中考代词语法 (5)

中考代词语法 (5)
中考代词语法 (5)





I are good friends.我,你和她都是好朋友.2.复数一二三eg:We,you and they all like music.我们,你们和他们都喜欢音乐。3.承担责任I当先eg:I and he make mistakes.我和他犯了错误。)






1、常见普通代词:Both;either;neither;all; none; a few;few; a little; little; many; much; some; any;each; every;another;other;the other;others;the others


(1)both, either与neither



(7)another, other,the other,others与the others



(1)不定代词定语后置eg;There is something interesting in the book.


(3)复合不定代词只能做主语,宾语或表语。作主语时谓语动词用单数。Somebody is speaking in the empty house.有人在那个空房子里说话。

(4)反意疑问句的主语为everybody等人时,用they;主语为everything等物时,用it (5)everyone=everybody 指人;every one指人又指物,与of连用。




Eg:Hello!Who is that?你好!你是哪位?

Hello!This is Jane speaking!你好!我是简。

3、在疑问句当中,若句子的主语是this、that、these、those时,回答用it或者they 来代替。Eg:-Is this/that your car?-Yes, it is.)








主格Who/that Which/that

宾格Who/whom/that Which/that

属格Whose Whose/of which







1. 强身健体,预防疾病

2. 训练求生技能

3. 休闲娱乐,放松身心理由:

1. 害怕水

2. 有危险性

3. 气温低时容易感冒



1. 词数80左右。(文章的开头已给出,不计入词数)

2. 不得透露学校,姓名等个人信息,否则不予评分。

In recently years, some districts are planning to include swimming in the examination of physical education. And they made a survey about it in some schools, Here’s the result from one school.

【答案】例文In recently years, some districts are planning to include swimming in the examination of physical education. And they made a survey about it in some schools. Here’s the result from one school.

About 57 per cent students like to have swimming lessons at school. Because it can help build up our body and guide against (prevent) illness. Besides, swimming is a survival skill when we face some natural disasters. It is also a good choice to go swimming lo relax ourselves when we are free.

However, 43 percent students are against this plan for some reasons. First, some of them are afraid of getting in the water. Second, it may be dangerous because we may drown. Then, when it

is cold, we may catch a cold.

In my opinion, it’s a good idea lo have swimming lessons. I can improve my health, and relax myself after classes as well.

(In my opinion, it’s not a good way to have swimming lessons at school. Because it’s expensive to bu ild a swimming pool, and sometimes it’s difficult to keep the water clean because there are many students at school.)



本文是一篇材料作文,根据所给材料,阐明关于“把游泳纳入中考体育考试”的两种不同观点,而且最后还要表达出自己的观点,所以文章主要用一般现在时。文章分为三个部分,第一部分,首先引出本文话题,并用Here’s the result from one school.起到承上启下的作用,引出调查结果;第二部分分别阐述两种不同观点About 57 per cent students like to have swimming lessons at school. Because….; Howeve r, 43 percent students are against this plan for some reasons.最后提出自己的观点并进行总结In my opinion…。注意阐明观点列举理由时,要注意条理性,比如用到表示次序先后的词first, second, then;或者句型It can…… It also can…..,besides…..等;本文内容完整,写作条理清晰,语言表达准确,是一篇不错的文章。


你即将升入高中,面临寄宿(a boarding school)和走读(a day school)两类学校的选择。请你以“A boarding school or a day school”为题。写一篇短文,内容须包括:读寄宿学校的利和弊;读走读学校的利和弊;你的选择和理由(不得与上述两点内容重复)。

注意:1. 词数;100词左右(文章开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数);

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名等信息;

3. 文章必须包含提示中的所有信息,并按要求适当发挥。

A hoarding school or a day school

We are going to graduate from our middle school, __________________________________


We are going to graduate from our middle schools, and we will make a choice to enter a boarding school or a day school. Both kinds of school have their advantages and disadvantages.

If we choose a boarding school, we will save time to study. However, we may have less time to stay with our family. If we choose a day school, parents can know more about our studies. At the

same time computer games and TV plays may make a bad influence on us.

As for me, I prefer a boarding school. We should pay attention to our studies to get good grades in the high school.



