组织行为学英文教学课件 communication_s沟通
组织行为学英文课件 (20)
E X H I B I T 11-1
Key Parts of Communication Process
Ø The Sender – initiates message Ø Encoding – translating thought to message Ø The Message – what is communicated Ø The Channel – the medium the message travels through Ø Decoding – the receiver’s action in making sense of the message Ø The Receiver – person who gets the message Ø Noise – things that interfere with the message Ø Feedback – a return message regarding the initial communication
Direction of Communication
CEO Mgr Mgr
Interpersonal Communication
Ø Oral Communication
– Advantages: Speed and feedback – Disadvantage: Distortion of the message
Reducing Rumors
1. Announce timetables for making important decisions 2. Explain decisions and behaviors that may appear inconsistent or secretive 3. Emphasize the downside, as well as the upside, of current decisions and future plans 4. Openly discuss worst-case possibilities— they are almost never as anxiety-provoking as the unspoken fantasy
组织行为学--沟通概述(ppt 26页)
J. 常在部门内组织协作小组,提倡团结奋斗精神。
3、 如果某位与你竞争最激烈的同事向你借一本经营管 理畅销书,你会:
A.立即借给他。 B.同意借给他,但声明此书无用。 C.告诉他书遗忘在其他地方了。 4、 如果某位同事为方便自己出去旅游而要求与你调换
8.当你发掘遗漏时,直截 了当地问
正式的小群体网络 链式 轮式 全通道式(图10-2;表10-2) 小道消息(表10-3) 电脑辅助沟通 电子邮件 内部网和外部网 电话会议
通报和 正式报告
事先录制 在线讨论 的演说 小组,群件
C. 提倡同事之间的密切合作与交流。
D. 鼓励部下畅谈未来并帮助他们为自己 设计。
E. 召集“群英会”,请员工为公司经营 出谋划策。
2、 你是否:(选择几项你认为有的情况)
C.每年至少召开一次总结会,表扬先进,鞭策后进,同时 广泛征求群众意见,让大家畅所欲言。
我不是说我没说过它,我说的是我没有说我说过它, 我希望你能明白我的意思。 沟通不良导致的航空业空难 沟通不良可能是导致人际冲突的最主要原因 沟通包括:意义的传递与理解
沟 通
功 能
1 发送者 信
接 翻 理 接受者
受 译解
Exhibit 9-1 The Communication Process 沟通过程模型 (Page119)
This model is made up of seven parts: (1) the communication source, 沟通源、信息源,信息发送者; (2) coding, 编码; (3) the message, 信息; (4) the channel, 渠道;渠道是信息传递的媒介物,由信息源 选择; (5) decoding, 解码;解码是信息接收者将接收到的信号中所 加载的信息翻译成他理解的形式的过程; (6) the receiver, 接收者; (7) feedback, 反馈;信息接收者接收信息后,再将自己的意见 编码,通过渠道向原发出者传送过去,从而构成一个循环。
4、Gender styles 男女沟通风格的差异
(德博拉〃泰南,1991)沟通是一种不断维持平衡的活动,解决冲突需要 的是亲密性和独立性。亲密性强调融洽和共性,独立性则强调不同和差异。 一般,女性使用的是建立联系和亲密性的语言,男性使用的是确立地位和独 立性的语言。
5、Emotions 情绪
在接受信息时,接收者的情绪也会影响到他/她对信息的解释。极端的 情绪反应,会使我们在沟通中失去客观而理性的判断。
CHAPTER 9 Communication
Functions of communication 沟通的功能 II. The communication process 沟通的过程 III. The direction of communication 沟通的方向 IV. Interpersonal communication 人际沟通 V. Organizational communication 组织沟通 VI. Choice of communication channel 沟通渠道的选择 VII. Barriers to effective communication 有效沟通的障碍 VIII. Current issues in communications 有关沟通的当前问题
组织行为学英文课件 (2)
§ Information Overload
Information Overload
Episodes of information
Information Load
Employee’s information processing
Communication Defined
§ The process by which information is transmitted and understood between two or more people
§ Effective communication
• Transmitting intended meaning (not just symbols)
©Mark M. Lawrence/Corbis
Cross-Cultural Communication
§ Verbal differences
• Language • Voice intonation • Silence/conversational overlaps
§ Nonverbal differences
3. has high social presence, so receiver is more sensitive to message content and more motivated to accept the message.
