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摘要...................................................... I ABSTRACT .................................................... I I 1 绪论. (1)

1.1 研究背景 (1)

1.1.1中国象棋背景 (1)

1.1.2 Android系统简介 (1)

1.2 本论文研究意义 (3)

2设计相关技术理论 (5)

2.1 游戏系统开发平台及搭建 (5)

2.2 可行性研究 (6)

3游戏系统功能分析与设计 (7)

3.1 界面的需求分析 (7)

3.2游戏走棋需求设计分析 (7)

3.3类框架的设计 (8)

4 游戏系统的设计与实现 (9)

4.1游戏界面的设计 (9)

4.1.1 共有类ChessActivity的实现 (9)

4.1.2 辅助界面相关类的实现 (9)

4.1.3 游戏界面相关类的实现 (9)

4.2 中国象棋的规则及走法的实现 (10)

4.2.1行棋规则 (10)

4.2.2棋盘的表示 (22)

4.3 游戏人机会话的实现 (23)

4.3.1 着法的生成 (23)

4.3.2 搜索算法 (24)

4.3.3 局面评估 (26)

5 游戏系统模块的设计实现 (28)

5.1 欢迎界面 (28)

5.2菜单界面 (28)

5.3 帮助界面 (30)

5.4游戏界面 (30)

6 运行测试 (34)

7 结束语 (35)

致谢 (36)

参考文献 (37)

附录: (38)

译文 (48)






Chinese Chess is an intellectual casual games, has a long history and has a huge game enthusiasts groups, Chinese Chess edify sentiment, exercise intelligence, experience the joy of chess brought Chinese Chess is an entertainment for all ages games. With the popularity of handheld devices and smart phone, smart phone equipped with Android operating system has entered every household, when people leisure occasionally need entertainment, but found no physical chess, the software would be a good substitute for entertainment, especially in this fast-paced society, people are more satisfied with the use of mobile phones, you can easily move freely, unlike physical chess as sitting quietly. With the development for the practical application of software, Android development technology was deeply analyzed and researched to achieve human-machine chess battle of Chinese chess in this thesis. This article realization of the Chinese chess in the computer representation that the problem, based on the application of Android platform, a series of questions were discussed about the man-machine war simulate and related playing chess rules and achieving chess moves. Finally, the computer products a best way for computer moves to achieve the purpose of man-machine war with the chess moving and searching and estimating.

Keywords: Chinese Chess,Android,smart phone,man-machine war