整体分析:这是一篇给材料作文。可以分三段写。第一段要写总体交代你即将升入高中,面临寄宿(a boarding school)和走读(a day school)两类学校的选择。第二段要写详细叙述读寄宿学校的利弊;读走读学校的利弊。第三段要表述作者自己的选择和理由。


写作之前要1.审清题目,看看有哪些要求?哪些时态?人称?2.确定文章类型,记叙文?说明文?议论文?看图?还是应用文?3.确定时态,单一还是混合。4.写下关键词、短语、句型。5.列出提纲和段落,并运用适当的句型和过渡词衔接。6.根据提纲和段落结构句型及关键词句完成文章。写完后反复阅读修改推敲润色,人称、时态、单复数一致等。运用自然过渡法和自然衔接法来是文章更为地道、通顺、纯正。用的短语、句型:both kinds of、If we choose a boarding school、At the same time、As for me, I prefer a boarding school、pay attention to、来增加了文章的亮点。



4.为了宣传和弘扬中华优秀传统文化, 某双语杂志将举办征文活动来介绍中国的经典故事, “程门立雪(Stand in the snow to wait for Master Cheng respectfully)”是其中一个选题。请你根据下面的内容提示, 用英语写一篇短文参加此活动。


1. 杨时去拜见老师程颐一老师在睡觉一杨时在雪地等一老师醒来发现杨时在门口

2. 通过介绍这个故事, 发表你的看法或者观点。


1. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯:词数:100左右.

2. 不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称、老师和同学的真实姓名。

【答案】Long long ago, there was a man called Yangshi. Once he went to visit his teacher, Chengyi. Unfortunately, Mr. Cheng was sleeping in the room. He didn’t wake up the teacher. So he stood in front of the gate. At that moment, there were snowflakes flying over his head and it was very cold. But yangshi still stood in the snow until Mr. Cheng woke up. When the teacher woke up, the snow was very deep. Yangshi was like a snowman standing at the gate. Finally, the teacher was moved deeply.

After reading the story, I think we should respect our teacher. We should study hard.



这是一篇材料作文,主要介绍中国的经典故事, “程门立雪(Stand in the snow to wait for Master Cheng respectfully)”。目的是宣传和弘扬中华优秀传统文化。时态为一般过去时,灵

活运用动词的过去式。作文要包含材料上的所有信息,通过介绍这个故事,发表看法或者观点。写作时,避免汉语式英语。注意固定搭配及主谓一致的问题,例如:There was/ were...注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系,具有条理性。


注意:1. 词数90词左右,开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。

2. 回复必须包括所以要点,可是当发挥,是短文连贯,通顺。

3. 文中不得提及真实的人名、校名等相关信息。

参考词汇: civilized 文明的

Dear Danny,

I’m glad to receive your letter. Since you are interested in civilization(文明) of China, I would like to share something with you.

I hope you can come to China someday to experience the ancient culture of China. Look forward to hear from you soon.

All the best,

Li Hua

【答案】Dear Danny,

I’m glad to receive your letter. Since you are interested in civilization(文明) of China, I would like to share something with you.

Chinese civilization is one of the oldest and longest civilizations in the world. China is a country of 56 nationalities. Different nations have difficult cultures. In my country, we have many traditional festivals, such as, the Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival . They are also called “three major Chinese holidays” in China. Here ar e the customs of eating Zongzi and racing dragon-boat on the Dragon Boat Festival.

China is a nation of etiquette (礼仪). Chinese people can respect, trust and help each other. We all learn and grow together. Everyone in my school should protect the whole public environment. Climbing the trees, picking the flowers and throwing garbage at random are not allowed there.

I hope you can come to China someday to experience the ancient culture of China. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

All the best.

Li Hua 【解析】






写作中注意语义通顺,符合逻辑关系,上下文之间可以适当使用连接词。如but, so, then 等。可以适当使用高分句子。本篇文章写的好的句子有:Chinese civilization is one of the oldest and longest civilizations in the world.中华文明是世界上最古老、最悠久的文明之一。China is a nation of etiquette(礼仪),中国是一个礼仪之邦。

6.假如你是王梅,有一个弟弟/妹妹一直是你的梦想,去年你家里添了一个弟弟/妹妺,你非常开心,请根据内容要点,写一封电子邮件给你的笔友李蕾,和她分享你的快乐,告诉她你的变化。( brother, sister任选其一)

内容要点: (1)我一直想有个弟弟、妹妹;





参考词汇:joy; grow up with sb.伴某人成长;on one’s initiative主动地;help do the housework;study hard; set an example 树立榜样。





Dear Li Lei,

I have been dreaming to have a brother/sister. Last

year,___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

I’m lucky and happy to have a brother/ sister. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Wang Mei 【答案】Dear Li Le,

I have been dreaming to have a sister. Last year, my dream came true. I was really happy to have such a lovely baby sister.

She brings lots of joy to our family and she grows up with me day by day. Every time I see the big smile on her face, my heart is full of sweet feelings. I will come over to see her and play with her as soon as I get home every day. Now I’m not alone any more.

Above all, I have learned to share and look after others since she was born. I learn to help my mother do the housework, such as washing clothes, cooking and looking after my little sister on my own initiative. In order to set a good example for my little sister, I decide to study hard all the time and go to a famous university one day. Taking care of the baby is a hard job and I learn to be patient from it. I also learn to be kind and friendly to her.

