


1)使用本机前请仔细认真的阅读本手册,并按手册指导正确操作。 2)特别提醒您注意以下两个标识的意义:
警告!:表示如操作不当,有可能会造成人员伤亡或严重伤害的标志。 注意!:表示如操作不当,有可能会造成人员伤害或财物损坏的标志。
适用机型: FGR2.6Pd/E(S)Na,FGR2.6Pd/ENa FGR3.5Pd/E(S)Na ,FGR3.5Pd/ENa FGR5Pd/E(S)Na,FGR5Pd/ENa FGR7.2Pd/E(S)Na,FGR7.2Pd/ENa
XK1 0
图 4 线控器外观
图 5 线控器液晶图示 显示内容说明 扫风开关显示。
新风模式(模式 1 ~ 10)。 睡眠开关显示。
自动模式图标显示。 制冷模式图标显示。 除湿模式图标显示。 送风模式图标显示。 制热模式图标显示。
三、遥控器操作指南������������������������������������������������������������� 15 1、遥控器各按键的名称及作用������������������������������������������������� 15 2、运行操作指南—一般步骤(如图 21)���������������������������������������� 17 3、运行操作指南—可选步骤(如图 22)���������������������������������������� 17 4、特殊功能介绍������������������������������������������������������������� 17 5、遥控器电池更换及注意事项������������������������������������������������� 18



施工说明一、一般规定1.空调通风工程的施工与验收应按本说明进行,所有设备应按照生产商的要求和说明进行安装,说明中未详之处均应遵照国家标准执行,设备及管道的安装应严格按照下列国家规范进行:《通风与空调工程施工规范》 GB50738-2011《通风与空调工程施工质量验收规范》 GB50243-2002《建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范》 GB 50242-2002《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》 GB 50045-95(2005年版)《建筑设计防火规范》 GB 50016-2006《建筑设计防火规范》 GB 50016-2014《建筑防排烟技术规程》 DGJ08-88-2006 J10035-2006 《机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范》 GB 50231-2009《风机、压缩机、泵安装工程施工及验收规范》 GB 50275-2010《制冷设备、空气分离设备安装工程施工及验收规范》 GB 50274-2010《工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范》 GB 50184-2011《工业设备及管道绝热工程施工质量及验收规范》 GB 50185-2010《建筑节能工程施工质量验收规范》 GB 50411-2007《通风管道技术规程》 JGJ141-2004《现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工规范》 GB50236-2011《工业设备、管道防腐蚀工程施工及质量验收规范》 GB50727-2011《多联机空调系统工程技术规程》 JGJ174-2010/J1001-2010 《设备及管道绝热技术通则》GB/T 4727《设备及管道绝热设计导则》 GB/T 8175《建筑机电工程抗震设计规范》 GB50981-20142. 尺寸单位管道标高以米计,其余尺寸以毫米计。

3. 系统标高所注标高除特别注明以该层建筑楼面为起算标高外,其余均以建筑地坪为±0.000的相对标高。







6 设定温度显示
7 化霜状态显示
8 定时时间显示
设定温度增加键 设定温度减少键 风速键 睡眠键 定时键 开/关键
1) 开/关机(图 2) 按下开/关键,本机组将会启动。 再一次按下开/关键,本机组将停止。
2)风扇控制(图 3)(图中所示为有关显示区域,以下同) 每一次按下风扇控制键时,风扇速度按如下顺序变化:
5)运行模式设置(图 6) 每一次按下本键,操作模式按如下顺序变化:
制冷模式时,制冷显示 将点亮,温度必须设定成比现
除湿模式时,除湿显示 将点亮。内风机在一定温度范
3)温度调节(图 4) 按下温度调节键,
▲:用以使设定温度增加; ▼:用以使设定温度减少。 (按下一次本键时,温度将以 1℃为单位增加或减少。)
制热 -------- 16℃~30℃ 制冷 -------- 16℃~30℃ 除湿 -------- 16℃~30℃ 送风 -------- 不能进行温度的设定 自动 -------- 不能进行温度的设定









1 特点对模压镁板风管提出相应的施工工艺及要求,针对性较强。


2 适用范围本工艺适用于工业与民用建筑通风、空调工程中模压镁板风管的施工。

3 工艺原理模压镁板风管由两层高强度无机材料和一层保温材料复合而成,不需二次保温,保温性能好,且风管全部采用胶接结构制作而成,无法兰连接,大大提高了风管的密闭性,降低了风管漏风的能量损耗。

4 施工工艺流程及操作要点风管预制风管切割(1)切割矩形板材时应采用平台式切割机。




























































表1—1 现场采用的施工验收规范二、工程概述餐饮分布于步行街及水游城地下一层至四层,厨房排油烟系统即为步行街及水游城餐饮区域提供厨房排油烟.排油烟机及油烟净化器由小业主自行安装,我司只负责竖井内及水平甩口至服务店铺内一米的排油烟系统安装及水平不锈钢风管的保温工作。



1≤1250mm 的风管于2500mm —3所示,法兰翻边尺寸为15mm ,风管长边尺寸>2500mm 时,采用对接焊接外加不锈钢槽钢法兰加固的方式,如图2。



图2.1-1风管长边尺寸≤1250mm 图2.1-2风管长边尺寸>1250mm图2.1—3 风管横向翻边对接焊示意图 图2.1—4 风管横向对接焊外加加固框示意图不锈钢板不锈钢焊丝图2.1—5风管焊接及加固示意图2.2 钢板裁剪下料拟采用宽度为1250mm的不锈钢卷板进行下料,根据风管规格,将钢板分成两段下料。






复合风管技术规范2007——01——16发布 2007——01——16实施前言现根据新型复合风管制作、安装实际要求,本公司特起草制定本企业标准,并报请杭州市技术监督局备案,作为科创新型复合风管制作、安装的技术依据,该工艺及技术已获国家专利,施工单位应该具有专利权人的许可,否则视为侵权。







