商务英语翻译(unit 1 business cards)


module 1 Business Cards 商务英语翻译教程电子课件(共41张PPT)

module 1 Business Cards 商务英语翻译教程电子课件(共41张PPT)

Vice-President 副总裁
Vice-Chancellor 副校长
Vice-Manager 副经理
【例】 Deputy Chairman of the Club 俱乐部副经理
Deputy Planning Director 规划部副主任
Business Cards
Module 1
Module 1
Module 1
Module 1
商务(shāngwù)名片的概念与 结构特点
姓名是每一个社会成员的标志和符号,它的社会功能是人们借以相互区别。人们在选择姓名时有着种种原 因和道理,它隐含着一个民族的语言、历史、地理、宗教和文化传统的信息。由于各自历史开展和文化传统的 差异,中西方之间形成了各自不同的姓名体系,这实际上也是一种文化现象。通过对姓名文化的比照研究,可 以对自己的文化有更深的了解,同时对外来文化也有所认识,这将有助于我们在对外交往中相互理解、相互尊 重,减少误会与摩擦,到达双赢。
Administration Staff 行政人员
Administrative Assistant 行政助理
Administrative Clerk 行政办事员

Unit 1 Business Card Etiquette

Unit 1 Business Card Etiquette

Business Card Etiquette⏹One of the first impressions you will make on a foreign colleague is through yourbusiness card, and in many cultures, especially in Asia, the exchange of business cards isa meaningful ritual rather than a casual informality. This is especially true in Japan, wherethe business card exchange is as formal as it gets anywhere in the world.⏹Today, it is more a necessity than a courtesy to have your card translated into the locallanguage of the country you are visiting. Bilingual cards are the norm, with one side printed in your home language and the other side in the foreign language in which you are dealing. If you are using a one-sided card, always hand your card to a colleague with the printed face up. If it is a bilingual card, be sure that the side using the local language is face up. Never fling a card across the table or onto a desk. It is the height of bad manners or nyetkulturny ( devoid of culture) as the Russian would say. Asians consider it an extraordinarily rude gesture.The privileges of rank⏹If presenting to a multitude of foreign contacts at once, give your card to thehighest-ranking individual or leader of the delegation first. This is a sign of respect and avoids embarrassing the lesser-ranking members of the delegation who may even refuse your card if the head honcho has not yet receive one.⏹In most Asian cultures, presenting a card with two hands conveys respect and anappreciation of the importance of the ritual. It is best to hold the card by the two upper corners when making the presentation. Likewise, you should receive a business card with both hands.⏹Once you have it in hand, take time to read it---- not merely a glance but a deliberatestudy. Often this is an ideal time to repeat the person’s name, whic h will help you connect the face to the name.⏹In Japan and in many other Asian cultures it is insulting to put the card directly in yourpocket, wallet or card case without giving it sufficient study time. In Japan it is best of you to lay the card in front of you on the table, especially during the first meeting. This isa sign of great respect.⏹One exception to this rule is in Korea., where it is considered odd behavior to stare at thecard or venerate it by placing it on the table. There it is OK to have a glance and place it in your pocket for late reference.⏹While you may write on your own card, it is considered rude and disrespectful to write onsomeone else’s. treat the card with respect. Ideally, carry a small pocket cardholder or case.⏹In the Islamic world the left hand is considered unclean. Even in many non-Islamic areasof Africa and Asia, the tradition has evolved of using the right hand in preference over the left. So when presenting or receiving a business card use the right hand.⏹In Europe and North America, business cards are far less formalized and are used merelyto keep track of who’s who during a hectic meeting schedule. If you come to sell in these societies, your hosts will be concentrating on your product not your business card.The Rules of the Card Game⏹It’s not only polite to have your card translated into the local language it is nowconsidered a must. Make it work for you.⏹Always present your card with the printed side up or, in the case of bilingual cards, withthe local language side showing.⏹Wait to be introduced before presenting your business card.⏹Present the cards one at a time in the order of the hierarchy of the delegation.⏹Content: include your name and business title. In some cultures it is common to includeyour academic degrees as well.⏹Business titles can be confusing and often do not translate exactly. If your title is one thatis not internationally common, such as Chief Learning Officer, consider using a translation that avoids the literal and rather portrays your status and job in words or concepts that may be more familiar to your host. Don’t inflate job titles. Also make sure to check the translation. You don’t want Vice President of Sales to come out as President of Vice Selling.⏹Well-known or trademarked acronyms ( such as IBM) need not be translated nor dowords included in logos.⏹Take plenty of cards. It can be highly embarrassing to run out of them and in somecultures it would be an insult.⏹Many executives carry two sets of cards. One set is used purely for introductions and hasno direct contact information. The other is used for more serious encounters and includes detailed contact information.⏹Always treat your colleagues’ cards with respect.New Words⏹ritual 礼节⏹multitude n.多数⏹honcho n.<美俚>上司, 老板⏹venerate v.崇敬。


