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Negation (正说反译,反说正译法 正说反译, 正说反译 反说正译法)
The English language has its peculiarities in negation. Of course, English-speaking people have their own way of thinking in the negation and expressing negative implications. What is affirmative in form in English may be implied something negative in Chinese, and vice versa. The use of "yes" and "no" is a case in point. 1. --"Are you not going tomorrow?" --"No, I'm not going." 2. "I don't think you're right in this point."
重复译法主要体现在以下几个方面: 1,英语中常重复使用前置词,而将第二个,第三个 前置词的名词省略,翻译时则往往要把名词重复; 2,英语句子常常用一个动词连接几个宾语或表语, 在译文中要重复这个动词; 3,英语句子中动词后有前置词时,在第二次第三次 往往只用前置词而省略动词,在译文中则要重复 动词以代替英语中重复的前置词; 4,英语中两个并列句中后句的动词承接前文省略, 而在汉语中独立的分句必须具备谓语,翻译时必 须重复译出英语中省略的动词. 5,英语中用代词的地方,翻译时往往可按照汉语习 惯重复其所代替的名词.
11. At the news of his father's death, he remained quiet for several days. 得知父亲过世的消息,他好几天都一言不发 一言不发. 一言不发 12. Before too many years passed, corner gasoline stations may be replaced by batteryrecharging terminals. 用不了多少年,街头加油站就有可能被蓄电池充 用不了多少年 电站所代替. 13. Decision has to come. 决定还没有做出. 决定还没有做出 14. He was 75, but he carried his years lightly. 他75岁了,可是并不显老 并不显老. 并不显老
一,原文用肯定语气,译文用否定语气 原文用肯定语气, 1.You have roused my curiosity. And now you must gratify it. a) 你既然挑起了我的好奇心,就别再 就别再吊我的胃口了. 就别再 b)你既然激起了我的好奇心,就别再 就别再卖关子了. 就别再 c)你既然激起了我的好奇心,就别再 就别再遮遮掩掩了. 就别再 2.Appearances aຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidue often deceptive. 外表往往是靠不住的 靠不住的. 靠不住的 3.She was irritated at being denied the opportunity to get a pay rise. 她没有得到 没有得到涨工资的机会,非常生气. 没有得到
10. You should seize the opportunity at any moment to put in a good word for me. 你应该不失时机 不失时机为我说说情.(短语) 不失时机 11. The examination left no doubt that the patient had died of cancer. 调查结果清清楚楚说明 清清楚楚说明病人死于癌症. 清清楚楚说明 (短语) 12. Students, with no exception, are to hand in their papers this afternoon. 今天下午学生统统 统统要交书面作业.(短语) 统统
8. They accepted the peace proposal with dignity. 他们不失体面地 不失体面地接受了这项和平方案. 不失体面地 9. While she liked his works, she pointed out areas where improvement was possible. 尽管喜欢他的作品,但她仍指出某些地方有待改 进. 尽管她喜欢他的作品,但仍指出其不足之处 不足之处. 不足之处 10. She seemed pale from the absence of all cosmetics. 因为没有化妆 没有化妆,她看上去面色苍白. 没有化妆
5.Don't lose time in handing in the exercise books. 立即把作业本交上来. 立即 6.If all three of you take part in it, there can be no further questioning of your courage. 要是你们三位都参加,那就足以证明 足以证明你们 足以证明 勇气可嘉.(反译) 要是你们三位都参加,无疑 无疑你们是有勇气 无疑 的.(正译) 7.We could not be more mistaken. 我们大错特错 大错特错了. 大错特错
Discussion: 你真不是东西!? What a creature you are! What a fool you are! You are a sheer idiot. 我认为你不是东西. I think you are an idiot. I don't think you are trustworthy. 你算什么东西! You, really, are nothing. You think you are something. No, far from it.
二,原文用肯定语气,译文用否定语气 原文用肯定语气, 1.The hotel staff spared no pains to ensure that our stay was as joyable as possible. 旅馆工作人员竭尽所能 竭尽所能让我们住得舒适些. 竭尽所能 2.Nothing but a miracle could prevent the company from going bankrupt. 只有奇迹发生,这家公司才能免于破产. 只有 3.Your negligence was nothing less than criminal. 你的疏忽简直是 简直是犯罪./ 你的疏忽无异于 无异于犯罪. 简直是 无异于 4.She couldn't find anywhere to live, though not for want of trying. 她四下里寻找 四下里寻找住处,仍是找不到. 四下里寻找
5. We may safely say so. 我们这样说万无一失.(副词) 6. The explanation is pretty thin. 这个解释相当不充分.(形容词) 7. His refusal is not final. 他的拒绝并非不可改变.(形容词) 8. He was an indecisive sort of person and always inconstant. 他这个人优柔寡断,而且总是反复无常. (形 容词) 9. Miss Smith kept to her room all day. 史密斯小姐终日足不出户.(短语)
Leave me alone! Go away! 别烦我!走开! Feel at home. 别见外,别客气. I went to the airport to meet my friend but missed her. 我去机场接朋友,可是没接着. Good winner, good loser. 胜不骄,败不馁.
8.You can not be too careful in proofreading. 校对时越仔细越好. 9.I couldn't agree with you more. 我完全同意. 10.Anybody less like a dictator they would not find. 他是他们所见到的最霸道的人了.(反译) 他们再也找不到比他更霸道的人了.(正译)
4.She is the last person to trust with a secret. 她是最不能 最不能保守秘密的人. 最不能 5.It escapes your notice that she has changed so much. 你没注意到 没注意到她变化那么大. 没注意到 6. The computer is beyond repair. You might as well buy a new one. 这台电脑修不好了 修不好了,你不如买台新的算了. 修不好了 7. Women who do house work by the hour may make nearly as much as public school teachers, if they work the same number of hours. 做家务的钟点女工在同样的时间内,其收入同公立 学校的教师的工资差不多 差不多. 差不多 做家务的钟点女工在同样的时间内,挣钱不比 不比公立 不比 学校的教师少. 少
13. Jim was no end upset because he couldn't go swimming. 吉姆非常心烦 非常心烦,因为他不能去游泳.(短语) 非常心烦 14. If it worked once, it can work twice. 一次得手,再次不愁.(句子) 一次得手,再次不愁 15. Let bygones be bygones. 既往不咎.(句子) 既往不咎 16. He was not going to lose sight of me. 他一直在监视我的行踪. 他一直在监视我的行踪.(句子)
从以上例句中可以看出,正反译法所涉及到的不仅 有词,词组,还有句子.再如: 1. Such a chance denied me. 我没有得到 没有得到这样一个机会.(动词) 没有得到 2. The doubt was still unsolved after his repeated explanations. 虽然他一再解释,疑团仍然存在 仍然存在.( 动词) 仍然存在 3. "Don't unstring your shoes, Rody," she said. 她说:"把鞋带系上 系上,罗迪."(动词) 系上 4. Many agreed that the Prime Minister had in effect given up his position dishonorably. 许多人认为首相辞职实际上很丢面子 (副词) 丢面子. 丢面子
Repetition (重译法 重译法) 重译法
Strictly speaking, repetition is under amplification, namely supplying some necessary words in target language. But this amplification is different from what we discussed in Chapter IV. Here we mean to repeat the same words or phrases which are given previously in the version. Repetition is employed for the sake of clearness, for the sake of emphasis, and for the sake of vividness.