1.1.3 风管制作、安装各环节必须逐一检验合格再进入下道工序,并做好相应的质量记录。

1.1.4 施工场地、人员、设备必须按有关规定执行,确保人员安全与产品质量。

1.2 引用标准1.2.1 GB50243-2002 通风与空调工程施工及验收规范。

1.2.2 JCJ141-2004 通风管道技术标准。

1.2.3 JC/T646-2006 玻镁风管。

2、复合风管的制作技术规范2.1 切割设备的要求:a 平台切割机:切割不同规格的风格板b 手提切割机:切割变径、三通,弯头管件板材。

c 固位装置:用于固定风管90°角和捆扎拼装好的风管。





二、施工范围1. 空调主机安装与调试;2. 空调管道系统安装;3. 空调电气系统安装;4. 空调风管及风口安装;5. 空调系统试运行与验收。

三、施工准备1. 技术准备(1)熟悉空调系统的设计图纸、设备技术参数、施工规范等相关资料;(2)组织施工人员学习空调安装施工工艺和质量标准;(3)对施工人员进行安全教育和培训。

2. 材料准备(1)空调主机、管道、阀门、风机盘管等设备;(2)电气设备、电缆、接线端子等;(3)保温材料、密封材料、粘合剂等;(4)施工工具、检测仪器等。

3. 施工现场准备(1)清理施工现场,确保施工环境整洁;(2)搭建临时设施,如脚手架、防护栏杆等;(3)配备必要的安全防护用品,如安全帽、手套、防护眼镜等。

四、施工工艺1. 空调主机安装与调试(1)主机安装:按照设计图纸要求,将空调主机放置在指定位置,确保主机水平、垂直度符合要求;(2)连接管道:将主机进出水管、进出气管与管道系统连接,确保接口密封、牢固;(3)电气连接:将主机电气线路与电源连接,确保线路正确、安全;(4)调试:开启主机,检查系统运行是否正常,调节系统参数,确保空调系统运行稳定。

2. 空调管道系统安装(1)管道敷设:按照设计图纸要求,敷设管道,确保管道布局合理、美观;(2)管道连接:将管道与主机、风机盘管等设备连接,确保接口密封、牢固;(3)管道保温:对管道进行保温处理,防止热量损失;(4)管道试压:对管道系统进行试压,确保管道无泄漏。

3. 空调电气系统安装(1)电气设备安装:按照设计图纸要求,安装电气设备,确保设备安装牢固、水平;(2)电缆敷设:按照设计图纸要求,敷设电缆,确保电缆布局合理、美观;(3)接线端子连接:将电缆与设备接线端子连接,确保连接正确、牢固;(4)电气系统试运行:开启电气系统,检查设备运行是否正常,调节系统参数,确保电气系统运行稳定。





3)阀门应从每批中抽取10%,且不少于1个进行强度试验和严密性试验,当不合格时,应加倍抽查,仍不合格时,该批阀门不得使用,阀门的强度试验压力不得小于公称压力的1.5倍,试验时间不得少于5min ,以壳体填料无渗漏为合格;严密性试验宜以公称压力进行,以阀瓣密封面不漏为合格。

4)DN70(含)以下的管道用砂轮锯切割,DN70以上的管道用等离子切割机切割,切口表面应平整,无裂纹、重皮、毛刺、凹凸、缩口等;切口端面倾斜偏差“△”不应大于管子外径的1%,且不得超过3mm 。


穿楼板套管应高出楼面20mm ,穿过屋面的管道应有防水肩和防雨帽,管道与套管之间的空隙应采用不燃材料填塞。



8)管子对口时,应在距接口中心200mm 处测量平直度,当管子公称直径小于100mm 时,允许偏差为1mm ;当管子公称直径大于或等于100mm 时,允许偏差为2mm 。

但全长允许偏差为10mm 。


10)管道安装时,不宜使用临时支吊架,当使用临时支吊架时,不得与正式设备基础检查验收空调机房设备稳装 设备配管 水压试压 管道设备保温设备单机试运系统调试 竣工验收 系统冲洗 外管线安装 空调机组和风机盘管安装 设备碰头支吊架冲突,并应有明显标记,在管道安装完后拆除。



通风管道及空气分送附件第一节总则1.1.1 说明本章说明有关通风管道及空气分送附件包括但不限于散流器、调风器、通风口等各种附件的制造和安装所需的各项技术规格要求。

1.1.2 一般要求A. 所有送至工地的通风管道及空气分送附件必须为全新制品,并有不能擦掉的印章标记,以识别不同的材料厚度等级、物料和制造商。

B. 所提供的通风管道及各种空气分送附件须符合招标图纸和本技术规格说明书的规定和建筑师的要求。

C. 所有采用的物料包括通风管道、密封剂、保温材料、粘合物、柔性接合垫圈、粘贴剂、玻璃纤维板等应完全符合当地消防部门的所有规定。

D. 在选取所有散流器及通风格栅口时,除须按各相关的送/回/排风设计要求外,还须同时能满足本技术规格说明书“消声措施”一章中所规定的噪音要求。

1.1.3 质量保证A. 所有散流器、通风格栅、百叶和其它空气分送附件必须是合格产品。

B. 风管须采用非燃材料制造。


C. 须参照和遵从的规范和标准:1. 当地有关部门所制定的规范和守则。

2. 国内验收规范GB 50243-2002 <通风与空调工程施工质量验收规范>。

3. 国家标准GB/T 2518-2004 <连续热镀锌钢板及钢带>。

D. 有关通风管道及相关的空气分送附件所采用的各类材料和施工工艺均须符合本章内所标注的规范/标准,或其它与该标准要求相符的中国或国际认可的规范/标准。

E. 除经特别批准外,所有空气分送系统之附件均须为同一厂家产品。

1.1.4 资料呈审A. 须提交详细显示所有调风阀、分风器、吊架、柔性接头、各类规格和类型风口、检修口和测试口的安装位置之施工图包括但不限于平面图、剖面图、立面图、示意图、清单及详图供审核。