定 语 从 句 被 动 句 式 比 较 句 式 否 定 句 式
商务英语翻译 之 文体与语篇
商 务 合 同 商 品 说 明 书 商 务 信 函
商 标 与 品 牌
商 务 广 告
商 号 与 名 片
词义的选择(Choice of Meaning)
(二)根据词性确定词义 (三)根据专业来确定词义 (四)根据词的搭配关系和上下文 来确定词义
net income net profit net conclusion
净收入 纯利润 最终结论
小数目 1. a low figure 收入低的工人 2. workers on low incomes 3. The simplest way to succeed in business is to buy low and sell high. 生意成功最简单的途径就是贱买贵卖。 4. The value of the pound has fallen to a new low against the dollar. 英镑兑换美元的比值已跌到新的(最)低点。
(四)根据词的搭配关系和上下文来确定词义 1. In case of any request by either party, the party having possession of the desired record may deliver the appropriate records to the requesting party. 2. The price difference should in no case be as big as USD 25 per metric ton. 3. In the case of an order for more than 6 000 pieces, Party B allows a special discount of 6 percent.

职通商务英语第1册Unit 1 Business Kalaidoscope

职通商务英语第1册Unit 1 Business Kalaidoscope
• a sociologist studying the complex way in which people interact (with each other) at parties
> interaction
• Keys A. Goods-producing business
bakery, shoe factory, oil plant, vegetable farm, coal mine, B. Service-providing business travel agency, grocery shop, bank, hotel, movie theater, hospital, public transport
group of similar things that belong together in some way :
• a set of tools • a set of chairs • a set of false teeth.
[C] commercial establishment; firm; shop • have/own one‘s own business • She runs a thriving grocery business. • Many small businesses have gone bankrupt
tertiary burns 三度烧伤(极严重的)
• industry, commercial undertaking that provides services :
the hotel, tourist, entertainment, etc industry
Comprehensive Questions:



商务英语写作辅导资料八主题:对Unit 8名片(Business Cards)知识点的补充学习时间:2013年5月20日-5月26日内容:1. 概述名片(business card或name card)是现代商务活动和社会交往中必不可少的工具,它既可作为自我介绍的重要手段,又可长期保存以备日后联系之用。



(1) 姓名(Name):一般使用汉语拼音,也有混合使用英文名+汉语姓的。

(2) 称谓(Title):一般放在姓名后面,可能是官衔(Rank)、职位(Position)、职业(Job)、职称(Technical Title)、荣誉称号(Honorary Title)等。

(3) 公司(Company)(4) 部门(Department)(5) 地址(Address):包括邮政编码。

(6) 其他联系资料,包括电话(Tel)、电子信箱(Email)、网址(Website)等。

2. 地址的英译名片的主要功能是联系,所以要在名片上写详细的家庭或单位通讯地址,这是必不可少的一项内容。

例如:住址:浙江省台州市黄岩区天长路18号201室翻译成英文是Address: Room 201, 18 Tianchang Road, Huangyan District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province对于上例,翻译时有几点需要注意:(1) 中文地址的排列顺序由大到小,即国、省、市、区、路、号;英文地址则刚好相反,是由小到大的,即号、路、区、市、省、国。

(2) 地名部分应使用汉语拼音,且需连写,如Huangyan不宜写成Huang Yan。

(3) 各地址单元间要加逗号隔开。

行政区的一些常见英译:(1) 国家(State):中华人民共和国(the People’s Republic of China; P. R. China; P. R. C.)。

