


* 收件人姓名、职务;

* 发件人姓名、职务;

* 保密级别:分为三类 top secret, secret, confidential, 一般备忘录不用保密,这一栏就空着;

* 文件编号:发件人方文件编号和收件人方文件编号;

* 发件日期;

* 备忘录标题线;

* 正文;

* 签名、职务;

* 誊写备忘录的人和打字员姓名首字母缩写;

* 附件数目;

* 抄送:如果送给收件人以外的人时要注明。


(1) 第一句话就要明白交代写此备忘录的目的。如果回复别人的备忘录要注明对方写备忘录的时间。

(2) 备忘录中交代的事情应该简明扼要,一段话说明一个意思。

(3) 如在备忘录中通知信息,语言一定要准确,避免产生歧义。

(4) 最后要用一句话总结,强调读备忘录的人要尽快做出反应。


I have the honor to inform you that...


I would like to remind you that our office is in want of a new English typewriter.


I have several proposals for cutting down the cost.


In response to your request for... I have to inform you that we can not approve it.


This is further to your memo dated June 6, 2006, in which you proposed that employees adopt the “punch in” system.


The board of directors approved your proposal at the meeting last week.


I believe these changes will decrease the product cost.


Please let me know your response to these suggestions.


Please feel free to contact me if you need further information.


I highly appreciate your considerations to these proposals.




To: Carl Fowler

From: Jane Larson

Subject: Scheduling the film

Date: March 13, 2006

We d better rearrange the showing schedule for next week s film.

As you know, we are going to show the film, The Smiths, next week in the projection room, which holds only fifty people comfortably without overcrowding. It is not big enough for the whole staff to see the film at the same time. So I suggest we show the film in different times. For example, we can arrange 40 people to see the film there on Tuesday at 3:00 p.m., and the remaining 40 on Thursday at the same time.

If there s any problem about this arrangement, please let me know.

Jane Larson

C. Stan Clark












备忘录 1.*收件人姓名、职务; *发件人姓名、职务; *保密级别:分为三类 top secret, secret, confidential, 一般备忘录不用保密,这一栏就空着; *文件编号:发件人方文件编号和收件人方文件编号; *发件日期; *备忘录标题线; *正文; *签名、职务; *誊写备忘录的人和打字员姓名首字母缩写; *附件数目; *抄送:如果送给收件人以外的人时要注明。 写备忘录时要注意以下几点: (1) 第一句话就要明白交代写此备忘录的目的。 (2) 备忘录中交代的事情应该简明扼要,一段话说明一个意思。 (3) 如在备忘录中通知信息,语言一定要准确,避免产生歧义。 (4) 最后要用一句话总结,强调读备忘录的人要尽快做出反应。 2.(1) To: Mr. ____ (name) From: ____ (name) Date: ____ (date) Subject: ____ (Salutation) I would like to remind you that our office is badly in need of ____ (product’s name). I hope that you will pay attention to this problem and solve it as soon as possible. (Complimentary Close) Signature: ____ (2)必背模版句型 I have the honor to inform you that... 我很荣幸地通知您…… I would like to remind you that our office is in want of a new English typewriter. 我想提醒您一下,我们办公室急需一部英文打字机。 I have several proposals for cutting down the cost. 关于降低成本我有几个建议。 In response to your request for... I have to inform you that we can not approve it. 对于你……的请求,我不得不告诉你我们不能批准。


