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假如你是杨方,你要竞选班长(class president),请根据以下内 容写一篇竞选讲词。 1.你认为自己具备什么条件可以胜任班长工作; 2.如果当选你会为班级同学做些什么。

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Hello,everybody! My name is Yang Fang. I'm glad to have this opportunity to tell ______________________________________________________ __________________
origin n.起源,由来,出身,血统
otherwise adv.①以另外方式,别样 ②在一 切其他方面,除此

之外 ought modal v.应当,应该 ours pron.我们的(东西) ourselves pron.我们自己,我们亲自 outdoors adv.在户外,在野外
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let;lift;light;little;long 【词汇1】 let(let,let) [常用法总结] ★let alone 更不用说,更何况 ★let sb. alone 不打扰某人 ★let sb. down 使某人失望 ★let go (of) 放开,松手 ★let out 泄露 [考点拓展] <同义词>allow 允许
【词汇5】 long [常用法总结] ★as/so long as 只要,既然 ★before long 不久以后 ★long before/ago 很久以前 ★no longer 不再 ★in the long run 从长远来看 [考点拓展] long v.渴望 long to do sth.渴望做 long for sth.渴望得到

package n.[C]包裹,包装
packet n.小包(裹),小捆,封套,袋 vt.把……打成小包,把 ……包起来
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pain n.①[U]疼,疼痛 ②n.[C]身体(常 pl.)努力,辛苦,某部
paint n.[U]油漆,涂料,粉刷,(用颜料等)绘画 vt.(用颜料等)

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obvious adj.显而易见的 occupy vt.占领,占据,忙着(做某事),担任(某职) occur vi.①发生 ②出现 ocean n.[C]海洋 o'clock n./adv.点钟 October n.十月(缩:Oct.) of prep.(表示所属关系、数量、其中)……的 off adv.(离)开,(走)开,离,距 prep.从……离开 offer vt.&.n.提供,提出,出价 office n.[C]①办公室 ②职务,职责 officer n.[C]军官,警官 official n.[C](文职)官员 adj.官方的,正式的

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隐 藏
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often adv.(more often/oftener,most often/oftenest)常常,经常
oil n.[U]油,石油 vt.给(机器)等加油,上油
once adv.一次,一度,从前 conj.一旦……(就……) one num.一 pron.一个,一个人
oneself pron.(反身代词)自己,自身,亲自(用于加强语气)
outline n.大纲,概要,略图,轮廓,外形
output n.产品,产量

outside prep.在……外 adv.向外面,在外面 n.外部,外面 overcoat n.[C]大衣 overcome vt.战胜,压倒,克服 vi.得胜 owe vt.①欠 ②感激,归(功) own adj. 自己的 vt.所有,拥有 ox n.公牛[C] pack n.[C]包,捆 v.打包,装进

pardon n.原谅,宽恕,对不起
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parent n.[C]父、母亲;parents 双亲
Paris n.巴黎(法国首都) park n.[C]公园 vt.停放(车辆) vi.停放 车辆


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【词汇4】 little(less least)
★a little 用于不可数名词或比较级前表示肯定:一些,一点,少 许 ★little by little 逐渐地 ★quite a little 相当多,不少 ★not a little=very much 很,非常
经典范文诵读 分的疼痛或不适 考前冲刺演练

painting n.①[C]油画,水彩画 ②[U]上油漆,着色 pair n.[C]①(由两上一样的东西组成的)一双,一对 ②一 对夫妇,一对情侣 palace n.[C]宫,宫殿 pale adj.①苍白的 ②(颜色)淡的 pan n.[C]平底锅 paper n.①[U]纸 ②[C]报纸,试卷,论文,文章 paragraph n.[C](文章)段,节
operation n.①[C]操作,开动 ②[C]手术 opinion n.[C]意见,看法

opposite adj.对面的,相反的 prep.在……的对面 n.相反的事物
orange n.橙子,橘子 adj.橙色的
ordinary adj.普通的,平常的;正常的 organize/organise vt.组织,安排 vi.组织起来

★not a bit=not at all 一点也不 [考点拓展] <同义词> small 小的,少的; tiny 极少的,微小的 <反义词>big;large;enormous;giant;huge;immense 大的, 巨大的
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Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu

经典范文诵读 you why you should vote for me as class president. 考前冲刺演练

Hello,everybody! My name is Yang Fang. I'm glad to have this opportunity to tell you why you should vote for me as class president. I am responsible, sociable, and easy-going by nature. I like class work and enjoy serving others. Additionally, I have varied interests. I love singing and playing the drums as well as soccer. I am also a good listener and always open to different opinions. I am confident that I can do the job well. Being a student myself, firstly, I will create an academic atmosphere so that everyone in our class will improve their studies. For those students who are falling behind, I will find ways to help them to catch up. Secondly, I will serve as a bridge between the teachers and us students. Finally, I will arrange parties to relax ourselves. I believe I am the right person for this post and I hope to have your support and vote. Thank you!
only adj.①唯一的,独有的 ②仅有的③最合适的,最好的 adv.仅仅

onto prep.到……上面 open adj.开着的,开放的 v.开,打开,睁开 n.户外,露天( operate v.①动手术(与 on 连用) ②(机器)开动,运转 ③经
高频词句突破 与the 连用) 经典范文诵读 考前冲刺演练
【词汇2】 lift [常用法总结] ★give sb. a lift 用车顺便送某人 ★ask for a lift 请求搭车 [考点拓展] <同义词>raise 升起;elevator 电梯 【词汇3】 light [常用法总结] ★in(the)light of 按照,根据,鉴于 ★shed/throw/cast light on/upon 使明白,阐明 ★light up 照亮,使生辉 ★bring sth. to light 揭露,披露 ★come to light 为人所知,暴露 ★see the light (of day)问世 [考点拓展] <同义词>bright adj. 明亮的 <派生词>lighted adj.点燃的;lighten v.减轻;lighter n.打 火机;lightly adv.轻柔地

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1.During my three academic years, I made good grades in all courses. 2.I'm looking forward to receiving your good news. 3.I have been studying here for three years and will graduate in June next year. 4.I'm writing to apply for the scholarship that your department offers to students from other countries. 5.Any favorable consideration of my application will be highly appreciated. 6.I would greatly appreciate it if you would forward the necessary materials and relevant information at your convenience. 7.Your university is a well-staffed and well-equipped institute with a long history and a fine tradition of scholarship,enjoying a worldwide fame. I will certainly feel greatly honored if I am fortunate enough to be admitted into it. 8.Thank you for considering my application for the position.