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It is not another Gun-Control Moment?

Gun control has never been a more and more serious problem in America, particularly after the increasing notorious shooting incidents nationwide over the recent years. Despite the shooting in Colorado where 12 people were killed and dozens injured, the daily average barely blipped: 268 people are shot by guns each day in America, around 85 are killed (33 of those are homicides). 97,820 were shot last year.This is really a serious problem we should think about, despite we all realize that it is a tough problem to solve. However, according to “Three Reasons Why This Isn’t Another Gun-Control Moment” by Jonathan S. Tobin, he believes that all these events will not be the start of another gun-control problem.

In the article, he first mentioned the event of mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard by a lone gunman that shocked the entire nation. However, the author enlisted three reasons why he believes that these shooting events will not lead to establishment of new legislation on gun control. First, the type of shooting events is not frequently occurring. Second, the author insists that both the political class and media understand that new legislation on gun control will not work for preventing these events from happening. The last reason is the gap between the reality of gun laws and post-Newtown rhetoric.

In my opinion, I am in partial agreement with author about the first reason. There are some sad events like the Washington Navy Yard or Colorado shootings. For example, in 1999, 23 people were wounded and 13 killed at Columbine High School in Newtown, Connecticut. There was also another shooting incidence just half a year

ago in a middle school in southeast Atlanta. However, these mass shooting events happen less frequently, and most people feel that these deadly events are quite far away from them. In our daily lives, there are so many different types of news that people look out everyday. Therefore, people easily forget some old news and even painful news. However, I do not believe we just ignore this serious problem just because people easily forget what other people had suffered.

I disagree on the last point the author proposed in the article. He proposed that using the emotional speech by the gunshot victim families would not be meaningful to proposing new laws for gun control, and the potential proposed laws by federal administration would not prevent the recurrence of such events, and therefore there is no need to do this. I can understand a simple regulation or law may not be able to ultimately solve this tough complicated problem immediately. However, we cannot ignore the pain that the victim families have suffered and possibly new families will continue to suffer. Consistent propagation of serious consequences of less gun control will gradually change people’s mind and perspective, which might ultimately lead to a better legislative regulation of gun control.

In summary, despite I agree that solving the potential gun control issue might be still a long way to go, we all need to seriously think about and work together to create a more secure and safe environment for us live in America.
