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译文1:In north China, however, it is particularly limpid, serene and melancholy. 译文2:But autumn in the North is especially clear, especially serene, especially pathetic in its coolness. 译文3:However, the autumn in northern China is exceptionally clear, calm and solitary.
· 第四段·
译文1. Locust trees in the North, as a decorative embellishment of nature, also associate us with autum. 译文2. The Chinese scholartree is another thing that reminds us of the embellishment of autumn. 译文3. The scholar-trees in North China are also an attraction that calls to mind the advent of autumn. embellishment: An embellishment is a descoration added to something to make it seem more attractive or interesting.(较好) atraction:an attraction is a feature of which makes something interesting or desirable. associate with:与...常在一起(和...联想在一起) remind...of:使某人想起某事 call to mind:想起
· 第一段·
译文1:Autumn, wherever it is, always has something to recommend itself. 译文2:Autumn is always pleasant no matter where it is. pleasant: enjoyable , nice or attractive. 译文3:Autumn is always beautiful no matter where it is.
The trouble of: trouble一词太过消极,作者并没有将旅行视为trouble。 Make light of :despise , set sth. down, 表示对于千里的行程作者并不在 乎,只要能看到北之秋,再远的行程作者都可以不顾。从“不过想”来 看,作者很潇洒愉悦的面对迢迢千里,用make light of 更能表达作 者感情。
“千里”系虚数,无须将该词翻成“a thousand li” For not other purpose \for no special purpose 更接近“不过想”的意 义,相比之下to就显得有些单薄,不能深入地表达作者品秋的心愿。
尝: enjoy: get pleasure from … savor:enjoy the taste or flavor of sth., esp. by eating or drinking it slowly taste: be able to perceive (flavors),test the flavor of sth
总是好的: 虽然不及北平的秋天好,但总是有可取之处。主题倾向“北平的秋 更特别,更让人眷恋”译为:always has something to recommend itself .更好。
可是啊,北国的秋,却特别地来得清,来得静,来得 悲凉。
北国的秋的特色 清、静、悲凉 本语篇的主题性关联线索词 翻译的难点
像花而又不是花的那一种落蕊,早晨起来,会铺得满地。脚踏上去, 声音也没有,气味也没有,只能感出一点点极微细极柔软的触觉。
译文1. On getting up early in the morning, you will find the ground strewn all over with flower-like pistils fallen from locust trees. Quiet and smelless, they feel tiny and soft underoot. 译文2. In the morning you will find the ground completely covered with the flower stamens. When you step on them, you just have the slightest sense of touching something very soft with neither sound nor smell. 译文3. You get up in the early morning, to find the ground carpeted all over with their fallen petals, which still have something of the look of flowers, though actually not flowers any longer. Tread on them, and you are conscious only of a very slight and soft sense of touch, with neither sound nor smell. 1.主题倾向:铜鼓对落蕊所带来的听觉,嗅觉和触觉描写,突出对球的另一种感情基 调——细微柔软。 2.“落蕊”其实是对落花的描写,被秋风秋雨打落的花,支离破碎,不再保持花的模样, 从意境上说,用花瓣来指代落花更为恰当。 pistils:雌蕊 petals:花瓣(较好) 3.句型的选择:定语与定语从句:flower-like:简洁,达意 4.描写角度:触觉 1).they feel...(花的客观感觉) 2.)tread on+conscious(作者的主观感觉) 5.否定词与否定词组:quite and smelless更加直观
静: serene: 1. a : clear and free of storms or unpleasant change安详的 b : shining bright and steady 平静晴朗的 2. marked by or suggestive of utter calm and unruffled repose or quietude安静的,祥和的 calm: n.steadiness of mind under stress作为名词,表示头脑的冷静 理智
• 在这二三年间,郁达夫的确花了很多时间到处游山玩水,在一定程度上 也是为了排道现实带给他的苦问和离群索居的寂寞。在游山玩水的过 程中,写了许多游记,这是他在这段时间创作的主要收获,为我国现代游 记的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。在杭州其间,郁达夫提倡静的文学, 写的也多是“静如止水似的遁世文学”。 • 1934年7月,都达夫“不远千里”从杭州经青岛去北平,再次饱尝了故都的 秋"味",并写下了优美的散文«故都的秋».
清: clear :bright, luminous; cloudless; free from mist, haze, or dust limpid :marked by transparency; clear and simple in style; absolutely serene and untroubled limpid:更能表达出“清”字在此处传达的意境
• 从1921年9月至1933年3月,都达夫曾用相当大的精力参加 左翼文艺活动和进行创作. • 由于国民党白色恐怖的威胁等原因,郁达夫从1933年4月由 上海迁居杭州, 1936年2月离杭赴福州在杭州居住了近三 年. • 在这段时间里,他思想苦闷,创作枯竭,过的是一 种闲散安逸 的生活。“在家吃点精制的菜,喝点芳醇的酒,睡睡午觉,看 看闲书,不愿意将行动和平时有所移易;总之是懒得动 。” (引自郁达夫«住所的话»)
serene:可以让人体会到作者当时内心渴望幽静,免受干扰, 内心安宁的心情
悲凉: Melancholy : an intense feeling of sadness which lasts for a long time and which strongly affects your behavior and attitudes. Pathetic : if you describe a person or animal as pathetic ,you mean that they are sad and weak or helpless , and they make you feel very sorry for them. Solitary: (a) alone, without companions (b) fond of being alone, used to being alone.
melancholy更能让人忧郁,心生悲凄。此处作者说北之秋来的悲凉,暗 藏着自己内心深处的思想愁绪,用melancholy最为恰当。
我的不远千里,要从杭州赶上青岛,更要从青岛赶上北平来的理由,也不 过想饱尝一尝这“秋”,这故都的秋味。 译文1: To enjoy its atmosphere to the full in the onetime capital, I have, therefore, made light of traveling a long distance from Hangzhou to Qingdao, and thence to Peiping. 译文2: It was for not other purpose than to savour this autumn to the full, the taste of autumn in the old capital, that I went to the trouble of journeying a thousand li, from Hangzhou to Qingdao, and thence to Beijing. 译文3: I made light of travelling a thousand li from Hangzhou to Qingdao and from Qingdao to Beijing for no special purpose other than to taste autumn to the fullest, the autumn in the old capital city.
英文译文对比赏析 英教2班 group3
• 以郁达夫的《故都的秋》的第一段,第四段,和第五段为 例,并以张培基,张梦井、杜耀文,以及王椒生的译文为 蓝本,张培基的译文下称译文1,张梦井、杜耀文的译文 下称译文2,王椒生的译文下称译文3,进行译文分析。
• 郁达夫 (1896. 12.7-1945.8.29) • 原名郁文,字达夫, 浙江富阳人,中国现代著名小说家、散文家、诗人。 • 郁达夫在文学创作上主张“文学作品, 都是作家的自叙传”,因此,他常 常把个人的生活经历作为小说和散文的创作的素材, 在作品中基不掩 饰地勾勒出自己的思想感情、个性和人生际遇。