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I want to be with you Can you hear me? I need you near me I want to be with you I need you near me, my love
The BONZO DOG BAND are a band created by a group of British art-school denizens of the 1960s. They combined elements of music hall, trad jazz, psychedelic rock, and avant-garde art.
I want to be with you Can’t you hear me? I need you near me I want to be with you I need you near me, my love
The two of us are one Mother of my son No one else will do I just want to be with you
Unit 1
Modal Verb I
There are things that must be done That are not yet begun Things that I must do When I want to be with you Although we’re far apart You’re with me in my heart No one else will do I just want to be with you
eg. Could you lend me your dictionary? Could I use your bike?
3. can/could have done可能做过/本可以 can’t /could’t have done 不可能做过 eg. They can't have gone out because the light is still on.
eg. Can the news be true? C. 在口语中, can可以表示请求或允许:
Hale Waihona Puke Baidueg. Can I sit here?
2. could的主要用法是: A. could 是can的过去式, 表示与过去 有关 的能力和推测: eg. We all knew that the young man couldn’t be a doctor. B. could可以代替can表示请求, 但语气较 can委婉:
Meanings similar to those of the modals can often be conveyed by real verb forms: He has to……………………….=…must…
is able to…speak English… =…can… is allowed to……………....=…may… is supposed to……………=…should…
Read the text again and pay attention to modal verbs like may, might, will, would, can, could, shall, should and must.
什么是情态动词? (Modal Verbs)
情态动词表示说话人的某种 感情或语气,对某一动作 或状态的某种态度。 表示“需要、可以、 必须、应当”等。
1.情态动词 不能单独做谓语 (除ought 和have外)
2. 情态动词没有人称,数的变化,但有 些情态动词,如can, will也有一般式 和过去式的变化。
can/could, may/might, ought to, must 可情态可实义的 need, dare/dared 可情态可助动词的 shall/should, will/would 相当于情态动词的 have to, used to
We can board now.
Obligation: You must fasten your seat belts. 义务 (strong) You should pay attention. (weak) You ought to pay attention.
Possibility: 1 It may rain. 可能性 2 How could I forget an important thing like that? 3 He can’t /couldn’t have known the result.
3. 情态动词的“时态”形式并不是时间 区别的主要标志,不少情况下,情态动 词的现在式形式和过去式形式都可用来 表示现在时间、过去时间和将来时间。
1. can的主要用法是: A. 表示体力或脑力的能力:
eg. The girl can dance very well. B. 表示说话者的推测﹑事物的可能性:
may 常用来表示: A. 表示请求、允许:
eg. May I come in ?
You may go now. B. 表示说话人的猜测: “也许” “可 能”: 通常只用于肯定句和否定句中。
eg. --I believe the man is from England. --But I may be wrong. The guest may arrive this afternoon.
Ability: 1 He can speak English now.
能力 2 He couldn’t speak English a
year ago.
3 I’m not able to come to the game
on Friday.
Permission: All passengers may now board.