B. 须提交有关调风阀、分风器、吊架、柔性接头、各类风口、检修口和测试口的生产和安装详图供审核。

C. 须提交各类规格和类型的送风格栅和吊顶散流器的认可功能测定数据,包括但不限于如下所述的各项参数:1. 表面风速;2. 静压阻力;3. 在2.5m/s,1.5m/s的送风速度下之送风距离及综合房间风速;4. 按ASHRAE STANDARD 36-72,在混响房间内测试所得的声功率级数据。

格力 2P 天花板内置薄型风管式多联式热泵空调 安装及保养说明书

格力 2P 天花板内置薄型风管式多联式热泵空调 安装及保养说明书


提 示感谢您购买热泵空调。



多联式热泵空调MULTI-SPLIT AIR-CONDITIONER尊敬的用户:您好!感谢您选择和使用本公司产品。













●●● ●●●●在标明各种危害严重程度时会使用标志性词语(危险、警告和注意)。



温 度(℃)不要让机器的出风口直接面对动植物,这样对动植物有不利的影响。






●*23WB 15WB -5DB*15DB 43DB* 27DB 15WB*室内室外室内室外制冷运行制热运行最高最 低*这个温度值可能随不同的室外机而改变。



PART NO. 9373385066-02E n g l i s hINSTALLATION MANUALVRF SYSTEM INDOOR UNIT Duct TypeFor authorized service personnel only.Contents1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .............................................22. ABOUT THE UNIT2.1. Precautions for using the R410A refrigerant ..........22.2. Special tool for R410A ............................................22.3. Accessories ............................................................22.4. Optional parts .........................................................33. INSTALLATION WORK3.1. Selecting an installation location ............................33.2. Installation dimensions ...........................................43.3. Installing the unit ....................................................44. PIPE INSTALLATION4.1. Selecting the pipe material .....................................74.2. Pipe requirement ....................................................74.3. Flare connection (pipe connection) ........................74.4. Installing heat insulation .........................................85. INSTALLING DRAIN PIPES (8)6. ELECTRICAL WIRING6.1. Electrical requirement ..........................................106.2. Wiring method ......................................................116.3. Unit wiring ............................................................116.4. Connection of wiring .............................................136.5. Air fl ow changing ..................................................137. FIELD SETTING7.1. Setting the address ..............................................147.2. Custom code setting ............................................157.3. Function setting ....................................................168. TEST OPERATION8.1. Test operation using PCB (Outdoor unit) .............178.2. Test operation using Remote Controller ...............179. CHECK LIST ...............................................................1710. ERROR CODES (17)1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS• Be sure to read this Manual thoroughly before installation.• The warnings and precautions indicated in this Manual contain important information pertaining to your safety. Be sure to observe them.• Hand this Manual, together with the Operating Manual to the customer.Request the customer to keep them on hand for future use, such as for relocating or repairing the unit.WARNING!This mark indicates procedures which, if improperly performed, might lead to the death or serious injury of the user.• Request your dealer or a professional installer to install the unit in accordance with this Manual.An improperly installed unit can cause serious accidents such as water leakage, electric shock, or fi re.If the unit is installed in disregard of the instructions in the Installation Manual, it will void the manufacturer’s warranty.• Do not turn ON the power until all work has been completed.Turning ON the power before the work is completed can cause serious accidents such as electric shock or fi re.• If refrigerant leaks while work is being carried out, ventilate the area.If the refrigerant comes in contact with a flame, it produces a toxic gas.• Installation work must be performed in accordance with national wiring standards by authorized personnel only.CAUTION!This mark indicates procedures which, if improperly performed, might possibly result in personal harm to the user, or damage to property.2. ABOUT THE UNIT2.1. Precautions for using the R410ArefrigerantWARNING• Do not introduce any substance other than the prescribed refrigerant into the refrigeration cycle.If air enters the refrigeration cycle, the pressure in the refrigeration cycle will become abnormally high and cause the piping to rupture.• If there is a refrigerant leakage, make sure that it does not exceed the concentration limit.If a refrigerant leakage exceeds the concentration limit, it can lead to accidents such as oxygen starvation.• Do not touch refrigerant that has leaked from the refrigerant pipe connections or other area. Touching the refrigerant directly can cause frostbite.• If a refrigerant leakage occurs during operation, immediately vacate the premises and thoroughly ventilate the area.If the refrigerant comes in contact with a flame, it produces a toxic gas.2.2. Special tool for R410AWARNING• To install a unit that uses the R410A refrigerant, use dedicated tools and piping materials that have been manufactured specifi cally for R410A use.Because the pressure of the R410A refrigerant is approximately 1.6 times higher than the R22, failure to use dedicated piping material or improper installation can cause rupture or injury.Furthermore, it can cause serious accidents such as water leakage, electric shock, or fi re.Tool name Contents of changeGauge manifold• Pressure is huge and cannot bemeasured with a conventional gauge.To prevent erroneous mixing of otherrefrigerants, the diameter of each porthas been changed.It is recommended to use a gaugemanifold with a high pressure displayrange –0.1 to 5.3 MPa and a lowpressure display range –0.1 to 3.8 MPa. Charging hose• To increase pressure resistance, thehose material and base size werechanged.Vacuum pump• A conventional vacuum pump can beused by installing a vacuum pumpadapter.Gas leakagedetector• Special gas leakage detector for HFCrefrigerant R410A.2.3. AccessoriesWARNING• For installation purposes, be sure to use the parts supplied by the manufacturer or other prescribed parts.The use of non-prescribed parts can cause serious accidents such as the unit to fall, water leakage, electric shock, or fi re.• The following installation parts are furnished. Use them as required.• Keep the Installation Manual in a safe place and do not discard any other accessories until the installation work has been completed.En-2Binder (Medium)Coupler heat insulation (Small)Coupler heat insulation (Large)Special nut A(Large flange)Special nut B(Small flange)HangerHose bandDrain hose insulationEn-4CAUTION• Do not use the unit for special purposes, such as storing food, raising animals, growing plants, or preserving precision devices or art objects.It can degrade the quality of the preserved or stored objects.