Communication Barriers
§ Perceptions § Filtering § Language
第六章 沟通 (《组织行为学》PPT课件)
(二)识别文化差异,发展文化认同 文化可以分为三个范畴:
✓人的基本价值观,判断是 非的标准 ✓正式规范引起的摩擦往往 不易改变。
✓人们的生活习惯和风俗 ✓ 通过较长时间的文化交流 来克服
✓可通过人们对技术知识的 学习而获得,很容易改变
(三)区分高情境文化和低情境文化 高情境文化
✓ 高情境文化中的沟通过程常常是含蓄的,沟通中重视的是“情境 ”而不是“内容”。
✓ 沟通常常是直接的,不太重视个体之间的关系。
(四)发展双向沟通 通过双向沟通和反馈,进一步刺激跨文化沟通的积极性,拓宽沟通渠道, 及时总结沟通中好的经验并加以推广,同时对沟通中出现的问题及时纠偏。
第二节 组织沟通的种类
本节主要内容 一、根据沟通渠道划分:正式沟 通与非正式沟通 二、根据沟通媒介划分:语言沟 通与非语言沟通 三、根据信息反馈划分:单向沟 通与双向沟通 四、信息技术与组织沟通
正式沟通是指在组织内,根 据组织的明确规定进行信息的传 递和反馈,包括正式会议、定期 汇报、书面沟通,如公函、文件 等。正式沟通的优点是沟通效果 好,有较强的约束力;缺点是沟 通速度慢。
➢ 有效沟通是跨文化企业管理的出发点 ➢ 跨文化的沟通技巧更是决定其事业成败的关键因素
✓霍夫斯泰德文化 五维度模型
✓道德规范 ✓法律规范 ✓宗教规范
✓语义层面 ✓语言运用层面 ✓身体语言层面
其组织稳定 组织相当稳定
慢 低 不显著 高
篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛 时间里 得分多 少来决 定胜负 的,因 此,篮 球比赛 的计时 计分系 统是一 种得分 类型的 系统
3.2 非正式沟通网络
• 3.2.1 小道消息:非正式沟通网络不是以组 织系统,而是私下的、非正式系统的沟通, 常常被称之为---
• 研究表明,小道消息中75%是不正确的,非正式 渠道可能导致委曲事实或编造谣言的消极作用。
篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛 时间里 得分多 少来决 定胜负 的,因 此,篮 球比赛 的计时 计分系 统是一 种得分 类型的 系统
3.2.6 降低小道消息负面作用的措施
• 1)公布进行重大决策的时间安排 • 2)公开解释那些让人觉得不一致或隐秘的决策和
• 2)选择性知觉 • 在沟通过程中,接受者会根据自己的需要、动
机、经验、背景及其他个人特点有选择地去看或 者去听信息。
• 3)信息超载 • 当息超载
• 4)情绪 • 接受者的情绪感受会影响倒他对信息的解释。极
篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛 时间里 得分多 少来决 定胜负 的,因 此,篮 球比赛 的计时 计分系 统是一 种得分 类型的 系统
3.1 正式沟通网络 定义:就是按照正式的权力系统并只进行与工作 有关的信息沟通
3.1.1 五种基本沟通网络
注:M 为主管 为成员
篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛 时间里 得分多 少来决 定胜负 的,因 此,篮 球比赛 的计时 计分系 统是一 种得分 类型的 系统
组织行为学 第九讲:沟通
情境对我们来说十分重要,过滤和反馈双重机制; 情境模棱两可;
公开解释那些让人觉得不一致或隐秘的决 策和行为;
对于当前的决策和未来的计划,在强调其 积极一面的同时,也指出其不利的一面;
(1)过滤: 发送者有意操纵信息,以使信息显得对接受者更为有 利。
接受者会根据自己的需要、动机、经验、背景 及其他个人特点有选择地去看或者去听信息。
(4)情绪 接受者在接收信息时的情绪感受会影响到他对信息的 解释。 5)语言
由组织建立的、用于传递有关员工的专业活动的 信息的渠道 用于在组织里传递个人或社会信息。
编码 信息 通道 解码 接受者 噪音(干扰) 反馈
9.3 人际沟通
1.口头沟通(oral communication)
优点: 快速传递、快速反馈 缺点: 信息失真 优点: 有形、可核实 缺点: 耗费时间、缺乏反馈 优点: 提供其它沟通支持,使情感和感受可观察 缺点: 对身体语言和动作的理解会影响对接受者对
Types of Attitudes
The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance
Desire to reduce dissonance
• Importance of elements creating dissonance • Degree of individual influence over elements • Rewards involved in dissonance
Management Functions
Management Functions (cont’d)
Management Functions (cont’d)
Management Functions (cont’d)
Management Functions (cont’d)
Self-Perception Theory
An Application: Attitude Surveys
Sample Attitude Survey
Job Satisfaction
➢ Measuring Job Satisfaction
– Single global rating – Summation score
4. Networking
• Socializing, politicking, and interacting with others
Allocation of Activities by Time
E X H I B I T 1-2
Enter Organizational Behavior
沟通在组织行为学中的作 用
沟通是信息、思想、情感在个体 或群体间的传递与理解过程。
建立有效的利益相关者关系管理机制,定期收集和分析利益相关者的反馈信息,及时调整沟通策略和 方式;加强组织内外部环境分析,制定灵活的沟通计划和应急预案;建立健全危机管理体系,提高危 机应对能力。
不同文化背景的人使用不同的 语言,可能导致沟通障碍。
善于倾听和理解利益相关者的需求,准确传达组织的信息和价值观,保持开放和透明的沟通态度,及时回应和反 馈利益相关者的意见和建议。
利益相关者众多,需求和期望各异;外部环境复杂多变,需要灵活应对;组织形象和声誉面临考验, 需要妥善维护。
文化背景不同的人可能对非语 言信号(如肢体语言、面部表 情)有不同的解读。
不同文化背景的人可能有不同 的价值观和信仰,影响沟通中 的态度和行为。
不同文化背景的人遵循不同的 社会规范和习俗,可能影响沟
在沟通中尊重对方的文化背景,避免对对方 的行为和价值观进行评判。
By and large,
Communication (from Latin
commūnicāre, meaning "to
share") is a purposeful
activity of exchanging
information and meaning
across space and time
Part 2 : Engaging Your Audience
3.Don’t send mixed messages. Make your words, gestures, facial expressions and tone match. Disciplining someone while smiling sends a mixed message and is therefore ineffective. If you have to deliver a negative message, make your words, facial expressions, and tone match the message.
