第二讲 辞格的翻译

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• 译文三:颖颖赤墙靡,首夏初发苞。 恻恻清商曲,眇音何远姚。(苏曼殊译)
注:颖颖(红光闪耀的样子)、墙靡 (蔷薇)、恻恻(悲伤)
• 译文四:卿若红玫瑰,新绽六月里, 更若旋律曲,嘹亮声和谐。(周宜乃译)
• Figures of speech are ways of making our language figurative. When we use words in other than their ordinary or literal sense to lend force to an idea, to heighten effect, or to create suggestive imagery, we are said to be speaking or writing figuratively.
• 译文二:不见棺材不掉泪,不到俄岛我不倒。 (许渊冲)
• 译文三:落败孤岛孤败落。/若非孤岛孤非若。 (马红军)
• 雾锁山头山锁雾,天连水尾水连天。(厦门 鼓浪屿)
我总算弄明白政府是怎样工作的了。参议院从众议 院那里得到提案,总统又从参议院那里得到提案, 最后由我们承担一切费用。(注:…)
3) —What flowers does everybody have?
—Tulips. (two lips)
• King:…Hamlet, and my son…how is it that the clouds still hang on you?
I feel so sad, so drear, So lonely, without cheer. (许渊冲)
4) When the cat’s away, the mice will play. 猫儿不在,老鼠作怪。
3. 转换比喻形象
timid as a rabbit; as stubborn as a mule
3) She opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy. 她为这个无家可归的孩子打开了大门,也敞 开了自己的心扉。
2. 英语中alliteration是在一句话中,或一个诗行中 用了几个以同样字母开头的词;尾韵(rhyme)则是 相同字母结尾的词。
Eg. 1) To tell you the truth, you are my Prince Uncharming. 实话告诉你,你根本不是我心目中的白马 王子。
2) I will either go to Yale, or go to hell. 上不了耶鲁大学我就没脸见人了。 不成功,则成仁。
• 译文二:You lost your darling Willow and I
my Poplar proud. Both Poplar and Willow soar gracefully far above the cloud. (辜正坤 译)
• 译文三:You’ve lost your Willow and I’ve
• 句法辞格:通过句子结构的均衡分布或是突出 重点创造出来的修辞手法,主要包括反复 (repetition),设问(rhetorical questions),对偶 (antithesis),排比(parallelism),倒装 (anastrophe)等。
对于英汉两种语言中相类似的常用修 辞格,在翻译中当然应当尽可能采 用直译的方法,即在用词和修辞结 构上都与原文保持ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ致,做到形神 皆似。
• 本义就是修饰言论,也就是在使用语 言的过程中,利用多种语言手段以收 到尽可能好的表达效果的一种语言活 动。
• 英汉语言中有相同的修辞格,也有不 同之处。
• 音韵辞格:利用词语的语音特点创造出来的修 辞手法:头韵(alliteration),尾韵(rhyme),拟 声(onomatopoeia)
as cool as a cucumber 镇定自若
Eg. 1) sanitation engineer; automobile engineer; underachiever 环卫工程师;汽车工程师; 后进生
2) She is in a delicate condition. 她身怀六甲。
6) Sometimes the pen may be mightier than the sword. (synecdoche) 有时笔比剑更有力量。
7) 我正在读莎士比亚呢。
I am reading Shakespeare.
8) This diligent student seldom reads more than an hour per month.(irony) 这个勤奋的学生每个月读书时间不超过一 小时。
11) She was eaten up with jealousy. (hyperbole) 她妒火中烧。
12) 千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。(《江雪》柳宗 元)
A hundred mountains and no bird
A thousand paths without a footprint. 13) 白发三千丈,缘愁似个长。(《秋浦歌》李
—Because it has two banks. 为什么说河流比较富有?因为它有两家银行。 (注:…)
2) I finally figured out how government works. The Senate gets the bill from the House, the President gets the bill from the Senate, and we get the bill for everything.
第二讲 辞格的翻译 The Translation of Figure of
张伟红 2011-2-24
• O my luve is like a red, red rose,
That's newly sprung in June;
O my luve is like the melodie,
My whitening hair would make a long long rope
Yet could not fathom all my depth of woe.
