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My while family to enjoy the afternoon time
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
组长:王龙龙 组员:裴梦成 孙晓旭 董航宇 张东晓
每个人都有自己的梦,每个人都有 对自己未来的家的幻想。 Everyone has their own dreams, everybody has their future homefantasy.
有的人喜欢法国皇室的家居布局,尽显 奢华气质。 Some people like the French royal home furnishing layout,luxurious tempera ment.
而我想象中我的家是温馨甜蜜的风 格。
But I think is sweet and warm style
It's living room
It's my dauther's room
It's my son's room
拥有私家泳池,远离喧嚣市中 心的别墅当让是每个人的梦想。 Have a private swimming pool, away from the hustle and bustle ofdowntown villa when is everyone's dream.
有的人喜欢中国的古典风格,有着 很深的文化底蕴感。
Some people like Chinese classical style,with deep cultural heritage.
还有的人喜欢现代的整洁风格,干净爽 朗,时代气息浓厚。 There are people who like modern clean style, clean andbright, flavor of the times strong.