I’m lucky and happy to have a sister. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Wang Mei 【解析】









_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


【答案】例文:The smartphone is becoming more and more popular nowadays .I also have a smartphone .I usually use it to send text messages, play games,watch videos, listen to music and learn English .It is very useful and convenient. In fact,the smartphone makes my life colorful. However ,every coin has two sides.Sometimes I spend too much time playing games on the smartphone and get bad results in exams.

So I think we students should use our smartphones properly and don’t use them too much .We should pay more attention to our studies.








Once, I couldn't make good use of time and it had a bad influence on my

study.__________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________

【答案】Once, I couldn't make good use of time and it had a bad influence on my study.

I had an experience like this. Last weekend, my good friend, Jim taught me how to play a kind of computer game. It was interesting. So I spent more time on it. I forgot to do my homework in the

end. My teachers and parents were angry with me. I was also upset.

How to make good use of our time? I think we should make a weekday plan. We should write what we are going to do on the paper, mark the deadline of each thing clearly and put the paper up somewhere we can see it easily. It can help us to remember what we have to do next.



这篇短文使用了大量的固定句式和短语,为文章增色不少,如make good use of,last weekend,how to do,play a game,a kind of,spent more time on,forget to do,in the end,be angry with,be going to do,on the paper,put up等。而特殊非谓语动词结构Jim taught me how to play a kind of computer game.和I think we should make a weekday plan. /We should write what we are going to do on the paper, mark the deadline of each thing clearly and put the paper up somewhere we can see it easily. /It can help us to remember what we have to do next.等复杂从句结构的运用,丰富了短文内容,使表达多样化,是本文的亮点。在学习中注意总结牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章表达更有逻辑性,也更富有条理。



9.(2017年浙江绍兴)书面表达。76.某英语教育网站正在开展主题为“How can a teenager have a successful life?”的讨论,为此你采访了一些同学(结果见下表)。请据上经用英语写一篇短文参与讨论,并阐述你的观点。






短文首句:I have recently done a survey about how a teenager can have a successful life.

【答案】I have recently done a survey about how a teenager can have a successful life.

Most students believe it’s necessary to study hard. After all, study plays a key role in their life. They also agree they should respect their parents, who look after them every day. Besides, they’re ready to serve the society and in their opinion it’s really meaningful. What’s more, they think each teenager is supposed to make a good plan for future.

From my point of view, we need to make some good friends so that we can learn from each other. Also, we must be active and exercise more to keep healthy because it’s important to a successful life.


试题分析:英语教育网站开展主题为“How can a teenager have a successful life?”的讨论,采访了一些同学参与讨论,写出他们的观点及自己的观点。因为是叙述同学的现在的观点,所以句子应该用一般现在时,叙述同学的观点用第三人称,叙述自己的观点用第一人称。注意不要遗漏要点,所写的句子应该符合英语语法,不能是汉语式的句子,要使用一些高级词汇及句式。

写作亮点:短文用了一些短语和句式,如:do a survey about sth关于某事做调查;respect their parents,尊敬他们的父母;look after照顾;make a good plan for sth为某事做一个好的计划;make some good friends交一些好朋友;keep healthy保持健康。用了宾语从句,

如:Most students believe it’s necessary to study hard. What’s more, they think each teenager is supposed to make a good plan for future.用了because引导的原因状语从句,如:Also, we must be active and exercise more to keep healthy because it’s important to a successful life.增加了文章的亮点,也是提分的经典句子。



代词 代词的分类 1.人称代词:有主格、宾格、所有格(含形容词性和名词性两种所有格) 2.反身代词:myself ,yourself ,himself ,herself ,itself ,ourselves ,yourselves themselves 3.指示代词:this ,that ,these ,those 4.疑问代词:who ,whom ,what ,which 5.相互代词:each other ,one another 6.不定代词:some ,any ,all ,both ,none ,one, each ,either ,neither ,other ,another, something ,anything ,nothing ,anyone ,anybody , someone ,somebody ,nobody 7.关系代词(用于定语从句):who ,whom ,whose,that ,which ,as 代词用法注意点 1.名词性所有格代词可作主语、宾语、表语,可用于双重所有格。例如: This isn't my book. It's his. Mine is in the bag. /Is she a friend of yours ?/Do you think this bag of mine beautiful ?/She lost some pencils of hers. 2.反身代词可用于某些固定搭配。例如: ①(all)by oneself 自己单干,独立干: The boy usually finishes his homework by himself. ②of oneself 自动地,自行地: Mary will correct her mistakes in the exercises of herself. ③for oneself 替/为自己:You have to choose for yourself. 3.指示代词this/these一般用来指时间和空间上较近的人或物;that/those 常指时间和 空间上较远的人或物。 进行比较时,that可代替不可数名词或单数名词以避免重复;those 可代替复数名词以 免重复。例如: The water of the well is cleaner than that of the river./The Christmas cards are much better than those you bought yesterday. 4.相互代词each other ,one another.前者通常指两者之间的“相互”,后者侧重三者或三者以上的“相互”,也可指两者之间的“相互”。