备忘录怎么写英文的 备忘录是一种正式的文件,通常是提出请求或发布人们对某个具体问题的迅速反应,它结构清晰、阅读方便、传递迅速,经常为公司或团体所使用。 备忘录怎么写? 撰写备忘录时应简洁明确地写明备忘录的目的、原因、期限等。备忘录后面不再需要结束语和落款。可釆用回答记者问题的方式:“who”、“what”、“when”、“where” 和“why”。 主体内容常见的写法有三种: 一、条文式写法 二、综述式写法 三、摘记式写法 备忘录英文范文 TO: ABC CO., Sales Manager FROM: ABC CO., Personnel Manager DATE: May 5, 2009 SUBJECT: Applicants for Sales Specialists Attached are the resumes and certificates of four applicants who have applied for your department position. Please evaluate these applicants and then recommend person you want to interview to me. As soon as I have the names, I will make arrangement for the interviews. 备忘录英文范文【译文】 交与:ABC公司,销售部经理 来白:ABC公司,人事部经理 日期:2009年5月5日 主题:销售专员应征者附有简历和证书的四个应征者中请的是你部门的职位。 请评估这些应征者,然后告知我您希望面试的人选。当我获得名单,我将安排而试。 备忘录英文范文写作提示: 备忘录书端(Header)是写在备忘录幵头的压缩信息。根据情况不同,书端的格式可能不同,但是通常应釆用下而这种格式: Date: January 24, 2005 To: F. Prefect From: A. Dent Subject: My Suggested Revisions to the Local Demolition Schedule 日期要釆用正式的全部拼写形式。有些国家“12/01/98”是指“1998年12月1日”,而有些国家却指“1998年1月12日”;一般省去诸如“教授”或“先生”这类头衔;“自:” 后而要先写名字,再写姓,注意首字母要大写。


T o:A s s i s t a n t B o b From:Sophie Subject:On-the-job training plans Date:Oct.24,2013 I want to invite sales teachers. On-the-job training for the sales staff of our company, please arrange a two-day weekend. 1, get in touch with training project sponsor. 2, determine the time and place, the participant and duration of the project. 3, arrange two can take advantage of the weekend. 4, Welcome to sales of the teacher 5, after the end of each person need to submit a result. Notice: the plan to me, my signature rear can implement. Message: Remember to list in the plan for on-the-job training personnel list Offer of more hope: what don't understand the problems experienced director Li consulting host activities.


仔细阅读作文要求,判断该题就是要求您写备忘录还就是便条?因为这关系到作文行文中语言表达的正式程度。 根据题目要求核对所写作文就是否包括了该写的三个部分。 核对作文第一稿的长度,必要时可作修改。 写完后,校对作文中的语法、词汇及文体就是否正确、恰当。 范例: 您就是一家IT公司的人力资源部经理。 您打算请Cooway公司为您安排一次为期两天由10人参加的团队组建培训。 √给您的助理写一个字数为40-50的备忘录: √告诉她与培训项目主办者取得联系。 √说明项目的参加人员与持续时间。 √安排两个可以利用的周末 提示: 1) 按照英语备忘录的谋篇习惯,一般直接进入主题,不需要寒暄与问候等客套。 2) 瞧清角色要求,把握好文体。作为经理,给助手写备忘录,行文问题不能太正式,宜直呼其名,而不必套用Mr、或Mrs、等称呼。通用,结尾处也无须客套,署名也只需要写名,不需要写姓。 Jim Could you please contact Cooway to organize a team-building event for sales staff? There would be ten participants and the course should last for two days、I suggest the weekend of 24/25 November or, if that is not possible, the following weekend、 Thanks, Alan 写给集体(全体员工)的备忘录: 范例: 您就是一家国际大公司的人力资源部经理。您刚刚任命Sally Jolie女士为公司总部的销售经理。


Memo Writing Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a memo according to the information given in Chinese below. Your memo should be in 100 to 120 words. 公司总裁Berry Silver给公司全体员工就市场营销、研发和人力资源三个方面,在的2004年10月22日备忘录中提出了公司下一年度目标。备忘录内容包括: 1.市场营销方面,销售的目标是在今年增长15%的基础上增长25%,并为此扩大市场部; 2.研发方面,开发具有竞争力的产品,在这方面员工起着很重要的作用,建议通过计算机化网络收集员工的创意; 3.人力资源方面,希望能够看到在员工在职培训上所作的努力,并为此建议组建一个新的人力资源及员工发展部。 注意:备忘录必须包括写文日期、收文人、发文人、事由、正文。 Words for Reference: 市场营销Marketing and Sales;研发Research and Development; 人力资源Human Resources; 在职培训on-the-job training; 计算机化网络computerized network 范文 To: All Employees From: Berry Silver, President Date: Oct. 22, 2004 Subject: Our goals to the next year Marketing and Sales Our present sales program has helped us to improve our sales by slightly over 15%, but I am setting a goal of a 25% increases in sales for the next year. To help make this goal possible, I am announcing today the expansion of our Marketing Department. Research and Development (R&D) Any company in our business must make great efforts to develop new and better products. Our R&D will certainly make us more competitive. But creative ideas do not come from only R&D department; they also come from the creative thinking and participation of all employees. One way we have begun to collect the suggestions of our employees is through our new computerized network. Human Resources Our company’s most valuable resources are its employees. In the years ahead I would like to see our efforts doubled in 0n-the-job training. To achieve this goal I have asked Barbara Johnson to head a new department, Human Resources and Employee Development, which will coordinate a company-wide effort.


