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一、判断(10*1=10)+ 选择(20*1=20)+ 填空+ 翻译

1、A manager(管理者):is someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people so that organizational goals can be accomplished.通过协调和监管其他人的活动以达到组织目标。

2.Efficiency(效率):Refers to getting the most output from the least amount of inputs.以尽可能少的投入获得尽可能多的产出。

3.Strong organizational cultures(强组织文化):Those in which the key values are deeply held and widely shared .其核心价值观被组织成员强烈坚持和广泛共享的文化。

4. 1)Norway(挪威)is a member of the European Union(欧盟EU):France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Malta, Cyprus, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Bulgaria.(26个)


2)北美自由贸易协定North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA):The United States, Canada and Mexico美国、加拿大和墨西哥

3)东盟Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN):Brunei (1984), Kampuchea (1999), Indonesia, Laos (1997), Malaysia, Burma (1997), Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam (1995)


anizational change(组织变革):At some time, the vast majority of managers need to change some of the things in the workplace. 在某个时间上,绝大多数管理者需要改变工作场所中的某些事情。

6.The decision-making process(决策制定过程):1、Identifying a problem .1、确定一个问题。

2、Identifying decision criteria . 2、确定决策标准。

3、Allocating weights to the criteria .3、为各项标准分配权重。

4、Developing alternatives .4、形成各种备选答案。

5、Analyzing alternatives . 5、分析这些备选方案。

6、Selecting an alternatives .6、选择一个方案。

7、Implementing the alternatives . 7、实施该方案。

8、Evaluating decision effectiveness .8、评估决策的效果。

7. A programmed decision(程序化决策):A repetitive decision that can be handled by a routine approach . 可以通过某种例行方法来作出的一项重复性决策。

8.Managers plan(管理者计划):Involves defining the organization’s goals ,establishing strategies for achieving those goals ,and developing plans to integrate and coordinate work activities .定义


9.Strategic goals(战略目标):陈述目标stated goals, 真实目标real goals.

10. A SWOT analysis(SWOT分析):The combined external and internal analyses are called the SWOT analysis, which is an analysis of the organization’s strengths , Weaknesses , opportunities , and threats .外部环境分析和组织内部分析结合起来则成为SWOT分析,即对组织的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁的分析。

11.Managers play an important role(管理者扮演一个很重要的角色):

(1)人际关系角色(interpersonal roles):Figurehead挂名首脑、Leader领导者、Liaison 联络者.

(2)信息传递角色(Informational roles):Monitor监听者、Disseminator传播者、Spokesperson发言人.

(3)决策制定角色(Decisional roles):Entrepreneur企业家、Disturbance handler混乱驾驭者、Resource allocator资源分配者、Negotiator谈判者.

12.A managers’ job(管理职责):

四种职能:Planning 计划,organizing组织,leading领导,controlling控制管理角色见11题管理技能:technical skills技术技能(job-specific knowledge and techniques与具体工作相关的知识和技术——基层管理者lower-level managers)、human skills人际技能(ability to work well with people与他人和谐共事的能力——中层和所有人middle managers and all managers)、conceptual skills概念技能(ability to think and express ideas思考和表达创意的能力——高层管理者top managers)。

13.The symbolic view of managers(管理者象征观):omnipotent view of management 管理万能论Managers are directly responsible for an organization’s success or failure .管理者对组织的成败承担直接责任。

symbolic view of management 管理象征论Organizatio n’s success of failure is due to external forces outside managers’ control.组织的成败在很大程度上归因于管理者无法控制的外部力量


组织文化(organizational culture )has been descried as the shared values ,principles, traditions, and ways of doing things that influence the way organizational members act .

七个维度:attention to detail关注细节、outcome orientation成果导向、people orientation员工导向、team orientation团队导向、aggressiveness进取性、stability稳定性、innovation and risk taking创新与风险承受能力。

民族文化(national culture)includes the values and attitudes shared by individuals from a specific country that shape their behavior and their beliefs about what is important .

五个维度:(霍夫斯泰德)1、individualism/collectivism制度集体主义、2、power distance 权力距离、3、uncertainty avoidance不确定性规避、4、gender differentiation性别差异、5、future orientation未来导向

15. Decision making(决策): rational decision making理性决策、bounded rationality 有限理