• Do not install where there is the danger of combustible gas leakage.• Do not install the unit near a source of heat, steam, or fl ammable gas.• Install the unit where drainage does not cause any trouble.• Install the indoor unit, outdoor unit, power supply cable, transmission cable, and remote control cable at least 1 m away from a television or radio receivers. The purpose of this is to prevent TV reception interference or radio noise.(Even if they are installed more than 1 m apart, you could still receive noise under some signal conditions.)• If children under 10 years old may approach the unit, take preventive measures so that they cannot reach the unit.• Decide the mounting position with the customer as follows:(1) Install the indoor unit on a place having a suf fi cient strength so that it withstands against the weight of the indoor unit.(2) The inlet and outlet ports should not be obstructed; the air should be able to blow all over the room.(3) Leave the space required to service the air conditioner.(4) A place from where the air can be distributed evenly throughout the room by the unit.(5) Install the unit where connection to the outdoor unit is easy.(6) Install the unit where the connection pipe can be easily installed.(7) Install the unit where the drain pipe can be easily installed.(8) Install the unit where noise and vibrations are not ampli fi ed.(9) Take servicing, etc., into consideration and leave the spaces. Also install the unit where the fi lter can be removed.(10) Providing as much space as possible between the indoorunit and the ceiling will make work much easier.(11) If installing in a place where its humidity exceeds 80%, useheat insulation to prevent condensation.3.2. Installation dimensions• Provide the space around the unit as shown in the following fi gure.400 mm or more 150 mm or more ❈1❈1 400mm or more when drain from drain pipe.• Provide a service hole for inspection purposes.• Do not place any wiring or illumination in the service space, as they will impede service.• When an air fi lter is installed on the air inlet, provide enough service space to replace the fi lter.AirAirService holeControl box300 mmor more 500 mm or more500 m m o r m o r e100 m mAir AirService spaceControl box300 mm or more1,550 mm or more500 m m o r m o r e100 m mIntake panel3.3. Installing the unitWARNING• Install the air conditioner in a location which can withstand a load do at least fi ve times the weight of the main unit and which will not amplify sound or vibration. If the installation location is not strong enough, the indoor unit may fall and cause injuries.• If the job is done with the panel frame only, there is a risk that the unit will come loose. Please take care.3.3.1. Installing the hangersHanging bolt installation diagram.(Top side)(Right side)270 m mA i rA i rWARNING• When fastening the hangers, make the bolt positionsuniform.740 mm477 mmA i rA i r1,135 m m1,177 m mDuct installation pattern ( CUT PART)Cut Cut Cut Cut(2) Turn up the insulation around the points to be cut ac-cording to the outlet port shape working points so thatthe insulation does not stick out at the(3) Cut with nippers and remove the sheet metal.• The screw holes to install the flange are located behind the round cutouts in the insulation.Duct4.PIPE INSTALLATIONCAUTION• Be more careful that foreign matter (oil, water, etc.) does not enter the piping than with refrigerant R410A models. Also, when storing the piping, securely seal the openings by pinching, taping, etc.• While welding the pipes, be sure to blow dry nitrogen gas through them.4.1. Selecting the pipe materialCAUTION• Do not use existing pipes.• Use pipes that have clean external and internal sides without any contamination which may cause trouble during use, such as sulfur, oxide, dust, cutting waste, oil, or water.• It is necessary to use seamless copper pipes.Material : Phosphor deoxidized seamless copper pipesIt is desirable that the amount of residual oil is less than 40 mg/10 m.• Do not use copper pipes that have a collapsed, deformed, or discolored portion (especially on the interior surface). Otherwise, the expansion valve or capillary tube may become blocked with contaminants.• Improper pipe selection will degrade performance. As an air conditioner using R410A incurs pressure higher than when using conventional refrigerant, it is necessary to choose adequate materials.• Thicknesses of copper pipes used with R410A are as shown in the table.• Never use copper pipes thinner than those indicated in the table even if they are available on the market. Thicknesses of Annealed Copper Pipes (R410A)Pipe outside diameter [mm (in.)]Thickness [mm]6.35 (1/4)0.809.52 (3/8)0.8012.70 (1/2)0.8015.88 (5/8) 1.0019.05 (3/4) 1.204.2. Pipe requirementCAUTION• Refer to the Installation Manual of the outdoor unit for description of the length of connecting pipe or for difference of its elevation.• Use pipe with water-resistant heat insulation.CAUTION• Install heat insulation around both the gas and liquid pipes.Failure to do so may cause water leaks.Use heat insulation with heat resistance above 120 °C.(Reverse cycle model only)In addition, if the humidity level at the installation location of the refrigerant piping is expected to exceed 70 %, install heat insulation around the refrigerant piping. If the expected humidity level is 70-80 %, use heat insulation that is 15 mm or thicker and if the expected humidity exceeds 80 %, use heat insulation that is 20 mm or thicker. If heat insulation is used that is not as thick as specified, condensation may form on the surface of the insulation. In addition, use heat insulation with heat conductivity of 0.045 W/(m·K) or less (at20 °C).4.3. Flare connection (pipe connection)WARNING• Tighten the flare nuts with a torque wrench using the specified tightening method. Otherwise, the flare nuts could break after a prolonged period, causing refrigerant to leak and generate a hazardous gas if the refrigerant comes into contact with a fl ame.4.3.1. Flaring• Use special pipe cutter and fl are tool exclusive for R410A. (1) Cut the connection pipe to the necessary length with apipe cutter.(2) Hold the pipe downward so that cuttings will not enter thepipe and remove any burrs.(3) Insert the fl are nut (always use the fl are nut attached tothe indoor and outdoor units respectively) onto the pipeand perform the flare processing with a flare tool. Usethe special R410A flare tool, or the conventional flaretool. Leakage of refrigerant may result if other fl are nutsare used.