英文备忘录范文_英文备忘录模板_格式 _怎么写 英文备忘录范文 写给集体(全体员工)的备忘录: 范例: 你是一家国际大公司的人力资源部经理。你刚刚任命Sally Jolie 女士为公司总部的销售经理。 给总部的全体员工写一个字数为40-50的备忘录:

√宣布对Sally Jolie女士的任命。 √说明她开始工作的具体时间。 要求总部员工准备欢迎她。 提示: 一般不用信头称呼的形式,也不采用在结尾处署上写信人的名字的方式,而是在备忘录的开头处写明收信人To________,在结尾处写明具体的写信人From___________以及主题:Re:__________ 或Subject:____________。

To: Head Office staff From: Tom Beck I have the pleasure of announcing that Ms Sally Jolie has been appointed as the new Sales Manager at Head Office. Ms Jolie is due to join us on Monday 15th. Please give her a friendly welcome when she starts work. Thank you.

英文备忘录格式 备忘录 August 12,2004 To:Mr. Gates,leader of the supply section From:Li Ming of the biological laboratory Subject:Microscope


Memorandum To: Martha Marples From: Yang Li Re:“driving” under the influence of alcohol Date: unknown Robin Shymite,our client, he has decided to drive the car after drunk 2 or 3 bears, but failed to drive as he feel too tired to drive, and then sleep in the driver’s seat. The police officer approached the car and insisted that he had the alcohol test, then the policeman put him in jail. One day later, his friend arranged for his release, and our client worried about he will lose the medical license if convicted of driving while intoxicated. Issue: Does Shymite’s conduct constitute “driving” the car while intoxicated because he admitted he drink bears and decided to drive home when leaving the bar, though he did not actually drive the car away, but sleep instead. Short Answer: Shymite’s conduct probably not constitutes a driving under the influence of alcohol and his action has not violated RSA 265:82, as he turned off the engine and decided not to drive the car before falling asleep. Shymite is passive and is not immediately going to control the car, rather than using the car for a rest. Facts: Shymite drunk two or three bear in the local bar. When leaving the bar, Shymite decided to drive home, but before moving the car, he realized that he was too tired to drive. He turned off the engine. However, he left the keys in the ignition so that he could listen to the radio while resting. Approximately one and half hour later, the policemen found him in the car and woke him up. The policeman insisted he was fialed the alcohol test and put him in jail. Discussion: RSA 265:82 No person shall drive or attempt to drive a vehicle upon any way: (a) While such person is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any controlled drug or any combination of intoxicating liquor and controlled drugs; or (b) While such person has an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more or in the case of a person under the age of 21, 0.02 or more. “Dr iving” for purposes of RSA 265:82 means operating or having actual physical control of the vehicle.If the defendant had started his car before falling asleep—if so, then he was in actual physical control while awake and in the driver’s seat. The court says that the word “drive” does not necessarily mean “operate.” The court says that if the occupant of the car is totally passive and has not actively tried to control or is not imminently going to control the car, then that occupant should not be penalized by the