Part1: Understanding the Basics of
Communication Skills
3.Practice. Developing advanced communication skills begins with simple interactions. Communication skills can be practiced every day in settings that range from the social to the professional. New skills take time to refine, but each time you use your communication skills, you open yourself to opportunities and future partnerships.
在跨国企业中,需要重视不同文化背景下 的行为差异,加强跨文化沟通和理解,以 实现有效的组织行为管理。
随着市场竞争的加剧、技术进步的加快、外部环境的不确定 性增加,组织需要不断变革以适应变化。
组织变革是一个复杂的过程,包括诊断问题、制定变革计划 、实施变革和评估变革效果等阶段。
有效的冲突管理需要掌握一些技巧,如倾 听、理解对方观点、表达自己的意见、寻 求共同点等。
组织发展是指通过系统的方法和工具,对组织的结构、流程、文化和策略进行调整和优化,以实现组织的长期稳 定和可持续发展。
领导风格包括民主式、权威式和放任式等,不同的领导风格对组织绩 效产生不同的影响。
领导行为对组织目标的实现起到关键作用,领导者需要制定明确的目 标、提供指导和支持、激励员工等。
通过选拔和培养优秀的领导者、建立有效的领导力培训体系、对领导 行为进行监督和评估等手段,提高领导行为的效率和效果。
个体行为与组织目标的一致性是实现组织目 标的关键,需要引导和规范个体行为。
个体行为受到个性、价值观、动机、能力和 情境等多种因素的影响。
通过培训、激励、反馈和沟通等手段,对个 体行为进行有效的管理和引导。
群体行为是指组织中一群人在特定情 境下的共同反应和行动。
组织行为学 罗宾斯英文版PPT整理
Chapter1 Introduction to organizational behavior✓Organizational Behavior:The systematic study of the actions and attitudes that people exhibit within organizations✓Systematic Study of Determinants of Employee Performance:➢Actions or Behaviors:Productivity, Absenteeism, Turnover , Organizational citizenship➢Attitudes– Job Satisfaction: a. Possible link between satisfaction and productivityb.Satisfaction appears to be negatively related to absenteeism andproductivityc.Humanistic responsibility to provide employees with challenging,intrinsically rewarding, and satisfying job✓Organization: a. Consciously coordinated social unitb. Composed of two or more peoplec. Functions to achieve a common goal or set of goalsd. Formal roles define and shape the behavior of its members✓OB Encompasses Behavior in Diverse Organizations: Manufacturing:Service firms Schools Hospitals Churches Military units Charitable organizations Local, state, and federal government agencies✓Contributing Disciplines(Level of Analysis):➢Micro (individual): Psychology➢Macro (group processes and organization) : Sociology, Social Psychology, Anthropology, Political Science✓Toward an OB discipline P4 1.1✓Goals of Organizational Behavior: explanation, prediction, control✓Challenges and Opportunities: a.Increasing age of typical workerb.More women and minorities in the workplacec.Requirements to meet global competitiond.Severed loyalty bonds between employees and employers ✓What is Quality Management?➢Intense focus on customer→Outsiders -- purchasers of products and services→Insiders -- interact with and serve others in the organization➢Concern for continual improvement→Commitment to never be satisfied→“Very good” is not good enough→Quality can always be improved➢Improvement in quality of everything the organization does“Quality” applies not only to the final product, but to→How organization handles deliveries→How rapidly it responds to complaints→How politely the phones are answered➢Accurate measurement→Uses statistical techniques to measure every critical performance variable in operations➢Empowerment of employees→Involves people on the line in the improvement process→Teams are widely used as empowerment vehicles for finding and solving problems ✓ A Managerial Perspective:a. Improving People Skills b. Managing Work Force Diversityc. Responding to Globalizationd. Empowering Peoplee.Stimulating Innovation andChange f. Coping with “Temporariness” g. Helping Employee Balance Work-Life Conflicts h. Declining Employee Loyalty i. Improving Ethical Behavior✓Levels of OB Analysis: Individual Level Group Level Organization System Level Chapter2 Job Attitudes✓What the fundamental values of the organizational development can be found in the general manager’s approach to management? Respect, Support, Trust, Innovation ✓What contribution to the organization can be found in those values?A good work environment will be benefit to employees’ self-realization and theestablishment of team and learning organization.✓Attitude:Attitudes are evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people, or events. They reflect how we feel about something. When I say I like my job, I am expressing my attitude about work.✓Three components of Attitudes : Cognitive, Affective, Behavioral✓What are the Major Job Attitudes?➢Job Satisfaction: A positive feeling about the job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics➢Job Involvement: Degree of psychological identification with the job where perceived performance is important to self-worth. High level of both job involvement andpsychological employment are positively related to organizational citizenship and jobperformance. High job involvement is also related to reduced absences and lowerresignation rates.➢Psychological Empowerment (PE): a. Belief in the degree of influence over the job, competence, job meaningfulness, and autonomy. b. Good leaders empower theiremployees by involving them in decisions, making them feel their work is important,and giving them discretion to do their own thing. c. Higher level of Job Involvement andPE are positively related to Organizational citizenship and job performance.✓other Major Job Attitudes:➢Organizational Commitment: Identifying with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to remain a member.✧The three forms of OC:Affective – emotional attachment to organization (e.g. pro-environmental firms)Continuance Commitment – economic value of staying with an org (e.g. high salary)Normative -moral or ethical obligations with employers (e.g. personal promise) There appears to be a positive relationship between organizational commitment andjob productivity.---has strong relation to performance, especially for new employees.---In general, affective commitment is most likely to relate to organizational outcomes such as performance and turnover.