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例 1 Those functions that describe how a computer software reacts to mechanical design,called application functions,are more often important to the engineer in engineering applications such as analysis, calculation, and simulation in connection with mechanical design because he wishes to know how they will work in use to which he wants to apply them.



全句共有六个谓语动词: descriSe,reacts to,are,wishes to know,will work和wants to apply,其主语分别为: that(代functions) , computer software,functions,he(代the engineer),they(代functions)和he。其中,functions句前没有关联词,是主句,其余为从句,即一主五从。另外,important后边分别由to ,in ,in引出三个介词短语在主句中做状语。Called过去分词短语并非就近修饰mechanical design或computer software,而是隔位修饰functions。主句是由主语(functions)+系动词(are)+表语(important)构成的。主语由that定语从句修饰,其中含有how宾语从句。连词because引出原因状语从句,修饰主句,其中又含有由how引出的宾语从句,从句中的宾语又为to which定语从句所修饰。






例2 Only by studying such cases of human intelligence with all the details and by comparing the results of exact investigation with the solutions of AI(Artificial Intelligence) usually given in the elementary books on computer science can a computer engineer acquire a thorough understanding of theory and method in AI,develop intelligent computer programs that work in a human like way,and apply them to solving mo re complex and difficult problems that present computer can’t.

分析:本句为复合句,一主一从。主句有一个主语,三个并列谓语。句子以“Only+状语”开头,主句主、谓语部分倒装,主语a computer engineer处于谓语之间,形成can a computer engineer acquire , develop and apply这样一种语序。过去分词given引导的短语做后置定语,修饰前边的solutions of Al ( artificial intelli ge nce)。另外,长状语only ... computer science

修饰主句谓语can acquire , develop and apply toThat引导了一个后置定语从句,修饰more complex and difficult problems.

翻译: 一般来说,汉译时要突出长句中的主句部分,将其译在前。但本句是+ Only+状

语”开头,作者强调的是状语部分,另外,副词only可转换为汉语的关联词语,使" Only+状语”转为汉语条件偏正复句中的偏句,条件偏句前置。因此,将强调部分译在前为



例3 More particularly,this invention relates to a method and apparatus for forming a film of metal oxides continuously on the surface of ribbon glass by spring thereon a solution of metal compounds at a point in the neighborhood of the inlet to a lehr or the inside thereof when the ribbon glass is being conveyed to the lehr after it has been formed from molten glass.

分析:通读一遍全句,得知本句讲的是有关用于给带玻璃喷涂一层金属氧化膜的一种方法和装置。这是一个复合句,主句为:this invention(主语)relates to(谓语)a method and apparatus(宾语)。Fo:引导了一个介词短语作状语,表达a method and apparatus的用途,by引导的介词短语作状语,表达实现这一用途的方式。在卜引导的介词短语中,又出现了when引导的时间状语从句修饰spraying和afte r引出的时间状语从句修饰is being conveyed.




例4 On the other hand,the detained decomposition gas might become the cause of reducing the purity of the metal oxide coating adhered to the ribbon glass in the case the aforementioned decomposition gas is not thoroughly removed from the spraying locale.


这是一个复合句,主句为:主语(the detained decomposition gas)+系词(might become)+表语(the cause of reducing ... ribbon glass)结构。case后边为省略了that的同位语从句,修饰case o in the cas。为介词短语,在这里表示条件,意思为“在一的情况下。
