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2. principle of proximity (接近法则) This principle holds that elements in a scene that are closer 源自文库ogether will be seen as belonging together in a group.
3. principle of similarity
This principle holds that
entities in a scene that share visual characteristics such as size, shape or colour will be perceived as belonging together in a group.
4. principle of closure
This principle holds that
incomplete figures are often completed by the perceptual system, even when part of the perceptual information is missing.
In their linguistic usage, they have the following specific characterizations. The general conceptualization of Figure and Ground in language The Figure is a moving or conceptually movable entity whose path, site, or orientation is conceived as a variable, the particular value of which is the relevant issue. The Ground is a reference entity, one that has a stationary setting relative to a reference frame, with respect to which the Figure's path, site, or orientation is characterized.
5. principle of continuity
This principle holds that
human perception has a preference for continuous figures.
二. Talmy的图形-背景关系理论
The terms Figure and Ground have been taken from Gestalt psychology, but they are written with capitals here to mark the distinctness of their linguistic usage from their original usage (Talmy 2000:312) . Talmy把完形心理学中的图形-背景区分 (figure-ground distinction)概念引入认知语 言学研究(Croft and Cruse 2004:56)之后,提 出了图形-背景关系理论。他用首字母大写 的Figure(图形)和Ground(背景)代替了完形 心理学中首字母小写的figure和ground,意 在表明他是在语言学意义上使用这两个概念, 与完形心理学中的figure和ground概念是有 区别的。
(form)或形状(form),即德语的Gestalt(音译 为“格式塔”,意译为“完形”),并以此 为出发点。宣称心理现象最基本的特征是在 意识经验中所显现的结构性或整体性,反对 构造心理学的元素主义和行为主义的S-R公 式,认为整体并不等于部分之和,意识经验 不等于感觉和感情等元素的总和,思维也不 是观念的简单联结(车文博 1998:412)。
The Gestalt principles (参见Evans and Green 2006:65-68)
1. figure-ground segregation(图形-背景分离) Human perception appears to automatically segregate any given scene into figure-ground organisation. A figure is an entity that, among other things, possesses a dominant shape, perhaps due to a definite contour or prominent colouring. The figure stands out against the ground, the part of a scene that is relegated to ‘background’.
英语方位倒装构式的 认知语篇研究
河南大学外语学院 张克定
一.完形心理学中的图形与背景 二.Talmy的图形-背景关系理论 三. 英语方位倒装构式为GtF构式 四. 英语GtF构式的语篇功能
一. 完形心理学中的图形与背景
完形心理学(Gestalt psychology)
完形法则(The Gestalt laws of organization) 说明知觉主体是按照怎样的形式把经验材 料组织成有意义的整体。 完形心理学认为,真实的自然知觉经验是 组织的动力整体,感觉元素的拼合体则是 人为的堆砌。因为整体不是部分的简单总 和或相加,整体不是由部分决定的,而整 体的各个部分则是由这个整体的内部结构 和性质决定的,先有整体,后有部分,所 以完形组织法则意味着人们在知觉时总会 按照一定的形式把经验素材组织成有意义 的整体(车文博 1998:426) 。