商务英语翻译(英译汉)第1单元 关于商务英语

商务英语翻译(英译汉)第1单元 关于商务英语
• 例如: • By making it possible to accumulate corporate knowledge in an information system linking computer to computer and business process to business process, intranets allow disparate corporate knowledge to be collected in one “virtual” place. • 译文:通过在连接电脑同电脑、业务流程同业务 流程的信息系统中使得积累企业知识成为可能的 方式,局域网允许不同的企业知识被收集到一个 “虚拟的”地方。
• 商务英语蕴涵各种商务活动内容、为从事国际商 务活动的人们所认同和接受、适合国际商务活动 交际需要。 • 它融较强的实用性、较强的专业性和明确的目的 性于一身。 • 它包括语言知识、交际技能、专业知识、管理技 能和文化意识等核心内容。
• 在当今经济全球化的社会里,包括技术引进、对 外贸易、招商引资、对外劳务承包与合同、国际 金融、涉外保险、国际旅游、海外投资、国际运 输、商业广告等在内的各种商务活动中,所使用 的英语都称之为商务英语。
• 在商务合同类的文本中,所使用的英语句子结构 通常较为复杂,句式规范,文体正式,尤其在招 标文件和投标文件以及合同当中更是如此。
• As the bank’s undertaking will be replacing that of the importer, the bank will treat this as an application for credit and will give consideration to setting up a “line of credit” in the same way as if it were an application for a loan. If the “line” is granted or has already been arranged, the importer completes an “Application for Commercial Credit” in which he gives full details of the Credit he requires. • 译文:由于银行承诺将取代进口商的承诺,银行 将此视为申请信贷,而且会考虑设立一个“信贷额 度”,就和申请一笔贷款一样。如果这种“额度”已 经提供或者安排妥当,进口商便办理“商业信贷申 请”手续,向银行提供他所需信贷的详细要求。

Unit 2 translation of business cards商务名片翻译

Unit 2 translation of business cards商务名片翻译

Part I 单位名称的翻译
“工厂”在英译中似乎已与factory 划上了 等号,其实不然。“工厂”在英语中可以用许 多不同的词来表示,翻译时需要根据工厂的性 质选用不同的词。英语中除了factory, 还可以 用 plant, mill, works, workshop , shop , yard , manufacturer , maker , house , laboratory foundry,studio等表示。
Part I 单位名称的翻译
吴斌 总裁
地址: 北京市宣武区广安门外大街78号
邮编: 100055
电话: (010)6237588
传真: (
Part I 单位名称的翻译
商务名片是一种用来方便联系的介绍性卡片,记载持有者的姓名、身份、 职位以及其他信息,是商务交际中不可或缺的交流工具。商务名片主要有两 种功能:信息功能和人际功能。根据具体作用和场合,“名片”可翻译为 business card, name card, visiting card, calling card, 或简称card。
商务名片的设计新颖多样,但是其内容通常包括4 个部分:单位名称、 持有人姓名、职位或职称以及联系方式,有些商务名片还印有企业的业务 范围、企业口号等。
Part I 单位名称的翻译
商务名片是一种用来方便联系的介绍性卡片,记载持有者的姓名、身份、 职位以及其他信息,是商务交际中不可或缺的交流工具。商务名片主要有两 种功能:信息功能和人际功能。根据具体作用和场合,“名片”可翻译为 business card, name card, visiting card, calling card, 或简称card。

商务英语综合翻译 (Unit1-3)

商务英语综合翻译 (Unit1-3)


I hate to tell you this,but if we don’t get more customers the next three months,the bottom line is that we’ll go out of business.2.当局可能会对户外广告的副作用加以干预,但是,这并不意味着该禁令在法律上的合理性。


(be concerned with) The authorities might be concerned with the side effects of the outdoor ads,but this does not mean the ban is legally justifiable.It has hindered us from scheduling our projects.3.复杂的革新金融体系固然容易遭受破坏,但是单一、严格管制的金融体系势必导致经济发展迟缓。

(susceptible)A sophisticated and innovative financial system is susceptible to destructive booms;but a simple,tightly regulated one will condemn an economy to grow slowly.4.布什总统说他了解很多美国人都担心未来经济的发展,持续不稳定的房地产市场存在风险,使更多人面临失业危险。