考研英语应用文写作备忘录模板 2006-6-616:27 一、概述 备忘录是一种录以备忘的公文。在公文函件中,它的等级是比较低的,主要用来提醒、督促对方,或就某个问题提出自己的意见或看法。在业务上,它一般用来补充正式文件的不足。它的内容可以分为以下几项: 书端(Heading) 收文人的姓名、头衔、地址(Addressee‘s Name,Title,Address) 称呼(Salutation) 事因(Subject) 正文(Body) 结束语(Complimentary Close) 署名(Signature) 二、备忘录写作注意事项 1、书端部分包括发文机关的名称、地址、发文日期,有的还包括电报挂号、电传号、电话号码等。许多机关有自己特制的信笺,在写书端时,其格式和标点符号的使用与一般信件的相同。 2、称呼从左边顶格写起,对一般机关、团体的负责人一般用Dear Sir,对政府官员可用Sir. 3、正文、结束语和署名等项与一般信件的格式相同。“事因”一项目前采用得较少。 三、经典范文(共有5篇范文) 例1 Directions:Write a memorandum of about 100 words to the student service department and ask them to fix a telephone for each dormitory. MEMO August 16,2005 To:The leader of student service department From:Li Ming Subject:Telephone Dear Sir, I would like to remind you that we are in want of a telephone for each dormitory. As a university student,we need to cope with the daily increasing communications with teachers,friends and people outside the campus. We need a telephone to get and send message,which is important for us. Though most of us have mobile phones and e-mail address,a telephone in the dormitory is after all the most convenient and cheapest tool of communication. I hope that you will pay attention to this problem and solve it as soon as possible. Regards. Yours, Li Ming 注:“remind”一词用法比较多,可以在后面直接接人或宾格,如“提醒我”译为“please remind me”。如果提醒某人某事则用“remind somebody of something”,也可以在后面加从句,即“remind sb that”,“remind”还有一个意思为“使想起”同样用“remind…of…”的结构,应注意与提醒某事区分。 例2 Directions:You are supposed to write a Memorandom of about 100 words to the leader of the supply section to borrow one more microscope for your biological experiment. It should include: 1)Why you need the microscope. 2)When you need it.


英语作文备忘录格式 篇一:英文备忘录格式 备忘录 1.*收件人姓名、职务; *发件人姓名、职务; *保密级别:分为三类top secret, secret, confidential, 一般备忘录不用保密,这一栏就空着; *文件编号:发件人方文件编号和收件人方文件编号; *发件日期; *备忘录标题线; *正文; *签名、职务; *誊写备忘录的人和打字员姓名首字母缩写; *附件数目; *抄送:如果送给收件人以外的人时要注明。 写备忘录时要注意以下几点: (1) 第一句话就要明白交代写此备忘录的目的。 (2) 备忘录中交代的事情应该简明扼要,一段话说明一个意思。 (3) 如在备忘录中通知信息,语言一定要准确,避免产生歧义。 (4) 最后要用一句话总结,强调读备忘录的人要尽快做出反应。

2.(1) To: Mr. ____ (name) From: ____ (name) Date: ____ (date) Subject: ____ (Salutation) I would like to remind you that our office is badly in need of ____ (product’s name). I hope that you will pay attention to this problem and solve it as soon as possible. (Complimentary Close) Signature: ____ (2)必背模版句型 I have the honor to inform you that... 我很荣幸地通知您?? I would like to remind you that our office is in want of a new English typewriter.我想提醒您一下,我们办公室急需一部英文打字机。 I have several proposals for cutting down the cost. 关于降低成本我有几个建议。 In response to your request for... I have to inform you that we can not approve it.


谅解备忘录本谅解备忘录由以下双方于 ___年___月___日签订: [插入甲方名称]是一家根据[国家]法律成立及存续的[公司]﹐其法定地址为[地址](下称“甲方”)﹔ 及 [插入乙方名称]是一家根据[国家]法律成立及存续的[公司]﹐其法定地址为[地址](下称“乙方”)。 鉴于 A.甲乙双方经多次协商后﹐就关于 [简略描述合资/其它合作项目](“项目”)的合作原则达成协议: B. [列出协议的原则—例如﹐在合资公司的情况下﹐列出双方各自的出资﹑合资公司的业务范围﹑期限﹑董事及高级管理层﹑利润分配等]。 1.保密资料 每一方应对另一方于项目谈判期间向其透露的资料负责绝对保密。除为了继续有关谈判的目的外﹐收取方不得在未经透露方事先作出书面同意下,使用﹑刊登﹑透露或散播上述资料。收取方亦应促使其董事﹑雇员及代理遵守本第2条的条款﹐及在透露方要求下﹐应促使有关董事﹑雇员及代理签署以透露方为受益人的独立保密协议。在有关项目的谈判终止后﹐收取方应立即将所有该等资料(连同副本)归还透露方﹐惟须以不损害该方对该等资料保密的义务为原则﹐而有关保密义务应于有关终止后一直继续。 2.公布 除非取得另一方的书面同意﹐否则任何一方均不得公开宣布本谅解备忘录的存在﹐或刊登或发出有关项目及与其有关的谈判的资料。 3.不可转让 任何一方在未经另一方事先作出书面同意下,均无权转让或让与其在本谅解备忘录项下的任何权利或义务。