(4) Protect the pipes by pinching them or with tape toprevent dust, dirt, or water from entering the pipes.BDieAPipeCheck if [L] is flared uniformlyand is not cracked or scratched.LEn-7Width across4.3.2. Bending pipesIf pipes are shaped by hand, be careful not to collapsethem.Do not bend the pipes in an angle more than 90°.When pipes are repeatedly bend or stretched, the material will harden, making it dif more.Do not bend or stretch the pipes more than three times.Connection pipeTorque wrenchIndoor unit pipe Flare nutHolding wrenchTighten with two wrenches.(Accessories)Binder (Large)(Accessories)Heat insulationheat insulation.CAUTION• After checking for gas leaks (refer to the Installation Manual of the outdoor unit), perform this section.• Install heat insulation around both the large (gas) and small (liquid) pipes. Failure to do so may cause water leaks.INSTALLING DRAIN PIPESUse general hard polyvinyl chloride pipe and connect it withadhesive (polyvinyl chloride) so that there is no leakage.Always heat insulate the indoor side of the drain e a drain hose that matches the size of the drain pipe.Do not perform a rise, trap and air bleeding.Provide a downward gradient (1/100 or more).Provide supporters when long pipes are installed.Use an insulation material as needed, to prevent the pipes from freezing.Install the pipes in a way that allows for the removal of the control box.Drain port Drain cap(Accessories)• Cover the drain cap with the drain hose insulation.Drain hose insulation (Accessories)Unit Unit Drain hose insulation (Accessories)Drain cap0 mmINSTALL THE DRAIN HOSEWorking procedure1) Install the attached drain hose to the drain port of the body.Install the hose band from the top of the hose within the graphic display area. Secure fi rmly with the hose brnd.2) Use vinyl adhesive agent to glue the drain piping (PVC pipe VP25) which is prepared on site or socket. (Apply color ad-hesive agent evenly until the gauge line and seal)3) Check the drainage.4) Install the heat insulation.5) Use the attached heat insulation to insulate the drain port and band parts of the body.DrainhoseArrange the drain hoselower than this portionTrapNO GOODOKRiseNO GOOD1.5 to2.0 mAir bleedingNO GOODCAUTION• Always check that the drain cap is installed to the unused drain port and is fastened with the binder.If the drain cap is not installed, or is not suffi ciently fastened by the binder, water may drip during the cooling operation.6.ELECTRICAL WIRING6. E L E C T R I C A L WWARNING• Electrical work must be performed in accordance with this Manual by a person certified under the national or regional regulations. Be sure to use a dedicated circuit for the unit.An insufficient power supply circuit or improperly performed electrical work can cause serious accidents such as electric shock or fi re.• Before starting work, check that power is not being supplied to the indoor unit and outdoor unit.• For wiring, use the prescribed type of wires, connect themEn-116.2. Wiring method(EXAMPLE)PR SUPPLY OUTDOOR UNIT TRANSMISSIONTRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION POWER SUPPLYPOWER SUPPLY POWER SUPPLYPOWER SUPPLYPOWER SUPPLYREMOTE CONTROL UNIT (MASTER)REMOTE CONTROL UNIT (SLAVE)REMOTE CONTROL UNITREMOTE CONTROLINDOOR UNITINDOOR UNIT INDOOR UNITBREAKERBREAKER POWER SUPPLY REMOTE CONTROLPOWER SUPPLY REMOTE CONTROLBREAKER BREAKERTRANSMISSION 6.3. Unit wiring• Before attaching the cable to terminal block.6.3.1. Power supply cablePower supply cable25 mm Earth cable30m m A. For solid core wiring(1) To connect the electrical terminal, follow the below diagram and connect after looping it around the end of the cable. (2) Use the speci fi ed cables, connect them securely, and fasten them so that there is no stress placed on the terminals.(3) Use an appropriate screwdriver to tighten the terminal screws. Do not use a screwdriver that is too small, otherwise, the screw heads may be damaged and prevent the screws from being properly tightened.(4) Do not tighten the terminal screws too much, otherwise, the screws may break.(5) See the table for the terminal screw tightening torques.(6) Please do not fi x two power supply cables with one screw.St ri p 25 mmLoop Screw with spe-cial washerScrew with special washer Cable end(Loop)Cable end (Loop)CableCableTerminal blockWARNING• When using solid core cables, do not use the ring terminal. If you use the solid core cables with the ring terminal, the ring terminal's pressure bonding may malfunction and cause the cables to abnormally heat up.B. For strand wiring(1) Use ring terminals with insulating sleeves as shown in the fi gure below to connect to the terminal block.(2) Securely clamp the ring terminals to the cables using an appropriate tool so that the cables do not come loose.(3) Use the speci fi ed cables, connect them securely, and fasten them so that there is no stress placed on the terminals.(4) Use an appropriate screwdriver to tighten the terminal screws. Do not use a screwdriver that is too small, otherwise, the screw heads may be damaged and prevent the screws from being properly tightened.(5) Do not tighten the terminal screws too much, otherwise, the screws may break.(6) See the table for the terminal screw tightening torques.(7) Please do not fi x two power supply cables with one screw.St r i p10 mmSleeveScrew with special washerScrew with special washerRing terminalCableCableTerminal blockRing terminalRing terminalWARNING• Use ring terminals and tighten the terminal screws to thespeci fi ed torques, otherwise, abnormal overheating may be produced and possibly cause heavy damage inside the unit.Tightening torqueM4 screw(Power supply /L, N, GND) 1.2 to 1.8 N·m (12 to 18 kgf·cm)En-126.3.2. Transmission and Remote control cableTransmission cableShielded cable (No fi lm)20 mm 45m mRemote control cable20 m m• Connect remote control and transmission cables as shown in Fig. A.Fig. AScrew Terminal blockCableCable of the same caliber: OKCable of the different caliber: NO GOODWARNING• Tighten the terminal screws to the specified torques, otherwise, abnormal overheating may be produced and possibly cause heavy damage inside the unit.Tightening torqueM3.5 screw(Transmission /X1, X2)(Remote control /Y1, Y2, Y3)0.8 to 1.0 N·m (8 to 10 kgf·cm)CAUTION• To peel the fi lm from the lead cable, use a dedicated tool that will not damage the conductor cable.