中考英语语法复习 2代词(学生用)

初中英语分类练习 ——代词部分 I.单项选择 1._____will spend the winter holiday in Hanna (海南) Island. A.He, you and I B.He, I and you C.You, he and I D.I, you and he 2.My parents bought a new schoolbag for _____. A.them B.theirs C.me D.they 3.With my parents away from home. I have to cook ______ meals. A.for me B.for myself C.me D.myself 4.Don and I found _______ lying on ground when we work up. A.themselves B.ourselves C.them D.us 5.—Who’s _______?—______ is speaking, Mr. Wang. A.this This B.that That C.that This D.this That 6.Lam is often compared to Taiwanese singer Jay Chou because ______ both write ______ own songs and are developing R&B style. A.their…their B.their…they C.they…their D.they…they 7. I don’t think this is a g ood suggestion. Have you any _______ ones? A. another B. other C. the other D. others 8. —How ______ Greek do you know? —I am sorry. I know ______ about it. It’s too difficult. A. many…few B. much…little C. many…a few D. much…little 9. It’s _______ use talking without doing. A. not B. no C. none D. no one 10. Her brothers and sisters are _______ college students in Shanghai. A. all B. both C. neither D. either 11. —Which of these two bicycles do you like the red one or the black one ? —I like ______ of them. A. some B. either C. all D. any 12. He swims faster than ______ boy in his class. A. any B. the other C. all the other D. any other 13. ________ people in Shanghai go swimming in freezing weather. A. Few B. A few C. Little D. A little 14. I don’t think _______ of the answers is correct. A. neither B. either C. both D. all 15. Only Li Ming and Wang Ping stayed at school for the wall newspaper. Where are ______?


一、选择题 1.Don' t you think _ _ necessary for friends to trust each other? A.one B.that C.those D.it 2.Did you buy ________ in the supermarket? A.anything delicious B.delicious anything C.something delicious D.delicious something 3.Some farmers ________how to feed chickens. A.taught I B.taught us C.taught she D.taught we 4.—Sonia, is this your dictionary? —Oh, no, it’s not ______. Ask Li Lei. He is looking for ______. A.me; hers B.mine; him C.my; her D.mine; his 5.Success comes from hard work. Lazy people can achieve . A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything 6.—When is your father’s birthday? —________ birthday is on April 2nd. A.He B.She C.His D.Him 7.—Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning? —_______is OK. I’m busy today an d tomorrow. A.None B.All C.Both D.Neither 8.Mr. Wang recommended me a few foreign movies, but ____was to my taste. A.all B.neither C.nothing D.none 9.—Shall we sit in the corner or by the window? —. I don’t mind. A.Both B.Neither C.No D.Either 10.I’m surprised at the new look of hometown. A.I B.me C.my D.mine 11.---Lisa, would you like to climb Yuelu Mountain with me tomorrow? ---I'd love to, but I have the driving test tomorrow. Let’s make it day. A.other B.another C.the other 12.I think ______ important to prepare more food for tomorrow’s party. A.that B.it C.this D.us 13.--The story is so amazing! It’s the most interesting story I’ve ever read. --But I’m afraid it won’t be liked by________. A.everybody B.somebody C.anybody D.nobody 14.—Could you tell me how many classes you have on Friday afternoon? —___________. We can take part in activities in any club we like. A.Neither B.Either C.Nothing D.None 15._____ in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.


第二篇 知识大闯关 I.人称代词 (1)人称代词的主格在句中作主语。如:I love my country. (2)人称代词的宾格在句中作动词、介词的宾语或表语。如: I don’t know her. His mother is waiting for him outside. This is me. (3)人称代词的语序。几个人称代词并列作主语时,它们的顺序是: 单数形式(二、三、一)you, he/she and I. 复数形式(一、二、三)we, you and they 人称、物主、反身代词

