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When studying the Canadian approach to compensation for stress related disease,one is struck by the Compensation Boards' lack of preoccupation with what is actuallystated in the law. Distinctions between physical and psychological disability areoften applied, always in the absence of statutory authority that would justify a doublestandard. These distinctions may affect the way a claim is filed and evaluated, andin some cases they are used to actually change the rule of law as to burden ofproof, and even as to the notion of compensable injury. In provinces where thestatute clearly covers disablement arising out of and in the course of employment,it is surprising to be confronted with blunt refusals of all forms of chronic stressclaims, regardless of their merits. Yet such is the approach of several Compensation Boards studied. Other provinces, more subtle in their reticence, will apply specialrules exacting evidence of unusual circumstances, even when admitting that thedisability is work-related.


In Canada, as elsewhere, the issue of compensation for stress is seen as a bugbearboth by Compensation Boards and by employers. Because the sources of psychologi-cal stress are usually measured by self-reporting, and because the resulting disabilitycan not be X-rayed or corroborated with the techniques traditionally used to evaluatephysical disability, there is a seemingly universal fear that employers will end uppaying for disabilities that are not work-related. This fear is partially based on thefact that most psychological disabilities have multiple etiologies, and that no scientifictechniques can be used to separate out the different factors contributing to theworker's disability. It is also often based on the premise that workers will lie, andthat those who evaluate the claims will be unable to disprove the right to benefits. The result is the application of rules designed to undercompensate, rather thanto overcompensate. When proof of etiology cannot be scientifically confirmed, mis-takes will be made. The choice of policy-makers is to risk overcompensation insome cases, or to guarantee undercompensation in all cases. Today, in most Canadianjurisdictions, it is impossible to deny that many legitimate claims are being refused,and that policy itself is often to refuse the legitimate claim, sometimes in clearviolation of the letter or the spirit of the statute.

