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摘 要: 偏头痛是一种反复发作并逐渐加重的疾病,在《甲乙经》中首先被提出,现代中医基本确立了偏头痛
为发作期和缓解期的分期治疗。发作期多以祛邪为主,重在祛风、清热、化痰、活血、平肝; 缓解期多以补虚为主,
关键词: 偏头痛; 中医; 诊治规律
中图分类号: R747. 2
文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1673 - 7717( 2011) 04 - 0717 - 03
Migraine of Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment Rule
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偏痛”。“头痛”一名最早见于长沙马王堆墓帛书中的《阴 28,19p13 可能为 MA 偏头痛易感基因位点。个体体质往
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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目( 30600828)
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1989 年美国偏头痛研究Ⅰ发现美国女性偏头痛的患病率 从内生或肾阴不足,风阳上扰。久病入络,偏头痛反复发
大约为 17. 6% ,男性为 6% ,有 2360 万人患有偏头痛。中 作,多有瘀血。现代对偏头痛的临床研究发现偏头痛患者
国男性患病率为 392. 8 /10 万,女性为 1579. 2 /10 万,男女 之比为 1 ∶ 4[1],25 ~ 29 岁患病率最高( 1927. 4 /10 万) 。
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2003,228: 1111 - 1117.
第 29 卷 第 4 期 2011 年4 月
Vol. 29 No. 4 Apr. 2 0 1 1
Abstract: Migraine is a recurrent and progressively worsening disease,was recorded first by A - B classic. Modern Chinese medicine basically established diagnosis,syndrome classification and clinical efficacy evaluation standard of migraine. It Generally believed that wind,cold,fire,phlegm,deficiency and blood stasis had been the pathological basis of migraine onset. Migraine treatment is the stage treatment which divided into treatment of period of onset and paracmasis. It would mainly dispel an evil in the onset stage,emphasis on expelling wind,clearing heat,resolving phlegm,promoting blood circulation and calming the liver; tonify the deficiency in the paracmasis,focusing on tonifying qi and nourishing blood,nourishing yin and invigorating the kidney. The treatment of migraine should add different drugs and Insect Medicine combination of headache location and meridian lines based on the above treatment principle,will help improving the efficacy.
究方向: 偏头痛和中风的临床及实验研究。
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ZHANG Zheng-Xiang1 ,CAO Ke-Gang2 ,FAN Ji-Ping3
( 1. Department of Neurology,Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine First Affiliated Hospital ,Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Hangzhou 310006,Zhejiang,China; 2. Department of Neurology,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Affiliated Dongzhimen Hospital,Beijing 100700,China;
Key words: migraine; Chinese Medicine; treatment rule
偏头痛是一种反复发作并逐渐加重的疾病,影响患者 切,因于肝者有肝气亏虚、肝气郁结、肝阴不足[4]; 因于脾
的生活和工作能力,增加家庭不稳定因素,加重社会负担。 者有气血亏虚及痰浊内生或上扰; 因于肾者有肾阳不足,寒