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1.Corporate Culture企业文化(企业个性,形成于企业生产经营实践之中,为全体员工所认同并且遵守的、带有本组织特点的使命总之精神价值观和经营理念,以及这些理念在生产经营实践、管理制度、员工行为方式和企业对外形象的体现的总和。为企业灵魂,推动其发展动力。有有形与无形之分。)

❖The personality of an organization(warm, aggressive, friendly, open, innovative, conservative, and so on.)

❖Guides how employees think, act and feel

is a broad term used to define the unique personality or character of a particular company or organization, and includes such elements as core values(核心价值观)and beliefs, corporate ethics, and rules of behavior.

2.Functions of Corporate Culture企业文化的主要功能

Three key functions are:

❖Provide a sense of identity for members.导向功能:对每个员工价值取向及行为取向的导向功能

❖Generate commitment to the organization’s mission.凝聚功能:一种价值观被员工所认同后产生巨大的向心力和凝聚力。

❖Clarify and reinforce standards of behavior. 约束功能:软约束。


3.Culture as the Organization’s Personality作为企业个性的文化1)Risk Taking Personalities喜欢冒险个性:Organizations encourage employees to take risks. (Virgin Group)

2)Attention to Detail Personalities注重细节个性:Organizations focus attention on the details of the organization where they have made quality their driving themes.

3)Outcome Oriented Personalities注重结果的个性:Organizations focus on results in certain aspects of their business.(Customer services)

4)People Orientation Personalities以人为本的个性:Organizations treat employees as “family”.

5)Team Orientation Personalities注重团队的个性:Organizations shape their cultures around the team concept.

6)Aggressive Personalities积极进取的个性:Organizations value aggressiveness as a major part of the way that business is done. 7)Nonstable Personalities不求稳的个性:Companies emphasize growth could be identified as having nonstable Personalities.

4.Different Corporate Cultures 不同的企业文化:企业文化的本质是企业员工共同尊重的核心价值标准。不同企业有不同核心价值标准。At the root of any organization’s culture is a set of core characteristics that illustrate the essential ways in which the cultures of organizations differ from one other.

❖Sensitivity to the needs of customers and employees.重视顾客和员工需要的价值观

❖Interest in having employees generates new ideas.致力于激发员工创造性思维的价值标准

❖Value placed in taking risks.重视冒险精神的价值标准

❖Openness of available communication options

❖Friendliness and congeniality of employees towards one another.

❖Value placed on people in the organization.

5.Creation of Corporate Culture企业文化的创建

1)Company Founders企业创造者

The founders play a key role in hiring initial staff, their attributes and values are readily transmitted to new employees.

2)Experience with the General Business and Industry Environment企业外部环境与体验

Organizational culture often develops out of an organization’s experience with the general business and industry external environment.

3)Contact with others企业内部群体与个人间的联系

The shaping of the organization based on how it develops out of

contract between groups and individuals within an organization.
