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关键词:污水管道雨水管道污水处理厂 CAST池浓缩脱水紫外线消毒


With the development of our country society economy of continuously, Vitalization is gradually increasing. Environmental protection measure of practical, and with establishing of the Market economy, Draining, as one of the important foundation facilities, also got a fast development. The city in the whole nation almost reform drainpipe net. And we are building large quantity sewage farm to handle to city.

This project is for designing sewerage engineering of the north district of NAN YANG. The design includes wastewater collecting system, rainwater drainage system and sewage farm. And the design all adopted national latest relevant provision, Standard, with design the norm.

The system of pipeline adopts is the distributable system. The sewage which

is handled could discharge into the BAI CANAL, MEIXI CANAL, SANLI CANAL and WENLIANG CANAL.

Sewage treatment plant design scale in the near future 82000m3/d and the future date 120000m3/d. The handled sewage put into the BAI CANAL. The flow chart of sewage farm : sewage→The sewage pump house→Small Grillage→Grit chamber→CAST pool→Ultraviolet radiation sterilize in pool→BAI CANAL. The flow chart

of Mire : Remainder mire→Concentration pond →Dehydration workshop→Transport outside the mire .Covers an area of and act as 8.3 hectares around

in this the sewage treatment plant.

Keywords : Wastewater pipeline Rainwater pipeline Sewage farm CAST pool Concentration Dehydration


摘要 (3)


1 工程概述

1.1 设计任务 (6)

1.2 设计内容 (6)

1.3 设计原始资料 (6)

1.4 编制依据 (7)

1.5 编制原则 (8)

1.6 设计指导思想及意义 (8)

2 污水管道设计

2.1 设计基本依据 (10)

2.2 排水体制的选择 (11)

2.3 工业废水的排放 (12)

2.4 污水管道布置 (13)

2.5 污水管道的设计计算 (16)

3 雨水管道设计

3.1 设计基本依据 (19)

3.2 雨水管道的布置 (22)

3.3 设计计算要求 (25)

3.4 雨水管道的设计计算 (25)

4 污水处理厂设计

4.1 污水厂处理规模 (27)

4.2 污水进、出水水质 (27)

4.3 污水处理工艺流程的选择 (27)

4.4 物理处理单元工艺设计计算 (30)

4.5 生物处理单元工艺设计计算 (35)

4.6 污水处理厂水头损失及高程布置 (47)

4.7 辅助构筑物计算 (48)

4.8 工艺的自动控制 (48)

4.9 厂区人员编制 (50)

致谢 (52)

参考文献 (53)

附录 (54)

表2.3 污水街区面积 (55)

表2.4 污水管道设计流量计算 (56)

表2.5 污水主干管水力计算 (58)

表2.6 污水干管水力计算 (58)

表3.5 地面标高 (60)

表3.6 雨水街区面积 (61)

表3.7 汇水面积计算 (63)

表3.8 雨水主干管水力计算 (63)

外文翻译 (64)