➢Perceived Organizational Support (POS)a.Degree to which employees believe the organization values their contributionand cares about their well-being.b.People perceive OS is higher when rewards are fair, employees are involved indecision-making, and supervisors are seen as supportive.c.High POS is related to higher OB outcomes (performance).➢Employee Engagementa. The degree of an individual’s involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the job.b. Engaged employees are passionate about their work and company.c. According to researches, they contribute high customer satisfaction, highprofits, and lower level turnover and accidents.✓Is there cognitive dissonance?--Your friends or relatives won’t disagree with you because of the close relation.--People do seek consistency among their attitudes and between their attitudes and their behavior. (E.g. I don’t marry her because love her.)✓The relationship between attitudes and behavior:a.Important attitudes reflect our fundamental values, self-interest, or identification withindividuals or groups we value. These attitudes tend to show a strong relationship to our behavior.b.The more you talk about your attitude on a subject, the more likely you are toremember it, and the more likely it to shape your behavior. (e.g. changing a job)c.Discrepancies between attitudes and behavior tend to occur when social pressures tobehave in certain ways hold exceptional power.d.The attitude-behavior relationship is likely to be much stronger if an attitude refers tosomething with which we have direct personal experience.✓the closer the match between attitude and behavior, the stronger the relationship Chapter3 Moods, Emotions and Organizational Behavior✓Why Were Emotions Excluded from OB Study?➢Myth of rationality – emotions were the antithesis of rationality and should not be seen in the workplace➢Belief that emotions of any kind are disruptive in the workplace✓Emotional Terminology:➢affect: A generic term that encompasses a broad range of feelings that people experience➢emotion: Intense feelings that are directed at someone or somethingShort termed and action-oriented.➢Mood: Feelings that tend to be less intense and longer-lasting than emotions and often lack a contextual stimulusP27 3.1✓The Basic Emotions:➢positive emotions→positive affect: The mood dimension consisting of positive emotions such as excitement, self-assurance, and cheerfulness at the high end with boredom,sluggishness, and tiredness at the low end.→negative affect: At zero input, when no stimulus is provided, most people experience a mildly positive mood. In fact, positive moods tend to be morecommon than negative ones.➢negative emotions➢negative affect: The mood dimension consisting of nervousness, stress, and anxiety at the high end with relaxation, tranquility, and poise at the low end.✓The Functions of Emotions:➢Emotions and Rationality: Emotions are critical to rational thought: they help in understanding the world around us.➢Evolutionary Psychology : Theory that emotions serve an evolutionary purpose: helps in survival of the gene pool. The theory is not universally accepted✓Sources of Emotions and Moods:➢Personality➢Day of the week and time of the day: More positive interactions will likely occur mid-day and later in the week➢Weather: no impact according to the research➢Stress: Increased stress worsens moods➢Social Activities: Physical, informal, and epicurean activities increase positive mood ➢Sleep: Lack of sleep increases negative emotions and impairs decision making➢Exercise: Mildly enhances positive mood➢Age: Older people experience negative emotions less frequently➢Gender: Women show greater emotional expression, experience emotions more intensely and display more frequent expressions of emotions. Could be due tosocialization✓Emotional Labor: An employee’s expression of organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions at workEmotional dissonance is when an employee has to project one emotion while simultaneously feeling anotherFelt vs. Displayed Emotions:➢Felt Emotions: the individual’s actual emotions➢Displayed Emotions: the learned emotions that the organization requires workers to show and considers appropriate in a given job→Surface Acting is hiding one’s true emotions→Deep Acting is trying to change one’s feelings based on display rules ✓Emotional Intelligence:A person’s ability to:1)Be self-aware (to recognize his or her own emotions as experienced), 2)Detectemotions in others, and 3)Manage emotional cues and information.Moderately associated with high job performanceEmotional Intelligence on Trial➢The case for: a. Intuitive appeal – it makes sense b. EI predicts criteria that matter –positively correlated to high job performance c. Study suggests that EI isneurologically based➢The case against: a. EI is too vague a concept b. EI can’t be measured c. EI is so closely related to intelligence and personality that it is not unique when thosefactors are controlled✓OB Applications of Emotions and Moods➢Selection – Employers should consider EI a factor in hiring for jobs that demand a high degree of social interaction➢Decision Making – Positive emotions can increase problem-solving skills and help us understand and analyze new information➢Creativity – Positive moods and feedback may increase creativity✓More OB Applications of Emotions and Moods➢Motivation – Promoting positive moods may give a more motivated workforce➢Leadership – Emotions help convey messages more effectively➢Negotiation – Emotions may impair negotiator performance➢Customer Service – Customers “catch” emotions from employees, called emotional contagion✓Even More OB Applications of Emotions and Moods➢Job Attitudes – Emotions at work get carried home but rarely carry over to the next day ➢Deviant Workplace Behaviors – Those who feel negative emotions are more likely to engage in deviant behavior at work✓How Can Managers Influence Moods?