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siu mei is essentially the Chine se rotisserie style of cooking. U nlike most other Cantonese dis hes, Siu mei consists only of m eat, with no vegetables. It creat es a unique barbecue flavor tha t a sauce is usually added but a different sauce is used for each meat.
With its own climate characteristics and customs, Cantonese has formed a complete system of cooking skills and unique cooking characteristics.
pork in sweet and soursauce 咕噜肉
Bright red color and shine bright, crisp cris sweet,tender meat is delicious,unique flavor.
Crispy suckling 脆皮烤乳猪
Mantis shrimp 濑尿虾
麒麟鲈鱼是广东省传统的汉族名菜,属于粤菜系。此菜因其 形似麒麟皮甲而命名,犹如身披鳞甲的麒麟,悦目诱人。主 料为鲈鱼或其他淡水鱼,配料为火腿、冬菇、肥猪肉,笼蒸 而成。此菜装盘十分讲究,几种配料切片拼配,犹如披甲麒 麟,故取此名。
Unicorn bass 麒麟鲈鱼
The highest lake vegetables is one of its vege tarian recipes,cooking skills to steamed vege tables,taste of fragrance. The highest lake vegetables 鼎湖上素

--粤菜根据广东一带的气候、风俗,形成了一个完整的系统 和独特的烹饪技巧。

The cuisine has more than 20 cooking methods , and is good at Stir-Fry, fry, bake, braise, stew, etc
--粤菜有超过20多种的烹饪技法,尤 擅长尤以炒、煎、焖、 炸、煲、炖、扣
siu mei 烧味
文昌鸡是海南最负盛名的传统名菜。号称“四大名菜”之首。 是每一位到海南旅游的人必尝的美味。文昌鸡列为海南“四 大名菜”之一,而且是驰名中外的一道名菜。其肉质滑嫩, 皮薄骨酥,香味甚浓,肥而不腻 。文昌鸡摆盘美观,色泽 淡黄光亮,皮脆肉嫩味鲜,醮佐料而吃,入口喷香,爽滑异 常。
Wenchang chicken 文昌鸡
the Cantonese cuisin 粤菜
In China, foik has a saying: “People take food as their first need.”

Cantonese has extensively absorbed cooking skills essence.Be good at imitation and innovation