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0.The 737-300 fuselage is divided into four sections: section 41 , section 43 , section 46 and section 48 .


0.Section 41 contains the radar antenna behind a fiberglass honeycomb fairing, hinged at the top. aft of the pressure bulkhead, above the floor, are the flight compartment and forward airstair and its door, and the electronic equipment bay .this section has two lower access doors.


Section 43 contains the passenger cabin and the forward cargo compartment.


5.Section 46 contain the center and aft portion of the passenger cabin ,two overwing escape hatches and aft entry and service doors. The space below the floor includes the wing center section (fule tank), air-conditioning bays, wheel well, hydraulic bay and aft cargo compartment. this section terminates at the aft pressure bulkhead.

pneumatic system provides pressure for the potable water system, hydraulic system and engine starters. The engine bleed air systems are located on the engine and within the support strut.


3.The normal cabin air source is obtained from the 5th-stage of the engines at low –engine power, 9th-stage air automatically substitutes to meet user system needs.


4.On the top of figure 2-1, the isolation valve separates the left and right halves of the system. On the left side of the isolation valve, the APU bleed air duct joins the left side crossover duct; on the right side ,the pneumatic ground service connector joins the right side crossover duct. From these ducts the user system are supplied with pressurized air ,governed by the appropriate control valves.




3.Air from the pneumatic manifold is too warm and must be cooled. The pupose of 2 packs is to reduce engine bleed air temperature to the desired temperature.



4.An air cycle machine is an integral unit of each cooling pack. The air cycle machine consists of a turbine wheel and a compressor wheel mounted on a common shaft. Air flowing through the air cycle machine drives the turbine, the turbine drives the compressor section. As the air leaves the turbine it expands greatly. This expansion can cause the temperature of the air to drop to sub-zero levels.


5.In figure 3-1, we can see that the conditioned air from the right pack flows into the main distribution manifold, the conditioned air from the left pack flows into the main distribution manifold and into the flight compartment. In addition, a trim air line from the left mix chamber adds hot air to the flight compartment duct. The main distribution manifold supplies the passenger compartment overhead distribution system through tow sidewall risers.