➢Use humor to lighten the moment➢Give small tokens of appreciation➢Stay in a good mood themselves – lead by example➢Hire positive people✓Does the degree to which people experience emotions vary across cultures?Do people’s interpretations of emotions vary across cultures?Do the norms for the expressions of emotions differ across cultures?“YES” to all of the above!Chapter 5 Perception and Decision-making✓Perception:The process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment✓Factors influencing perception:➢The perceiver:Attitudes,Motives,Interests,Experience,expectations➢The target:Novelty,Motion,Sound,Size,Background,proximity➢The Situation:Time,Work setting,Social setting✓Attribution Theory:trying to explain the ways in which we judge people differently, depending on the meaning we attribute to a given behavior.✓The three determining factors of attribution theory:➢Distinctiveness➢Consensus➢Consistency→Fundamental attribution error:1. When making judgments about the behavior of other people, we tend tounderestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence ofinternal or personal factors2.Individuals and organizations tend to attribute their own successes to internal factors such as ability or effort, while putting the blame for failure on external factors such as bad luck or unproductive workers.3. Individuals whose intellectural and interpersonal abilieties are weakest are mostlikely to overestimate their performance and abilty.✓The Link Between Perception and Individual Decision making:Who makes decisions? What decisions to make?All the decisions are closed related to perceptions. (data collection and analysis)✓The Six Steps of Rational Decision-making model:➢Define the problem➢Identify the decision criterria➢Allocate weithgts to teh criteria➢Develop the alternatives➢Evaluate teh alternatives➢Select the best alternative➢Example:bicycle parking problem➢Bounded Rationality➢Intuitive decision making✓Common Biases and Erorrs in Decision Making:anchoring bias, confirmation bias, availabe bias, escalation of commitment, risk aversion, hindsight bias✓Organizatioal Constraints on Decision making: performance evaluation, reward systems, formal regulations, system-imposed time constraints, historical precdidents✓Three Ethical Decision Criteria:➢Utilitarianism(providing the greatest benefits for the greatest number功利主义,实用主义)➢Rights(respecting and protecting the basic rights of individuals,eg.right to privacy, free speech ,and due process)➢Justice(imposing and enforceing rules afaily and impartially to ensure justice or an equitalbe distribution of benefits and costs.) Comment on the three choices.✓Three-component Model of Creativity:➢Expertise(abilities, knowledge, proficiencies, and similar expertise )➢Creative thinking skills(personality ——creativity, the ability to use analogies, and the talent ot see the familiar in a different light)➢Intrinsic task motivation (interesting , involving , exciting, satisfying,persionally challengfing jobs, etc.)Chapter8 Groups✓Group: Two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who come together to achieve particular objectives. Groups can be either formal or informal, and further subclassified into command, task, interest, or friendship categories.✓Four Types of Groups:Command group, Task group, Interest group, Friendship group✓Why People Join Groups: (benefits)➢Security Reduce the insecurity of “standing alone”; feel stronger, fewer self-doubts, and more resistant to threats➢Status Inclusion in a group viewed by outsiders as important; provides recognition and status➢Self-esteem Provides feelings of self-worth to group members, in addition to conveying status to outsiders➢Affiliation Fulfills social needs. Enjoys regular interaction; can be primary source for fulfilling need for affiliation➢Power What cannot be achieved individually often becomes possible; power in numbers➢Goal achievement Some tasks require more than one person; need to pool talents, knowledge, or power to complete the job. In such instances, management may rely onthe use of a formal group✓Basic Group Concepts:➢Roles→Role research conclusions: a.People play multiple roles b.People learn roles from stimuli around them c.People can shift roles rapidly when the situation demandsd.People experience major role conflict between roles➢Norms: Acceptable standards of behavior within a group that are adopted and shared by the group’s members→The Hawthorne Studies→Conformity and the Asch Studies➢Cohesiveness: The degree to which members of the group are attracted to each other and motivated to stay in the group→Relationship of Cohesiveness to Productivity→Managers Can Encourage Cohesiveness: a.Make the group smaller b.Encourage agreement on group goals c.Increase the time spent together d.Increase thestatus and perceived difficulty of group membership→More Ways Managers Can Encourage Cohesiveness: a.Stimulate competition with other groups b.Give rewards to the group rather than members c.Physicallyisolate the group➢Size→How Size Effects a Group: a.Smaller groups are faster at completing tasks rge groups are consistently better at problem solving c.Social loafing - tendency toexpend less effort in a group than as an individual d.Increases in group size areinversely related to individual performance➢Composition: Diversity increases effectiveness due to the variety of viewpoints.Diversity promotes conflict, which stimulates creativity, which leads to improveddecision making. May take more time to work smoothly. May