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERST ANDING is executed on __ / __ / ____ (dd/mm/yyyy) by the following: [Name of First Party], a [company] established and existing under the laws of [country] with its legal address at [address] (hereafter referred to as “Party A”); and [Name of Second Party], a [company] established and existing under the laws of [country] with its legal address at [address] (hereafter referred to as “Party B”). WHEREAS: A.Following various consultations between Party A and Party B, the following principles relating to [Brief Description of Joint Venture /Other Co-operative Project] (“the Project”) have been agreed: B. [List the agreed principles –for instance, in the case of a joint venture, the respective capital contributions of the Parties, scope of the joint venture’s b usiness, its duration, directors and senior management, sharing of profits etc.] 1.Confidential Information Each Party shall maintain the strictest confidentiality in respect of information disclosed to it by the other Party during the course of negotiations regarding the Project. Save for the purpose of continuing such negotiations the receiving Party shall not use, publish, disclose or disseminate the aforementioned information without the prior written consent of the disclosing Party. The receiving Party shall also cause its directors, employees and agents to comply with the terms of this Clause 2 and, if so required by the disclosing Party, shall cause such directors, employees and agents to execute separate confidentiality agreements of which the disclosing Party shall be a beneficiary. Upon the termination of negotiations relating to the Project, the receiving Party shall forthwith return all such information (together with copies) to the disclosing Party, but without prejudice to its duty of confidentiality in respect thereof which shall continue at all times after such termination. 2.Announcements


中英文合作备忘录MOU模版 备注: 1.此MOU是由我方起草,各条款相对公平,条款约束相对宽松。适用于和外方的一般性合作备忘录签订。 2. 如涉及到更深一步的合作,需要添加双方的业绩承诺,时间进度和佣金支付等。 3. 中文备注方面都是由我方公司填写;英文备注由外方填写。

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 谅解备忘录 BETWEEN ______ COMPANY (我方公司) AND (“company name ”(外方公司)) This MOU is entered by and between:- 本MOU由以下各方签署: (1)______________________(填写我方公司名称), herein after ‘___’(abbreviation name),a company incorporated under the company laws of People's Republic of China, whose Principal Place of Business is ________________________China (填写地址); _____________________公司(以下简称____),为中华人民共和国注册成立的公司,注册地址为_______________________。 AND (“company name ”) a company incorporated under the company laws of ; herein after ‘___’(abbreviation name),whose Pr incipal Place of Business is 。 _____________________公司(以下简称____),为_____(填写外国国名)成立的公司,注册地址为_______________________。 (_________ and are herein after jointly referred to as the “Parties” and “Party” shall refer to any one of them as the context may require.) (________和以下统一简称为各方,一方指其中之一。) RECITALS:序言: WHEREAS,_____(填写我方公司), is interested in projects related to the technologies, products, services and total solutions in all links of the________(填写合作领域) and its relevant fields in the _____(填写合作地域). ______(填写我方公司),对相关领域的技术,产品,服务和综合解决方案等项目在_____区域内感兴趣。 WHEREAS, (“company name ”)have expressed their interest in partnering with____ (填写我方公司)in projects related to the technologies, products, services and total solutions in all links of


To:Assistant Bob From:Sophie Subject:On-the-job training plans Date:Oct.24,2013 I want to invite sales teachers. On-the-job training for the sales staff of our company, please arrange a two-day weekend. 1, get in touch with training project sponsor. 2, determine the time and place, the participant and duration of the project. 3, arrange two can take advantage of the weekend. 4, Welcome to sales of the teacher 5, after the end of each person need to submit a result. Notice: the plan to me, my signature rear can implement. Message: Remember to list in the plan for on-the-job training personnel list Offer of more hope: what don't understand the problems experienced director Li consulting host activities.