---________ is Sandy’s s ister. A. That B. It C. She D. This 【例2】is necessary to get on well with others. A. That B. This C. It D. These 【例3】are students in No. 1 Middle School. A. I, you and he B. You, he and I C. He, you and I D. You, I and he II.物主代词 ⑴形容词性物主代词的作用相当于形容词,可在句中作定语。如: Our teacher is coming to see us. ⑵名词性物主代词的作用相当于名词,常用来代替前面已经提及的名词,相当于“形容 词性物主代词+名词”,在句中可用作主语、宾语和表语。如: Our school is here, and theirs (their school) is there.(作主语) I've already finished my homework. Have you finished yours(your homework)? (作宾语) ⑶名词性物主代词可用在of后面与of共同作定语,相当于“of+名词所有格”,带有部分 概念或有一定的感情色彩。如:He is a friend of mine. III.反身代词 ⑴作宾语,表示动作的承受者就是动作的发出者,主语和宾语指同一个人或一些人。 He called himself a writer. Would you please express yourself in English? ⑵作表语。 It doesn't matter.I'll be myself soon. The girl in the news is myself. ⑶作主语或宾语的同位语,表示亲自或本人。 I myself washed the clothes.(=I washed the clothes myself.)(作主语同位语) You should ask the teacher himself.(作宾语同位语) ⑷反身代词的常用词组(请写出对应的中文翻译) teach oneself =learn by oneself _____________ help oneself to _____________ dress oneself _____________ come to oneself _____________ lose oneself in _____________ by oneself _____________ 【例4】He is old enough to wash clothes by . You can just wash . A. his; himself; yours B. his; himself; your C. him; himself; yours D. him; himself; yours 【例5】invited to come to birthday party last Saturday. A. Me; they; mine B. I; them; mine C. I; them; my D. Me; they; my

中考语法专题复习 代词

代词【考点直击】 1.人称代词和物主代词的不同形式及其用法 2.反身代词和指示代词的人称和数的变化 3.不定代词和疑问代词的基本用法 【语法讲解】 一、人称代词与物主代词: 1. 人称代词与物主代词的各种形式: 单数 主格宾格形容物代名词物代第一人称I me my mine 第二人称 you you your yours 第三人称 he him his his she her her hers it it its its 复数一人称we us our ours 二人称you you your yours 三人称 they them their theirs 2. 人称代词与物主代词的用法: 人称代词的主格在句中作主语。He ofen goes home by bus. 人称代词的宾格在句中作动词、介词的宾语,还可作表语使用。如: ______love our country. ( We ,US ) She is a good student. I don’t know him. His mother is waiting for them outside. ---Who’s it ? --- It’s_______.( I , me ) ★人称代词的语序 几个人称代词并列作主语时,他们的顺序是: 单数形式(2,3,1 )you ,he and I ; 复数形式(1,2,3 )we ,you and they (3) 形容词性物主代词在句中作定语修饰名词,一般不单独使用; 名词词性物主代词常用来避免和前面已提到的名词重复。相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”。 Who is your uncle? --- This is my dictionary. Where is________ ? (you r , yours ) ----It’s over there, on the bed. ---Tom, is this your pen? ---Yes, it’s ______. (yours, his, mine, my) ★(4) 名词词性物主代词可用在of后面作定语,相当于“of+名词所有格”,表示带有部分概念或有一定的感情色彩。如:He is a friend of mine. 二. 反身代词 1、反身代词的单复数形式列表如下: 人称数单数复数 第一人称myself 我自己ourselves 我们自己


中考代词语法 代词 知识必备 : 人称代词、物主代词与反身代词一览表 人称人称代词物主代词反身代词 类别主格宾格形容词性名词性 第一人称单数I me my mine myself 复数We us our ours ourselves 第二人称单数you you your yours yourself 复数you you your yours yourselves 第三人称单数he him his his himself she her her hers herself it it its its itself 复数they them their theirs themselves 一、人称代词的用法 种类位置作用示例 主格句首主语She is a good doctor.她是一名好 学生 宾格动词、介词之后宾语或表语 1.I don’ t know her . 2.His mother is waiting for him outside. 3.Who is there?It’ s me.(注意:人称代词两个或两个以上同时用的顺序为:1、单数为二三一 eg;You ,she and I are good friends.我,你和她都是好朋友.2. 复数一二三eg:We,you and they all like music. 我们,你们和他们都喜欢音乐。 3. 承担责任I当先eg:I and he make mistakes.我和他犯了错误。) 二、物主代词的用法 类别作用示例 形容词性物主代词作定语This is her computer. 名词性物主代词作主语This isn ’ t your pen. Yours is on the table. 作宾语I can ’ t find my ruler.Can i use yours ? 作表语This coat is hers .