lead to turnover ➢Status: A prestige grading, position, or rank within the group. It may be formally imposed by the group, or informally acquired through characteristics such aseducation, age, gender, skill, or experience→Effects of High Status: a.Resist conformity or receive more freedom b.Do not need or care about social rewards c.Members must believe status hierarchy isequitable d.Inequities produce corrective behaviors and conflict✓Individual versus Group Decision Making:➢Individual: More efficient, Speed, No meetings, No discussion, Clear accountability, Consistent values➢Group: More effective, More information and knowledge, Diversity of views, Higher-quality decisions, Increased acceptance✓Symptoms of Group Think: a.Group members rationalize any resistance to their assumptionsb.Members pressure any doubters to support the alternative favored by the majorityc.Doubters keep silent about misgivings(doubts) and minimize their importanced.Groupinterprets members’ silence as a “yes” vote for the majorityVariables Influencing Group Think: Group’s cohesiveness, Leader’s behavior, Insulation from outsiders, Time pressures, Failure to follow methodical decision-making procedures✓GroupShift: A special case of groupthink. The decision of the group reflects the dominant decision-making norm that develops during the group discussion, whether shift is toward greater caution or more risk depends on the dominant prediscussion norm.✓Selecting the Best Decision-Making Technique:➢Brainstorming➢Nominal group technique➢Electronic meetingsChapter9 Teams✓Reasons for Team Popularity: a.Outperform on tasks requiring multiple skills, judgment, and experience b.Better utilization of employee talents c.More flexible and responsive to changing events d.Facilitate employee participation in operating decisions e.Effective in democratizing the organization and increasing employee motivation✓Work Group: A group who interacts primarily to share information and to make decisions to help one another perform within each member’s area of responsibility. Individuals work alone, not collectively, on a task. Performance is the summation of all of the group member’s individual contributions.✓Work Team:Generates positive synergy through coordinated effort. Their individual efforts result in a level of performance that is greater than the sum of those individual inputs.✓Comparing Work Groups and Work Teams P123 9.1✓Four Types of Teams P124 9.2➢Problem-Solving Teams: a.Share ideas or offer suggestions on how work processes and methods can be improved. b.Rarely given authority to unilaterally implement any oftheir suggested actions c.Typically composed of 5-12 hourly employees from thesame departmentExample: Quality Circles➢Self-Managed Work Teams: a.Collectively control pace of work b.Determine work assignments anize breaks d.Collectively choose inspection procedurese.Select their own members and evaluate each other’s performancef.Generallycomposed of 10-15 people➢Cross-Functional Teams: a.Members from diverse areas within and between organizations b.Exchange information c.Develop new ideas and solve problemsd.Coordinate complex projects f.Development is time-consuming due to complexity anddiversityExamples: Task Force and Committees➢Virtual Teams: Computer technology ties physically dispersed members together to achieve a common goal→Differentiating factors from other teams: Absence of para-verbal and non-verbal cues, Limited social context, Ability to overcome time and space constraints✓Creating Effective Teams:Effectiveness of teams is defined by:➢Objective measures of the team’s productivity➢Manager’s ratings of team performance➢Aggregate measures of member satisfactionA Team Effectiveness Model P126 9.3✓Turning Individuals into Team Players: To perform well as team members, individuals must be able to 1)Communicate openly and honestly 2)Confront differences and resolve conflicts 3)Sublimate personal goals for the good of the team✓The Challenge in Shaping Team Players:➢Greatest where... a.The national culture is highly individualistic b.Introduced into organizations that historically value c.individual achievement➢Less demanding... a.Where employees have strong collectivist values, such as Japan or Mexico b.In new organizations that use teams as their initial form for structuringwork✓Shaping Team Players:➢Selection: Ensure that candidates can fulfill their team roles in addition to having the technical skills required for the job➢Training: Provide workshops in problem-solving, communication, negotiation, conflict-management, coaching, and group-development skills➢Rewards: Rework reward systems to encourage cooperative efforts rather than competitive onesChapter 10 Communication✓Functions of Communication➢Control - both formal and informal➢Motivation - clarification and feedback➢Emotional expression - fulfillment of social needs➢Information - facilitating decision making✓The Communication ProcessSource, Encoding, Channel, decoding, Receiver✓Downward Communication:Assign goals,Provide job instructions,Inform employees of policies and procedures,Point out problems that need attention,Offer feedback about performance,Letters and email from leaders to members of the team✓Upward Communication:Provide feedback to higher-ups,Inform them of progress toward goals,Relay current problems,Keep managers aware of how employees feel,Ideas on how things can be improved✓Lateral Communication:Save time and facilitate coordination,Formally sanctioned or informally created,Enhance efficient and accurate transfer of information,Can create dysfunctional conflicts when formal vertical channels are breached✓Oral Communication:➢Advantage: Speed , Feedback➢Disadvantage: Potential for distorted