• When installing a screw on the terminal block, do not cut the cable by overtightening the screw. On the other hand, an undertightened screw can cause faulty contact, which will lead to a communication failure.En-136.4. Connection of wiring(1) Remove the control box cover and install each connection cable.ScrewControl box cover(2) After wiring is complete, secure the remote control cable, connection cable, and power cable with the cable clamps.Power supply cable (Field supply)Binder (Medium) (Accessories)Binder (Medium) (Accessories)Remote control cable Transmission cable (Field supply)Binder (Medium) (Accessories)L, N:Power supply cableX1, X2:Transmission cableRemote control cable Y1:Red Y2:White Y3:Black6.5. Air fl ow changingWhen using the ARXB24/30/36/45L model with external Static Pressure under 40 Pa, the Wire (FAN MOTOR) must be replaced as explained below.Replacement method (1) Remove the cover.(2) Remove the Wire (TYPE A) connector from Wire (FAN MOTOR).(3) Remove the Wire (TYPE A) connector from CN4 of the PCB.(4) Insert the Wire (TYPE B) connector into CN4 of the PCB.(5) Insert the Wire (TYPE B) connector into Wire (FAN MOTOR).(6) Insert the cover.En-147.1. Setting the addressCAUTION• Use an insulated screwdriver to set the dip switches.Rotary switch Example: “0”Dip switch “SET 3”Rotary switch Example: “0”SW 1SW 2SW 3SW 4SettingSetting rangeType of switchIndoor unit address0–63Setting example2IU AD X 10 IU AD X 1Refrigerant circuit address0–99Setting example 63REF AD X 10 REF AD X 1(1) Indoor unit addressRotary switch (IU AD x 1)...Factory setting “0” Rotary switch (IU AD x 10)...Factory setting “0”When connecting multiple indoor units to one refrigerant system, set the address at IU AD SW as shown in the T able A.(2) Refrigerant circuit addressRotary switch (REF AD x 1)...Factory setting “0” Rotary switch (REF AD x 10)...Factory setting “0”In the case of multiple refrigerant systems, set REF AD SW as shown in the Table A for each refrigerant system.Set to the same refrigerant circuit address as the outdoor unit.• If working in an environment where the wireless remote controller can be used, the addresses can also be set using the remote controller.• If setting the addresses using the wireless remotecontroller, set the indoor unit address and refrigerant circuit address to “00”.(For information on setting using the wireless remote controller.)CoverWire (Fan motor)External Static Pressure and Required Connector TypeType ABExternal Static Pressure40 – 80 Pa0 – 40 PaWire123456123451 BLACK2 WHITE3 PINK4 PURPLE5 BLUEARXB24 ARXB30 ARXB361 BLACK 2 WHITE 3 RED 4 BLUE 5 PINK 6 PURPLEARXB451 BLACK2 WHITE3 RED4 PINK5 PURPLE6 BLUERemarkFactory setting (Standard static pressure)Accessories (Low static pres-sure)7. FIELD SETTING• Refer to the following three items for setting the FIELD SETTING address. The respective settings are included below.(1) IU AD, REF AD SW settings ............ T his section (2) Remote control settings ................... R efer to the wired orwireless remote control manual for detailed set-ting information. (Set IU AD, REF AD SW to 0)(3) Automatic address settings .............. R efer to the indoor unitmanual for detailed set-ting information. (Set IU AD, REF AD SW to 0)CAUTION• Be sure to turn OFF the power before performing the fi eld setting.Table AAddressRotarySwitch SettingAddressRotarySwitch SettingRefrigerant circuit REF AD SWIndoor unitIU AD SW x 10x 1x 10x 1000000 101101 202202 303303 404404 505505 606606 707707 808808 909909 10101010 11111111 12121212.. ................99996363 Do not set the indoor unit address (IU AD SW) at 64 to 99. It may result failure.RC AD SWRC AD SW1RC AD SW2RC AD SW3Indoor unitRemotecontrollerIndoor unit Indoor unit Indoor unitA B C DA B C D IndoorunitRemotecontrollerConfusionCode change(3) Remote controller addressRotary switch (RC AD SW)...Factory setting “0”When connecting multiple indoor units to one standard wired remote controller, set the address at RC AD SW in sequence from 0.SettingSettingrangeType of switchRemotecontrolleraddress0–15SettingexampleRC ADExample If 4 indoor units are connected.RC AD SW01234567 Address01234567RC AD SW89A B C D E F Address891011121314157.2. Custom code settingSelecting the custom code prevents the indoor unit mix-up.(Up to 4 codes can be set.)Perform the setting for both the indoor unit and the remote controller.En-15En-16Function detailsFunctionFunction numberSetting number DefaultDetailsFilter indicator interval1100Default ○Adjust the fi lter cleaning interval noti fi cation. If the noti fi cation is too early, change to setting 01. If the noti fi cation is too late, change to setting 02.01Longer 02Shorter Filter indicator action1300Enable ○Enable or disable the fi lter indicator. Setting 02 is for use with a central remote control.01Disable 02Display only on central remote control Horizontal swing air fl ow direction2400Default ○Adjust the horizontal swing air fl ow direction.(For horizontal swing equipped models)01Left half 02Right half Cool air temperature trigger3000Default ○Adjust the cool air trigger temperature. To lower the trigger temperature, use setting 01. To raise the trigger temperature, use setting 02.01Adjust (1)02Adjust (2)Hot air temperature trigger3100Default ○Adjust the hot air trigger temperature. To lower the trigger temperature by 6 degrees C, use setting 01. To lower the trigger temperature by 4 degrees C, use setting 02. To raise the trigger temperature, use setting 03.01Adjust (1)02Adjust (2)03Adjust (3)Auto restart4000Enable Enable or disable auto-matic system restart after a power outage.01Disable○External control4600Start/Stop○Allow an external control-ler to start or stop the system, or to perform an emergency shutdown.* I f an emergency shut-down is performed from an external controller, all refrigerant systems will be disabled.01Emergen-cy stopError report target4700All ○Change the target for reporting errors. Errors can either be reported in all locations, or only on the wired remote.01Display only on central remote control• Custom code setting for indoor unitSet the DIP SW SET 3 SW1, SW2, referring to the Table B.Dip switch “SET 3”SW 1SW 2SW 3SW 4OFFON Table BCustom codeA (Factory setting)BC D DIP SWSET 3 SW1OFF ON OFF ON DIP SW SET 3 SW2OFFOFFONON7.3. Function setting• FUNCTION SETTING can be performed with the wired or wireless remote control.(The remote control is optional equipment)• Refer to the wired or wireless remote control manual for detailed setting information. (Set IU AD, REF AD SW to 0)• Refer to “7.1. Setting the address” for indoor unit ad-dress and refrigerant circuit address settings.• T urn the power of the indoor unit ON before starting the setting.* Turning on the power indoor units initializes EEV , so make sure the piping air tight test and vacuuming have been conducted before turning on the power.* Also check again to make sure no wiring mis-takes were made before turning on the power.。