复合不定代词/不定副词语法 一、复合不定代词/不定副词 Someone anyone noone everyone Somebody any body nobody everybody 某人某人/任何人没有人每人/人人 Something anything nothing everything 某事/某物某事/某物没有任何事物一切/事事 (以上三行为复合不定代词) Somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere 某地某地/任何地方没有地方处处 (这一行是复合不定副词) Some one Any body No thing Every where 复合不定代词做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式 1、例:Everyone knows me here 2、形容词修饰不定代词时形容词在后 There is something new in today’s newspaper 3、Some以及Some构成的复合不定代词不定副词多用于肯定句,请示的疑问句、建议的疑问句、否定疑 问句和疑问点不在Some上的疑问句 ①请求的疑问句:could you /I 动原/be…? May I 动原/be Would/Do you mind 动ing…你介意做某事吗? Would/will you please 动原?请你做某事好吗? ②建议的疑问句: Would you like to 动原 What/how about +动ing?做某事怎么样 Why don’t we/you 动原。。。? Why not 动原。。。? Shall we动原。。。?我们做某事好吗? 否定疑问句用some: ①why don’t you eat some bread? ②Can’t you see some books on the desk ③Where did you plant some trees? 否定疑问句表肯定,问点不在some上


代词 考点解析: 1.人称代词主格和宾格的选择 2.形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的区别和选用 3.反身代词词组以及单复数形式 4.指示代词的用法 5.不定代词的辨析(重难点) 6.疑问代词的选用 7.it的用法 代词是代替名词的词类。主要有人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、不定代词、疑问代词、和关系代词、相互代词。 一、人称代词 含义:指代“你、我、他等”人称的代词。如下表: 用法 1.主格作主语 中文举例:我是一个学生。让学生用英语试着说I’m a student. 再次强化:你是一个老师。You are a teacher. 2.宾格做谓语动词和介词的宾语 Let me help you/ listen to me carefully. 注意: 人称代词宾格做短语动词的宾语时的两种结构: ?动词+介词+宾语如:look for it(与look有关的皆是如此,如look at/after/into/like…) ?动词+宾语+副词如:put it away(与put有关的大多如此,如put it up/off) 3.作表语。通常要用宾格 Who is knocking at the door? It's me. 中考演练场: —Look, that’s Mike, your classmate. --Y es, Let’s go and say hello to_________. A. him B. he C. her D. hers 解析:答案A. mike是男名,排除C、D,to是介词,后面应该跟宾格,所以选A。

二、物主代词 含义:表示某个人或者某物属于某人所有的代词。即:我的、你的、他们的等词。 引导:先写出我的,你的,她的,然后让学生跟着写 总结规律:1)名词性物主代词一般在形容词性物主代词后加s 2)已经有了s 的不再加,保持原形。his-his, its-its 3)特殊的my-mine 用法: 1.形容词性物主代词的作用相当于形容词,不能单独使用,后边必须跟名词。 如:我的钢笔→my pen. Their room is on the second floor. 2.名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词,作用相当于名词,在句中可用作主语、宾 语和表语。 It's not your book, it's mine. Mine= my book Y ou may use my umbrella. I’ll use hers. Hers= her umbrella 3.of+名词性物主代词可以做定语,形成名词的双重所有格 如:a friend of mine(mine=my friends, 避免重复) 延伸:She is a friend of my mother’s.(√)=she is one of my mother’s friends (强调她是妈妈的所有朋友中的一个,of在这里相当于数学中的属于符号∈,即she是一个个体,包含在妈妈的朋友这个整体中) She is a friend of my mother. (X) (如果要强调她是我妈妈的朋友,应该直接说she is my mother’s friend.) 中考演练场: —Excuse me, are these _______ books? —No, they are _______ . A. your; her B. his; hers C. yours; her D. yours; she 解析:答案B。用代入法,第一句后面跟了books所以要选形容词性物主代词,从A/B中选,第二句中后面无名次,应选名词性物主代词,故选B. 三、反身代词 汉语释义:如我自己、你自己、他自己等。 构成:第一二人称:形容词性物主代词+self/selves


中考代词语法 代词 知识必备:人称代词、物主代词与反身代词一览表 一、人称代词的用法 I are good friends.我,你和她都是好朋友.2.复数一二三eg:We,you and they all like music.我们,你们和他们都喜欢音乐。3.承担责任I当先eg:I and he make mistakes.我和他犯了错误。) 二、物主代词的用法

(拓展:形容词性物主代词的相关短语 三、反身代词的用法

五、不定代词 (一)普通不定代词 1、常见普通代词:Both;either;neither;all; none; a few;few; a little; little; many; much; some; any;each; every;another;other;the other;others;the others 2、常见普通不定代词的辨析与用法 (1)both, either与neither


(6)each与every (7)another, other,the other,others与the others (二)复合不定代词 1、初中常见的复合不定代词有哪些