在许多情况下,因为两个民族的生活 环境、风俗习惯、思维方式和美学 观的差异,以及对于某些英语中常 用而汉语中不用或罕用的修辞格, 需要采取意译的办法,准确表达原 文的思想和精神。
• 我失骄杨君失柳,杨柳轻飏直上重霄九。 (毛泽东《蝶恋花—答李淑一》)
• 译文一:I lost my proud poplar and you your
willow. Poplar and willow soar to the Ninth Heaven. (官译本)
as strong as a horse 健壮如牛 (“健壮如马”)
like a duck to water如鱼得水(“如鸭子得水”)
like a drowned rat 像落汤鸡(“像落水的老 鼠”)
hungry as a bear 像只饿狼(“像头饿熊”)
as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗
• 词义辞格:借助语义的联想和语言的变化等特 点,主要包括明喻(simile),暗喻(metaphor), 借喻(metonymy),借代(synecdoche) ,拟人 (personification),夸张(hyperbole),反语 (irony),委婉语(euphemism),双关(pun),矛 盾修辞法(oxymoron),轭式搭配法(zeugma)等
3) The diamond department was the heart and center of the store. (metaphor) 钻石部是商店的心脏和核心。
4) 说话是银,沉默是金。
Speech is silver while silence is gold.
5) No cross, no crown. (metonymy) 不经磨难, 就没有成功。(无苦就无乐。)
Hamlet: Not so, my Lord. I’m too much in the sun. (Hamlet by Shakespeare)
• 译文一:国王:我的侄儿哈姆雷特,我的孩 子……为什么愁云依旧笼罩在你的身边? 哈姆雷特:不,陛下,外面的阳光晒得我红 光满面。(朱生豪译)
• 译文二:国王:哈姆雷特,我的儿子,为何 眉宇紧锁乌云密布?
That's sweetly played in tune. (A Red,
Red Rose by Robert Burns)
• 译文一:啊,我的爱人象红红的玫瑰, 在六月里苞放; 啊,我的爱人象一支乐曲, 乐声美妙、悠扬。 (无名译)
• 译文二:呵,我的爱人像朵红红的玫瑰, 六月里迎风初开; 呵,我的爱人像只甜甜的曲子, 奏得和谐又合拍。 (王佐良译)
Eg. 1) He is all fire and fight. 他怒气冲冲,来势汹汹。
2) Penny wise, pound foolish. 拣了芝麻,丢了西瓜。
3) 寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。(李清照 《声声慢》)
I seek but seek in vain,
I search and search again;
3) On the 14th of March, at a quarter to three in the afternoon, the greatest living thinker ceased to think.
3月14日下午两点三刻,这个最伟大的 思想家停止了思考。
5.仿拟/仿词parody:有意仿照熟知的现成 的语言材料,产生出人意料的效果。
Eg. 1) Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen. (simile) 书籍如朋友, 宜少而精。
2) 过去的经历总像图片一样在脑海中萦绕。
What has been experienced in the past has always looming in memory like a picture.
3) ……无论你所做的事是文化还是武化。 (鲁迅)
…no matter whether you are resorting to civilization or war.
双关pun:一个词同时表达双重意思,谐音双关;语 义双关(英语常用语义双关,汉语常用谐音双关)
Eg. 1)—Why do you say the river is rich?
1.英语中的zeugma(轭式搭配)是同一个词 (v.adj.prep.)与两个以上在意义上不相干的 名词搭配。
Eg. 1) He caught a cold and a bus. 他赶上了公共汽车,于是也赶上了一场感冒。
2) The man stood in a high place and arrogant manner. 那人站在高处,态度傲慢。
lost my Poplar proud. Their souls ascend the highest heaven. (许渊冲译)
• 回文palindrome
• Able was I ere I saw Elba. (Napoleon) • 译文一:我在看见厄尔巴岛之前曾是强有力
9) The sun smiled down on the green meadows. (personification) 太阳向着绿茵茵的草地俯首微笑。
10) 懒惰缓缓而行,贫穷迎头赶上 。
Laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes him.