READ AND SAVE THESE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSflow switch (PDN or PDA) or electronic air flow switch sensors (EAS) and automatic thermal cut-out. This may damage heating elements and controls.Important , direction of installation (refer to arrow on name plate) must be respected. Failure to do so will impair proper operation of thermal cut-out and/or cause overheating of solid state relay(s).Caution, Risk of malfunction , Do not proceed with modification or alteration to internal electric connection or component of the electric heater. Any non-authorized modification will void the warranty.!Features:∙ Zero clearance construction ∙ Horizontal or Vertical air flow∙ Standard control panel door with removable hinges ∙ Approved to CSA and UL standards1 Dimensions2 Installation Tips2.1 Air flow condition to avoid:2.2 Minimum clearance to access control panelCaution , Risk of electric shock and burns. A minimum distance of 39’’ (1m) must be maintained between heating section and any opening or access door in the duct. This applies to all types of heaters. If such distance cannot be maintained, a protective guard (C22.2 No.155 section 4.1.8) must be installed to protect personnel from contact to heating elements and bare live parts.3 HandlingWarning, Risk of failure or malfunction . Do not operate electric heater if heating elements have been damaged during transport or handling.✓ Protective packaging must be kept until installation.✓Electric heater must be handled with care, particularly for the Open Coil electric heater.4 Mechanical installationCaution, Risk of damage and malfunction, Do not block air flow to heating elements, insufficient airflow may damage heating elements and controls.Important , direction of installation (refer to arrow on name plate) must be respected. Failure to do so will impair proper operation of thermal cut-out and/or cause overheating of solid state relay(s),!!!5 Electrical InstallationDANGER: Risk of electric shock. Disconnect all supplies before working on any circuit.CAUTION: Risk of malfunction. Use only copper wires suitable for 221˚F (105˚C).CAUTION: Electric installation must be done by a qualified electrician and must conform to local electrical codes.CAUTION: If a disconnect switch and/or fuses have not been supplied on the control panel of the electric heater, disconnect switch and/or fuses must be installed on supply.CAUTION: Gauge of electric supply wires must be of appropriate section, function of line current, as per local electrical codes.5.1 Power supply wiringSee the name plate for information on voltage and current.✓Connect all wires to appropriate terminals as per the electrical diagram affixed inside the control panel door.✓Correct connection tightening must be verified before start up, and after a short period of operation (typically after 2 weeks).5.2 Typical electric diagram & legendThermal cut-outautomatic reset or Air flow switchor EAS**Single phase power supplyterminalsThermal cut-out Manual reset Disconnect switch3 phases power supplyterminalsNormally opencontactFuseGround terminal Normally closedcontactHeating element InterlockContactor coil TransformerControl circuit supply Back-up safetycontactor coilPneumatic electricswitch (ON/OFF)CommonPilot lightPneumatic electriccontroller(modulating)Solid State Relay inputterminalSolid State Relay outputterminal**Note: Electronic air flow sensor (EAS) is available/installed for heaters less than 50A and dimensions less than 48”x40”. Some restriction may apply.I5.3 Control signal selection and connection5.3.1 Electric ON/OFF signalConnect the contact demand wires to terminals com & 1, 2, 3, etc…of the electric heater.Information about mechanical Air flow switch (PDN or PDA)Upon application of 0.05’’w.c. (12Pa) minimum pressure, mechanical airflow switch will activate internal normally open and normally closed contact.Install pitot tube into the air duct up flow of electric heater. Make sure that the arrow is in the direction of air flow.5.3.2 Pneumatic ON/OFF signalConnect a ØInformation about Pneumatic electric switch (PSO or PSC)Upon application of demand pressure, pneumatic switchwill activate internal normally open (PSO) or normally closed (PSC) contact.Set point is adjustable from 2 to 20PSI (14 to 138kPa)5.3.3 Electrical modulating signal, 0-10 or 2-10Vdc or 4-20mAInformation about Neptronic ®electronic controller (HEC)Neptronic® electronic controller (HEC) is a universal controller accepting any input signal used in the HVAC industry and converting it to a modulating and/or ON/OFF control signal to solid state relay(s) and contactor(s).If the electric heater is equipped with only one modulating stage, part number is HEC0000; and if the electric heater is equippedPneumatic signal inlet port5.3.4 Electric digital signal, AC or DCInformation about Neptronic ®electronic controller (HEC)If the electric heater is equipped with only one modulating stage, part number is HEC0000; and if the electric heater is equipped5.3.5 Electric Neptronic ® signal, resistiveConnect the control signal demand wires to terminals A17 & A18 of the electric heater.Internal set point option:Temperature set point is adjustable directly on the electric heater, preventing over adjustment by user. If the electric heater is equipped with only one modulating stage, part number of electronic controller is HEC0000; and if the5.3.6 Pneumatic modulating signal, 0-15 PSIConnect the tube of the pneumatic signal to the port high pressure and leave the other port free.Information about pneumatic electric controller (PCD or PCR)Upon a pneumatic signal from 0-15 PSI (0 to 103kPa); and a minimum differential of 4 PSI (27kPa), pneumatic electric controller will send a 0 to 10Vdc electric signal to HEC. Direct (PCD) or reverse (PCR) acting preset at factory.Part number of the Neptronic® electronic controller when used with pneumatic electric controller is HEC1000.Pressure input (+)6 Operation conditionAir Flow :Air flow must not be lower than the minimum air flow indicated on name plate.Air flow going through the electric heater must be free of combustible particle, flammable vapour or gas.Open Coil: Air flow going through the electric heater must be free of dust.Zero clearance construction:Neptronic electric heaters are designed and approved for zero clearance to combustible material. Insulation material may be installed directly onto electric heater surfaces or onto air duct. However control panel must be accessible for maintenance.Warning, Risk of fire and/or malfunction, Do not install insulation directly on heating elements.7 MaintenanceNeptronic® electric heater does not require specific maintenance; however, we recommend a yearly inspection, typically before winter season or after a long term shut down.1)Visual inspectionRisk of electric shock. Disconnect all supplies before any visual inspection.✓Verify good condition of heating element.Heating element must be clean, free of dust or lint.✓Open Coil: Verify carefully that there is no dust accumulation. Any dust of lint accumulation can lead to fire hazard.✓Verify any indication of overheating condition (discoloration) as well as any trace of oxidation (rust).2)Electrical inspectionRisk of electric shock. Disconnect all supplies before any electrical inspection.✓Verify correct electrical connection tightening.✓Verify the good condition of fuses (if any).✓Verify resistance of each circuit against ground.✓Verify correct operation of contactor(s).If necessary, electrical component must be replaced only with identical original component.8 Quick Troubleshooting GuideRisk of electric shock. Disconnect all supplies before any electrical inspection and troubleshooting.Any service and troubleshooting must be done by a qualified electrician.Symptom: Electric heater does not react to heating demand.Troubleshooting stepsStep 3Control signal selection jumpersStep 6TPM GreenLEDOutput terminals to heatingstages contactorsStep 7Output terminals to SSR(s)Step 5Input terminals from electronic airflowsensors9 Technical SupportFor any questions or specific requests, please consult our website: Or call: 1 800 361-2308, and ask for the Electric Heater Department.or (514) 333-1433Fax : (514) 333-3163。





