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China, the homeland of tea, is the first country to grow, produce and drink tea. The discovery of tea is a great contribution to the history of human culture. Throughout the dynastic history of China, the enthusiasm of the Chinese people in tea drinking has remained unchanged. That is probably due to the fact that tea is a health drink. Tea plays an important role in Chinese people’s social and emotional lives. Serving a cup of tea to the guest is a common practice in China. More than a matter of mere politeness, it is a symbol of togetherness, a sharing of something enjoyable and a way of showing respect to visitors.



There has been a change of interests on campus in recent years. Many excellent students used to show a great interest in liberal arts. To become a writer was their lifelong dream. Now top students go in for computer science, business studies and other subjects concerning finance. Obviously, they believe if they matter such subjects they are more likely to get well-paid jobs in the future. Moreover, students display greater enthusiasm than ever for learning English.




Originated from Beijing some 200 years ago during the Qing Dynasty, Peking Opera is a performing art that embraces opera performing, singing, music, dancing and martial arts. Since Mei Lanfang, the grand master of Peking Opera, visited Japan in 1919, it has become more and more popular with people all over the world. Peking Opera House of Beijing has been visited to perform in many countries and highly appreciated by foreign audiences. The perform have made an outstanding contribution to

Sino-foreign exchange and to the promotion of friendly association of people in the world.


根据中国国家旅游局( Bureau )统计,过去几年里每年约有一千万人出国,比2000年上升13%,而且大半是去旅游。随着中国人民生活条件的改善,大城市的中等收入人士都纷纷出国寻找工作和学习机会甚至到国外休闲度假。据北京一家旅行社介绍,去年一年他们旅行社就带了四万中国人“环游”世界。他们认为现在的中国人已经不满足于丰衣足食了,愿意花钱在假日里往国外兜一圈。

The statistics made by China National Bureau of Tourism shows that in the last couple of years, about 10 million Chinese went abroad every year, which was an increase of 13%compared with the year of 2000, and that more than one half of them were on tour. As the living conditions have been improved in China, more and more people with middle income in big cities are eager to look for opportunities of career, education and even spend holidays abroad. A travel agency in China revealed that they arranged travels abroad for as many as 40,000 Chinese last year. Today , they observe, Chinese are not content with sufficient food and clothes, and would spend money on tours to other countries for holidays.


一位师范( normal school )教师提醒家长,千万不要迷信专家和独特的早教方案,家长自己才是孩子早期教育最好的老师。受狭隘早