(1)不定代词定语后置eg;There is something interesting in the book. (2)由some和any构成的复合不定代词的区别与some和any的区别基本相同,即someone,somebody,something通常用于肯定句;anyone,anybody和anything通常用于否定句、疑问句或条件状语从句。 (3)复合不定代词只能做主语,宾语或表语。作主语时谓语动词用单数。Somebody is speaking in the empty house.有人在那个空房子里说话。 (4)反意疑问句的主语为everybody等人时,用they;主语为everything等物时,用it (5)everyone=everybody 指人;every one指人又指物,与of连用。 3、常用句型 六、指示代词 (一)常见指示代词的用法 Eg:Hello!Who is that?你好!你是哪位? Hello!This is Jane speaking!你好!我是简。 3、在疑问句当中,若句子的主语是this、that、these、those时,回答用it或者they 来代替。Eg:-Is this/that your car?-Yes, it is.) (三)常见易混的指示代词 (1)对比


一、选择题 1.— Would you mind my using your camera? —Sorry, there’s _______ with it. A.wrong something B.wrong anything C.anything wrong D.something wrong 2.—How many friends of ________ can come to celebrate your birthday? —________, I think. They’re all pr eparing for the new term. A.you, No one B.yours, None C.you, None 3.—Sonia, is this your dictionary? —Oh, no, it’s not ______. Ask Li Lei. He is looking for ______. A.me; hers B.mine; him C.my; her D.mine; his 4.I tried two stores for the present I wanted,but ______ of them had it. A.none B.either C.neither D.both 5._____classroom is quite different from _____. A.Their; we B.Theirs; us C.Their; ours D.They; ourselves 6.As volunteers, they should do ______to help the children in trouble. A.nothing B.anybody C.something D.somebody 7.—Did you buy a large house? —No, not really, at least not as large as ______. A.yours B.your C.you 8.—Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning? —_______is OK. I’m busy today and tomorrow. A.None B.All C.Both D.Neither 9.---Can you tell me how to have a good relationship with parents? ---Certainly. If you often talk about your ideas with them, they will talk about with you, too. A.their B.them C.theirs 10.Mr. Wang recommended me a few foreign movies, but ____was to my taste. A.all B.neither C.nothing D.none 11.—Shall we sit in the corner or by the window? —. I don’t mind. A.Both B.Neither C.No D.Either 12.—Hi. Jack. Our T-shirts are the same. —Yes, But ________ looks newer. A.his B.yours C.you D.him 13.I left a message to my parents yesterday, but ______ of them called me back. A.both B.none C.neither 14.---What do you think of these two books?


一、选择题 1.It’s one thing to have a dream, but quite _______ to realize it. A.another B.other C.every D.each 2.I ate ______ at lunch because the food was terrible. A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything 3.I tried two stores for the present I wanted,but ______ of them had it. A.none B.either C.neither D.both 4.—What do you know about bamboo? —Maybe bamboo has more uses than ________ in the world. A.any plant B.all the plants C.any other plant 5.Success comes from hard work. Lazy people can achieve . A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything 6.The government is making an effort to improve the life of elderly people, many of whom are suffering(遭受) from either loneiness or poor health, or even___________. A.neither B.none C.all D.both 7.— Is there anything to drink in the fridge? — No, there is _____ left. A.all B.both C.neither D.none 8.---Who was knocking at the door just now? ---______ was my cousin Andy. A.He B.She C.They D.It 9.Helen has got two brothers. _____ of them likes chocolate, but she loves it. A.Neither B.None C.Each D.Any 10.—When is your father’s birthday? —________ birthday is on April 2nd. A.He B.She C.His D.Him 11.—Ellen, I picked up a white pen under your chair. Is this yours? —Oh, yes. It’s _______. Thank you, Li sa. A.she B.his C.mine D.your 12.—Hi. Jack. Our T-shirts are the same. —Yes, But ________ looks newer. A.his B.yours C.you D.him 13.—Which do you prefer, coffee or tea. —_________, thanks. I’d like a cup of tea. A.Either B.Both C.Neither D.None 14.—Do you know Shanghai is one of _______ in the world? —Yes, it’s bigger than _______ city in China. A.the biggest city; any B.the biggest cities; any C.the biggest cities; any other D.the biggest cities; the other


中考语法教案-代词(教师版) 【教案框架】 第一部分人称代词和物主代词 第二部分不定代词 第三部分复合不定代词和其他 第四部分综合练习 一.人称代词:做主语用主格;做宾语用宾格 eg. We love our country. 我们爱我们的祖国。 She is a good student. 她是一名好学生。 I don't know him. 我不认识他。 His mother is waiting for them outside. 他妈妈在外面等他们。 人称代词的语序 几个人称代词并列作主语时,它们的顺序是: 单数形式(2,3,1) you, he and I 复数形式(1,2,3) we, you and they 【例题】 用适当的人称代词填空: 1. __________ is my aunt. We often visit __________. 2. China is a developing country. _________ lies in the east of Asia. 3. Professor Wang sets ________ a good example. We must learn from ________. 4. --What day is __________ today? -- __________ is Thursday.

