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A Brief Introduction
(简介) 亨利.希金斯(Henry Higgins)是一名固执傲慢的语 言学教授。有一天他遇到了言语粗俗的卖花女伊莉莎.多莉 特(Eliza Doolittle),告诉她一个人的语音标志着这个人 的社会地位,如果她改进发音就可能会有一份体面的工作 。教授回家后,遇到了同行皮克林(Pickering)上校,他 告诉上校他能在六个月内把一个下层社会的女子培养成为 上流社会的淑女。上校与教授打赌此事不可能。第二天恰 好伊莉莎来了,在上校的帮助下,她成了教授的学生。经 过刻苦学习,她取得了巨大进步,变得谈吐高雅、仪态端 庄。最后在一次大型舞会上,她被介绍给上层社会,赢得 了众人的赞美,并被皇家语音专家认为是某国的公主。教 授回家后,兴高采烈地向上校索要赌金,完全忽视了伊莉 莎,伊莉莎一怒之下,忿然离去。此时若有所失的教授才 感到伊莉莎已成为自己生活的一部分。
Unit 4 Pygmalion
This play, Pygmalion, was also made into a film called My Fair Lady. Have you seen the film? If you have, did you like it? Have a discussion and give reasons.
The play by Shaw has the same theme as the Greek Story. In pairs discuss what this theme might be.
Theme of the Greek story: Pygmalion, an artist creates a statue from stone and prays a Creek goddess to bring it to life . Pygmalion teaches the live statue how to speak and behave. Later they fall in love and got married Theme of My fair lady: Higgins, a phonetician
Character Colonel Pickering
Position in society
Evidence in the play Behaviour: generally polite confident and ______; ignores but _______ Eliza Language: prepared conversation to begin a __________ with Henry, whom he does not know; generous with praise to him
Behaviour: _____ to rude lower class; _____ to polite same or upper class
Language: calls you silly girl Eliza “___________” and Pickering my dear man “____________”
experience of Eliza meeting with ______. C
A. Professor Higgins
B. Colonel Pickering
C. Professor Higgins and Colonel
D. a gentleman
2. Eliza greeted to the gentleman in order
He has been living in India and has studied many Indian dialects.
4). Who is Henry Higgins anxious to meet and why? He is anxious to meet Colonel Pickering because he is researching in the same academic field as Pickering.
to _______. A
A. ask him to buy some flowers from
her B. talk with him C. ask him to teach her D. beg some money from him
3. Why Eliza began to cry? Because _______. A A. she thought Professor Higgins would arrest her B. the gentleman didn’t give her some money C. Pickering beat and scolded her D. there was no reason
Fill in the chart.
Character Position Evidence in the play in society Behaviour: _________ respectful Eliza Lower class Language: calls
to people of higher class
gentleman “sir” and “cap’in” _________ (or captain) which is a compliment
Character Position Evidence in the play in society Henry Higgins
Middle class
2). Why is Eliza frightened of him at first?
She thinks he is a policeman in disguise 便衣警察. 3). Where has Colonel Pickering been living and what has he studied?
create a new girl Eliza from lower class to upper class by teaching her English .Later Higgins and
Eliza got married.
4. Professor Higgins believed that he
could judge a person by _______. C
A. his appearance
B. his action
C. his conversation
D. his manners
5. From the text, we can infer that Professor Higgins is a man described below EXCEPT _________. D A. he doesn’t care about money B. he is an expert in phonetics C. he is proud D. he is greedy
Acting : Try to act it out.
Act one
Fateful meetings
Eliza Doolittle
Henry Higgins
Colonel Pickering
Eliza Doolittle(E): a poor flower girl who is
Task 2: Can you recognize each character’s social position by their behaviour and language? Is he or she from the upper class, middle class or lower class? Give your reasons.
ambitious to improve herself.
Professor Higgins(H): an expert in phonetics,
convinced that the quality of a person’s English
decides his/her position in society.
other. T
Task1:Read Act One of the play and then answer these questions.
1). What is the name of the man hiding from the rain? Henry Higgins
5). What is Eliza’s ambition and what does she decide to do about it? Her ambition is to be a shop assistant. She decides to take lessons from Professor Higgins to achieve her aim.
5. Huggins could earn a lot for his job. T 6. Huggins promised to find her a good job. F 7. Either man had planned to meet the other although they didn’t know each
Colonel Pickering(P): an officer in the army
and later a friend of Higgins’ who sets安排,布置
him a task.
Choose the best 1.answer.is mainly about the first This text
Upper class
Task2:The social position of each character influences the way they behave to each other. Generally speaking, people are more polite to those who they think are of a higher social class (H) and less polite to those they consider are members of a lower class (L). Is this true of the characters in Shaw’s play? Give your evidence in the chart below.
女像,并且真诚的期望自己的爱能被接受,这种真挚的爱情和真切的期望感动了 爱神阿芙狄罗忒,就给了雕像以生命。
虽然这只是一个神话传说,但是,在现实生活中,由于期望而使“雕像”变 成“美少女”的例子也不鲜见。美国心理学家曾做过这样一个实验:研究人员提 供给一个学校一些学生名单,并告诉校方,他们通过一项测试发现,该校有几名 天才学生,只不过尚未在学习中表现出来。其实,这是从学生的名单中随意抽取 出来的几个人。 然而,有趣的是,在学年末的测试中,这些学生的学习成绩的 确比其它学生高出很多。研究者认为,这就是由于教师期望的影响。 由于教师 认为这个学生是天才,因而寄予他更大的期望,在上课时给予他更多的关注,通 过各种方式向他传达"你很优秀"的信息,学生感受到教师的关注,因而产生一种 激励作用,学习时加倍努力,因而取得了好成绩。 积极的期望促使人们向好的方向发展,消极的期望则使人向坏的方向发展 ,人们通常用这样来形象地说明皮格马利翁效应:“说你行,你就行;说你不行 ,你就不行”。要想使一个人发展更好,就应该给他传递积极的期望。
True or False?
1. Eliza was selling some flowers when Higgins first met her.
2. She succeeded in selling some dead flowers to Huggins for some small change. F 3. Huggins wrote down her name and address. F 4. Huggins was good at judging people from their own speech. T