President Bush says he knows many Americans are concerned about the future of the economy,with the risk that continued instability in the housing market could put more jobs in jeopardy.1.鲍勃的勤勉和智慧为他的成功铺平了道路。

unit1商务翻译 (2)

unit1商务翻译 (2)

Sec 4
Sec 6
Keep Off the Grass
Sec 7
Road repaired ahead, please drive slowly. Road Work Ahead
SECTION 3 Methods and Techniques
3. 程式化套译
Sec 1
Sec 4
Sec 6
Sec 7
SECTION 3 Methods and Techniques
4. 使用大写字母,省略标点符号。如:
Sec 1
ENTRY、 EXIT 、 DEAD END 等,汉译英时,英文需大写。 5. 语言运用力求引人注目。 尤 其 是 商 业 标 识 (Business Signs) 及 店 铺 的 招 牌 (Signboard),更要追求夸张的效果。如: EOM (End of Month) Sale月终大廉价
Sec 2
Sec 4
Sec 6
Sec 7
Grand Sale/Bargain Sale大甩卖
Big Price Plunge大削价
SECTION 3 Methods and Techniques
II. 标识的翻译技巧
SECTION 3 Methods and Techniques
Sec 2
Sec 4
Sec 6
Sec 7
No Spitting严禁随地吐痰 Please Do Not Disturb 请勿 打扰Mind the Gap注意站台缝隙 Please Use Revolving Door请使用旋转门

商务英语翻译实训chapter 1 Translation of Business Cards[精]

商务英语翻译实训chapter 1 Translation of Business Cards[精]

3. 企业及企业各部门名称的翻译
• 中国企业名称一般由企业注册地址、企业 专名、企业生产对象或经营范围和企业的 性质四部分组成。
3. 企业及企业各部门名称的翻译
• 企业注册地址按地名翻译的原则处理;企 业专名可音译,也可意译,音译时可按汉 语拼音,也可按英语拼写方式;企业生产 对象或经营范围须意译,两个并列成份一 般用符号“&”连接起来,如“中国科学器 材公司”译为China Scientific Instruments & Materials Corporation
• 企业销售的部门 Sales Department 销售部 Marketing Department 营销部 Business Office 营业部 Import and Export Department International Department 国际部 After-sales Department 售后服务部
3. 企业及企业各部门名称的翻译
• 企业服务部门 Accounting Department 财务部 Personnel Department 人事部 Human Resources Department 人力资源部 Advertising Department 广告部 Public Relations Department 公关部 Technology Department 技术部 Training Department 培训部 Customer Service Department 客户服务部 Reception Desk 接待处
Translation for International Business
Chapter 1
Translation of Business Cards



商务英语写作辅导资料八主题:对Unit 8名片(Business Cards)知识点的补充学习时间:2013年5月20日-5月26日内容:1. 概述名片(business card或name card)是现代商务活动和社会交往中必不可少的工具,它既可作为自我介绍的重要手段,又可长期保存以备日后联系之用。



(1) 姓名(Name):一般使用汉语拼音,也有混合使用英文名+汉语姓的。

(2) 称谓(Title):一般放在姓名后面,可能是官衔(Rank)、职位(Position)、职业(Job)、职称(Technical Title)、荣誉称号(Honorary Title)等。

(3) 公司(Company)(4) 部门(Department)(5) 地址(Address):包括邮政编码。

(6) 其他联系资料,包括电话(Tel)、电子信箱(Email)、网址(Website)等。

2. 地址的英译名片的主要功能是联系,所以要在名片上写详细的家庭或单位通讯地址,这是必不可少的一项内容。

例如:住址:浙江省台州市黄岩区天长路18号201室翻译成英文是Address: Room 201, 18 Tianchang Road, Huangyan District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province对于上例,翻译时有几点需要注意:(1) 中文地址的排列顺序由大到小,即国、省、市、区、路、号;英文地址则刚好相反,是由小到大的,即号、路、区、市、省、国。

(2) 地名部分应使用汉语拼音,且需连写,如Huangyan不宜写成Huang Yan。

(3) 各地址单元间要加逗号隔开。

行政区的一些常见英译:(1) 国家(State):中华人民共和国(the People’s Republic of China; P. R. China; P. R. C.)。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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