message, Content at destination is different from the original✓Written Communication:➢Advantage: Provide a tangible and verifiable record, Can be stored for an indefinite period of time, Physically available for later reference, Well thought-out, logical, andclear➢Disadvantage: Time consuming, Lack of feedback, No guarantee how reader will interpret it✓Non-verbal Communication:➢Kinesics - Gestures, facial configurations, and other movements of the body➢Body movement -Body language adds to, and often complicates, verbal communication➢Intonations - Change the meaning of the message➢Facial expression -Characteristics that would never be communicated if you read a transcript of what is said➢Physical distance - Proper spacing is largely dependent cultural norms✓Formal Small-Group Networks P140 10.3✓Small-Group Networks and Effectiveness Criteria p140 10.4✓The Grapevine:Not controlled by management, Perceived as being more believable and reliable, Largely used to serve self-interest, Appear in response to situations: Important to us, Where there is ambiguity, Under conditions that arouse anxiety✓Computer-Aided Communication: Electronic mail (e-mail), Intranet and Extranet links, Videoconferencing✓Barriers to Effective Communication: Filtering, Selective Perception, Information Overload, Gender Styles, Emotions, Language✓ A Cultural Guide: Assume differences until similarity is proved, Emphasize description rather than interpretation or evaluation, Practice empathy, Treat your interpretation as a working hypothesis✓Improving Feedback Skills: 1. Focus on specific behaviors 2. Keep feedback impersonal 3.Keep feedback goal oriented 4. Make feedback well timed 5. Ensure understanding 6. Direct negative feedback toward behavior that is controllable by the recipient✓Improving Active Listening Skills: 1. Make eye contact 2. Exhibit affirmative head nods and appropriate facial expressions 3. Avoid distracting actions or gestures 4. Ask questions 5.Paraphrase 6. Avoid interrupting the speaker 7. Do not over talkChspter11 Leadership✓Leadership: Ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals. The source of influence may be formal, provided by managerial rank in an organization. Non-sanctioned leadership(不具制裁力的领导) is the ability to influence that arises from outside of the formal structure of the organization.✓Trait Theories: Assumes that leaders are born, Characteristics that differentiate leaders from non-leaders, Personality traits in leaders that non-leaders do not possess, Characteristics of individuals who meet the definition of leader, Provides the basis of selecting the right person for leadership✓Traits Consistently Associated with Leadership:Drive and ambition, Desire to lead and influence others, Honesty and integrity, Self-confidence, Intelligence, In-depth technical knowledge✓Traits Alone Do Not Explain Leadership: Ignore situational factors. Leaders must take “the right actions”“The right actions” differ by situation✓Behavioral Theories: Assumes people can be trained to lead Researched the behaviors of specific leaders. Critical behavioral determinants of leadership. Specific behaviors identify leaders. Provides the basis of design for training programs✓Ohio State Studies:Sought to identify independent dimensions of leader behavior.Developed two categories of leadership behavior.:→Initiating structure - attempts to organize work, work relationships, and goals.→Consideration - concern for followers’ comfort, well-being, status, and satisfaction ✓University of Michigan Studies: Locate behavioral characteristics of leaders that appear related to measures of performance effectivenessTwo dimensions:→Employee-oriented - emphasize interpersonal relations→Production-oriented - emphasize the technical or task aspects of the job✓Limitations of Behavioral Theories:Did not identify consistent relationships between leadership behavior and group performance. Missing consideration of the situational factors that influence success and failure. Could not clarify situational factors✓Contingency Theories:➢Fiedler Leadership Model -Proper match of leader’s style of interacting with subordinates➢Path-Goal Model -Leader assists followers in attaining goals and ensures goals are compatible with overall objectives➢Leader-Participation Model - Leader behavior must adjust to reflect the task structure ✓Least-Preferred Co-Worker (LPC) Questionnaire: Individual’s basic leadership style is a key factor in leadership success. Assumed that individual leadership style is fixed,。
组织行为学英文课件 (9)
§ Problems -- time consuming and costly
Minimizing Resistance to Change
Communication Learning Involvement Stress Mgt Negotiation Coercion
2. A form of constructive conflict -may improve decisions in the change process
3. A form of voice – helps procedural justice
Why People Resist Change
1. Direct costs
Ray Davis, CEO, Umpqua Bank
Refreezing the Desired Conditions
§ Realigning organizational systems and team dynamics with the desired changes
• Alter rewards to reinforce new behaviors • Change career paths • Revise information systems
Organizational Change
Umpqua Bank has become the largest regional community bank in the Pacific Northwest by applying effective organizational change practices
Importance of Communication
Communication touches every aspect of management. A manager has to communicate with others in order to carry out his tasks of planning, organising , leading and controlling A manager also uses the information passed to him, to receive feedback and reach decisions
1/15/2011 Marketing 6
Importance of Communication
Provides information that individuals and groups need for decision making. Research indicates that a manager spends about 80% of his or her time in oral communication.