2.本图所注明的楼层标高与建施图一致,在平面图中BL: XX.XX表示指管底标高,CL:XX.XX表示指管中心标高。
























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除另有规定外,风管大小尺寸改变之处应小于15 度,






(1) 所有风管,除另有规定外,均应安装紧贴梁下
(2) 主风管皆须固定吊装至最高点,若有与其它工程冲突到须协调再施工,若须更改

(3) 工程中需用到软质风管,须特别加强其两端之束缚,且若软管不够长需更换不得

(4) 过滤网集风箱接软质风管处,除了加强束缚外并在集风箱和风管接触面涂上硅

(5) 软管勿有360°回转拉向出风口之现象。

且2M 以上软管皆须于中间部分以管束

(6) 从主风管挖洞加装之出风口〔欲接软管者〕其与主风管相接之隙缝常过大而漏失

(7) 风管必须安装牢固,挠性风管应采最短距离
(8) 风管转弯处,其截面积不得减少或凹陷
(9) 风管的保温棉须与风管结合良好,勿有脱落现象,且保温棉衔接处不得有隙


(10) 从室外入室内之风管,须做止水环处理,勿让其将室外之水流带入室内。

(11) 风管弯头中心线其半径应保持二倍宽度,弯头内应装置导风片,其迎风一端应

(12) 凡风管贯穿有防火等级的墙壁、地板时,都必须安装防火风门。

(13) 风管制作期间,风管内部应以酒精调水擦拭干净,并以透明塑料布封住开口

(14) 挠性软管弯曲时,其弯曲半径不得小于直径。

(15) 挠性软管须与高温设备及高温风管保持30cm 距离。

(16) 风管厚度单位为寸:
风管宽度30 ”以下时为24#
风管宽度31” ~54”时为22#。

风管宽度55” ~84”时为20#。

风管宽度84”以上时为18# 。

风管宽度54”以下用 1 1/2 ”*1 1/2 ”
风管宽度55”以上用2”*2 ”。

(17) 穿越防火墙,于穿墙前后2M 范围内之保温材料应采用耐燃材质施工。

(18) 所有风口安装前,须将样品、样式及颜色送请业主核定,经认可后始可安装。

(19) 风管系统完成后,各出风口应作风量、风速试验,并制成纪录 3 份附于竣



7.5.1 分风片(Splitter Damper):
风管厚度15cm以下者采用单叶片式调整器,16cm以上者采用多叶片式, 八字形对开之型式,叶片及框架需加以适当之补强,坚固而不得变形。



7.5.4 防震接头: 凡风管与震动装备连接处,应依规定以核可之补强合成皮相接,以隔离震动。

未保温风管露明部份安装前,须依业主指示油EPOXY 面漆二道。

1) 建造期间,须保护风管、附件及开口,免于灰尘及外来物的进入,以及

2) 受损害的风管及其附件必须更换,不能向业主要求额外的金钱
---------------- 本章完------------。