1.*收件人姓名、职务; *发件人姓名、职务; *保密级别:分为三类 top secret, secret, confidential, 一般备忘录不用保密,这一栏就空着; *文件编号:发件人方文件编号和收件人方文件编号; *发件日期; *备忘录标题线; *正文; *签名、职务; *誊写备忘录的人和打字员姓名首字母缩写; *附件数目; *抄送:如果送给收件人以外的人时要注明。 写备忘录时要注意以下几点: (1) 第一句话就要明白交代写此备忘录的目的。 (2) 备忘录中交代的事情应该简明扼要,一段话说明一个意思。 (3) 如在备忘录中通知信息,语言一定要准确,避免产生歧义。 (4) 最后要用一句话总结,强调读备忘录的人要尽快做出反应。

To: Mr. ____ (name) From: ____ (name) Date: ____ (date) Subject: ____ (Salutation) I would like to remind you that our office is badly in need of ____ (product’s name). I hope that you will pay attention to this problem and solve it as soon as possible. (Complimentary Close) Signature: ____ 2.(1) (2)必背模版句型 I have the honor to inform you that... 我很荣幸地通知您…… I would like to remind you that our office is in want of a new English typewriter. 我想提醒您一下,我们办公室急需一部英文打字机。 I have several proposals for cutting down the cost. 关于降低成本我有几个建议。 In response to your request for... I have to inform you that we can not approve it. 对于你……的请求,我不得不告诉你我们不能批准。 This is further to your memo dated June 6, 2006, in which you proposed that employees adopt the “punch in” system. 回复你2006年6月6日关于员工实行打卡考勤制度的备忘录。 The board of directors approved your proposal at the meeting last week.


备忘录 * 收件人姓名、职务; * 发件人姓名、职务; * 保密级别:分为三类 top secret, secret, confidential, 一般备忘录不用保密,这一栏就空着; * 文件编号:发件人方文件编号和收件人方文件编号; * 发件日期; * 备忘录标题线; * 正文; * 签名、职务; * 誊写备忘录的人和打字员姓名首字母缩写; * 附件数目; * 抄送:如果送给收件人以外的人时要注明。 写备忘录时要注意以下几点: (1) 第一句话就要明白交代写此备忘录的目的。如果回复别人的备忘录要注明对方写备忘录的时间。 (2) 备忘录中交代的事情应该简明扼要,一段话说明一个意思。 (3) 如在备忘录中通知信息,语言一定要准确,避免产生歧义。 (4) 最后要用一句话总结,强调读备忘录的人要尽快做出反应。 2.必背模版句型 I have the honor to inform you that... 我很荣幸地通知您…… I would like to remind you that our office is in want of a new English typewriter. 我想提醒您一下,我们办公室急需一部英文打字机。 I have several proposals for cutting down the cost. 关于降低成本我有几个建议。 In response to your request for... I have to inform you that we can not approve it. 对于你……的请求,我不得不告诉你我们不能批准。 This is further to your memo dated June 6, 2006, in which you proposed that employees adopt the “punch in” system. 回复你2006年6月6日关于员工实行打卡考勤制度的备忘录。 The board of directors approved your proposal at the meeting last week. 董事会在上周的会议上通过了你的建议。 I believe these changes will decrease the product cost. 我相信这些改革会降低成本的。 Please let me know your response to these suggestions. 我想知道你对于这些建议的看法。 Please feel free to contact me if you need further information. 如果需要更多信息请随时与我联系。 I highly appreciate your considerations to these proposals. 我期待你能考虑一下这些建议。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/8818518844.html, 3.必背经典范文 To: Carl Fowler From: Jane Larson Subject: Scheduling the film