1/15/2011 Marketing 13
The Communication Process
Sender 2 Encoding Start 1 Meaning 8 Decoding (Receiver)
Noise 3 Transmission through channels 7 Transmission through channels Noise
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
(2) the intonations or emphasis we give to words;
(3) facial expressions;
(4) the physical distance between the sender and receiver.
V. Organizational communication
选择; (5) decoding, 解码;解码是信息接收者将接收到的信号中所
加载的信息翻译成他理解的形式的过程; (6) the receiver, 接收者; (7) feedback, 反馈;信息接收者接收信息后,再将自己的意见
III. The direction of communication
— tangible
— time consuming
— verifiable
— lack of feedback
— well thought out
— logical
3、Nonverbal communication 非语言沟通
(1) body movements;
沟通渠道的选择 VII. Barriers to effective communication
有效沟通的障碍 VIII. Current issues in communications
I. Functions of communication
Communication serves four major functions within a group or organization: control, motivation, emotional expression, and information. ( page118, 1 paragraph, first
1、Formal small-group networks 正式的小群体网络
链式网络 (chain) 严格遵循正式命令链; 轮式网络 (wheel) 依赖于一个核心人物作为群体内沟通的总
指挥; 全通道式网络 (all-channel) 允许所有的群体成员互相之间
积极地沟通。The all-channel network permits all group members to actively communicate with each other.
小道消息有三个主要特点: 首先,它不受管理层控制; 其次,大多数员工认为它比高层管理者通过正式渠道发布 的信息更可靠、更可信; 最后,它在很大程度上服务于其内部人员的自我利益。
管理层须重视小道消息。因为它给管理者以提示,员工关 注哪些事情。
如何减少小道消息的消极影响? (1)公布进行重大决策的时间; (2)公开解释那些看起来不一致或隐秘的决策和行为; (3)对目前的决策和计划,强调其积极一面的同时,也指出其 不利的一面; (4)公开讨论事情可能的最差结局,这比无言的猜测引起的焦 虑程度低; (5)闲散和单调是造谣生事的温床,为避免不实的谣言产生, 管理者应注意不要使成员有过分单调枯燥的情形发生; (6)培养组织成员对管理者的信任和好感。
IV. Interpersonal communication
1、Oral communication 口头沟通
Advantages: — speed — feedback
Disadvantages: — greater distortion
2、Written communication 书面沟通
CHAPTER 9 Communication
I. Functions of communication 沟通的功能 II. The communication process 沟通的过程 III. The direction of communication 沟通的方向 IV. Interpersonal communication 人际沟通 V. Organizational communication 组织沟通 VI. Choice of communication channel
没有一种网络在所有情况下是最好的。每种网络的有效性 取决于关注的标准。
2、The grapevine 小道消息
在群体或组织中,正式系统并不是惟一的沟通网络。还有 非正式的系统,称之为小道消息。如果情境(如新老板的任命、 办公室的重组、工作的重新安排等)对员工来说十分重要但又 很模糊,导致员工的焦虑时,小道消息会产生。
Exhibit 9-1 The Communication Process 沟通过程模型 (Page119)
This model is made up of seven parts: (1) the communication source, 沟通源、信息源,信息发送者; (2) coding, 编码; (3) the message, 信息; (4) the channel, 渠道;渠道是信息传递的媒介物,由信息源
2、激励:沟通可增强工作动力。 3、情绪表达:沟通提供了一种释放情感的情绪表达机制,
II. The communication process
1、Downward 自示、告知规章制 度、指出需要注意的问题以及提供工作绩效的反馈时,使用的 都是自上而下的沟通。
2、Upward 自下而上的沟通
下级向上级提供信息反馈,汇报工作进度,并告知当前存在的 问题。
3、Lateral 平行沟通/水平沟通
发生于相同工作群体内的成员之间,属于不同工作群体但具 有相同级别的成员之间,相同级别的管理者之间,或任何具有 相同地位的员工之间。