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Which graduates find jobs most easily? And who's earning the big money?

Good news for students: chances of getting a job are rising. But some sectors are hiring more people – and paying higher salaries – than others


There hasn't been much good news for university-leavers over the past four years, but it looks like things might be about to change. A survey released last week found that nine in 10 graduates of the class of 2008-09 have found work, despite graduating at the onset of the economic crisis. And, this summer, a survey of the 100 largest graduate employers also suggested that recruitment is on the mend. The number of vacancies being advertised is up 4.6% according to the survey, which –although below pre-recession levels – is the highest rate seen since 2008.


"It's definitely a tough market out there," says Stephen Isherwood, chief executive of the Association of Graduate Recruiters. "But employers are still investing in graduate talent. While there's no actual growth in those figures, at least we're getting back on to an even keel."


Which sectors are hiring? 哪些行业在招聘呢?

Recruitment levels vary from one sector to the next, says Isherwood. "The public sector, engineering, retail and consulting are advertising more vacancies. The IT and telecoms sector has also increased recruitment year on year. The banks, on the other hand, still aren't hiring as many people as before the recession. Law recruitment is also pretty flat."


Statistics released by the Higher Education Statistics Authority (Hesa) show that, of the graduates leaving full-time degree courses in 2008-09, 18.8% found work in the health and social work sector, while 14.1% are now in the professional, scientific and technical industry (which includes anything from bookkeeping, to architectural services or legal advice). The biggest source of employment for graduates was the education sector – where more than a quarter (25.5%) now work.



Teach First, but what later? 教育优先,但是然后呢?

This influx of graduates into schools is partly down to Teach First, a non-profit organization which fast-tracks students from top universities into teaching careers in state schools. It was the largest recruiter of graduates in 2013, when it hired 1,260 university-leavers.


James Darley, director of graduate recruitment at Teach First, says young people are attracted to the scheme because it's an opportunity to help society. The programme's popularity also indicates that today's graduates don't start out looking for "a job for life".


The hot terminology at the moment is 'portfolio careers'. Many in the field feel that young people will have seven different careers in their lifetime rather than just one or two, as their parents did."


Not everyone decides to stay in teaching after they've completed the programme.


"We've been going since 2003 and since then, around 54% of those who could have left after completing the two years, have chosen to stay in the classroom."


Does your degree subject matter?

Gareth Lee, a politics and international relations graduate, is one of the many young people enrolled on the Teach First programme. He says he doesn't see himself as a lifelong teacher. "I am planning to stay for the next few years, at the least. But I'd love to work in international relations or politics at some point in my life. It's quite a difficult field to get into. There isn't really a logical route to follow.

Gareth Lee 毕业于政治与国际关系专业,他是众多教育优先项目成员中的一员。他说自己并没有将教师作为终身职业,“至少在今后的这几年我会继续当老师,但是到一定的时候,我想从事和国际关系或和政治有关的工作。这是个很难涉足的领域,而且也毫无规则可循。”

"When I was studying my master's I started to think: what can I do that will challenge me and be fulfilling, where I have some commitment and responsibility?

