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? The first is to serve as the chairman of a presentation conducted at an international conference.
? The second will deliver an academic presentation. After presentation he will serve as chairman for the next presenter.
? Then the chห้องสมุดไป่ตู้irman is to invite the commentator to make comments about the whole round of presentation.
Class Procedures
? After the commentator delivers his comments, the chairman is to conclude the whole round of the presentation.
? In a word, he is the chairman of the presentation class and is in full charge. And he will be evaluated and scored according to his chairman performance.
? Then the presenter delivers his presentation. ? During the process of the presentation the
audience could file their questions whenever they wish to.
Class Arrangement
? The third one is to make comments on the performance of the chairman, the presenter and the audience.
? In the next class he is to be presenter. Thus the roles of chairman, presenter and commentator rotate as the class goes on.
? Then he is to properly conclude the question and answer part and invite the commentator to make comments. After which he is to conclude the whole session and invite the professor for final comments.
? He should be in good control of the presentation process and the allotted time so that the presentation could go as designed.
Responsibilities and Requirements
? Teacher-directed ? Student-centered ? Application-oriented ? Practice-focused
Class Arrangement
? In each class, three students will respectively play the roles of chairman, presenter and commentator.
Class Procedures
? The chairman first opens the presentation session, introduces rules for the session and makes an introduction about the presenter and his presentation.
? After the presentation he is to make proper comments, then chair and inspire a 10~15 minute question and answer session.
Responsibilities and Requirements
I. Guiding principle II. Class arrangement III. Class procedures IV. Responsibilities and requirements V. Evaluation
Guiding Principle
Class Procedures
? After the presenter concludes his presentation, the chairman is to make a few complimentary remarks on the presentation, chair and inspire a question and answer session.
? Next he invites the professor to give final comments.
Responsibilities and Requirements
For the chairman:
? He is to open the presentation session in a proper way, introduce rules for the session, give a no less than 2 minute introduction about the presenter and his presentation.