5. --How far is the thunder ? --__________ is three kilometers away. 6. I own a blue bike. The red one doesn’t belong to __________. 7. These new houses are so nice. __________ are very expensive. 8. __________ say that those old houses will be rebuilt. 9. --Is __________ the milkman at the door? --Yes, that’s __________. 10. The fishermen caught a lot of fish, didn’t __________? , her , him , it 7. They 8. They , him 二.物主代词:修饰名词用形容词性;名词性物主代词后不跟名词,本身直接可做句子主语,宾语,表语。 eg. 1. Your pen is red. Mine is black. 你的钢笔是红色的,我的是黑色的。 2. He didn’t use his ink. He used mine. 他没有用他自己的墨水,他用了我的。 3. That book is hers, not yours. 那本书是她的,不是你的。 【注意】 名词性物主代词可用在of后面作定语,相当于“of+名词所有格”,表示带有部分概念或有一定的感情色彩。如: He is a friend of mine. 他是我的一个朋友。 【例题】 用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词填空 1. I ate all _______ sandwiches yesterday. Can I have one of _______ ? 2. Tell Tom not to forget _______ book. And you mustn’t forget _______ . 3. George has lost _______ pen. Ask Mary if(是否)she will lend him _______ . 4.. Jack has a dog and so have I. _______ dog and _______ had a fight (打架). 5. The teacher wants you to return that book of _______ 6. Mr. and Mrs. Green and a friend of _______ are coming to see us. 7. Mary wants to know if(是否)you’ve seen a pair of gloves of _______ . 8. We are going to Paris to stay with a French friend of ________ . ,yours 2. his, yours 3. his, hers 4. His, mine 5. his 6. theirs 7. hers 8. ours 【课后练习】 一.填入正确的人称代词和物主代词 1. This isn’t her knife. _________ is green. 2. These are your books,Kate. Put __________ in the desk,please. 3. You must look after ________ things.

【中考复习】中考英语语法精讲 代词 教案

2017中考英语语法精讲:代词 【教学目标】 1.掌握代词的分类情况。 2.掌握各类代词的用法。 【教学内容】 代词的分类 代词是代替名词的一种词类。大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能。英语中的代词,按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、自身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、关系代词和不定代词八种。以及代词it 的特殊用法。 一、人称代词 表示"我"、"你"、"他"、"她"、"它"、"我们"、"你们"、"他们"的词。 1.人称代词有人称、数和格的变化,见下表: 数单数复数 格主格宾格主格宾格 第一人称I me we us 第二人称you you you you 第三人称he him they them she her they them it it they them 2.人称代词的用法 1)人称代词的主格在句子中作主语或主语补语,例如: John waited a while but eventually he went home. 约翰等了一会儿,最后他回家了。 John hoped the passenger would be Mary and indeed it was she. 约翰希望那位乘客是玛丽,还真是她。 说明:在复合句中,如果主句和从句主语相同,代词主语要用在从句中,名词主语用在主句中,例如: When he arrived, John went straight to the bank. 约翰一到就直接去银行了。

2)人称代词的宾格在句子中作宾语或介词宾语,但在口语中也能作主语补语,第一人称在省略句中,还可以作主语,例如: I saw her with them, at least, I thought it was her. 我看到她和他们在一起,至少我认为是她。(her做宾语,them做介词宾语,her做主语补语) a. -- Who broke the vase? --谁打碎了花瓶? b. -- Me. --我。(me做主语补语= It's me.) 说明:在上面两例句中,her和me分别作主语补语。现代英语中多用宾格,在正式文体中这里应为she和I。 3.人称代词排列顺序一般如下: 1) 单数人称代词并列作主语时,其顺序为: 第二人称 > 第三人称 > 第一人称 you > he/she/it > I 例如:You, he and I should return on time. 2) 复数人称代词作主语时,其顺序为: 第一人称 > 第二人称 > 第三人称 we > you > They 注意:在下列情况中,第一人称放在前面。 a. 在承认错误,承担责任时, It was I and John that made her angry. 是我和约翰惹她生气了。 b. 在长辈对晚辈,长官对下属说话时,如长官为第一人称,如:I and you try to finish it. c. 并列主语只有第一人称和第三人称时, d. 当其他人称代词或名词被定语从句修饰时。 二、物主代词 1.表示所有关系的代词,也可叫做代词所有格。物主代词分形容性物主代词和名词性物主代词二种,其人词和数的变化见下表:
