequestions,forDetectiveInspectorLestrade,I'mgo ingtobringthissessiontoanend.(是的,别管它,如果没有其它问题要问雷斯垂德探长的话,这次发布会就到此结束了.) Reporter3:Ifthey'resuicides,whatareyouinvestigating?(既然是自杀,你们在调查什么?))S.D:ler?(S.D:S.D:样。


)Mike:Yes,Iknow,Igotfat.(是,我知道自己胖了)W:No,no.(没有)Mike:Iheardyouwereabroadsomewheregettingshotat.Whathappened?(我听说你出国还中枪了,怎么回事?) W:Igotshot.AreyoustillatBartsthen?(就是中枪了.还在巴兹吗?)Mike:Teachingnow,yeah,brightyoungthingslikeweusedtobe.God,Ihatethem.Whataboutyou,just stayingintowntillyougetyourselfsorted?(在教书了,聪明的年轻人,就像当年的我们。









)S.H:M.H:S.H:(我需要M.H:…) S.H:)M.H:S.H:M.H:S.H:M.H:W:Mike:S.H:) Mike:S.H:Mike:W:S.H:Mike:S.H:W:S.H:W:S.H:M.H:(它对我没用)S.H:Really?Itwasabigimprovement.Yourmouth'stoosmallnow.(是吗?我觉得很有用。

你现在嘴太小了) M.H:OK.(好吧)S.H:Howdoyoufeelabouttheviolin?(你对小提琴感觉如何?)W:I'msorry,what?(对不起,什么?)S.H:IplaytheviolinwhenI'mthinkingandsometimesIdon'ttalkfordaysonend.Wouldthatbotheryo u?Potentialflatmatesshouldknowtheworstabouteachother.(我在想事情时会拉小提琴,有时一天都不讲话。

你介意吗?做室友应该知道对方的缺点)W:Youtoldhimaboutme?(你把我的事告诉他了)Mike:Notaword.(一个字都没提)W:Whosaidanythingaboutflatmates?(那谁告诉你室友这回事?)S.H:Idid.ToldMikethismorningthatImustbeadifficultmantofindaflatmatefor.Nowhereheisjus tafterlunch,withanoldfriendclearlyjusthomefrommilitaryserviceinAfghanistan.Wasn'tadif ficultleap.(我本人。


刚过午饭他就来了,带来一个显然刚在阿富汗军队服役过的老朋友,并不难猜到吧)W:HowdidyouknowaboutAfghanistan?(你怎么知道阿富汗的事?)S.H:GotmyeyeonanicelittleplaceincentralLondon.Weoughttobeabletoaffordit.We'llmeetther etomorrowevening,seveno'clock.Sorry,gottodash.IthinkIleftmyridingcropinthemortuary.(我找到了伦敦市中心的一个好地方。



我把鞭子留在停尸间了) W:Isthatit?(这表示?)S.H:Isthatwhat?(表示什么?)S.H:W:(S.H:(我知道你Mike:S.H:W:S.H:W:S.H:欠我一个人W:S.H:S.H:(你好,进来)W:Thankyou.(谢谢)S.H:Shallwe?(可以吗?)W:Well,thiscouldbeverynice,veryniceindeed.(这里还挺不错,确实很棒)S.H:Yes.Yes,Ithinkso,mythoughtsprecisely.SoIwentstraightaheadandmovedin.(是的,对,我也这样觉得。


我可以把它们放放好)W:That'saskull.(这是个骷髅)S.H:Friendofmine.WhenIsayfriend...(我的朋友,对我来说是)MrsHudson:Whatdoyouthink,then,DrWatson?There'sanotherbedroomupstairs,ifyou'llbeneedi ngtwobedrooms.(你觉得如何,华生医生?楼上还有一个卧室,如果你们需要两间卧室的话)W:Ofcoursewe'llbeneedingtwo.(当然需要两间)MrsHudson:Oh,don'tworry,there'sallsortsroundhere.MrsTurnernextdoor'sgotmarriedones.O h...SherlockThemessyou'vemade.(别担心的,这里什么人都有。
